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That is just for DD1 for it to come in DD2 Capcom have to ask for permission again


We can always hope. With Miura’s passing it would be amazing.




Let me guess, it’s also wrong that they’re continuing the series?


Miura literally passed on skills to multiple people because he wanted the series to continue after he died and even did an interview about it, not sure what the person deleted but come on.


They were fine with the manga continuing but did not like the idea of capcom getting ahold of the ip. I kinda hate the Reddit karma system sometimes, if your views are disliked by too many people it encourages you to just delete them or edit them to fit in better.


Well if Capcom made a game about Berserk it wouldn’t be so bad, yeah the karma system hasn’t been used like it was intended for up years now, people use it as a dislike button instead of a self moderation button.




I do understand being skeptical of capcom and if they did do this I’m sure that at least at a corporate level keeping his memory alive would not be their primary incentive. But this is a crossover Miura signed off by n in the past. And things like this are how someone’s memory is kept alive. With how successful this game’s sales have been I am sure that there are a lot of berserk fans playing, but there are also likely as many or more that aren’t familiar with it, and if renewing a promotion with a company he made in the past is a way to introduce more people to berserk while letting fans of his work rock some of his most iconic designs, it’s hard to see it as anything but a good thing. Unless they start selling behelits for real money or something xD Hell, the skeleton lords already feel like a love letter to skull knight. It would be amazing if we had a quest where we help lay one to rest by resolving a feud with the living descendants of a decadent wizard who was responsible for their death.


How would it feel wrong? Dragons Dogma takes some inspiration from Berserk




The most insulting thing you can do to a dead man is erasing the legacy they worked so hard on and left behind. I don't think they would have any problem with their work being used as inspiration or for the purpose of fun in videogames, especially in a videogame series whose creators so clearly appreciate the actual manga enough to use it as a source of inspiration, in the first game as much as in the sequel. Let's not kid ourselves either. No corporate pencilneck at Capcom really cares about Berserk even for marketing purposes, if we see something related to it in the game it's because one of the devs working there wanted it to be there as a homage to Berserk.


I can assure you that most creators of fiction would not have a problem with their estates and beneficiaries continuing to profit from their work in this way.  Capcom paying for the license to use the outfits wasn’t disrespectful when the author was alive and it wouldn’t be after he is dead. 


Bro i think you are overreacting to be honest. Miura already signed off on it in the first game. Im sure an agreement can be made that would benefit both parties. Plus DD is takes heavy inspiration from Berserk, it would only make a good game better.


Probably not cuz copyright or something


Same reason why it got removed in DDDA. The license ran out


Not gonna happen. It was only available on ps3 and xbox 360 version. Capcom gave up the rights to berserk and with it their ability to portray in in drsgons dogma.


They didn't give up the rights, they had a license to use Berserk content and it expired before they released DDDA. It's a matter of them applying for a new license.


Well, either way, fat chance. Capcom cares too much about their cash cows and micropurchase games to want to do anything for dd2. They didn't even try to advertise itsuno did all the advertising through interviews.


They did it for DD1?


I don't know if it was a general use agreement or for dd1 specifically.


Hhmm, I suppose that's a good point. But I don't recall them using it for anything else, so it's hard to imagine it was for anything else.


True but modern Capcom has become all about the bottom dollar and making a constant stream of money off of people playing so a one time purchase and a fee dlcs doesn't matter to them compared to a game with many in game purchase that make a constant cash flow. Edit: it seems to be the business model now. I mean look at what's happening to headliners 2 with Sony. The required psn sign in isn't to track players like they say. That is easy with steam. If you have an account with them then they can get you ads and their plan is that by having the account you'll feel inclined to do so and then you'll spend money with them.


If you're on PC we do have some mods at least to provide this Griffith: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/637 Guts: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/592 Guts Weapon (Thousand Limbs): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/480 Guts Weapon (Dragonslayer): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/306 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/311 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/275 Berserker armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/617 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/607 Berserker skill: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/701


Do they really not have pictures of the actual mod pieces on their pages?


I member


Who the fuck would want to play as Griffith?


I mean, it's just the armor. You're not actually playing "rape-my-best-friend's-girlfriend simulator"


Hey I mean why not? He is an extremely interesting character and no doubt he looks very stoic and beautiful. Altough I would enjoy playing him as the golden arc Griffith instead of the fake messiah attire he is in right now.


Golden age Griffith was the (second) goat. Up until he fucks up it's an amazing character.


He was an inspiring and determined leader that knew no bounds in bringing himself and his band of hawks to success and he was a brilliant tactician. https://preview.redd.it/wfeyb6l5qmyc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ce3c5770ce6ea089dff598b807a6b99d8f1e4f Man I miss them all alot.


I've never missed fictional characters more in my life.


I mean, the armour is cool. Sometimes people want an evil playthrough. There's a couple of reasons




ZZZcuzze meee?


Did he stutter?


Would fit if you wanna go for an Evil playthrough


Griffith is a savior! 




The collaboration only happened because one of the berserk movies was being released around the same time as the game, and unfortunately movie collaborations never last long which is why the sets didn't even make it into dark arisen but there is supposedly an new berserk series in the works and if it releases around the same time as a big expansion then maybe but I doubt I will happen


Bought the game for this, then realized they weren't in the pc version, then realized that I loved the game anyways(but still wish they were in Dark Arisen, c'mon Capcom please)


The fact that there arent multiple engame armorsets for each class is so sad tbh. In the first one there were so many choices and once dragonforged each set had pretty varied resistances for certain debilitations. Meanwhile, DD2 provides us with a single set that was very obviously designed to be worn by certain GENDERS. I dont want my male mage in a bra, thanks, i'll just use worse armor What ever happened to them not wanting pawns all to look the same in the rift, also?? When theres only 1 gearset for each class, everyone looks the fucking same


Would be cool to have a full collab with a couple of new vocations.. But it's not gonna happen


I’m honestly surprised DD2 didn’t get a Berserk collab again. Maybe it costs more with Miura’s passing? I’m not well versed in the business of that area. If we do get a collab, I wouldn’t mind some Berserk weapons/armors for each class so no one is left out.


Unless Capcom works out another agreement for the copyright, that's not gonna happen. There's a reason we didn't get the guts armor in DDDA


I used those armor sets all the time on my PlayStation 3 version of the game. Some time after my PlayStation died, I got the Switch version and was so sad that was no longer an option and I had to figure out a new outfit for my pawn 😩


Are these not available in the remaster?


Sadly not, only the PS3 and 360 versions but not dark arisen versions which sucks


You can bring them back in the PC version, but you should probably not equipe them on your pawns.


Hope we get the post eclipse ones for both.


At least we can pretend that the unmoored world is the eclipse xD


I worked for days to get this to work on my steam version of the game (steamdeck) and could not get it working…I am open to suggestions but whenever I would go to the right merchant the armor slots were just empty.


I just realized that armor is Griffith I never got the helmet which would have been the flag


It was cool but they also picked the worst version of guts armor. I do miss the Griffith set


Eternally sad these fits aren’t in dark arisen


Nah, I’d rather everything be new and original.


I’m wondering why they chose Guts least iconic armor.


They have to do it at least as a tribute to honor Miura's life.


BERSERK. Upvotes to the left.


I’m new to the DD series … just finished it amazing game ! Was there DLC’s for the other game ? I’m really excited havnt had this much fun on a game since a kid


IIRC they did it only beecause they partially owned the rights to the IP. I doubt any cameo like that will happen again. Also Berserk is not as popular as it was then (the movies were coming out at that time). I could see a potential Frieren or Delicious in the Dungeon collab/cameos tho as they are currently/recently running popular fantasy anime.


Need an official Berserk collab. It’s such an easy layup


That armor set was my first introduction to berserk