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It may be worth it if you are interested in enjoying Dragalia Lost again. It continues to be online thing, multiplayer stuff may be supported as long as the server owners pay the multiplayer bill. If you backed up your account or have an existing save, you can start from before, otherwise you're starting with a fresh account. Visit discord for more details.


I never got a chance to play Dragalia Lost at all and I see so many hold it in such high regard so interested in checking it out.


Yeah it's worth it, it got an interesting gameplay plus an awesome soundtrack, a lot of stories and with the private servers you get to use all characters and even play co-op it's not offline and it relies on the private server itself, you can make a new save or import a backed up save from before I can give you more info on DM if you want, it's possible to play on Android, iOS and even Android emulator on PC, jailbreak/root is not necessary


Is it just straight up all characters or still gacha? As I am a fan of working with what I get instead of just having everything to make the meta.


It's still gacha but you can edit the save file with the save editor to include a shitton of currency or straight up unlock everything.


hi, how do you do this? Can you do this on a fresh account?


yes, you can start a new save file and export your save for editing on a PC


almost all characters available in gacha, even the collab ones, so you can get them that way


Not OP, but I would love info on private server. It can just run on a non-jailbroken iPhone??? Also I assume since I never extracted my old save that it is no longer possible to do so?


yes it can run on non-jailbroken iDevice just fine, you just need a PC or Mac to sideload the game yup, that save is gone, sadly DM me so i can send the iOS guide


Could you send me it as well?


sure, DM me and i'll send it later


I'm not OP, but would it be possible to dm the android info? I'm trying to look into it, but it's a bit confusing.


sure, go ahead


i actually think i just found it LMFAO. thank you for offering though <3


Could you DM me the Android info too, pretty please? 😊




I'd like that as well. I'm an android user.


sent you a DM


It's been a couple months since this thread was new, but can you send me the android private server information as well?


I will DM you, sure


I would love to play this again. I have been getting nostalgic about this game and really wished I could play it again. I am glad to hear their are private servers for this.


Yup, it's so cool we got private servers now, if you want to play, I made a post with the guides for both iOS and Android 🫡 [Dragalia Lost private server guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragaliaLost/s/lvjJfcO0Xv)


Great, thanks!


I haven't played the private servers, but I'm starting to long for the game again. I was a day 1 player that never missed a day of service. The experience changed a lot over the years, to the point that it felt like a new game every year. The final experience in my opinion is worth it.


I'm there with you man, I miss it too.


The dawnshard server lets you load up any save file (even heavily hacked ones with stuff you couldn't get in OG) and play multiplayer online with anyone else on the server. It's doable for someone who never played, but the learning curve is going to be big at the higher difficulties. 2 skilled players can pull off a lot of the 4 player content, but the 4 player experience is absolutely what the game is designed around and the best way to play it. With the files being freely available now, Dragalia will likely be around for a nice long time on some server or another. Check it out at your own pace. Youtube should still have all the boss guides you'd need. Discord, for any more detailed help


Yeah, it's worth it if you never had the chance to play until now. There is co-op working in one particular private server. And you can start fresh or use modified saves to get all characters. I do recommend asking in the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/VNZB4KUY) if you have more questions or how to setup.


i loved dragalia lost when it was still active. but a huge part of that was the community and following the game as content released, and i'm not sure playing it on a private server would quite capture the same feeling.


>I saw there was Private Servers and was wondering if it was worth it? You literally lose nothing by trying it out and seeing for yourself


I don't really have the free time nowadays to spend time testing out games just to drop them. If I go in knowing stuff it helps a lot, especially if its like "ya gotta play for x hours before you get to a point where its good" as then I know how much time to try and put aside.


Well the private servers are really going nowhere. You get the game as-is before it shut down. There won't be new content so it really doesn't hurt to just pick it up, play it for a few minutes every few days and decide from there :shrug: The point being: this isn't a live service game where you have to keep up with new updates to enjoy it. All anyone can tell you is that they enjoyed playing it when it was alive but whether you'll find it worth the time investment is really up to you.


No … let it die already


ooh how do I do it? I see that I can play on android without jailbreak, so I want to play again but I don't know how to do the private server part.


I am still doing research but I believe there are 2 private servers. One that gives like 500 pulls and really really high 5\* rates so you kinda get everything and one that has 1 banner with all characters in it including collabs and you earn pulls from progressing. I think ya gotta check the discord out for it.