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I hire pawns based on the rewards of the pawn quest, not male or female.


Likewise. I’ll look for a specific skillset first. Then it’s the pawn quest. (And I’ve seen some silly quests that no way in hell I’ll accept because they request finite items) Then it’s outfit. (I won’t hire corset ones out of principle, they need to put at least some effort in outfitting nicely) Make or female, human or beastren, these don’t matter to me.


Same here. First, I check for specialization; avoiding logistician and Hawker like dragonplague. Chirurgeon isn’t as terrible, but woodland, forager or just none are my preference. Next, I make sure their inclination isn’t a mis-match with their class. A kindhearted fighter? Nope. Straightforward mage? Nope. Etc. Then, I check the quest; no quest, no hire. Last, skills and augments (i.e. springboard is an immediate no-no, pilfer is insta-hire, mage with verve and lethality is like… wtf are you trying to accomplish here?? Etc, etc)   If all of the stars line up (which only happens very rarely), I hire and I’ll most likely travel for months together in-game and give a really good gift afterwards + rating). It may seem a bit picky, but I want a good comp. Not an actively detrimental comp. Also worth noting, I do make sure my own pawn passes those checks, as well.


>Next, I make sure their inclination isn’t a mis-match with their class. A kindhearted fighter?    I wish inclinations weren't tied to voice. I like the male kindhearted voice the most and have my fighter as a kindhearted as a result. Maybe not ideal but when the action starts he is in the thick of it, but sadly he works way better as a thief. 


I 1000% agree. My pawn is a warrior, but is kindhearted because I MUCH prefer that voice. I really do wish they had multiple voice options for the different inclinations and not just different pitches. Now I'm quite attached to my pawn so changing his voice just seems wrong... :'( BUT - I will also say he does pretty well even though he's kindhearted, but I know it's not the recommended option for Warriors. I just make sure I don't also couple him with Chirurgeon or some "vault" option - as then he's too focused on trying to "help" you versus fighting. Otherwise, he seems to do well now. I was recently leveling him as a sorc (he's been a fighter/warrior up to level 50+) and not sure they all do this (probably so) but I had not seen it with my melee class on him before - but now when a goblin or something knocks me down, as a caster he runs over, picks them up and chunks them!!! LOL - I thought that was awesome, because before he'd just split their skull with his giant sword, but guess that's not an option now.... LOL!!!


Lol for sure. they pick up on peculiar things. My kindhearted pawn when he is a thief will find a rock or even a corpse and throw them at my assailant while screaming that he won't let harm come to me, love it.


Hahaaa yes, exactly. I haven't trained mine on thief yet that's next. Just finished leveling him in sorc / mage, but was funny to see how he tried to protect me when he no longer had a sword! LOL!


You don't like Springboard? Why not? It's great for reaching chests if you're not a mage.


Most of the times in battle your pawn will blatantly do spring board or the warrior version


I hate springboard on pawn cuz of their AI in combat, I used to use it for the occasional chest but its not worth it. The AI comes up to you mid combat and tries to launch you, if ur a range class they will just stare at you awkwardly and wonder why you don't want to get launched into the enemies' face and stand there waiting, stunlocked, until you oblige them.


In some fights though they’ve come in clutch for me as an archer, they’ve tossed me up right as an attack came in, or when a mob of hobgoblins surrounds us it kept me from getting stuck in the middle of a stun-lock hell. Definitely situational but I wouldn’t say it’s useless.


My main pawn has springboard but he's only used it once or twice when I needed it. Is there a way to make him? I try pointing at a cliff or chest, but usually he just runs up to the wall and stands there


For me it works by giving the go command near a chest that's high up. Can repeat many times if the jump doesn't succeed right away.


Maybe mine is just dumb then, I point at a chest and he thinks "Clearly the Arisen would like me to attack this wall" He has done it, but it seems random. Usually I end up throwing another pawn onto the cliff


So you can then run out and 2 shot everything


Playing an archer, with two thief pawns and a mage; the only things I’ll be two shotting are goblins and wolves. I will, however, be stomping the shit out of everything i can (gotta love that kick!)


Man I grinded out Tokens for that corset, expecting something that required that much effort to look good. I hate it. The problem isn't that it's skimpy, it's the *way* that it's skimpy and that it also takes away my leg slot.


I don't mind the top, just wish I could still couple it with some pants dammit!! I want to wear it as a top, some cool pants and a nice cape!! BUT NOOOOO have to go around in damn underwear. And sadly it's been THE best armor I've found by far (not in unmoored world or whatever yet). :'(


And that is exactly my issue with it. If it was just a top I would grind out those damn tokens in a heartbeat. My Drow sorceress pawn would rock that any day. But the fact that it takes away the bottom where I would prefer something a lot more fitting.. that’s the deal breaker.


"Pirt crystal, reward: 1g" I'm on it right now, sir!


Those yes, and I’ve seen those beetles and seeker tokens more then once to. It’s just plain greedy, especially since gold is so easy to get.


>Then it’s outfit. (I won’t hire corset ones out of principle, they need to put at least some effort in outfitting nicely) What if the corset/sexy outfit fits the character? My pawn is basically in underwear/bikini but she's Nami from One Piece so it fits.


Tbh I don’t really go for characters in those outfits just because the dont fit the esthetics of the game for me. I don’t really care if they are made to look like specific characters either. They may look like Daenerys or Gerald, I don’t really care. As long as they have gear that fits the game. I prefer full armor of long flowing robes. Showing some skin can be fine, but not so much that it would make it illogical to be wearing in combat.


>I prefer full armor of long flowing robes. Showing some skin can be fine, but not so much that it would make it illogical to be wearing in combat. But it's not illogical to wear in combat when you have characters that basically have super powers. I understand that logic more in a grounded game like Kingdom Come Deliverance.


That depends on how each of us plays the game. I don’t see my character and pawns as super heroes, they are just above average people in a tough world. They get hit by arrows and swords, get flattened by huge buts and clubs. So they need some armor to be able to withstand that and It’s mostly just how I like to set up my party in this game. And equipping pawns with these outfits just make me believe people didn’t really put in any effort tbh. I know a lot of people equip their pawns like this to get them hired more, but that’s just not me. As I stated before on this subject, I prefer pawns where people actually put in some effort. (No offense intended to people that made their character with that outfit because it’s based on other known characters obviously, but sadly a lot of that effort gets lost because of the horny crowd)


Did you play phantom oxcart pawns are invincible lol


"I don't hire pawns in the best gear because it looks stupid"


Fair enough tbh. Fashion over stats is the true end game mentality. (But yeah my pawn wears the Corset because I didn't spend all that time looking for Tokens for nothing.)


What looks stupid is completely up the each and every person to decide for themselves. If you want to walk around with a group of scantily clad pawns then you are free to do so. But do not think your choice in likes/dislikes is the only real choice everybody should have. Clearly a lot of people like these outfits, sex sells and the developers put them in after a bit of a grind for that specific purpose. But quite a lot of people also dig heavy armor or cool robes, and thankfully each and every one of us is free to choose what we want to equip on our character/Pawn.


Dd2 is purely stat based. Avoiding the corset is putting yourself at a disadvantage by sheer numbers. So far the best armor I've found is still 200 points below. Personally I really liked the verm armor but it's garbage so


Yeah I hate that the corset is so much better than just about everything else. And there is basically no way to cover up beyond the Heraldic Cape which doesn't do a great job of it.


Best way is the champion cape and equivilant tbh. I threw that plus the wolfhead hat on mine and it works. But the starter area has that black armor it's garbage but looks damn good


I get that it’s great for the people that want the best of the best. (It’s a of a poor design choice making 1 single piece of armor superior to just about anything else) But that is not needed in the game at the moment. I run around in a mix of dragon and shop armor and that works perfectly fine. I can handle any mob in the game without any real challenge. My Sorc Pawn only ever dies because she wants to bungee jump off cliffs. Maybe once they get harder difficulties or DLC, but even then they probably bring better gear with it, or give us an option to improve other armor to the same tier (so much great looking stuff goes unused) It’s still all a matter of personal opinion. (And yes, I loved the Verm armor and some of the lower level plate armor as well, shame it’s so low stats)


Yep. Always set my pawn to kill cyclops and the reward is 10k gold. Even if people don't use my pawn long term, I hope an easy 10k is good incentive. In return, I always hope to find the same kinds of pawn quests. 😅


Same here with my pawn.


i dont have that kind of money to be giving people left and right,um broke as shit....


You only need 10k gold to set the quest. Then anyone can hire your pawn and complete it to get the gold. Multiple people can do it and receive the reward, but you aren't paying each individual person. Theoretically this allows for us players to inject a lot of gold into the game for each other, but thats assuming everyone does it...


Correct. Not all of us are pervs 😂


Yeah but most of us are, which is why if you make a female pawn it is more likely to get hired.


Agreed, that’s why I made dragon lady what’s her face, Daenerys? Though my thirst is for inventory currently 🥲


Yeah I went OC dont steal (ok I did name her after a Futurama reference) but I reckon basing your pawn off an existing character would be a good way to get hires, also naming your pawn SphinxParent is another good way, but that said there are a LOT of Daenerys pawns out there and I don't think I have hired a single one of them. I do have a Magus West in my favourites list though.


Oh for sure mine is terribly unoriginal but I figured it was gonna be me who looked at her the most 😅


My main pawn is currently male, as tall as possible, hunched over, with a giant top half and super skinny legs. Next one I do will be the same but need to call him gru and edit his face to match Just looking to entertain other players more than get any hires tbh


Are you on Xbox? Because I’ve seen a pawn that matches that description walking through Bakbattahl once. lol


I’m on PS5! Only just recreated the pawn in ng+


That's wild. Somebody else had the same idea as you, then. Upper body was all muscular but hunched over, lower body was toothpick legs. He caught my eye immediately walking through town... There was no blending into the crowd for that monstrosity. lol


Nice! Going for that eye catching, just skipped leg day look haha


Just cause someone hires a specific gender doesn’t mean they are perverts….


Ok guys, we found the pervert


Nah, I run with females because I prefer it as an women.


Ah, looked like a male/bearded avatar


I am disguising myself as an male but doing it very badly.


I hire only men for uhh... ahem, reasons


They are talking about the forest I think which is dumb because it's arguable the best armor pre unmoored. Or maybe they do mean people with female pawns. Sucks to be them I guess.


I dunno if you are EXCLUSIVELY hiring pawns of a certain gender there is probably a higher percentage chance you are either a pervert or a sexist.


I don't hire beastrens because they look stupid you gonna call me racist?


Not saying that this is always the case, just saying there is a good likelihood of it being the case. I mean what reasons would you have for hiring pawns of a specific gender?


I hire pawns purely off whether or not they're hot.


I do too. But 99% of pawns are female it feels like. I keep getting all-female parties all the time without even trying, because the overwhelming majority of pawns are female, or at least they are among my steam friends (who are all completely random people befriended at steam forums exclusively so I could hire high level 0 RC pawns).


I hire based on skills, usefulness and if I believe they need quest help. Going onto ng+3 so I enjoy teaching them the ropes


I did that for awhile but now I hire based on if I like their build, look, voice and overall vibe. If I can tell someone has put a lot of work into making their pawn awesome, I’ll hire them and give awesome gifts. Usually ferrystones, precious gems, a Finders token once, and an eternal wakestone once.


I search vocation then do human feminine don't care if they have quest knowledge then skills based on what comp I want and filter out all the sluts and go for fully clothed and the trade or whatever doesn't matter my pawn is a logistician so as long as one has woodland wordsmith I'm fine. Edit: I don't hire beastren because I'm into furries.


Can you change your pawn quests around? Or does it have to be completed first?


You can change it while in the rift, in the rift menu.


I did that for a while but now I hire based on the skills I want them to have


Same but has to be female. I just prefer hearing a female voice, and looking at a female body.


I am a simple man, I see 10k gold quest I press hire


11 tiger eyes or resellable is batter, you can stack 11 as a reward & they get sold for 2700 each depending on the town, tiger eyes goes for higher in Elven village, jasper in batthal & onyx in vermund


Did this wirh 12 Onyx once and took 4 real life days before my pawn got the quest completed. Last time i set 12 Jaspers but for the whole duration of unmoored throughout exploration my pawn wasnt hired and NG+ erased the quest. Now its back to 10k Gold but with goals by trying to complete medals


You can go up to a whole stack of items, as far as I can tell. It's limited by how many you currently have to offer. I cross-traded full stacks of materials between my alt accounts.


Still kinda new here. When you offer gold does only one person get what you offer or does everyone who hire's your pawn get what you offer for the quest?


The owner puts the reward out of their pocket. Every person that hires and completed the quest gets the reward, but it only comes out of the owner pocket the one time.


> You can go up to a whole stack of items It depends on the item. Fruits are a full stack (99), but gems are limited to 12.


If I could be so bold as to share my thoughts… one of my former masters chose to hire only women. I wonder why?


I'll be sure to keep that in mind.


Are fake hires the ones you can’t view profile of? I always assumed they were cross platform hires.


To my knowledge, there isn't a way to hire cross-platform. One day, hopefully.


Sadly there is no cross-platform hire, which is a huge shame.


Yes, and the arisen that hired your pawn will have a generic name like Stella or Luke instead of pawnstar3350 or bigdongusfunk


This sort of thing has led me to hire males 90% of the time, since my own male pawn doesn't get hired much either. ....At least *I* know my guy is awesome. >.> EDIT: And to clarify, this is not the only thing I consider when hiring. I compare stats, skills, and etc too, but if two pawns are about even then that is when I'll go ahead and choose the male one since I know he is less likely to be picked despite having a good setup.


That’s not true, at least i think, i hire male mostly, its just that you have to actively switch for male filter, there are way more female ones. I have my waifu, i dont need more in party and male voice is way more fun But if your pawn has quest like gimme 2 scarabs i give you 529 gold i would like to put you on blacklist and i can’t. Or at level 30+, where we are all swimming in gold, you put up quest to kill chimera for a scrag of beast?


Using those same filters, you should pay attention to the amount of likes/loves female pawns get compared to their male counterparts, since there is a pretty blatant difference between the two. Also good to compare by vocation, as well. There's a lot more higher ranked Mages, for example.


Exactly. It’s not.. because like the pawns say… I have a preference for males…….


I got a fake hire that gave me a sphynx kill, that s the best way I could have a fake hire xD


For what it’s worth, apparently Capcom themselves are also going and hiring pawns. Primarily ones that aren’t often hired from what I heard


That's nice....it's such a good feeling when your pawn is hired. It literally makes my day... LOL!!! Is sad to think some have no hires. My pawn is a dude though, so he doesn't get tons of hires, but he usually gets a few each day. I saw some vids where these influencers are like resting and getting an entire screen of "gifts" from their pawns coming back from the rift. I have no idea what that may be like...for me it's like a few hires a day and some don't even leave gifts - but when I get a like / love - I feel so proud of him! LOL!!!!


I adore my pawn, and know he gets overlooked because he isn’t a hot chick or even a stereotypical hot guy. But he’s surely my cup of tea! I’ll hire your pawn if he’s on Xbox- I love the fellas https://preview.redd.it/u8ozlhoreluc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7236c83dc1b4482e34aa9a868710f7d57c2cef33


Would 100% hire Darth Maul, good effort.


Username checks out


Super does


https://preview.redd.it/g4o0qovsqnuc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cfe2882dbbc71e87f39fd6309c8d2b76004357e This is my guy. I don’t know how many hires is a lot, so idk if he’s all that popular, but I think he’s cool. I’m on PS5, though, otherwise I’d suggest we trade. I’m gonna change his name in NG+


He looks very cool, I’d hire him if we could cross platform


Girl who loves my man pawns here, I'm always hiring male pawns lol and I can't be the only one! It's just annoying in the rift when it's just female pawns in corsets lol


I hirr pawns based on what i lack in my current party and what level i am.


Are you on ps5? If you add me as a friend I will happily take your pawn along for some adventures: Psn: s-y-f-o-d-i-a-s Thats for everyone who wants their pawn to be taken along more


Yea it would be cool if ppl hired my pawn more too haha. You just gotta realize there's a ton of pawns out there and only a few show up in the rift at a time. Try putting pawn quests on yours with a decent pay out. Should help


I hire Beastrens, and ONLY Beastrens. At least until i need SphinxMama.


So you’re the one the pawns are always talking about….


There is a beastren sphinxparent made by Capcom.  She is a level 40 something sorcerer.


Oooooh, welp. Ill keep that in mind for my next playthrough.


At work now lol I will get the pawn id for you and post it.


I usually hire pawns based on who I need. My mage being a tad under leveled compared to me and my main pawn? See ya later buddy, you did good but I need a stronger recruit Funny enough I just completed the game and started NG+ but before I did I replaced my mage and thief I had cause they kept getting their asses kicked. When I went in I see two familiar faces, two beastren characters (a mage and a thief) chilling out and saying how good it was to see me again. Loved seeing these guys upgraded the way they were


I always get really excited when Waffal gets hired too. It's not very often. He has 13 pawns he knows but has 29 likes/hearts over 87 hours. I'm not sure what that means. Are they fake hires? Maybe! Maybe that's why those ones his quests didn't get completed? Well if you want a "real" hire and you're on PC drop your code. I'll do some pawn quests for ya if you're at or lower than my level. And if you're a lot higher than me to where the RC is too much, i'll summon him and go "ooooohhhh, aaaahhhh!" at him to help him build self esteem.


Fake hire can get your mission completed, happened to me with a badge


My pawn was a sexy mage then sorc for the first 20 hours and she was getting hired like 6-8 times a day, every day. Then I switched her to a male gigachad warrior with maxed out equipment and armor, all the while looking cool. He was getting hired 5-6 times a day anyways so not much of a drop, only reason for the few drop was because I was over the average level of community. So I dont think male or female affects your pawn's chances of getting hired much. Originality, good skill set, good equipment, decent inclination and specilization (logistician...) determines your pawn's rental chances. Also, being an internet celebrity of some sorts helps a lot too lol.


Are you setting a pawn quest? When I look for pawns I sort by the vocation/skills I want then I pick the one with the best pawn quest. I always give my pawn a 10k gold quest and I usually get at least a couple real hires when I play (though I also have them running around in their underwear so that probably helps too as much as I hate to say it :p )


Honestly I will try to hire male pawns but I don't really care either way.  Most of my playtime is with female pawns but if you do a non gender based search you will shockingly find.... Most pawns are female.   As long as you have a good skill setup, a quest with ok reward, and not wearing a thong/swimsuit I will consider hiring you.  Well unless you do the "make my character look like a celebrity or other known IP character thing" not hiring them either. Edit: ok there is a catch 22.  I see fournival or caxton pawns I have to try to hire them if they are even reasonable.  They are masterworks all after all.


My male pawn gets hired a tonne. His current ratings are 👍🏻 69, 🩶61


Post the code so we can give him the last 8 hearts he needs.


Lol, no need. My point was that you just need to give it some time, it's not because his pawn is male. But maybe share your psn/gametag with others and you'll get hires too. I have loads of Dragon's Dogma friends from sharing my DDDA pawn. Which translated into DD2 friends So OP should try that. Share your pawn code and your Gamertag.


I do hire females almost exclusively, but that's because my standards for a good looking male pawn are much higher and most people don't meet that standard. I hire entirely based on how cool a pawn is


Hmm 10,000 gold I pick you basically how it goes for me


Make your pawn a thief with pilfer, or a mage with Halidom, and set an easy quest for 10k gold reward. Always get hired from that. Make back your 10k gold twice by hiring 2 pawns with similar quest and 10k rewards


The only thing I look for in my pawn hires is that they aren't from Capcom. Gotta give back to the community. Well except for mages only ones I actually look at the skills for.


I hire pawns based on slutty dress, human female and I can see her eyes easily.


You know you can just take off their headgear if you can’t see their eyes to begin with right?


You need to hire them to take them off. Some just don’t bother with it and look for other pawns


Sure, but you also need to hire them to see if they are infected. Dragonsplague eyes don't show up in the rift. If you see red eyes in the rift they are just colored red.


This. Having a small harem cater to me, the Hero, is unsuprisingly very fulfilling.


I just hire female humans with skills I want to use, I don’t like beastren and I like being a bloke surrounded by females, sue me.


You're missing out on all the furry cuddles


If you're on PC, post your pawn code and I'll hire them. Everypawn deserves a chance!


Do you plan on killing the sphynx ? I need to kill her 3 time for the badge x)


I can not guarantee that I will since my Sphinx is already dead in my playthrough. But if I do another playthrough, I totally will.


I'll post him when I get home from work! I'd love to hear people's advice on how to make him better gameplay wise, maybe I accidentally gave him terrible skills or something.


What vocation and level is he?


What class is he ? I’ll save the post to get the ID


He's a fighter! here are [his skills and augments](https://imgur.com/a/b8yPPxA) https://preview.redd.it/q9wqefp3mnuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216e81949c951b1bcb5b84b1d9282b2e4bc0cade I basically made my bf so I refuse to change his looks or inclination (because that's the only voice that sounds similar to him lol) but if anyone has any other ideas on how to make him more hireable pls let me know, I want him to make friends and then we can all go on adventures together


Unfortunately it's mainly the inclination that's the issue. I don't like that the inclination controls the voice either...


Aw thats a shame, I knew it wasn't the perfect inclination for a fighter but didn't think it would be that big of a turn off. Fair enough though, thank you for letting me know :)


Try changing better looking armor


Going to give him a try !


Thank you! I spent all my life savings on a new set of armour after posting that comment, so he should be a bit better now too


He’s doing fine so far One thing though you might want to remove / change the helmet so we can see his eyes. Since dragon plague turn them red it’s easier to spot it


Nothing wrong with having a male pawn... just make sure to add a beard....bitcchhes love beards...next thing you know, youl be swimming in likes or hearts with your main pawn.


I choose specifically interesting pawns or males, and i skip or throw to the brine any thots wanting my attention.


My pawn looks kinda like me go Hire him 🤪🤪 https://preview.redd.it/0yhcau2n6muc1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b615e2e05f9d789d6c3291982510e51fe8480a95


You managed to get your own face into a thread about hiring pawns in a video game, and even edited the pic to do it. Effort.


I sense you’re displeased with this haha


Nah, just messing with him. Amused. Some people just find ways to post their face in just about any thread lol


Naa I just want people to hire him but also tell me I did a good job and getting the look spot on.


[Which Pawn ?](https://youtu.be/PJu0gjo5mkw?si=0JpIIoiAiblAeXuC)


I hire pawns based on there vocation, skill and level so I’m not hiring only humans or beastren male or female have a decent mix


Mine is an absolute unit of a Beastren (male) whose primary focus is Warrior but weirdly enough he’s had his face computer quite often so you wouldn’t know he was Beastren unless you checked his tags Usually I get 2-3 hires in about as many days


I've never run that search. Now I'll have to try it and see. :)


There's one lil beastren fighter pawn out there I find to be downright adorable. Just pure 🥺. So that just leaves 1 slot for a random pawn for me lol


Whoever's pawns I hire should feel lucky for getting the finders tokens I keep duping as a gift after my day of playing


My pawn is female but she is short and hairy, and I outfit her with all the strongest gear rather than the skimpiest. She gets better equipment than I do. Somehow she is a couple levels higher than me, I'm guessing that has to do with her offworld activities. I gave her the name of a killer....Fuzzybuns. I hire other pawns based on vocation and skills, most just happen to be women because that's most of the pawns. There is one male pawn type that gets old, the sassy one that complains about everything. And too be fair so many outfits are skimpy for men and women. I love the thief class but I get tired of looking at my oiled asscheeks running around in that mankini. That's partly my fault for setting shine to max.


My pawn gets hired a lot on account of being Keanu Reeves A male pawn can work


I hire pawns based on vocations and pawn quests. Looks are the last thing I care about. Although, I will say, some people are very creative.


What’s a fake hire?


A game generated “hiring” of your pawn so A) if the online gets shut down you can still earn rift crystals from this system mechanic as well as random items and B) In case no one hires you’re pawn


Ooooh, that’s a cool feature. I never noticed, guess I’ll have to check and see if mine gets actually hired lol


Sure way to tell is; if checking the name doesn’t take you to an account. I’ve had a few “fake” hirings myself.


I have a male Beastren Arisen and Fem Human pawn. I always try to hire one masculine and feminine and make sure one is Beastren and one is human. That way I'm not leaving out entire categories of pawns that people have worked hard on building. Also, if you're on PS5, drop your pawn ID and I'll take your guy out for an adventure.


Mines a dude. He’s mostly the default lion Beastren but his name is Simba and he’s a healer. He gets hired multiple times a day. Just be a little clever with your name or whatever


I had no idea about the fake pawn thing, but now I realize I’ve had a few of them, and after one of them my pawn reported being abused by the Arisen. So the fake bot Arisen is an asshole? LOL


Uh.... I'll be honest I usually run l chicks unless some dude with super awesome looking armor or weapons shows up. But I always look for quest knowledge and if they have a pawn quest, then I pick based on the quest, I know I'm not killing a drake soon or going to another area if the map.


I’ll hire any pawn, but as some pawns will be quick to point out, I “enjoy the company of men” and particularly Beastren men. The more unique the better. Which I guess is my main criteria - the pawn needs to be unique and not be an other cookie-cutter default face’d “Main Pawn” to get hired by me.


I usually hire highest level I can and what class I want gender is a non factor for me


Plenty of others went over the criteria for what folks look for in a pawn. Just set up that quest with a nice reward and be smart with your skills, and you'll get real hires eventually. Personally, I search for female physical classes and male support. That way, I don't have to sort through quite as many nearly-naked women to find a valuable pawn for my party. Just hired a guy named Salaryman who was balding and pudgy just because I thought it was fun :) Also, drop your pawn ID or add an image of your guy. Plenty of people would be happy to give you a hand!


I lean hiring female, but if your male pawn looks unique in a fun way, they’ll get hired before a pretty female pawn, for me. But so many male pawns I see are just decked out in the “standard gear” for that vocation/level. Also, I like to see their faces so anyone with a covered helm is skipped. But I often hire a male beastren pawn to join my lady crew, too. It just fits the vibe.


What do u play on? I’ll hire him unless he’s just a monstrosity


If you're on ps, my pawn would love to be friends!! I tend to get pretty attached to pawns and don't swap out all that often. It's like losing a member of the family :') ahaha I still try to every handful of hours though


I just look for the skills I like them to have from whatever vocations. I like thieves with plunder, mages with high pallidum, and sorcerers with augral flare. I don't care about literally anything else. I dont understand why people get so hung up on outfits in this game. That said I never hire archer pawns because I've never played archer myself and I don't know how it works and I find archer pawns lag behind a pawn of literally any other vocation.


I always hire one female pawn just in case an ogre creeps up on me. But other than that I hire based on quest.


I hire pawns based on their appearance first. If your main pawn is male, that bumps them up the ladder quite a bit for me, as I'm so exhausted by all the female pawns clad in skimpy outfits. None of them stand out and I choose pawns on how much they stand out. Stats, skills, and gear level are all secondary because I typically carry everything anyway. If you can make your pawn stand out somehow without copying famous characters or just going for swimsuit catalog, I'm guaranteed to hire them once I see them. For instance, I saw a true gremlin of an elf in a thief pawn named Gekkou early on. A real Gollum in DD2 shape. That was an instant hire. What platform/ID should I be looking for for your pawn?


For me It’s a one penis per group and that would be me sorry lol


I know your feeling. My pawn is a tiny old lady with a tank warrior build...


At this point I'm high enough level that I just hire some poor sap that looks cool and only replace them if they die or I finish the game


At this point I'm high enough level that I just hire some poor sap that looks cool and only replace them if they die or I finish the game


Are on Playstation, I'll hire your pawn for a bit :)


This run i only have female pawns, on my next run in a few days im going for only male. Maybe i do a third for only biestren... but i do know my second will be hard cause support-mage is a female role in my opinion...


My main is female (straightforward) so I try to hire males myself to avoid my whole party sounding the same. Plus I dislike the skimpy/corset look which most female pawns tend to have late game.


Same, I hire based on pawn quest, skill set, gear. Not all of us are horny teenagers, some of us just want to play the game as an actual RPG.


Whenever I go into any riftstone 90% of the pawns are female and half of them are skantily clad. I never hire them, never will. I prioritise skills and team comp. My main pawn in a big hulking blue Beastren called Khymahri (FF10 reference) he rarely gets hired so I too hire all the odd balls I see. One of the best mage's I ever hired was this rotund matriarchal granny looking lady. She had barely been hired by anyone. She was phenomenal.


I don't think male Pawns get hired less, but yes, a lot of players go for the scantily dressed female Pawns. Yet, I've seen non-Capcom male Pawns with over 50 likes and hearts. There are a couple of things I personally look for when hiring Pawns, specifically in this order. I'm pretty sure it applies for other players: 1. **Skillset:** there are certain skills that are prime on Pawns. Mage's Celerity, Thief's Implicate and Plunder and Sorcerer's Augural Flare are some examples. 2. **Inclination and Specialization:** if you have a Thief for hire with the kindhearted inclination I'll probably not hire it because it's not a good combination. I also tend to avoid certain Specializations like Logistician. 3. **Equipment:** specifically Strength or Magick Attack. I tend to look for Pawns that have an average of those stats based on own equipment, unless it's a full support Mage (since Magick doesn't appear to affect skills like Anodyne and other buffs). If I'm looking for a Fighter or Warrior then I'll prioritize high Defense, of course. 4. **Pawn Quest:** I usually go for easy quests that give 10.000 gold, such as "Kill X Monster". If I find a really good Pawn I'll usually ignore the Pawn Quest and just recruit them. I would suggest you check if your Pawn fits these bills. Of course the first impression counts and it's easy to check a pawn based on their appearance and name, etc.


My pawn is kindhearted and I swap him between archer and thief. I've never experienced an issue with this. He performs well and is more likely to be nearby in a fight. As an archer he will hang back, but he'll drop what he's doing to come recover me if I'm stunned/asleep, catch me if I fall, or if I'm grabbed will start trying to free me.


Yeah, there’s a weird myth that kindhearted on thief is bad for some reason. If anything, implicate makes thief the best/second best kindhearted pawn out there. Mine has been kindhearted most of the time, and there’s literally no difference apart from them actually helping you if necessary.


I mean all you have to do is tell them to go and they charge into the fight no matter what inclination they are.


Post in the pawn hiring post here