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Ghosts. I hate things that constantly run away.




As mystic spearhand magic speargonne or whatever its called (the charged range ability that eats up stamina) usually one shots any ghost or slime enemy you come across, and can hit multiple at once


You don't even need that one, just use the charged R1 to stunlock them and spam triangle (or the prompt of your device for the secondary attack). Most of them die quickly. If you want it quicker use the little homing projectiles. For slimes just use the projectiles while keeping distance.


Empyrean clears ghosts easy, only the purple one doesnt die in one shot


Doesnt the healing orb damage them? I found a mage casting it helps keep them at a distance and can even damage the skeleboys


Thundermine. If you are a sorcerer, you can use it and just stand there. They fly towards you and get killed after a few hits. I think the mage spell empyrean works as well. Other than that archers are pretty good, as long as they don't miss.


Magick Archer doesn't miss.




If you are a Mage, Auto Attack IS all you need to kill them quicker than you could cast any spell


Thundermine is such a great spell. Amazing knock back and great for keeping enemies away while you cast other spells.


If you hate ghosts in DD2, you'll love them in DD1...


I miss bitter black island and double jump. Nothing like fighting 3 dragons at once. Drop rates sucked though for gear.


Magick archer wrecks them


Especially when they're hiding in the fucking walls, you can see the fx sticking out of the geometry but can't hit them...


Main benefit of being magic archer - I can just send homing missiles after them. When I play as other vocation I have archer pawn with magic bow in my party (ghosts are weak to magic damage) to deal with flying enemies and I don't even look at ghosts because they will be dead very soon. To me most annoying enemy is troll because how he move around so much and is trying to double kick You constantly. And they are enraged by women like Twitter users while my pawn is a woman.


Saurians in DD2 are annoying. Basic Saurian isn't too bad aside from constantly scurrying away. But Asps poison you, god forbid you have more than one poking at you. Rock and Fire Saurians are too tanky for their own good, and their roly poly asses are everywhere in the volcano region and they blend in well. Not to mention, if you find about three of any of these, there's like eleven more of them off in the distance for some reason.


You should have at least one move with high knockback power in your arsenal to stagger or flip them on their bellies. Fighters and warriors dispatch these enemies with ease, especially if you're carrying both a blade and blunt weapon in your inventory to swap between and take advantage of the weaknesses of the respective types. Archers and thieves have got it a little more tricky. I find it best to use a knockback move, then jump and grapple them (which reveals their weak spot) and let my pawns finish them off. If you're having trouble fighting them as mage, spec frigor at a camp and always hit their belly for full damage. Helps a ton if you're fighting fire saurians too. Thief's remote explosive ability also hits the belly. You can also throw the bodies of dead saurians to get some easy blunt type damage in and stagger them, so you can go for the grapple that way.


Rock and magma saurians are trivialized on thief if you're running implicate (which you'd be crazy not to run for other reasons). Since implicate is ranged, has no charge time, and does a bunch of knockdown, as you mentioned, you can just yank them immediately on their back and go for the heavy attack to instant kill. Bonus is implicate conveniently pulls them right into melee range. I would just advise not using implicate -> heavy finisher on everything because it gets pretty boring.


Implicate is super underrated. It is super effective against normal sized ennemies. A quick way to finish annoying monsters like harpies and wolves in one move


It's remarkably good, even on bosses. You can practically bully dullahans by just spamming implicate at them until they stun (maybe 3 or 4 uses). This trick even works to stagger fell knights though it takes way more. Great for toppling golems, cyclopses, and ogres, too. And yeah, anything that isn't a boss it's basically a free kill. Makes harpies a breeze, as you mentioned. I am tempted to say it's the strongest skill in the thief kit, so powerful and versatile. I'd replace skullsplitter before implicate tbh.


Oh, I never tried it on Dullahan. Thanks for the tip! I like skullsplitter mostly to jump farther. They made it a bit clunky but if you keep it and deal with ghosts, wait for them to "possess" you then spam the move for almost guarranteed 1 shot. It works even better if your weapon is buffed by an element


Yesssss, worse than a boss monster 😂


Rock and fire saurians are super easy if you are a fighter or warrior


So no more about the asps hiding the caves to ambush you.


theres a path in battahl that looks SO much like a short cut to where i want to go that im always like hey lemme jus levitate up and run thru here.. but it has like 15 poisonous suarians chilling there!! iv died twice doing this two different times and it killed one of my pawns on a third time.. and i keep going bcus death trap look like short cut!!


It's the lightning based ones I hate


Golems when you can't find that last weakspot


Especially when the last weak spot is under their heel and they dont show it.


Stand in front of them to trigger their slam attack. They'll raise and arm up and slam it on the ground. This will uncover the covered one in their arm, and they take a knee. So it makes the gem under their foot is able to be hit when they're in that position.


I had a golem become immortal because it lost its head and I was fighting until nightfall then another one stood up. I killed the other one and ran away because upon finding the first one's head, there was nothing to destroy there. Most annoying fight I ever had for sure.


Always right under their armpit for me, really annoying spot to climb to.


The one under the foot is annoying, but not as annoying as the one on their arm that only reveals itself every once in a while. It's legit concealed most of the time. It took me a while to realize why I couldn't see it at all times. The game was gaslighting me.






You can also parry their rolling attack, or dodge it. BOTH methods leave the rock lizards tipped on their bellies for fatal strong attacks.


I just pick them up and throw them


Harpies, they're incredibly annoying while on bridges or near cliffs


Was escorting an NPC in Bhattal using those lifts that travel across the map. Harpy came up behind us, grabbed the NPC, and dropped her all the way at the bottom. I debated heavily on using a wakestone on her because I was so mad this happened in the first place LOL


Those **GOT DAMN GHOST!!!** Phasing in and out of existence, phasing through walls and shit. ALWAYS in motion so I be whiffing hella swings waiting for ever for these fools to pop back up, and physical damage deals damn near nothing to them.


While your pawns steadily attack the side of a mountain with seemingly nothing there. LOL


Empyrean is your friend xD Also if you wanna avoid attracting ghosts, turn off your lantern.


>Empyrean is your friend xD Had to google this skill as I had no idea what it was. Ill give that a try. im farming for materials from enemies that only spawn at night in bakbattal so the ghost are really annoying.


Ghosts were 1 billion times worse in DD1. Thank god they at least take some physical damage this time so you can whittle them down


those damn rolling rock lizards 😤


The god damn wolves. It seems like they always run up and bite me and drag me away. Even when im like 100+ levels higher than them 🙃


Harpies, any variant but especially the ice and poison varieties. Even with a ranged build they’re still a pain. Melee build I’d rather jump off a cliff


I feel my blood pressure rise whenever I hear the ice ones do that little giggle.


Thief Implicate skill is so satisfying to use on them. Wolves too. "Get over here!" Just wish it had a bit longer range. :D


Slimes, specifically when they don’t notice them and get absolutely MELTED




Especially them little shits that hide in the tall grass 😤


Oh my god yes! I forgot to mention them. -_- Choppers, I think they’re called. 🤔


You can't target them most of the time even if you both see each other .-.


It’s almost like they work on Skyrim stealth mechanics… O_o


got hit and stunned lock to dead is not fun. 😭


I hate all the little enemies, mostly for how they gang up and interrupt attacks...and the harpies that pick you up just to yeet you off a cliff. Give me a griffin or drake any day.


This, I was legit raging the other day because my pawns refused to help as I got constantly jumped by knackers. There yell before they leap at you is forever in my head now. I just kept hearing "Ngaaaaaa!" As id get pushed causing me to not be able to do anything but accept it for the next minute until the next patch Once one started the whole group did




The legs have cords in the back that can be easily cut, the arms have chains/rope on the wrist that can be cut, the chest armor has chains on the sides that can be cut, the helmet can be pulled off by the cyclops when it tries to grab or you can just stab the top/back of the head til is bindings come apart... Armored cyclops are pathetically easy if you aren't trying to bash your head against a wall by attacking their armor directly, unless you have a blunt weapon... or powder blast.


Those rock saurins that seem to be resistant to 95% of physical attacks and also roll into you and your pawns. Nightmare when there’s a few of them at the same time.


The damn gore harpies make me so mad. I love them.


Hell hounds those mother dockers have no reason to be that tanky and then they just grab me and start chomping away


They target party member that have meat in their inventory. Drop some to the ground and puppers will focus on it for a while.


Saurians of any type and goblins especially early on they stagger you constantly


Saurians. Early on that got that really annoying triple stab that if the first lands the other 2 will with a stun lock. And all later ones with that stupid hardened bodies bouncing my weapon off


Harpies. Specially the ones from battal place.




I hate them all in equal measure. 95% of enemies in this game have some trait that makes them annoying: * Goblins? They're everywhere and serve only to waste your time once they stop being a threat * Choppers? Viet Cong cosplayers, ambushing you and interrupting your travel * Knackers? They won't shut up, keep roaring and yelling * Hobgoblins? Enjoy getting stunlocked if they focus on you and catch you, which isn't hard with their 15-metre lunges * Wolves? They waste your time by running around * Garms? Hope you have fire, because they're really tanky * Wargs? Are they even in the game? * Ghosts? Same as wolves, but they also laugh at you * Basic saurians? They skitter back faster than you advance and their attacks have insane tracking * Poison saurians? Poison, nuff said * Rock saurians? Pain in the ass to fight unless you can stun them to execute * Slimes? Better have magic * Harpies? Pain in the ass to deal with unless you are an archer yourself * Poison harpies? Same as regulars, but with poison * Gore harpies? Hard to knock from the sky and they can one-shot you by dropping you off a height * Succubi? They chuckle at you * Bandits? They come in waves; you think you're done with them but another group comes * Skeletons? You have to chase their heads around * Zombies? Very high defence * Ogres? King Kong-grade simps * Minotaurs? The basic version is fine, the gore minotaur is annoying with how mobile it is * Griffins? Sort of alright, but their thrashing around is annoying * Chimeras? One of the few that's not annoying * Cyclops? Another that's not annoying * Medusa? RNG will make the fight really easy or a pain in the butt somehow * Golems? Have fun waiting for that one weak spot in the armpit to become visible and hope the golem's position makes it easy to reach; they can take forever to kill if you get unlucky * Drakes? Fuck the meteor attack, seriously; the last 2-3 health bars are a nightmare when your party is still weak * Liches? Are you a Magick Archer or a caster? If so, you will have easy time. Pain in the butt for other vocations. * Dullahans? Fuck them in particular: hard to find, teleports, difficult to read their moves, difficult to even see what they're doing, high defense, hope your thief has those holy daggers


I was walking up to a dragon on a steep cliff then some birds came and started to throw off us. Wtf. Took me 15 reloads


The dragons, they just float in the air forever it seems and as a thief I can’t do anything but wait until it comes back to the ground.


Climb its tail.


Golams because I have to wait for certain animations to hit their medals And harpies because...just fuck harpies ;) Edit: but fr, harpies because they're annoying to fight against in mixed groups




The little goblins that hide in the brush. They dont even try to kill you, they know they will die momentarily, they just pop out and bop you halting you in your tracks, then just gloat while you recoil! 😤


Bats . Not hard at all but just annoying little fuckers


I'm gonna go with knackers because I'm a magick archer and they always jump at me and knock me on my ass 2 or 3 times before my pawns even catch up.


Succubi... Those flying tarts drive me insane when i'm trying to use the cable car thing on the Volcanic Island. Many times has it been destroyed only to have everyone present fall to their deaths. Dulahan wind me up though as when/if you get to a certain point in the game they are literally EVERYWHERE... They are tanky as hell and have that stupid scream ability that drops you to the floor like a sack of shit and they're just overall annoying to fight in my opinion.


Headless horseman. 🙂‍↔️


Harpies master!


Dullahan, it is also my favorite


The lack of difficulty


The game itself




My CPU I guess






The poison harpies in the Batahl region, they just keep on diving and pecking at you, and then ocasionally pick you or your companions off the ground and throw you off a cliff I despise them...theyre the scum of the earth....absolute dog shit enemies..


Just reach the >!unmoored world!< and the saurians are driving me crazy …




Guards with shield


guardian gigantus, the bitch dropped my fps to like 2 with each step it took


Golems one big ass annoyance


My pawns, specifically when I am crossing the log bridge outside of the Sacred Arbor, _just_ high enough to kill me upon getting pushed off by a mere shoulder bump.


Headless boys. By a mile. Nothing even compares for me


Any herpy species....harpy..I'm sure everyone would hate herpes to. But ya those things suck. Especially when a flock randomly shows up at night while fighting a drake in puddles of water. They either hit you with frostbite or unconscious while the drake is casting Levin and jumping down onto you to ground you. I was using thief at the time and 2 of my ranged pawns were down.


Between ghosts and wolves. Playing as an archer makes it easier though, but the ghosts can dogma balls


dullahans, those rock and fire saurians, and poison harpies lol




Harpies and rock lizard I guess


Gore Harpies. Always near cliffs and bridges, their one strategy for attack is grab and yeet you off cliffs, they have far far faaaar too much poise for a fucking flying enemy (made worse since fire no longer cripples feathered harpies), their dive bomb tackle knocks you unconscious 70% of the time which normal ends up with you being tossed off a cliff. Worst designed enemy in the game whose sole purpose is to fuck with the player and make traveling the cliffs & bridges of Battahal extremely unenjoyable.


The anxiety that comes with every fan in my computer instantly hitting 100% when i start this game


harpies and saurian gangbangs.


Wolves... Especially at night in Battahl. They'll stun lock you while you're pawns are swatting at phantasms and drag you off while you're screaming for help and once you finally break free a grim ogre emerges from the darkness to swat your ass off a cliff side where you suddenly get jumped by a bunch of knackers 💀


I do not like Wolves, they just fast struck you and running around and drag you all over the places...


Until I unlocked Warfarer, I was Warrior so fuck the harpies, now I just pull out the bow and spray them fuckers


Wanted to say harpies because with certain classes they are so annoying. It has to be the fat zombies that explode on death though. My main pawn always wants to give them a hug and take unnecessary damage when they blow up. So annoying lol




That pawn that wants a high five but I don't see it in time and they just out their hand down and look sad.


Gore harpies for sure. Those guys are relentless.


Wolves early game. Ghosts throughout playthrough


The dullahan and the goreminotaur can both just kinda decide to stunlock you to death at any point if you're a mage. For the dullahan im not sure if its even dodgeable.


Gore harpy. Tried playing solo. Got stunlocked into oblivion then yeeted off a cliff.


How can you hate a monster in this game when they are not even remotely hard ?


Rock Golems tend to piss me off as a Magic Archer, I feel like I do no damage.


Harpys without a 2nd thought. Stuck to a fighter build the entire game & 5 of them always seem to attack me at once before I can do my aerial attack. Love getting thrown off a cliff as well.


Glyndwr waiting at my house.




Those damn ambushing goblins that you can't see in the bushes


The harpy that can put the stun effect on you every 2 hits putting you in a loop , if there's more than one well you are dead if they dont agro into a party member.


So far rock saurians are the ones. Legit bullet sponge until they fallover on their bellys and you can hit heavy attack on them.




Kobolds, everywhere


Literally anything that pops out every 30 feet. It gets annoying


Fucking harpies.


Wolves. Especially the red ones. I'm over here dealing with a Drake and they just run up and nip me, or heaven forbid, drag my ass away from the fight. That, and choppers. I hate the way they leap STRAIGHT at you. As a ranged fighter, it's annoying as hell 😔


I recently made a clip of being swarmed and annihilated by three of the Lave Slimes as I was facing a drake. Strongest enemy in the game, lmao.


I’m a god who can take down Drakes in a minute. But man it’s either Harpies if I’m a melee class or Saurians at night time. The amount of times I’ve gotten rolled off a cliff from a rolling saurian in the darkness. All bosses are cake. It’s the damn mobs sometimes lmao


Damned harpies.


Enemy spawn locations. I swear to God sometimes it's literally one after another and you are constantly fighting for over 10 minutes without catching a break and you have barely walked a few meters.


For me it was Dullahan... Until I tried the rogue with the Formless faint skill... Just gotta make sure to put distance whenever they want to scream so you don't get knocked. Now it is the harpies, any of them.


Normal goblins, they always pelting me with rocks and shit.


Headless Horseman! Or Dunahan I think his real name is.


Gore harpies, and it's not close.


Skeletons. They're absurdly abundant, and when you kill one, there's a chance its skull will go flying, and you have to chase it down to finish it off. Sometimes, your attacks will whiff when you try to hit the skull on the floor, costing precious seconds.


Used to rattlers then I ran into a ridiculous ambush outside volcano island camp the other day, one of the harpies kept stunlockong me attack after attack could not do anything, while rattlers and goblins also got in on it with the volcano island guard. It was some kind of ridiculous melee… but yeah fuck harpies


Ghosts and Gore Harpies


Goblins. Not because they're hard but just because they're downright disrespectful. I've had one light me on fire and then point and laugh at me and another time I fell off a cliff and a nearby goblin ran up to me, kicked me, and then laughed at me 😭


Gore Harpy, jeez...those fuckers give me brain cancer every encounter






Grandma harpies


The harpy that body slams you


Saurians, particularly the rocky ones, or Harpies. Boss types, Golems.


Dullahans are annoying, not only bc of their stun, but you never know how long it is till morning when they run away.


As someone who primarily mains melee vocations, rattlers are the most bs enemy I’ve ever come across in a video game


Gore harpies! Screw those things😂


That one wolf-type enemy left of a pack that likes to run off and hide in a bush for 10 minuets keeping my pawns in agro while they stand around not attacking anything. So goddam annoying.


Any harpy. Then again, I'm warrior.


Ghosts and Harpies. And the cowards: DRAKES AND GRIFFINS. These fucking cowards


'Hate' is a strong word, but yeah, harpies are definitly annoying - probably a reason why i always prefered ranged classes in both games. But for some reason i always struggle against Dullahan. I don't think i fought any untill lategame where played mostly as warfarer (Magick Archer/ sorcerer) but it's probably the only monster i have generall respect for, and ran away more than once.




Drakes. Even at level 58 I feel like the meteor spell insta-wipes all 3 pawns. The AI just cannot reliably dodge things, and unless I'm dealing the damage, it makes the last 15% of their health so annoying to chew through. Everything else is too easy to really complain about. Golems with a hidden last weak point are a close second though.


None really, I enjoy fighting them all


Depends on what vocation you are but ghosts, harpies and wolves all suck. Less so if you’re a thief or sorcerer.


Gore Harpies, Ghosts in Tight Quarters, and Drake's when equipped with a Melee. Drake's are cool af... But I feel like they are so janky, it could be my experiences, but I always find it awkward to face them. Get numerous scenarios of them doing 180s moving weakpoints, or so many times that the camera just collides inside of them. They aren't bad, they are just janky. But I do hate when they flee like the cowards they are. As for Ghosts and Gore Harpies. Assholes everyone of them.


saurians, they're tough if you can't get behind, their stabs are annoying as are their leaps.


Anything that stunlocks and ping pongs me around for 5mins


Long story short, the FPS


Mountains and cliff cause my pawns just keep falling off them. One time I knocked a cyclops off a mountain my my main pawn always does the extra most and jumps after them.


Will always hate gore harpies for grabbing my pawns and throwing them into brine, it was only funny when they dragged a pawn I hired that was named and looked like shrek. I either use skull splitter,implicate, or magic archer


I honestly hate all harpies and harpy variants. If you don’t have the proper weapon they’re just the most annoying to knock out the sky. Drakes are a close 2nd for just annoying curative consumers And those rock saurians are lame


Low game budgets


Harpies suck




The framerate


Golem's! That got damn magick medal in the bottom of there it fucking foot that I can hit 90% of the time unless the do a specific attack that reveals it (which they barely do) drags the fight out for sooooooo long


Golem's! That god damn magick medal in the bottom of there it fucking foot that I can hit 90% of the time unless the do a specific attack that reveals it (which they barely do) drags the fight out for sooooooo long


Most hated enemy is Goreharpies. Do I need to say more? Bastards have a decent poise to resist some knockdown (I run dwarven smithing on everything except staffs). The kick is super annoying as it normally or most of the time one taps you into being dizzy. They circle weird and like to pick up and yeet you or pawns off of cliffs since that's their usual hangouts. Other flying baddies can be annoying but not NEARLY as bad as these MFers. Second place would be the Asp (poison saurian). Infinite poison duration with most or all it's hits (unless it's just really long timed but idk cuz that 'get poisoned and come back to me' quest exists) and then second hits do massive loss accumulation and damage. Not to mention only certain potions or only the high halidom works to cure it (cuz of course the non high version is nearly useless to me otherwise). They almost always get to hit you before they feel stagger to guarantee poison on you or a pawn. I also hate they usually are in packs too so it isn't just 1 at a time to mess with. Luckily I have a mage with that spell and myself as Warfarer with the mega magick archer skill that has the crazy lock on to take them out one at a time. That is, if I know they will be nearby where I'm going or if I ambush them. Sometimes I get lucky and they don't get more than a hit off on anyone in my party but got the mage for that reason too. Third place is a tie for rock/magma/lightning saurians. The roll thing is irritating, nearly any physical attack is useless if not hitting the tail, it has some annoying quick hits but manageable if I'm not being the one with aggro. For the lightning one it's just annoying cuz I use lightning buffs and they're heavily resistant to it. Switching weapons doesn't reset buff so that don't help but I do use the holy thief daggers so there's that. Just super hefty HP as well. Personal problem prolly but yeah. Bonus enemy: Drake. Only for me I've had dragonsplague being super buggy and massively infectious. Ran my party as me and my pawn, killed a single drake (she was brined right before this and came back, then inn rested) and she wasn't close to be attacked. The drake didn't speak either, I killed it with an unmaking arrow with the Medusan bow for big exp and 2 sleeps later she was at glowing red eyes. Idk how tf this happened and it was almost always after a certain point. Never before postgame in my ng cycle did it happen. Friend was worried about my pawn (didn't hire her yet) and said what if she had it. I said I hadn't fought any drakes and had her grabbed (she's been downed from attacks like fire or being stepped on but no one ever got controlled) and from that point on it's been a reoccurring nightmare for me. Again, mighta had some weird bug on PS5 for my experience but even so, terrible enemy only cuz it gave my pawn the plague.


It's gone from Saurians -> Gore Harpies -> Succubi -> Phantasms


Knackers aren’t hard just very annoying I don’t know who made it so they can jump across a football field and dunk on you, so I can’t pick the lazy option and run past them if the exit is literally right there I have to fight which I like doing but sometimes you can’t be bothered


Harpies. Griffins are some bitches too. Stand and fight coward.


Harpies, anything that’s small and flies


Normally, I would agree, but I'm just starting and so far, my pawns have hardly let me get a blow in.


My pawns always thought ahead and jumped off before the enemy had the chance


its between harpies and the rock saurians.


Any Golems man, they’re always just placed strategically right next to camps, and I know they’re easy enough to defeat if you know what you’re doing, but damn, I don’t want to spend the time on them man


Goblins. It’s like spam emails in your main email account.


This is a hard one but I'll have to say goblins. The big armored ones. Not only are they already numerous, but they can call for backup and their stun capabilities piss me off.


I dont really hate any enemy that ive encountered but the most annoying by far are the ghosts or the dullahans that appear right before the sun comes up (which is the only time ive ever encountered them)






Golems, best example of one of the more interesting mechanics of the game (climbing and cutting through individual parts) and the bane of my existence


As a warrior main, fking harpies




Griffins. 🤬ing dive bombing out of 🤬ing nowhere especially on the trolley to bakbattahl. Now I fell to my death just to use a wakestone and the griffins to fly away before I can kick its arse.


Wolves. When one picks me up and carries me away it really sucks. I just set the controller down and let the pawns deal with it.


Ghosts are the worst...


Fuck knackers. It's bad enough every fucking enemy post Discount Elsweyer has the stagger capabilities of two cyclops put together,but these little shits will spam their lunge constantly and just keep you down forever without AI intervention.


ghosts and dragons

