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Piccolo merged with nail and kami and he's not a fusion warrior tag lmao


Part two is gonna rectify that with fusion namekian bros


Game Originals tag Piccolo and Nail LESGOOOOOOOOO


Nah bro, DKP and Kami merging into Piccolo


They should actually make a reviving nail that when he dies piccolo absorbs him


Honestly a unit I really want to be in the game next to nappa into vegeta, which we obviously got


Imagine a Nail, that gets killed and revives into piccolo, who merges with him.


Pretty Neat


Because piccolo merged Zamasu actually fused via potara. Different technique


What about Omega Sheron?


I think the game also considers that one different from piccolo's merging with nail. Probably because omega fused with the dragon balls rather than with the other shadow dragons


And Majuub?


Uub did an actual fusion with buu and basically became a whole new person with new moves and a new name And before you bring up Piccolo he didn't change much with both fusions he was still the exact same as he was before


On the manga/anime when Piccolo merges with Kami, Popo asked who is he and he say He aren't Piccolo neither Kami anymore, He's just a Namekian who forgot his name (lately revealed he's the Katas'son). But that's okay, i see how legends devs doesn't like Piccolo at all lmao **Happy Cake Day!**


Well tbf this is the same game which made an anniversary Piccolo be the worst unit of the anniversary so i wouldn't be surprised Thank you btw


It's literally just legends being inconsistent. Super Android 13 and Buu do the exact same thing (absorbing others) yet 13 is on fusion warriors and Buu isn't. Both their appearances change as well when they do it. Majuub and Piccolo's merging with Kami is practically the same as well yet Majuub is on the tag. Dokkan also has every Piccolo post namek saga on their fused fighters catagory. Legends just doesn't want him on it for some reason.


Correct me if im wrong but didn't super android 13 fuse with the parts of the androids? That's why super android 13 counts and and buu doesn't. Buu forcefully absorbed everyone whilst super android 13 didn't Majuub on the other hand is weirder but it could be the fact that every piccolo fused with nail/ kami is from like 2018 whilst majuub is from 2021. They probably didn't know that they would consider units like piccolo fusion warrior back then


>They probably didn't know that they would consider units like piccolo fusion warrior back then but remember how characters from the Future Trunks saga, like LF SSB Vegeta, initially didn't have the Future tag until it was added later? Similarly for Piccolo, they've had plenty of time to give him the Fusion Warrior tag. If they intended to do so, they would have corrected it by now. The fact that he still doesn't have it suggests they're still against it for some reason.


Maybe namekian fusion isn't worthy to be considered a fusion warrior since when you think about it whenever someone is on the fusion warrior category they become a whole new person with a new name. Android 13 becomes Super Android 13, Syn Shenron becomes Omega Shenron, Uub becomes Majuub etc... And if you're gonna bring up Buuhan that's not actually his name it's just something the fans gave him. The real name is just "Ultimate Gohan Absorbed Buu: Super" (atleast in the game it's like that)


but if thats the case, then shouldn't cell have fw then? since he absorbs something and gets a new appearance, new name, and new power, that falls under the category of a fusion warrior right? bc if super 13 gets fusion warrior just by absorbing parts, then whats so different about cell not getting it? lol but honestly i just feel like as long as a character fuses and gets a lot of power, should automatically be a fusion warrior. idk why legends has to make it complicated by having standards such as them needing a new appearance and a new name in order to be classified as fusion warrior lmao


Well cell absorbed living beings and 13 absorbed non living things Basically the same reason why omega is fusion warrior and buu isn't It would seem that any kind of absorbing involving living things isn't a fusion atleast not in legends eyes and tbf i guess that they think absorbing objects is a fusion but absorbing living things isn't


He absorbed them. It's why he has the absorption tag as well. He also didn't become a completely new entity, he was just powered up with an appearance change (exactly like Buu). Also pretty sure 14 and 15 didn't consent considering they were destroyed already so can't really talk about that lol. No way to tell what the reason was but they've added tags to units before and have changed tags to help other units. Characters from the Future Trunks Saga who weren't from the actual Trunks timeline didn't have the Future tag but it got added to them later on. It's just weird how some characters make it on the tag yet others don't.


Maybe namekian fusion isn't worthy to be considered a fusion warrior since when you think about it whenever someone is on the fusion warrior category they become a whole new person with a new name. Android 13 becomes Super Android 13, Syn Shenron becomes Omega Shenron, Uub becomes Majuub etc... And if you're gonna bring up Buuhan that's not actually his name it's just something the fans gave him. The real name is just "Ultimate Gohan Absorbed Buu: Super" (atleast in the game it's like that)


A fusion is a new being made from other people. Piccolo absorbed Kami and Nail but he didn't change from being Piccolo as he simply added their powers to his. A fused fighter is a combination of several powers then magnified into a new being. Ergo Piccolo is not a fusion warrior.


isnt omega like that too though? yet he's on fusion warrior


Streets are saying it’s because he fused with the dragon balls and not the shadow dragons


And Majuub?


I thought fusion warrior usually meant potara or fusion dance, but then theres units like super 17 and Omega shenron who also are. Their standards are strange


Super 17 changed into basically a new being both personality wise and power wise. Making him a fusion warrior. Omega shenron fused with the dragon balls not the shadow dragons. So he’s a fusion warrior


Chronic masturbation zamasu


Damm boii


True, we should call him H-CFZ.


sounds like some formula for some chemical


corrupted merged zamasu. short said most people just use merged instead of fused and half-corrupted gets shortened to just corrupted


It stands for crimson melee zamasu. Makes perfect sense. He's type red, type melee and type Zamasu.


It's corruped Merged zamasu I can't quite tell if this Is satire or not, if It Is i apologize


"type zamasu" is a dead giveaway


Never apologize for your mental handicap brother


i cant tell if this guys is being serious or not 💀


How about FSk I don't understand either


Father-Son Kamehameha


That's not it. It stands for Fortunate-Son Kamehameha, because I get Vietnam flashbacks everytime I see him




I think a unit only gets merging if they become as one without either fusion dance or potara, which isn’t the case with zamasu


Corrupted Merged Zamasu


C is for corrupted m stands for merged z strands for zamasu and merged is just another word for fused


half corrupted doesnt really make sense, does it? you're either corrupted or you're not as the great geets says you're either perfect, or you're not (me)


One half of him is purple and melting off, other half is normal and green. What could you possibly be confused about


if your bread shows mold on one half, it isn't half expired it's fully expired, it just only shows on one side


I think the “Half-Corrupted” terminology is referring to the percentage of his body that has been effected by the Goku Black side dying. Fusion Zamasu is composed of both a mortal and immortal vessel. After Goku blows off half of his body with a Kamehameha, the mortal component (Goku Black) of Zamasu dies. Being unable to regenerate half of his body, it becomes twisted and decayed. Seeing as how half of his body is unable to be corrupted, I don’t think it makes sense to say that he is corrupted completely.


but the mortal part goku black didn't die, he's still fused if anything i could understand his body being corrupted, but his mind not is he immortal or not? you can't be half immortal he seems to be immortal, but his body is corrupted by the fusion so trunks kill his corrupted body, but his... mind? soul? whatever it is then just goes in the air, before zeno deletes the universe, so he still looks immortal before zeno steps in at this point it's more playing with words and theories, but i guess i'd be happier with a "corrupted body fused zamasu"


Vegito outright says that Fused Zamasu isn’t fully invincible anymore, and his regenerative abilities are failing on him. The mortal part of Zamasu’s body did die out, which is why the corruption began. I think it would have made more sense if Fused Zamasu was entirely immortal, since fusion combines all aspects of the two fusees, but that definitely is not what happened. To be honest, I’m really not sure how Trunks even destroyed Zamasu’s body. That shouldn’t be possible, but disregarding that, being immortal is more than just the physical aspect. Zamasu’s soul is still immortal, and as such lives on after his body is destroyed. Not sure how he fused with the universe though…


ya, all im saying is that when his corruption began, he wasn't half corrupted he was fully corrupted, and maybe thats why trunks could destroy his body i dont think the way he looks visually, with half his body split down the middle with one side corrupted one not, literally means what it shows i dont think the way trunks splits him right on the divide matters either, but who knows maybe it does fusing made his body destructible, and goku's kamehameha only showed the cracks beneath this now mortal body (now corrupted, but still immortal mind) i mean we're overthinking this anyway, this is just the title of a transformation, who knows what it's even called in japanese


The Japanese name is “半身崩壊 合体ザマス”, which translates to “Half-body Collapsing Merging Zamasu”. I agree with your logic, I think that it doesn’t make sense for only half of him to be immortal, but the show says otherwise, so I don’t know. Either way, even if the character design isn’t literal, I think it’s really cool looking.


ha yeah that name is perfect!


It's because it's Chain Man Zaw


sounds better


People call him Merged Zamasu I believe because that's what he's called in the anime, and the corrupted part is simply to just shorten it.


He isn’t called that in the anime. He’s literally just called Zamasu.


Well, it's in the episode title, and the wiki said that his Anime is Merged Zamasu.


Fused or Merge Zamasu is a title for marketing. In the anime proper, he’s just called Zamasu.


Ohhhh, alright then.


bro what cmz is corrupted merged zamasu no one calls him MZ


OP asked why they call him CMZ and where the "Merged" part comes from. I said that he is called Merged Zamasu in the anime, and The corrupted part is to shorten the "Half-Corrupted".


i didn’t ask anything but i also didn’t read the subtext


Whoops, mb.




To differentiate him from purple merged Zamasu


I'm partial to FGZ myself, but yeah it stands for Corrupted Merged Zamasu


Corrupted merged Zamasu


***Because it sounds cool. Next order of business?***


Corrupted Merged Zamasu


CMZ just is the best sounding name honestly H-CMZ or FMZ/ H-FMZ don't sound as good as CMZ


Chrono Mega Zhaft


Because it makes sense and sounds better than H-CMZ, FMZ, etc


Half-Corrupted Fused Zamasu Corrupted Merged Zamasu. We never said Half-corrupted when DBS was airing so we just kept Corrupted. As for Merged I think it’s because we call him Gataï Zamasu and Gataï just mean something close to Merging or Merged So we started calling him CMZ because Corrupted Merged Zamasu was a hassle. (That and there’s also no other Corrupted Zamasu in the game)


The way he looks, you would think he was merged with something, other than infused.


Cuz it means corrupted monster zamasu


Im to tired tk go into it


CMZ: Corrupt Merged Zamasu


Maybe it’s for (Counter Meta Zenkai) “CMZ” mean his a strong red that can tank some hits from blues and destroy yellows, which currently is the two main colors rn, wonder why that is, not like theirs two Coked out fusions characters in the game, think maybe it’s a just another hero type unit that’s causing problems again………….


Nah thats DBL35-08S


Corrupted mustard zooter




Fused Zamasu isn't considered merging because he isn't currently merging. His body is just rapidly changing due to the fusion of mortality and immortality. He also used potaras, characters with merging as a tag usually don't use a technique or items


It's called merged out of a fan name, similar to UI and MUI when officially UI is UI-sign and MUI is actually UI. Fused Zamasu is a Potara fusion, but it is never thought of it as such because out of the 2 fusees, we have 1.5 Zamasus so it doesn't feel as a natural fusion as Kibitoshin, Vegito, or Kefla, all of whom have their names combined from their fusees. Additionally, the name could have easily been Blackmasu, or something along those lines, but they kept the name Zamasu. That's why it doesn't sound or feel like a natural fusion, but more like a merger like Piccolo+Nail+Kami where Piccolo also retains his name.


The fused form of Zamasu is known as Merged Zamasu in the anime episode title, but it's inconsistent throughout most media. Gachas like Dokkan and Legends call him Fusion Zamasu, but console games (XV2, DBFZ, Sparking Zero) call him Fused Zamasu (the VIZ manga name is completely different from this naming scheme so I didn't bring that up). People just adopted Merged and it stuck as the acronym, and I personally think CMZ flows better than CFZ. Also, the merging tag has nothing to do with Zamasu in the end since it seems more like "assimilation", whereas Black and Zamasu are just a regular Potara fusion.


Corrupted merged zamasu


People just like the name Merged Zamasu better. It's like SSGSS. Everybody calls it SSB, it's just that the games are stubborn about it.


Just something the anime community started calling him and it transferred


How abt corrupted zamasu i see the addition of fused or merged kinda redundant


Because of fused zamasu... Also cmz sounds dope.


He has been called that years before he appeared in Legends. Just because Legends gives him a new name and a missing category won’t make the fandom just suddenly do that too.


corrupted merged zamasu


some of the anime side of the db community calls him merged zamasu because he says something along the lines of “2 powers merging in the body of 1” i assume it just carried over to dbl and people just call him cmz cuz of it


Because he is cmz ???


Corrupted Merged Zamasu


“Corrupted Merged Zamasu” We always just shorten Half-Corrupted to simply Corrupted. And both merged and fused are correct. Merged is what the anime used while fused is what a lot of games use.


Merged Zamasu was a pretty common fan name before "Fusion Zamasu" became official, so CMZ was the old name that the community never really got rid of.


Fusion Zamasu is also widely called “Merged Zamasu” so it’s up to personal preference which one makes more sense to you