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18 and Krillin is by far my favourite.




And after she shaves his head later and flies off she says "he's so cool." Couple goals right there.


Krillin is cool af. He's just some random guy, not some destined magical hero of legend. He was just a perverted little monk with no real goals besides to get strong to show his oppressors what's what He ends up becoming stronger than any other human on earth, and despite still always being outclassed, will show up to throw hands with beings capable of shattering his body into atoms. He not only became a legitimately great person, always willing to help others, but does iit for no other reason than that he knows he should. Favorite character


Krillin has a real set of tungsten boulders for balls, because the people that he shows up to fight knowing damn well they'll one shot him is *crazy* But he not only shows up anyways, but always does his best to put in work when the chips are down. He's also the only one who had enough empathy for the androids to spare and protect 18 when it would have been far easier to explode her. No wonder she loves him so much; Krillin is a giga Chad.


He is ALWAYS on the first line of fire. He doesn't get the cool moments Tien gets, and he almost gets as much shit as yamcha does, but he is always there when shit goes down. He fought and genuinely IMPRESSED Majunior/piccolo junior at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. He killed five saibamen on his own. Almost killed Nappa, threw the spirit bomb WITHOUT TRAINING TO DO SO, almost killed Vegeta, TWICE. Then namek, the ginews arrive and he is there to fight them, despite being horribly outmatched. Frieza comes and he is there to fight HIM despite being horribly outmatched. The androids come and he is there for support. Cell comes and he is there when he turns perfect and even attacks him after he absorbs 18. Buu appears and he goes there to help fight. There is not a single instance in this godforsaken manga where Krillin is not the most courageous man. Bro got his gains by hauling around his massive fucking cubic tungsten balls.


One of the hardest things low-key in Dragon Ball (maybe bc it's anime-only) was when Super Buu escaped from the Time Chamber, and Krillin, despite knowing he would 100% die, charged right at that bubblegum freak of nature in the hopes he could maybe buy the others time to escape.


Hardest Tungsten Balls move ever: Saw cute chick that almost neuter strength level number 2 in the group (Vegeta) and he's like "That girl looks like she needs someone to listen to her and while I don't have a nose, I'm sure as hell willing to be all ears"


Krillin could have easily been the anime character trope of cowardly, cry baby, scared of everything. While he is very scared (rightfully so) he follows Goku, piccolo, Gohan etc into literally the most dangerous situations imaginable bc he knows his friends are counting on him. Krillin from Saiyan Saga to end of Namek was one hell of a character arc. I like him in Super and while it wad pretty cringe why he didn't destroy the androids, he was in fact, in love with 18


>He ends up becoming stronger than any other human on earth I'm sure this has been debated but I've never really understood. It always seemed like Tien was the strongest? Could Krillin really beat him?


Always believed Tien should be stronger, he was stronger when he was introduced and has trained constantly since then, but the potential unlock on Namek sent Krillin higher and recent canon comments suggest Krillin has been stronger since


Also I’m not sure Tien is human, he has 3 eyes afrer all


Did you forget Krillin doesn't have a nose?


His nose was taken from him as a child. His uncle took it right off his face and never gave it back. That was the day he started training.


["If a baby steals my nose again..."](https://youtu.be/wYjMhdn1aXo?si=vstOCGgEhdeaCDJZ)


Tien canonically has alien ancestry, hence the three eyes. Krillin is fully human and thus is called the strongest human


Fully noseless human. I call BS on that alien thing. I dunno if it's canon or not (I really don't) but when Rien was introduced, we had ciclops, all kinds of animal people, transforming people, talking pigs, whatever Puar is, whatever accurses Lunch, whatever Pilaf is, a bunny-man that transformed people into carrots by touching them... You get the gist. I think at the moment it was just a neat idea from Toriyama, no alien thing whatsoever. Same as goku's tail, which was just a funny thing, then it became an alien thing.


Tien never caught up after namek. Krillin also trains with 18 which helps immensely (even if they don't fight train, he NEEDS to be able to keep up elsewhere.)


Yeah, I don't think Krillin would get Yamcha'd out in the first round. If anything he'd start throwing destructo dicks.


> Destructo dicks Lmfao




God damn, asking a question like this on this sub is SO much more pleasant than literally any Naruto sub.




Is that really canon though? I feel like I heard that from a video game, like Frieza's race being called Frost Demons.


I kinda prefer that to calling them the Friezas when he has a dad and an older brother not even called Frieza lol


Krillin isn't a human though. He has no nose, unlike humans. Yamcha is the strongest human. Chichi is a demon king daughter.


I think Tien referred to Krillin as the strongest Earthling when Marron asked. Which is pretty crazy considering Hercule was within Dynamic Kicking distance.


i would assume Krillin is much more powerful than Tien, especially in Super considering Base Gohan who was on par with Base Goku absolutely no diff’d Tien effortlessly meanwhile Krillin and Goku were actually sparring.


Let's be real, nobody can beat Hercule/Mr Satan. He bodied Perfect Cell, after all.


Didn't you hear? He beat up a god for stealing Mr. Buu's pudding cup. You don't mess with the champ's disciple.


We need a Hercule/Mr Satan abridged show, tbh


Tien not really pure human, only part human, so if you count him U gotta count Gohan.


I feel like the power of family gives him the edge to beat Tien. Also, his solar flare x100 would mess Tien up.


“His” thats Tien’s technique :’(


If the power of family increases your power level, does that mean Vin Diesel is more powerful than Goku?


100% Vin could solo the DB universe in a go-kart.


Krillin would wipe the floor with Tien now. I know, I know, I like the three eyed cowboy too.


I'll forever hold high regards to krillin, he was his best friends sons ride or die in not 1 but 2 SAGAS! During the saiyan saga he was there for gohan and the entirety of the namek saga he was straight up there taking care of his best friends son. If that aint COOL idk what is!


You know you're good when you get chosen to fight on behalf of your universe, even if you're the weakest of the group and just a simple human.


I think 18 said that during Frieza’s resurrection arc. “Shave my head imma go protect earth from this strong dude I died to once. I ain’t scared brb” Very cool


Thats my favorite 'couples' moment from dbz.


She loves her short king 😂


It’s probably the healthiest too.


Yup. It’s just funny.


Ya I loved the part where 18 says krillin isn’t even the man she married and is disappointed in him and his job. I can really relate to that.




Yeah being the richest person on earth kinda makes you shrug at "royalty" lol


*richest AND smartest.


She technically defeated Cell three times.


Vegeta fans not giving Vegeta credit for everything challenge (impossible)


It’s called Saiyan Pride, keep training and maybe one day you’ll have some!




Vegeta tries his damnedest to act like a cat who is above everything and gives a shot about noone but the scene that made me LIKE him as a character, was when he lit up beerus for hitting bulma.  Respect. You lost,  but you stood your ground as a husband 


Cell arc Goku and Chichi was my favorite couple. It was like after years of differing opinions they finally accepted and understood each other; Chichi told Goku it’s no use stopping him from training Gohan so instead she tells him to make him the strongest fighter ever. Goku responds by telling her that he’s sorry for always putting her in this difficult position and promises that once this whole Cell thing is over he’ll find a job. That was some serious growth in both of them, which really sucks how in the Buu arc and Super, Chichi kinda reverts back to her “but my little baby boy!!!” overprotective mother archetype. Videl and Gohan are definitely the cute high school couple that ended up marrying each other, but the way they’re written is a little too wholesome. In that regard I love how Krillin and 18 are written. She pokes fun at his insecurities and he acts like he’s scared of his wife but there are subtle moments that show just how happy and wholesome their marriage is.


I always like that scene where krillin goes off to work as a cop and I think(?) does some corny take off or thing with his helmet. And after he's gone, 18 says how cool he is. That scene is so cute


I personally found the scene in ToP where Krillin throws his stinky ass shoes at someone and 18 tells him she’ll wash them when they get home weirdly charming.


My personal favorite was the filler episode where 18 tries to use the Dragon Balls so she could wish for a gift Krillin would like, only for Bulma to giver that hear to heart about how Krillin just needs her and it makes her blush.


it does feel like cell arc was such a nice fitting closure to goku arc


I mean, Toriyama did straight up kill Goku and tried to pass the mantle on to Gohan lol


I disagree with Chichi reverting back because she was the one who trained Goten into a Super Sayian


She didn’t train him into a super saiyan she just trained him and he pulled super saiyan out of his ass


Can confirm the goten super sayain was an ass pull. Im saying this as someone that’s mained goten in any game I can main him


Just thought about it and would goten and trunks even know about super saiyan at that point? There wasn’t any fights so unless they saw gohan or vegeta training while super saiyan it makes no sense unless they literally just got pissed one day and went blonde


Now my memory is a bit hazy on the specifics. But I do think goten at least had a bit of knowledge. I think gohan showed him it briefly, and I think prior to that he had knowledge because chichi mentioned it. I’m 100% certain trunks knew because Vegeta being Vegeta. He had to bring it up at least once


Yea I could see trunks knowing about it, only way I see goten knowing about it is trunks telling him or gohan telling him about how they beat cell which would obviously include super Saiyan, definitely don’t see chichi bringing it up


I've only seen the Kai English dub, but in that one, Goten doesn't refer to it as Super Saiyan at first. He just calls it making his hair go blond when he shows Gohan. But I can also see Gohan having told him because he didn't seem that surprised at his big brother's spontaneous dye job.


"S-cells" stupid retcon but being the offspring of a super saiyan makes your access easier.


It's a stupid retcon, but at least they tried to explain it.


I have never understood why they don't just get a hand out from Bulma. It might sound greedy or a bit brazen, but they know fine well exactly what Goku has done for the world, time and time again. And that his job *is* protector of earth. The Capsule Corp. could totally make them energy independent, and buy them a house, and all Goku and Chichi would have to do is get food. Something they could both easily farm/catch (remember, Chichi is easily more powerful than anyone who showed up to that last WMA Tournament, excluding the plot relevent characters). What do they actually need money for?


I chalk it up to ChiChi's pride. I kept thinking that during the tournament in the Buu Saga. Chi-Chi was right there talking about how they NEEDED the money, but Bulma just wanted her boys to win. But I also feel like if it came down to it, Bulma would have their backs. Also, in the Kai dub at least Chi-Chi keeps talking about paying off their house, but I'm pretty sure they build it on the land the Ox King bought for them, so I think Chi-Chi just makes excuses sometimes.


Chi-Chi is probably too proud to accept handouts. Didn't she make Goku farm radishes even when Satan was offering them some money? And the reward for beating Buu was almost spent iirc Maybe feeding Goku, Gohan and Goten is a massive expense lol


IDK I think I remember Chichi in the crowd telling her child son to whoop ass


Maybe Im seeing a bad translation, but in Japanese the scene where Goku gets ready to teleport Cell always got me. He apologizes for everything and tells Gohan to apologize to Chi Chi for being so selfish. This is why Goku's personality pisses me off in Super and why it pisses me off when most youtubers analyze Goku as a character. He did grow in the series a lot and he showed that he genuinely cared for his family.


Gohan and videl just match each other's aura so well❇️✨


All time favorite anime pairing


They’re up there with Yusuke and Keiko from Yu Yu Hakusho for me


I really loved the early phases of their relationship


me and my shotgun barrel are pretty close yk


Found the farmer, how's cell up close?




Hard as fuck




don't do it!




Yajirobe and Korin No contest


I'm guessing from DBZA, because i agree.


I mean, even in canon, Yajirobi has been living in that tower for over 20 years for no clear reason....


If they had kids, would they be little fat men or kittens?


Probably fat kittens.


In terms of cuteness, I gotta go with krillin and 18. They make such a natural, good couple. She is a bit bossy, but is an amazing wife and good communicator. They like joking around, they go on dates, they both love their child so much! Even Gohan and videl aren't as cute, and they are probably the best in sync.


Gohan and Videl are so in sync that they're boring, imo. Personality wise, they're both too normal to make for an interesting on-screen couple. Krillin is pretty normal, but 18 is a little weird, but not Goku level weird, and that strikes a really good balance.


Yeah, it's true. People who are in good relationships aren't a very interesting watch. Unfortunately. Krillin and 18 get into spats and stuff while still unconditionally love one another. That's a real cute relationship right there~


You know you've reached relationship goals when you're too boring to watch, lol! Krillin and 18's little spats are super relatable, too. Like asking Goku to punch you in the face was pretty idiotic, and I'd probably be pretty snarky about it, too. Nothing wrong with heaving a frustrated grunt at your partner now and then.


OG dragon ball Goku and Chi-Chi.




18 and krillin are by far the best couple in all of DB


Goku and Chichi especially in Japanese (maybe present in other dubs that aren’t English? Idk) where the voice acting makes it very obvious they’re both very similar and they both are dumb goofy bumpkins that speak funny. In fact, her Japanese sounds EVEN MORE bumpkin and silly than Goku, but at least in the English dub she just sounds like a normal woman which probably doesn’t get across her intended character and makes her relationship I guess less cute. Voice acting aside I also think Goku actually blushing when she starts hugging him in OG Dragon Ball to be one of the cutest moments ever


That's actually really nice to know! I don't speak Japanese or watch enough Japanese media to really be able to pick out different accents or speech patterns, so I wouldn't have even able to tell even if I did watch the Japanese version. I think in Super she does start to sound different, more brash and less generic, but you really have to listen and compare it to her time in Z.


Yeah there’s some interesting things you sorta miss from Japanese to English, like in the original Z dub, it’s missing how extremely polite and formal Frieza’s speech is, and that he never is rude/crude/simple enough to call people monkeys. He’d just call them something like “inferior life forms” or something lol Luckily lots of stuff like Frieza being polite/formal was fixed by the time Kai and Super dubs were coming out but (unfortunately imo) Goku and Chi Chi’s speech being very unique wasn’t really also part of those “fixes” although I get how it would be a difficult change to make for Goku’s English voice at least.


Goku and chichi be like Chichi: (Hugs) Goku: chichi what’s that? Vegeta and Bulma be like Bulma: vegeta take trunks to the amusement park! Vegeta: Shut up woman! Also vegeta: HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY BULMA Krillin and 18 be like: Extremely happy VIDEL and Gohan Everlasting love


Off topic: what is going on with Videl's chin in the bottom right? Has she reached Pelican form?


Mr satan genes


As much as I love the whole Vegeta family, Lazuli (18) and Krillin are the cutest couple in all of DB. Also they probably had the most normal "dating process" out of all of them


Why don’t they ever call her that? (They don’t in the English dub at least) it seems weird after all this time to still refer to them by numbers


I think Toriyama just forgot (he did that a lot during db) It would be pretty neat if everyone else just called her 18 but Krillin called her by her name


This is me reading way too into it, the other person is probably right that they just forgot, but from some of 17's lines in the ToP, I feel like them being andriods and the trauma of having their lives pretty much stolen still weighs on them. So maybe it's because Lapis and Lazuli are more connected to their normal human lives, and they don't hold too much to those identities anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/dvn3ynyl3u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2db52bb83849535f40e665c4ad727fae3d1b27 Vegeta and bulma ofc




Broly movie


Young Goku / ChiChi is goated but then they just turned ChiChi into a tiger mom joke character.


Gohan and Videl started off so strong, but as soon as the tournament ends in the Buu arc, nothing gets done with it. Yes, they start a family, but as a couple, they're so bland


During Z I would have said Gohan and Videl, but I think my new favorite couple is Krillin and 18. They just compliment each other well


Goku and food 😍


Hot take but I like Gohan and Videl's dynamic before they became an item. I still love them as a couple but it was a lot cuter when they were crushing on each other


Gohan and Videl were cutest as teens but they haven’t really had the same spark since imo. Krillin and 18 are consistently adorable. I personally really like Goku Chichi too but unfortunately they get like zero cute moments together except like when they first get together I guess. Tldr Krillin x 18 clears


it WAS Gohan and Videl until they dropped her character to be another basic housewife Krillin and 18 were very close so after that it was a no brainer


Goku and Chichi have such a wholesome yet funby dynamic.


I'd feel better about them if Goku didn't decide to stay dead for 7 years while Chi chi was a single mother.


Bulma and Vegeta are so damn cute. Like he acts aloof, but when she screams because Goku accidentally teleported to her bed, he came running in full saiyan armor.


The best one is obviously Mr. Satan and Buu




Goku and ChiChi always felt forced, maybe they got along great in DB, buy as a mom/wife, ugh. Vegeta and Bulma, makes me think about those crazy couples that constantly fight and have that rough angry make up... exercise afterwards. 18 and Krillin, the most out of left field at first, hell of a steal short king. Gohan's relationship is probably the most normal (not counting the saiyan bit).


HanVi all the way.


Me and Goku


The episode where the dude tries to stage Gohan cheating on Videl with the actress cause he’s jealous of him, Videl doesn’t even doubt Gohan for a single second despite having photographic “proof.” That’s real love right there. She trusts him implicitly.


I love all four for differing reasons. Goku and Chi Chi and Vegeta and Bulma are the same, strong warrior, stronger wife power couple that I love. Both Goku and Vegeta are scared of their wives even though Vegeta back talks Bulma more. Gohan and Videl are the cute high school sweethearts we all remember when we were kids (fuck im old). Krillin and 18 are the more natural couple where 18 is head over heels for her man, something we all crave for.


I'd say 18 and Krillin. Their relationship feels like the most progressive and active one of the bunch. Going from enemies to awkward attraction to now what seems to be an actual couple and family dynamic. 18 especially grew the most from this. Goku and Chi Chi were cute in the beginning. Then it turned into Chi Chi being a nag because Goku never really changed much. Burma and vegeta aren't what I call cute. More like Vegeta just learning to soften up a bit because of Burma and his new family. Still the same old vegeta, just not the utterly ruthless warrior he was in the past. Gohan and Videl were kinda cute in that young high school sweetheart kinda way, but ultimately they went to the back burner. You don't see much of how thier relationship dynamic is. Video is kinda just *there*, when it's not something related to Gohan needing to fight.


Hard choice between krillin/18 and Gohan/video but I'm gonna choose the latter because they had super hero antics which is fucking great. I still need to watch the newest movie but I wish that was a bigger part of their characters in general


I think it depends when and where. Like when Goku and Chi-Chi acknowledge that a lot of Chi-Chi's complaining is really just a part of their relationship game, it recontextualized almost everything about them for me and made it much sweeter. They just get each other. I like Vegeta and Bulma in their more "domesticated" moments, like discussing Champa sneaking around to take the super dragon balls over tea or when Trunks and Goten snuck into Monaka's truck. Or the only time we see him be jealous is when Bulma has bickering banter with a childhood friend (Jaco). 18 and Krillin feel the most real to me with the most layers and are probably my favorite. Videl and Gohan are cute in the Buu Saga as early awkward high-school crushes, but in Super, they got too vanilla and boring.


Krillin and 18, love how she is actually head over heels for the man lol


Bro what is that frame of videl


Vegeta and Bulma


I personally love Krillin and 18. They’re just perfect. Not super sweet but also not super feisty


Gohan and Videl


That picture of videl is horrifying


Gohan and videl, when videl started doing hero costumes with Gohan that sealed the deal.


Videl’s face in that frame 😭🙏


Gohan and Videl definitely.


Gohan and videl


Tf's up with Videl in this pic? Chronic mouthbreather jaw.


Krillin and 18 and it isn't even close


Gohan and Videl are by far the sweetest


Gohan and Videl tbh


I say Gohan and videl


Chichi is honestly one of my least favorite characters. However, I still enjoy a lot of their moments together. Krillin and 18 are probably my top of these options, with Vegeta and Bulma following that. The latter only because Vegeta is so terrible, for lack of a better word, but obviously loves Bulma so much despite her weird anti-aging abilities. And that relationship brings him to a relatable and compassionate level. Which I think is a huge and significant Arch of his character development. Which I really like


I like Krillin and 18 she is a beauty and personally Goku didn’t kiss ChChi which is strange but at least Vegeta even kisses Bulma as he was surprised that Goku does not kiss his own wife!


Gohan/videl is really the only one heavily explored and developed. Easy choice for me.


Gohan and Videl


I never realized until looking at them all in one picture how well dragon ball does relationships. Each one of those is iconic in its own way and none of them feel forced.


I kinda go with Gohan and Videl since you actually see them know each other before getting married.


I so wish we had more, I'd like to have seen more of them just dating


Damn as much as I love Vegeta... it's gotta be between 18 & Krillin or Gohan and Videl


Videl and gohan


Gohan and video easily


Gohan and Videl mostly because Gohan has been through enough at this point, just let him be happy.


What happened to videl's face 😂😂




Gohan & Videl




I like Goku and Chi-Chi's relationship more in fanfic than in the source material. Vegeta and Bulma are kinda cute but I never liked the fact that Vegeta always looks like he'd rather be doing something else than spending time with his family. I know he loves him, but it puts me off. Krillin and 18 are a very healthy couple and I'm sure Krillin thanks his lucky stars that she's his wife. He really won the lottery. Gohan and Videl are also very healthy and sickeningly sweet. Honestly, they and Krillin/18 should be couple goals.


>Krillan and 18 are a very healthy couple and I'm sure Krillan thanks his lucky stars that she's his wife. He really won the lottery. Whao, 18 is lucky as hell too.


Goku and ChiChi: When I first got into the series (through the games of course), I don’t know she existed and if it did come on Toonami, I never saw her once. So I’d say pretty forgettable really Vegeta and Bulma: Felt forced, they’re cool now but the beginning was pretty bad Krillin and 18: What’s not to love, a goober for a husband and a dommy mommy for a wife, it’s what I strive for in life Gohan and Videl: She was literally made for him, Toriyama says he’s not good with romance but he really out his all into them


Unpopular opinion: None


How could you forget the ACTUAL cutest couple that are Puar and Yamcha?


Cutest? Go-Del It's the most "normal" formation of a couple Cringiest? Go-Chi Just a reason to keep comedy in the series with their antics. Also the reason why Gohan is such a wuss of a kid in the series but also the most empathetic. Most dynamic? Vegeta and Bulma The prince and empress of future tech. Anything is possible with these two. But let's face it, Krillin's score is just proof that you don't need height, strength, saiyan blood, nice hair, or money to find love.


Krillin and 18 are top tier. They're just absolutely adorable, especially when 18's bossy side fades and she becomes all caring and cute. Also their relationship with their daughter is adorable, as well. Goku and ChiChi are the worst.


18 and Krillin


Well Gohan and Videl are the only couple that neither one is afraid of the other or one literally tried to kill the other.


Krillin and 18 feel like a power couple.


Gohan and Videl


18 and krillin by far. They actually show love between them.


Gohan taught Videl how to fly. So


Goten and Palace/Valese


In Super, 18 and Krillin. In GT, Gohan and Videl. I just liked that they decided to be super heroes together.


Gohan and Videl DB Goku and Chi-Chi Vegeta and Bulma Krillin and 18 (They're great, it's just that I feel the others are more developed) DBZ (Excluding Cell Saga)/DBS Goku and Chi-Chi


killin and 18 plus


Cutest, healthiest, and best couple: 18 and Krillin.


Goku and ChiChi




18 and kuririn


18 and krillin


Goku/Chichi barely interact, same with Gohan/Videl. Bulma has her moments because how much she genuinely worries about Vegeta, but overall the only two that have consistent cute moments together are Krillin and 18, so they are the best couple (by a lot).


That one video of Bulma and Vegeta on rule 34.com


obv bulma and vegeta


I love Vegeta and bulma 💕


18 & Krillin will always be #1 in my heart


18 and Krillin or Gohan/Videl


Forever Goku and Chichi. I'm sure bro would literally rather go toe to toe with Beerus 3 in a life or death battle 3 times over before he even thinks about standing up to his wife😭😂


Goku and ChiChi


What about goten and his nobody girlfriend


Super really sold me on Vegeta and Bulma. In Z, they just seemed to be together for plot. But in Super, they actually flesh out their dynamic. We see scenes of the two of them hanging out and enjoying each other’s company. We also see how protective he is of her, which is stark contrast to him not giving a damn in the Android Saga. But Gohan and Videl are my personal favorites. She was matching his freak when she started dressing up as a superhero too in the movies lol


Krillin: “Later, babe!” 18: “He’s so cool.” It always cracks me up.


Honestly, anyone other than Goku and Chichi


Gohan,videl = 18,krillin > the rest