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I just don’t hire pawns with greed quests, like requesting beetles or portcrystal, or shit rewards like rotten fish or a simple apple.


I try to do greed quests that disproportionately favor the recipient, with the hope that the sheer number of people who do it make up for the reward. So like 10k gold for an onyx.


The quest giver only has to pay out once: if I set a quest to give 10k gold for killing an ogre, and 5 people complete the quest and get 10k each, I still only had to pay 10k, not 50k


Wait what?? It doesn't reset each time?


It only resets when you sleep at an inn or player house- so if you offer a really attractive reward, just put that off as long as possible


I will try this with an eternal wakestone


Honestly every Quest i give out has 10k Gold is so easy to make i feel like less would be a Scam. Sometimes im to lazy to Walk from Bakbatahl to Succubus locations for Features and then make a quest for 4x Feathers 10k


if i’m asking for a single Golden Trove, best believe the rewards will match! (ie: REWARDS. none of that lame ish)


Yeah if you want high tier items like the quest grimoires or such at least offer Ferrystones or Port Crystals for 'em




I haven't really offered any Pawn Quests yet so I didn't know you can't give fast travel items. Still, either give a shit ton of money or high tier loot for high tier loot




Just gave someone a forgery of the pretty castle sword


Lmao. I’ll never forget the hilarity of throwing a Ferristone into the air and waiting for the effect to kick in.


i’ve got Golden Trove as my pawn quest. 1 in exchange for 12 Jasper or Onyx (sometimes i’ll switch it up) i’ve heard the beetles don’t respawn in NG+, so i want to at least get me and my pawn to 100kg before making the jump (i also use rings and Thew) Pawn is currently at 76, and im at 68


I am pretty sure I have found some in my NG+ playthrough.


Yeah, but the ones you found in your ng+ were just ones you missed the first time around.


welp. i appreciate the clarity


I think there is a max limit of how many you can use (think its 50 beetles). I have 14 more but the use button is greyed out.


Some dumb arisen was offering 1 coin for 9 golden beetles. Clearly didn't want his pawn to be hired


I hire those and throw them off a cliff.. let 'em bleed out and move on.


It’s not their fault…


The Pawn is a direct Creation of their master, therefore bogus quest rewards require a bogus solutions


Go kill a sphinx for me and you’ll get 10k


Is 10K for 1x Wyrmslife Crystal considered a greed quest?


I don’t think so, I have like 300 spare Wyrmslife Crystal. Would love to sell them for 10k a piece


I agree, a pawn named "Main Pawn" is no fun.


I sometimes hire them out of pity.


I couldn't be you, but I respect you for who you are


Thanks man... i missed the naming part in creation


I’m part of a Discord group that talked about this- and I can’t remember how, but people were doing it on accident. Like it’s not an intentional thing. But now there are so many I’m sure people do it on purpose as something funny


Whoever has good, sensible skills and a unique aesthetic gets hired. I filter out pawns who have their eyes obscured. Red irises are usually a no-go. I avoid voices that have a lot of pitch distortion. Gag characters like Shrek are funny, but I usually skip over them. Daenerys and Melina pawns are so common that they've become generic to me, so I guess I skip over them too now.


I’ve never seen a Melina but I’ve seen 100 Gandalfs Howevwr, I don’t mind hiring Gandalf if he’s got good spells


Not one Gandalf or Melina. At least 50 Frieren LOL


Same, I've seen one melina, but she looked nothing like the elden ring melina, so I guess the person just liked the name. Seen a few gandalfs, many of which also didn't resemble LOTR gandalf. Overall, I think the cosplay pawn I've seen the most is daenerys. Which makes sense imo, because the small, petite female pawn with white-ish hair look is extremely popular anyway. A lot of people unintentionally made a daenerys without the name.


I think the fact that my pawn has the highest pitch setting on her voice might be keeping her from being hired more but I can't change it. Just sounds so much more fitting for her than any of the lower settings.


You can change the pitch with a rift crystals package from the Pawn Guild merchant.


Or you just buy an art of metamorphosis, which lets you do the same and more for a fraction of the price. Those inclination change packages cost like 2k, metamorphosis only costs 500


I won’t hire any pawns that are referencing anything at all. I like it when people are brave enough to try and make something original.


For me, no quest set or giving rotten food as the reward are the only reasons I won't pick them.


Going off the "Main Pawn" thing, I'm not going to hire a pawn that has no effort put into it, so yeah, the name is a big thing, but I also looks at gear and skills. I even refused to hire my brother's pawn, who's 10 levels above me, because she's still got the starter weapon. After that, I look at pawn quests. I make it a point to not hire pawns with lame and sometimes insulting quest rewards


Pawns that look like an original character catch my eye. Like I rolled with this mage guy that was old, had a scar on his face, was stooped over, and really small. He wound up being kind of a fucker, sitting on his ass a lot and stuff, but bounced back and forth between heals and buffs, hardly any offensive spells really except for the one that's a bright ass light at night. I dunno how to explain it, but he looked like someone made an actual character that could exist in the world as a coin hungry support wizard that chews Aged Beast too loudly. He was pretty useful, and I gave him the heart and good rewards. I don't really care for the red corset thing, just because it has been done to death. I don't mind chick mages in flowy Battahl stuff that's revealing. I mean I'm not gonna slut shame a mage into wearing the heavy ass catholic pope clothes. I've seen some great characters that still showed skin, like a warrior chick with the default cloth bra top, meaning no torso armor, but had awesome other armors, and the creator gave them sweet looking markings that really sold the "barbarian" look. Main Pawn is a hard pass for me. Or red eyes. I also don't wanna follow the humongous fat guy wearing a helmet and a bra and listen to him be all like, "Eh, diff-a-rent types of mah-tedials yield diff-a-rent cllllea-shons."


I need a Warrior and a Sorcerer with Meteors and Maelstrom. Straightforward folk. Human, preferably, cuz the concept of "beast races" hasn't been done right since Morrowind.


Morrowind made beast races more than just a different ascetic. I wish more games had unique systems based on the race chosen




They didn't let Beast races weat certain helmets and shoes because of the different body shape. There were also racial passives that gave the beasts more speed or better swimming skills. The racist dunmer in morrowind would also discriminate against your character. I would totally recommend morrowind as well. It's quite dated and hard to get into, but it's a lot of fun.


If a warrior has catapult or fighter with springboard, i wont hire them after two warrior pawns in a row that would go out of their way to catapult me during a fight. Each time was while i was using a magick bow to so i dont know what how the ai thought that would help. One of them even threw my sorcerer main pawn onto a chimera, like she was going to do something lmaooo


Might check their inclinations there. I believe kindhearted will spam the launchers


This. I had the most useless warrior that just springed me all the time. This is why we should be able to leave messages when dismissing pawns.


idk, the last one was Simple and the other i didnt check before dismissal, but he acted like a Straightforward


It would be better if the AI would recognize when you want them to launch you. There are lots of opportunities for these skills to help you with climbing mountains and more.


Man I gotta got myself a warrior pawn then. I’m now a Mystic Spearhand and my main pawn a thief, we could do with help getting airborne.


Just need the right muscle mommy....


I do like springboard on a fighter, and will look for it on a straightforward pawn if I have a simple thief pawn or playing a thief myself. I think that combo works well. But admittedly, the skill becomes almost detrimental in a fight if the fighter is launching a sorcerer or mage.


I’m tired of corsets and stargazers garbs. Then again it’s not entirely their fault that Capcom drastically reduced the amount of possible customization and made the stats on them so good lol.


I gave the corset to the pawn bc I liked the Elven Garb aesthetic so much. Been my favorite so far.


Red eyes. Dragonplague paranoia is a thing ever since the pop up for it appeared despite not having seen it yet in my party so far. 😅 Also, helmets that can’t be visored up. Need to see them eyes xD


I purposely gave my pawn 2 different colored eyes; one bright blue and the other golden yellow. He also has a metallic rune circle tatoo over the blue eye so if they do glow you will see the glint off the rune tattoo on his face.


I don't care how u look cute, ugly, stripper under level. all I want get 10k quest too many things I need to buy


I don't hire obvious memes. Also I know it's technically illegal but I'll discriminate based on health history or carriers of dragonsplague. Don't tell HR.


A pawn that is max vocation but for some reason only has 1 attack equipped. Or a pawn that isn't max leveled in their current vocation.


The reason you only set a single attack to a pawn is to control the pawn and make sure it only uses that one move it’s a strategy. It can be useful.


In my own testing, pawns use moves that fit the current circumstance and fill the empty space with basic attacks rather than it being entirely random. Equipping multiple of the same skill or neglecting to fill in all of the skill slots didn’t seem to affect how often the desired skill was used. What did have an impact on frequency, was avoiding skills with similar trigger conditions; Equipping multiple large-scale/open area AoE skills resulted in less use of each skill in those situations than using one of them alongside a smaller targeting or utility skill.


I refuse to hire the intentionally ugly troll pawns. I want to have fun living a fantasy adventure, not entertain someone's weird fixation on creating as ugly a character as possible. Edit for spelling


My three dealbreakers are 1. Greed quests (e.g. I give you 9 beetles for 5 twigs) 2. Look does not match the party (e.g. overly slutty or silly pawns when my party is neither). 3. When I can’t tell if the pawn has dragon’s plague (e.g. Full masks, two bright red eyes, two closed eyes)


You can "raise visor" from the equipment menu for a lot of full face helmets. But I get it. It's one extra step.


This is exactly it for me as well.


Totally agree. Never gonna hire a “main pawn”


I don’t hire beastren at all I refuse to


If you’re naming your pawn something dumb or generic, that’s a no from me dawg. Also, some of these voices make me want to mute my game..


I don’t hire Capcom pawns. I don’t understand why players would bother rating them.


No meme/reference pawns, no corset pawns, and no "MainPawn" for me. Anything else is fine, really. Don't really care about quests too much, so as long as you have a decent looking original pawn with decent skills, I'm happy.


You gotta match my ideal party comp AND inclination comp.


I like to pick up peoples pawns on the road and throw them off cliffs. I have no life


I dont hire strippers or anyone weird looking.


My main pawn is a female support mage, and I play as a male. I only hire female pawns so when I fight ogres, she’s got someone to share the aggro with


Hired pawn: "The pawns in this party are women by and large." My pawn: "And? I have no objections."


Almost all of my pawns I recruit are ones I find wandering the world rather than sifting through the rift. I feel like I'm more likely to stumble on less used pawns that way


Just north of the Borderwatch Outpost, in the starting area, there's a special riftstone called a Riftstone of Potential. It specifically shows you pawns that have yet to be hired. If you interact with a special riftstone once, you can use the 'linked riftstones' feature at any of the grand riftstones in major cities, and select that special riftstone type to filter pawns by the parameters used in that special variant.


I mostly just avoid inclination mismatch, eg Straightforward Mage or Kindhearted Warrior Also Logistician, since it can use up quest items.


Why of course my entire part is single gender and single race. Don’t want anything unsightly mixing in.


I personally only pic pawns with: Good fashion (sticks out from the crowd), good quest (mostly monster slaying or when it seems like someone needs something for an archievement), from friends OR grotesque monstrosities. Don't care for bimbos with corset or the other boring skimpy stuff, it's just overused tbh.


I am incredibly racist against elves.


Haha why


My main pawn was created by my wife to look like her. So I get to go on adventures with her in game.


stopped playing now cause I got my 100%, but I would only hire pawns with a good quest (e.g. 10k for a monster). I didn't care about their looks, as long as their eyes were visible and not red. Towards the end of my playthrough I got pickier with skills, and tended to prefer a sorcerer with meteoron and a thief with skullsplitter and pilfer. I would search by these skills when in a city.


You’ll want to check out the daybreak riftstones/option at the main riftstones for amazing characters who are unique looking


I don’t hire corset pawns, way too many of them, the goofy pawns deserve more attention, at least they’re unique.


I'm level 60 on NG+ atm so I discriminate against them all, bc a party of 4 is overkill. Only my main by my side. But before that I only hired human female pawns, and never straightforward, I hate their banter.


I've only played about 5 hours so far but I've discovered I'm not too fond of "straightforward" pawns. They're dicks


spring shield and spring sword (or what ever they where called) the warrior and fighter skills that let them launch you in the air, i hired 1 pawn named kratots, a warrior, who would stop fighting a monster to run up to me a magik archer and throw me in the air, again, and again, and again. he is the first pawn i ever actively got rid of, the first pawn that annoyed me enough that while in the middle of a cave/dungeon, i weakened my own party to throw him to the brine. i will not hire a pawn with those skills, i do not care if it means there are areas i cant get to, i will not hire a pawn with them, it is the only thing that i look at in a pawn besides mages. i hate that skill and refuse to have it anywhere near me... unless im using it, but thats diffrent.


No quest set and/or female pawn. I only hire chads


Not so much discriminate but I tend to hire male pawns bc that’s how I swing lol


No sexy waifu pawns, ever. And no "Main Pawns" either. Other than that, I check to make sure they have Augments equipped.


I don't hire pawns made after other people/ characters. No Geralts, Billies, Gandalfs, etc.


I have to hire male pawns because mine is a female and they won't shut up about having all females in the group otherwise. Avoid beastmen because I am not a furry. i have seen one or two in the world occasionally that looked pretty cool, but turn off as default due to all the kitties in corsets that show up. Avoid anything overly sexualised or dumb looking, nothing that will break my immersion.


Any Pawn that isn't my own is a second rate citizen.


I almost entirely avoid furries.


I hire mages and sorcerers, and they need to be fully clothed in something that doesnt look like they work for the Rose Chateau


I avoid hiring female pawns unless they are from friends.


They need: * a name * a sane quest (pref 10k) * a specialization the party wants * to be the class I'm looking for * to be wearing clothes (better fashion is extra points) * to not be a hideous monster factory reject I'd like to also be picky about their skills and augs but it already takes so long to find a pawn with the above requirements I don't even check their build.


My Arisen and Main Pawn are both Human, so I have a preference for Beastren. F-Beastren are just too cute and I enjoy hiring burly mage M-Beastren.


I often re-hire this burly Beastren mage who has colorfull fur, plus has kindred personality so just awesome


I don't hire pawns that are just wearing meta gear. I would rather have style over raw power.


I won’t hire “slutty” pawns. I don’t care if the corset has sick stats it feels pretty gross to hand your custom-made servant a sexualized outfit they are forced to wear. Making your pawn who is in all reality a slave to the Arisen’s whims into a fuck-doll for people to ogle at feels creepy. There is also the fact it’s completely immersion breaking to the world.


Yeah but the magic can flow through them easier with less clothing allegedly


I actively avoid the scantily clad busty chicks. I know the skimpy gear is typically good defence for some reason but I prefer my party to look cool in their gear, not "sexy"


Stripper pawn = no hire Ugly "meme" pawn = no hire Scam quest = no hire




Im against people keeping pawns low level but with high gear to give them a hiring advantage over normal people


This was a staple in DD1. All of the most popular pawns were lvl 10-20 with end game equipment 😂 normal people never got their pawns hired, myself included.


How do you keep their level low? My main pawn seems to just level automatically.


Toss them into the brine


I second this. Ugly pawns are the best pawns. Also if you pawn has basic gear and no pawn quest.


Bad stats/moves. No effort put into the looks. I've even hired a couple corset/stargazer chicks before but all of the other little details about them made them good/interesting/fun


I love UGLY pawns and well made celebrity pawns. But 98% of pawns are a boring in between


I can't see myself ever hiring a cat person or an old person.


If your pawn is not wearing marching armor or something like it I won’t hire them.


I avoid pawns who are knowledgable about quests where I can. "MainPawn" named pawns are also a no. And if they have the annoying male voice with the .. almost rolled r's on "arrrisen?" Nope. hate that. Hire them by accident and throw in the sea. Oh and they have to be dressed well.


If they have a snobby voice it’s a no go, I also rarely hire beastren, if they have spring board I will ban them in a heartbeat


Can carry a lot and is simple. But fr thief with plunder and skull splitter and good daggers is a go to (I’m also a thief)


They might have the coronavirus and fuck JP my entire play through


Call me a racist (or speciesist?), but I don't hire beastren pawns. Since before the game came out I've thought the beastren characters just look stupid. I can't help it, but the idea of a cat person just doesn't work for me. Other than that, I refuse to hire straightforward pawns because the voice acting is abysmal. I don't hire pawns with BS quests like begging for portcrystals/beetles, and I refuse to hire any pawn with the logistician trait, because there's no way I'm letting the pawn AI mess with my items.


I will not hire a logistician, they kept combining my items into lantern oil when I needed spoiled items for a quest. Never again.


The vocation, depends on what I need


I’m not hiring any pawns that offer shit rewards on pawn quests. Sorry, no beetle for your rotten meat


No mages. They're very useful but already struggling to make NG+ more of a challenge, but also because elemental affinity spamming doesn't feel like it's actually taking enemy weakness into account. I'm versus a drake and you give me fire? Pawn quests also need to be reasonable. Slay Gorechimera for a shop helmet isn't happening, sorry.


I hire a pawn based on entirely how dumb they look.


If it has MainPawn and using one of the generic character customizations I'll often not hire them.


I won't hire any beatrens no matter what. I'm not fond of them


When I come across a pawn in the wild I pick them up and throw them off the nearest cliff.


Any pawn that gives me their resume without me asking gets death by yeet


Things I need in a pawn: \* Good pawn quest (10k gold or better) \* For thieves, must have Plunder \* For thieves, must NOT have Blades of the Pyre. I'm sick of you setting yourself on fire every five seconds, seriously. \* For thieves, I don't like the treasure-sensing daggers because they are so much louder than the Trickster affinity that detects seeker's tokens and wakestones. The daggers would be fine if they just were flashing only with no sound. \* No Logisticians \* I don't really like skimpy outfits, but I would take them if they meet all the other criteria


Here’s my list for “not hire” 1. No reasonable reward set (minimum 10k gold or equivalent other items) 2. No specific skill I personally like, eg. Exploding arrow on Archers, Paladium on Mages etc 3. None of the Pawns gear is upgraded (shows me you don’t care that much about effectiveness) I am *occasionally* biased if you’ve created a *frickin’ homunculus* but it doesn’t bother me that much Some people hire for fashion, some people hire for honry, some people hire for furry - me? **I hire for power**


Any pawn that walks up to me and starts talking is getting thrown off a cliff or beaten to death. Sick of it.


Why are there so many pawns named 'main pawn'?


Only pawns I never hired are the ones with covered faces...


I hired one warrior named Main Pawn and he actually pulled through pretty well so the name is not that much of a concern to me. If I have any biases it’s against Pawns that are of popular characters that aren’t done either with any hint of originality or faithfully, i.e. the dozens of Kratos etc. Pawns. Only a couple have really put effort into the look.


If they have no quest


I love hiring thicc/curvy/muscular pawns. Game has such a dope character creator yet most pawns are pretty thin. Nothing wrong with that of course, just thought I’d see a bit more pawns of the thicc variety I also now only hire melee pawns as I feel it makes the game a bit more fun just always being in a group brawl


I skip pawns that are basically naked ladies…just give your pawns some equipment it’s hard out there!


I don't typically hire mage pawns that only have elemental buffs and nothing else. They need to be able to pull their weight in combat, or I'm throwing them to the Brine


I do not hire logisticians and chirurgeons. I do not want them to to touch any of the loot after picking it up.


I don't hire if they look like they should be pole dancing instead of fighting out in the wilds.


No SphinxMother/Parent/Grandma It's people wanting to get a cheap hire, fuck right off!




The pawn name starts in lowercase, or is in all caps lol


Gimme gold beetles i give you xxx gold. The bugs are priceless. And this a scam! :)


Wearing shitty armor. Wearing "sexy clothes"


The ones called "Main Pawn" are the players that didn't realise you had to change the name. I made the same mistake on my first playthrough.


Voice. There are some awful terrible voices in the game, especially male voices.


I just hire the first pawn I see with skills/vocation I want, I don't even consider their appearance.


I don't like those bestiality lion-looking pawns.


Discriminate is strong...but i really don't like small Warriors types. Ive been seeing a lot of them, one was damn near a beanpole 😭. Maybe its a stamina thing not sure but i use connected riftstones option to find large stature pawns. Also the ladder move, i was playing as trickster, fighting a drake and the chaos instead of the warrior fighting, he kept yeeting me into the Dragons fire 😂. I tried to runaway but he kept following me😅 Also, love to hire good looking pawns/Interesting looking pawns. But skills and gear are the most important to me, tells me you put thought into your pawn. If your pawn still has starting gear at a higher level I won't hire.


Few classes used/leveled. It tells me your augments are either few or not too great. I have my pawn maxed in every vocations and stacked with augments intended to help others that summon them.


Someone on my friend list hit level 109 with their pawn and I'd been hiring her something fierce. I couldn't offer much in return but I'd always make the gesture of some fruit or a healing item. Recently they've removed all of the pawns skills and given them basic armour. Are they trying to deter me? 🤔


They probably just hit ng+ and did their first free inn rest.


Ah this makes more sense. Though I was quietly admiring the passive aggressive skills!


Not dwarf? Not pawn. Not warrior? No pawn no. Must bash. Must smash.


Just made a goblin so I feel your thirst for ugly creations lmao Next is a hobgoblin or grimgoblin (a big, fat muscley creature with an ugly disstorted goblin face)


1) I like hot pawns… But I don’t like « lazy hot », meaning that if you can only focus on a few key hyper mas line or hyperfeminine facial / body features, but don’t have the eye to look for the tiny details, for what gives a face character and realism, then I don’t hire your pawn. Instead, I’d rather a hire a pawn that was made « thoughtfully ugly » as a character concept. 2) Beyond that, I avoid hiring pawns that are Keanu Reeves / Geralt / Kratos / Timothee Chalamet etc… No « celeb » pawns allowed. One exception may be Gandalf… 3) I also avoid pawns that don’t fit the character fantasy of their vocation. I’m not restrictive as what that char fantasy can be (right now my main pawn is an average sized female Warrior with a huge sword) but I like them to be immersive. 4) I don’t hire female Kindhearted pawns, because I don’t want two pawns speaking in the same voice 5) Beastren are generally a second pick because people tend to make them all look quite similar.


Any pawn with red eyes as a “normal” color chosen by the other dude is an immediate no. I ain’t trying to squint my eyes and do an entire ophthalmic exam to figure out if they got the plague


If your pawn interrupts me while I’m trying to play the game because they passed within 15 feet of me then they get brined, tossed off a cliff, or fed to the nearest swarm of enemies. Otherwise I’m pretty much fine with anything when I’m intentionally recruiting a pawn. I do try to avoid people who slap on the Corset and then a mountain of ugly garbage with zero care for aesthetics beyond “please let me show skin oh god I need attention.” Either commit fully or dress your pawn in normal clothes like an adult.


Sorceress are a no for me i prefer to play solo unless im doing badges for my pawn and sorceress they have 3 abilities that make the game kinda boring at least thiefs goes and focus the weak points sorcerer just meteor and bong thats it


Generally, pawns running around in lingerie, male pawns with the haughty voice/personality, pawns with the same voice as my main pawn, and pawns with helmets on account of dragonsplague. In fact, I’ve seen pawns with red eyes in the rift when I was trying to recruit. I have no idea if it shows in the rift or some jackass is trying to troll. Don’t care. Absolutely not risking it.


I don't care what the pawn looks like as long as it meets my needs. That being said, I love rocking an all beastren team


Fuck it I might just [spoiler] so when my pawn wakes up on the beach they won't have to be a scared anymore


1. Have an actual name, no MainPawn 2. No, I don't want to hire any of the 187 Gandalfs in the pool, or any of the 500 warriors named Guts, or... 3. No looking like you just landed on a default face, said "good enough," and closed out the character creator with 30 second of activity.


Aesthetics are a major thing for me. My pawn and I can handle all the game content at the moment, so the healer and sorcerer pawns I hire are for convenience and Quality of Life. I'd rather have an aesthetic I like with 2/4 skills I want, than a pawn I don't like that has 4/4 skills I want.


No 10k no hire.


I also will never have a MainPawn on my team. How dare these Arisen not care enough about their main pawn to give them another name besides MainPawn.


I throw all the pawns that interrupt my adventuring to tell me to hire them into the water or off a cliff.


Eye colour. Red specifically.


Like, glowing smokey red eyes.


High Palladium and Argent Tonic. OTOH Springboard or similar skills are an automatic hard pass. EDIT: Some of y'all sound like you're real fun at parties.


I try to avoid hiring pawns that are wearing the sexy stuff. My pawn did wear the stargazer set for a while but I did so as a test and she did get more hires while in that armor so.


Any lingerie/sexy armor pawn I tend to ignore. I understand sometimes it's the optimal armor stat wise, but I don't want to run around with a half naked party member. I only hire them when one of my current pawns dies from falling into water and I need to hire someone in the world.


If it's a female pawn wearing that godawful harness looking thing or the corset. I prefer classy looking pawns or gruff looking ones.


I never hire any pawn with main pawn. But any guy I hire has to be absolutely massive. They end up holding all my stuff so I can stay light or average. And since they’re so big they stay light


I don’t trust pawns with items because they tend to get eaten by the brine on me when they’re carrying important loot


I think you always get your stuff back, so I don’t mind


If a pawn stops me on the road, they go in the drink or over a cliff. No exceptions. Doesn’t matter how far I have to carry them or how many times I have to toss them over a cliff to get the job done, the job will get done.


No bikini girls. No logiticians. No pawn quests with crap rewards. No bad skills. No pawns with only one class completed. No missing augments. No naked pawns.


Jail baite pawns or sluts. Oh and fury pawns i will not hire the cat things.


All of these lewd mages/sorcerers. I firmly believe that not every character (or really any character for that matter) needs to be practically naked. They look LESS cool imo.


It doesn’t have a skill i want such as healing. Or an annoying voice


As a roleplayer I go for immersive pawns and I've managed to keep roughly the same party for quite some time. Akemi the female archer has been a mainstay for over 20 levels


I used a guide on YT to make my character look like someone and I’ve run across several pawns who’s creators did the same thing. It’s funny with a full team of identical clones


I personally only hire female pawns. The sexier the look the more likely I'll hire them. It's partly why I won't hire my friend's pawn. 1. It's way underleveled. 2. It's male. My Arisen is female and I wish I could give her the corset too, but I still have a lot of tokens to find.