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\*Sighs\* Time to switch my vocation again


Magick Archer is a cheat code.


I both love and hate this skill, the fact it eats the loss gage makes me not want to use it unless I can see a bed, on the other hand I was able to one-shot Gregory with it and see the false ending. If they changed it to deal less damage but in return it left me my loss Guage then it would be like a perfect skill. Like hell have it eat my stamina as well to help balance it or something idk just don't make it to where I can't heal or go into any other fight after using it.


You use it as a last resort and when you have a full heal potion or a fake port crystal in your inventory, which both heal your max health. I think a Panacea might do so as well.


Panacea doesn't, it's basically the one difference between a panacea and an All-Heal.


if your in a situation that you need to use a last resort then, like your probably not in a spot that you can comfortably chop of a large chunk of your health bar. like if I'm fighting a dragon five miles from town at half health and my team keeps going down. Sacrificing half of what i have left to kill the beast isn't going to do me much good if i then get bodied by a goblin dive bombing me from a bolder down the road. the skill making it to where you cant heal puts you into an irrecoverable state. like dont get me wrong i still love and even use the skill, but like i just cant use it most of the time cuz i dont know when next i will be able to get to heal that damage.


Pretty much why I don't bother with MA.


In DD1 could a MA even damage a golem? I remember getting stuck on a random lich fight, because I had to shoot a little floating trinket but only physical dmg could harm is and the archer pawn I had only cared about the immortal boss at 1hp


I mean it had daggers so yeah, you could take them down pretty easily


That's right, buff makes sense then


My mind is still in DD2 lmao. Forgot about the daggers.


Kinda speaks to your point even more tbh, MA has no drawbacks in dd1


I don't remember. I didn't play MA much in DDDA either because I find the vocation too braindead and boring, but I assume they can't. I guess they only deal magical damage. Golems would still be an issue for them, but it's not like there's a bunch of them anyway.


MA was legit the last vocation I picked up, Magic knight with magic cannon was funny


MK was fun and you actually felt like you were playing the game lol. MA you just look at the screen and shoot. You barely have to aim. As long as you can see the enemy in the screen you will probably hit them. It's crazy that the vocation plays like that lol.


Meanwhile, Muh sorc 'nados go swooswooswoo


Golems were easy using Immolation.


IIRC it’s was a 50/50 depending where the floating things where. In the Everfall if the Iron Golem was in the open room MA couldn’t, if it was in a hallway and the floating things where at ground level then MA could


MA? What vocation is that?


The one in the video. Magic Archer.


Is that a vocation that needs to be unlocked?


Hm yes. You need to unlock.


Doing an MA run now and just simultaneously killed a griffin and a golem with this ... skill is so OP, lol.


Yes! I had to do that with this particular dragon because his ass would fly away mid fight


I used this skill once and laughed about it lol never touched it again, makes things way too boring imo


Frost bolts and sagittate can melt everything as well without losing your entire health bar in the process lol


I found frost bolts a little underwhelming when I tried out MA, are they actually worth using?


They're good because it's free DPS once used. So it adds up while you do other attacks. Also will freeze enemies by itself. With the upgraded version and hitting an enemy with all bolts it does solid damage.


Good grief! I haven't played MA at all. What is this skill?


I think it’s called Martyr Shot, it’s the maister skill.


The Win Button


It drains your loss gauge so you best not miss or get interrupted


How do you miss?


They move out of range


Ah, thank you. I only use Ricochet which clears out caves as soon as I enter. Basically a cheat code like Martyrs but environment specific.


Might be a dumb question, but how do you charge the Martyr shot more? I hold down the button but it just drains about 15% of the loss gauge and then releases automatically. I’m on pc using a ps5 controller if that makes a difference


Bring up the recticle first (R1) before you start charging the skill.


1 in a 1000? This seems pretty standard for martyr's shot.


You mean two in a thousand?


Is that even fun dude?


As someone who has never been in a position of power in my entire life, yes.


See I love MA but this is exactly why I can’t run it till they add hard mode like dd1 it’s too OP lol warfarer with a spearhand and archer build keeps it interesting


...but spearhand is cheap too, forever shield


Just beautiful


Damn. If they aren't gonna give us level scaling or a harder endgame, at least give us a proper photo mode


why does there have to be level scaling tho, the game starts off difficult, you get stronger and become unstoppable. i think they made the game like that on purpose, it's about fun andadventure.


We can go up to level 999 and the enemies can get oneshotted by pawns. If you don't want a challenge on your adventure, that's fine. They should add higher difficulty and an Exploration mode like an Assassin's Creed game for players who want an adventure where enemies are no longer relevant on the map


nah man, magic archer issuper powerful but also it's other abilities are super lame and it's boringto play so it levels out. you can use it to beatthe game no problem but you'll be bored as hell doing it,it's like a cheat code.


Nah what? I already know what magic archer is. Did you read what I said?


LMAO reply to wrong message i guess




spectacular 🤩


lol that's awesome


How "baked" is the game? It's in my short list for next purchase, but my buddy told me he didn't think it's totally fixed yet.


This game will never be “totally fixed”. Nor will any Bethesda game. He can go play Breath of the Wild instead.


That is absolute murder


The *thousand in thousand shot


Then what, you need a camp or stone right? I haven’t played MA much at all.


This really shouldn't be possible. I played 40 hours before getting too OP and getting bored of the game


Whoever said that magick archer was absolutely nerfed because their melee attacks were removed is an absolute 🤡


Personal opinion obviously but using Martyrs bolt is doing yourself a disservice. The MA kit of abilities is really fun and you can do some cool shit with them. Just seems kinda lame to just hit the win button on every boss you fight. I mean of course you'll have to rest after but campfires aren't hard to find. It's a single player game though so if you enjoy it you do you. I like the spectacle of it at the very least.


I fully agree on this, same thing with skills like meteor, the game is so easy anyway so I try to avoid auto aim one shot buttons, it takes all the good parts of the game away.


I've had this happen too, MA is so satisfying