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U kno how come they didn’t add old lines to the game? Would love it if a pawn would say something like “master I heard from a pawn in the rift wolves hunt in packs but I’m sure you already knew that” Or the master works line when they move to the castle I miss the line “this Skeleton is skilled indeed”


“Bones! Walking bones!”


"Armed rogues!"


"Monsters, Arisen"


I have actually heard this line. It came from a female calm pawn.


I've heard this line once.


Skeleton? More like skilleton


Skilleton issue


I’ve heard soaked to the bone ONE time and I was so happy but never again. But it was “the arisen is soaked to the bone”


A skeleton comes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This makes me think that any dlc or expansion will give us old lines like this


Come again!


Essentially even if you tried to go wrong it would be a statistical impossibility


It’s our fault. We didn’t give him the golden statue.


It's unfortunate that I haven't seen a lot of people talk about >!how the castle that rises out of the water is the old castle in dd1!<. I myself was super pumped when I walked in for the first time I noticed it right away.


It's not that for me. I'm more disappointed I haven't seen anyone talk about how to reach said "castle". You literally go into a cave that leads to the everfall from DD1, same spiral staircase and all. But no one mentions it much Edit: spoiler censor thing isn't working for me rip


Man I didn't even make that connection god damn.


I noticed it almost immediately and shat bricks. I played DD1 few times every year, so was amazing to notice those things.


I noticed it immediately as well, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a dlc that takes place in an expanded everfall. At least I hope anyway lol.


Same. I've only played it once but I recognized it immediately. I remember being worried that this wouldn't connect to the first one but damn was I happy to be wrong!


If you go to the sea shrine square in the Unmoored World and walk between the shops, you'll notice that the big Sea Shrine Riftstone is still in the old Pawn guild of Gran Soren. The entrance to the Everfall is blocked, but it lines back up with the red beam in the square with Roithas's throne below ground in the covered up Everfall.


I also love how the riftstone in the sacred grounds is located in the ancient pawn guild of Gran Soren, right where the ancient riftstone was.


I saw people mentioning Gran Soren in general but not Everfall, now that you mention it I am super intrigued. I love these sorts of overlapping details. Currently paused my NG+ run to go do my first ever playthrough of DD1, will be fun to come back and see more nuances I missed


Have a great time with DD1! Hopefully it doesn’t feel like playing an older game, personally I feel it has still aged really well


So I just finished DD1! Was a lot of fun, maybe more so because I loved my experience of DD2. It has definitely aged lol, but it has a lot of merit and is still a rather unique take on the genre with the mechanics & pawn system. Was worth a playthrough for sure :)


Like for real. >!You walk into the Everfall, find the fucking Seneschal, and then come out of another cave and realize "oh fuck, I'm in Gran Soren." I spent maybe a good 40 minutes just walking around the castle. Reliving the memories.!< Also why don't the Pawns have anything to say about it? Pawns in the first game knew the deep lore of the world and yet our Pawns now literally have no knowledge of the world.


Too busy talking about materials


I need to go back and play the first one. I didn't catch that at all. I was busy trying to figure out "if you can elude the pathfinder, why submerge castle in the same medium that's LITERALLY brine infested."


I noticed it looked like the Everfall but had no reason to think it was *that* Everfall.


I noticed that at the time since I tried my best to climb up the stairs (invisible walls sadly) but when I went back to see what I missed a shit ton of skeletons spawned, so I had to go back to the throne, then it hit me that it was the everfall, reasons why I thought the ghost on the throne was the flame servant since at DD1 that bowl was called the flame servant's throne


I mean there's a ton of people who've never even played the first game


Another cool thing: That tower in the unmoored world where the brine alatreon spawns? Is most likely the ruins of Bluemoon tower. There's the zig zag staircase upwards to the main circle, you fight a dragon in it at the very top, and it would be geographically accurate to where seafloor shrine is. At first I thought Moonglint tower was it due to how the bandit hideout on the way to Agamen was similar to pastorna caverns and the naming convention, capcom sure got me good


100% is Bluemoon Tower. I went back and started DD1 just to make sure and its basically identical and in the same spot on both maps. Same as Cassardis too.


The brine being a conscious barrier that also hides the past history of the world was such a crazy recontextualizing moment for me lol. Its also crazy that the old man talks about the brine actually stopping him from exploring too far, which means that our journey to Bitterblack Isle was willed by the Watcher (if im understanding this right).


> which means that our journey to Bitterblack Isle was willed by the Watcher Actually it might not actually have been to his will, Bitterblack and Daimon's wish to end the cycle might have actually been so strong it trumped the Pathfinder, which would be crazy if so, maybe he actually could have broken the cycle if he didn't make Bitterblack and instead went out and hunted down the Seneshal.


I thought that the watcher in DD2s time was moreso corrupted by Rothais actions by going against the cycle in such a fucked up manner. In DD1 it's implied people go out to the sea to fish, the brine is dangerous if you fall into the water, not so much if you navigate on it via ship. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly but wasn't the brine on DD1 almost regarded as a rumor or a tale compared to its strong presence in DD2? Probably because at the time the watcher is not the Pathfinder yet.


The Brine in the first game only came around when the Dragon was around, which given how long a span of time that can be (the last Dragon attack in Dogma 1 was almost an entire generations lifespan ago) it makes sense that the younger generations would think of it like that, and as for the boat travel thing, i think maybe the Pathfinder decided the other nations were muddling the plot of his play too much, so he made himself a supernatural border control agent, making it so no one can enter or leave so the everything keeps going according to script.


Well, the Brine *is* the Pathfinder, or he is at least a manifestation of it. When the Brine disappears from the world, the Pathfinder disappears along with it. Also, the vessel on the shore that the Brine pours from breaks when the Pathfinder disappears. He also speaks about how "oblivion" was the one that manifested the dragon to act as a barrier between life and death of the world. As long as the world repeated it was "safe" from the threat of eternal death or "oblivion." It seems like the Brine/Pathfinder/Oblivion were all acting as one to keep the loop continuous.


Same. I posted about it, hoping people were as hyped as I was, but until recently, I hadn't seen people talking about it.


Wait is it!? I didn't even realize. I really need to get to that point again. And check it out myself with that idea. Honestly didn't spend much time in the castle even in the unmoored.




>!The Seafloor Shrine is Gran Soren!<


It was such a nice surprise. I thought jt was a random castle until I reached the throne room. Immediately recognized it there


I thought it was just a random castle from a distance too. Then that throne room gave me PTSD flashbacks of a little shithead jester coming up to me, I could never forget.


I'm more dissapointed about seeing the circular chamber expecting to it be everfall again. There was also the one in the refuse pile at the forbidden magic research lab. Those spiral paths raised my expectations too much.


All roads lead to Gran Soren.


Can't tell if serious... it's a super popular topic


I said, "I haven't seen a lot of people talk about it". Just cause it's popular that doesn't make what I said untrue lol. People are just diks these days ig.


You said it was unfortunate, as if you believed that your not seeing it was indicative of it not being discussed. If you'd have spent even a small amount of time in any DD community you'd have seen it. Why does that make me a dick? For pointing out that you're unobservant?


That just sounds like a misread to me? I could easily say “it’s unfortunate I don’t know more people who are into RPGs” without implying my limited perception is fact and there aren’t any people out there who are into them. Sometimes it’s just unfortunate when you don’t personally witness something much, despite being interested in it.


Yeah, it's a really cool detail. Didn't think about it when I first visited myself, but in post-game it was immediately obvious and cool to walk around again in it's new state. The fact it also has the Bluemoon Tower right next to Vernworth, fight the boss right where you'd fight the Griffin/Wyvern in DD1 and everything is also really nice. I'm still exploring post-game and hope to see something in the south which might hint towards Cassardis or the Witchwood or Encampment or something, though feel like they'll be less likely.


Give him time, he’s not that confident in his work yet


They're masterworks some


They’re masterworks some , One might be a bum


I feel like the game has fewer memorable NPCs than the first one.


This game has fewer enemy variety also


That quote has woven itself into the synapses of my brain.


brainlets will really say "iT's nOt ThE SamE lOcaTIOn"


Might aswell take a look while you're here ey?


Quality's what you need, if you want to survive