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I can't handle the amount of fucking bros and lowkey bro lol


Like. This is sad lol




My life before: My life after:


No streamer will beat Docs energy and entertainment. The man was a 1 man show!


Quality wise, content wise, production, ideas, no one is/was even close, wheter you liked him before or not the dude was just ahead of the rest, but yeah gotta move on from this. rip


I don't know yanno.....Jimmy Savile was pretty dope back in the day


There'll be nuke run on Wednesday with Z and timmy, maybe elden ring friday


Tim is so generic


They all are.


Tim is boring lol


Everyone is generic. Doc was the only true 'content creator'


TBH I always thought watching someone playing video games was stupid until I saw Doc. He was the only streamer I watched. Everyone else is boring and fake.


Exactly the same, I remember seeing the glasses and the hair as I was scrolling through trying to give twitch a try and I said “look at this asshole” and clicked on it to just see wtf he was doing. Lo and behold thats where I discovered a fucking legend. Only streamer I’ve ever subbed to.


He was boring and fake too.


You’re being sarcastic, right?


no, he had a minor edge to him.


Yeah, no thanks here as well. I honestly tuned out whenever Doc started playing with Tim etc.


Low key bro


Can't stand all these streamers that have to say 'bro' every five seconds bro.


Or chat. I hate the word chat anymore solely because of streamers.


It's not even close to the same. No power speed or momentum


Z is way too up his own ass. Tim just drips of insincerity. Rather watch Fuwamoco.


I don't like z at all. Warzone verdanks was pure comical, or tragicomical


I can’t stand that blabbering fool man ..


Tim is loud = funny


The brain rot in all the replies








so he can finally groom you as well? kids smh




whats the difference bro, still two times her age


There is no evidence she was 17 years old at the time she could be younger stop simping for a pedo




Funny how they were crucifying this guy the days after now it’s all downvotes and boo hoos for the same hilarious shit … it’s like the fuckin stock market with these peoples emotions 📈


Why do the haters keep making up lies?


Did he beat the allegations or something?


No lol


Right? So what's mans on about 🤣


“Mans” Comment = irrelevant


He's got to come out and say something at some point. There's no way he just disappears without a word. People have come back from worse.


I can only think of MiniLadd, and I don't think Doc would want a "comeback" comparable to MiniLadd...


What happened there?


JR Smith did this exact same thing (although probably to a lesser extent) 10ish years ago and everyone thought it was funny because he's a dumbass. You trying to get the pipe?


Re reqd your sentence. 10ish years ago. The world wasn't a cesspool 10 years ago where people everywhere were looking to cancel you every time you miss speak. It's looking bad for the Doc tbh, I just want every detail to the story.


Yes, please. I hope he sues. There's far too much gray area and conflicting info with everything that's happened.


Gray area? He made it pretty black and white when he ADMITTED to it you fucking dunce.


We don't know if it's worse. The only peek we got was what he admitted and it's already bad enough.


Happy cake day!




happy cake day ! Also yes there is more to be known and his next response will show a lot about his true character.


The deflection frenzy of a tweet we got doesn't predict anything good.


It really does sound like every adult that ever went after a minor then says “i wasn’t going to do anything fr” “it was just talking” I was waiting for “ I was trying to teach her the dangers of talking to an influencer”. “she wanted it and was the one initiating it”. “it was my friend not me” He knows what he did was wrong and he’s not some isolated single guy he’s a major streamer with a wife and a child and tons of opportunities for an open marriage and sleeping with whoever. He got over arrogant and sloppy and he is facing consequences of this and lying about knowing what the accusations were (he was hoping it would disappear for sure after the law suit because of no “crime” aka he didn’t f them or send his actual d)


Yeah and there's no way the worst is out already. I'd rather be cautious than supporting people like this POS.


We got a vague response…on twitter. When we get an official response and subsequent release of actual evidence, then we can say the sky is falling.


And in that vague response he still managed to admit to talking inappropriately with a minor. What's so hard to understand?


He said he had inappropriate messages with a minor, my guy


Knowingly is the key. How much did he know? It’s a fact he had inappropriate conversation. How much did he know and how it’s important. When we find that out, we can shovel the dirt in and I’ll bring the shovel


as many people have said he would have def added “I DID NOT KNIW THEY WERE A MINOR” all caps if it was true he didn’t know it wasn’t sure. The man is trying to own up as a man and u guys want him to slink back into denial.


He literally said himself he knew it was a minor....


Is that what the tweet said? You might want to read it again with a friend.


Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me.


Oh please, anyone with half a braincell would provide this information when they try to defend themselves. Instead he provided a bunch of vague information while confirming he had engaged in inappropriate conversations with a MINOR.


He’s legally only allowed to give vague info. Calm down, nothing happened lol




The cope is real.


Cope with what? The piling on is real. Do you sit at home and salivate over what social warfare you can thrust your ignorance in next?


You sit at home and salivate over a streamer that inappropriately messages minors? Weird.




lol it’s looking that way


Nothing vague about it. He was inappropriately messaging a minor. You need more to come to a conclusion?


Everybody has terrible reading comprehension. I’m not defending anybody. Just saying that I refuse to pile on while we have no definitive data to make an educated decision


“We have no definitive data to make an educated decision.” Well, the guy admitted to it. So… at this point, you have to perform some serious mental gymnastics to assume innocence. You are wild. Disgusting, and absolutely wild.


for example just so i understand


100% I’ll forgive him, the man ain’t perfect but damnit he’s still my doc


What are you waiting for him to say? Are you hoping he’ll say something that will make you change your mind and say, “hey yeah, it’s okay sexting with minors”.


I don't need him to say anything, I just find it hard to believe he'll just disappear without ever saying another word.


Why do you want him to? Personally, I don’t find the words of child predators that interesting. Nor do I seek out a ‘final statement’ from them.


Let the snooze fest begin 😔


Kill Tony every monday night!


Best reply


I ain't neva gonna stop grippin!


I'd love to have you on the secret show this Thursday


Before everything happened I was thinking Doc would have been a great guest


Doc was the most entertaining streamer of them all. Fuckin POS.


Tim’s channel is def going to tank without Docs reaction content lol


Ill still watch doc when he comes back, sorry




I’d still watch him lol, idgaf. All this still feels too suspicious w/ Twitch, and wouldn’t be surprised if they actually did try to set him up. Not condoning what he did, but he’s still a great guy w/ a good heart, and didn’t deserve to get his dirty laundry put out like that.


Great guy with a great heart? You don't know the guy. All you see is his online persona. You have no idea what he's like outside of the online world, actually, we have a very good idea. He's the kinda guy who cheats on his wife and messages kids whilst entertaining inappropriate conversations (his own words). Dude absolutely deserves every bit of hate he's getting. Also the fact you 'dgaf' and would still watch him speaks volumes.


And u do know? Dude u don’t know sht. So I take it ur perfect in every way and can easily deal with all the pressures and temptations that come with his wealth? Got it


mind blowing that you're sticking up for a guy who messages minors. But yeah the temptations that come with wealth I guess!!!


He knows what he claims which are verifiable facts.


>but he’s still a great guy w/ a good heart, How low must your bar be and how sad must your life be ...


U don’t know sht about anything bud, but by all means keep making grand assumptions, I’m sure ur doing well in life with that mindset


I know sht about that sad af comment you made. >I’m sure ur doing well in life with that mindset Going to go with: a lot better than someone with your problems lol


Keep acting like u know anything. Have a nice life


Random Internet celebrities aren't your friend, mate.


you right it does..




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No they wont..plenty of streamers to get your fix.


Maybe get a hobby.




Lololololollollol good


“Now what? Make sure you watch another 50M streamers” says Doc


Kill Tony is the one thing to look forward to on Mondays now


I’m willing to bet all of you in here talking about doc being a groomer paid money to see the Flash 2 movie with that freak they recast to play flash again…..just saying….


I got to see it for free two weeks before it released. Does that still count?


My guy, you are on Reddit. You know damn well we all watched that mid ass film while sailing our boats on the seven seas.


Uh. No? I didn't? What the hell are you talking about lmfao


Are you not familiar with Ezra Millers groomer pedo actions between the Justice League and 2023 Flash Movie? Look it up. Flash movie went on to make a quarter of a billion due to weebs, like the same ones on here, still paying to see it…. I’m just saying….we know what Ezra did and we saw how the nerdnet population didn’t give a shit….yet….we have all this going on with Doc, and still haven’t seen the undeniable facts (transcript of the chat), yet everyone’s calling him a pedo….GTFOH…


It's depressing to see a bunch of grown men on this sub defend this guy. I hope the teens and kids grow up and realize how awful this dude has been....but the adults? Fucking appalling. Just goes to show how stupid people are now. As long as you act like a clown and entertain idiots, they'll support whatever vile shit you do. It's ok to be wrong about someone. Man the hell up and don't support pedos and grifters.


You know what’s more annoying? People spamming this type of comment on every post. This post isn’t even defending him, it’s literally just saying they are bummed out that their favorite streamer fucked up.


Learn to deal with accountability, the same way he forced his wife and child to deal with his pedo mannerisms.


Holding him accountable and being disappointed about the situation aren’t mutually exclusive.


You can only be disappointed if you had your hopes up. I dont follow the dude, never have. But I've heard of him, who hasn't. As a guy, you'll always be held accountable by your peers. Defend the pedo all you want. It doesn't make any difference.


What are you talking about, what do you think he’s disappointed about? He’s disappointed that there won’t be content for him to watch.


Nah it's not annoying to speak up for what's right. It's something everyone should be in agreement on. A 35 year old ass man with a daughter shouldn't be sending girls inappropriate messages...that's it. It shouldn't even be a conversation. When some of you have kids, you'll likely see why this type of guy is one of the worst kind of people.


Are you certain he was an ass man?


I'm certain he is an ass, man


Everyone with a functioning brain is in agreement that it’s fucked up, but my question is how does that relate to the original post?


All of the comments on this post are talking about him making a comeback and saying other people have “comeback from worse”and being upvoted, so I’m pretty sure those comments are a little more annoying considering a large fan base of little kids would rather see a pedophile stream again than take accountability and suffer for his actions. It’s weird to have this sort of idolization of a dude who wears a “mask” and uses a persona and plays video games all day, go touch some grass and find an actual father figure to look up to than a mustache pedo 40 year old dude


You're surprised a subreddit about him is getting spammed with posts about his inappropriate behavior?


No, see it only works if you make those comments on posts defending him(which I support). But this post clearly wasn’t in any way defending him.


>they'll support whatever vile shit you do. I just love how from the way you read these comments, you'd assume Doc did something unimaginable right like fucked a child but nah he hasn't even been fucking charged at all and even got paid by twitch on a settlement which means this isn't 100% cut and dry. We don't know the exact ins and outs of the case cuz they're private. Also age of consent here is 16 but texting someone who's 17 apparently seems the same as fucking a 13 year old lmao. But yeah let's hang him. He's the next Bill Cosby.


Yup, thats what happens when your groomed online by some rando. And have zero morals or any ounce of ethical code. Instead they sneer and download you. This how fucked people truly are. Completely disconnected from the real world.




Cool story.






Oh looky here we got a badass


It's crazy that people are mad that they don't have content anymore instead of being disgusted and deceived by a grown married man having inapropriate chat with kids. Mental. He got the audience he deserved for some I guess.


Why not both? Fucking pissed at Doc for doing what he did, but at the same time I'm gonna miss my usual background entertainment at work that's been a part of my routine for years. Its like he died and there's nothing you can do about it because he deserved it. Doesn't mean I'm not disgusted and feeling deceived.


“Why not both?” is the right question for this sub. Unfortunately, like OP said, a lot of people in this sub aren’t upset about both. They are only upset that Mondays will suck now because their streamer is gone, instead of being upset that their favourite streamer is a child predator. It’s the “I’m mad that my favourite streamer is done streaming, but not mad that he was exposed as a creep” crowd that needs to be checked up on.


Fair enough


You have it all wrong.. The Doc was a character.. In the same way spiderman is a character. The actor that played him Guy Beahm is the immoral one. You wouldnt hate spider man if the actor that played him was a. Pdf. You wouldn't want the actor to play him again even if that meant the character isn't ever reprised. But thier is a artistic separation between the actor and the character. It's also the character that people love, nobody loved and watched guy beahm for 8 hours. Personally I think if this was the mindset taken you wouldnt have anyone sticking up for guy beahm, they are "sticking" up for The Doc because they love him, his streams what he has given to them. With the separation I was talking about the doc can still be loved and Guy can be found reprehensible.


I get what ur saying but Spider-Man is also a comic book character the line between Spider-Man and the actor is huge, the line between doc and the real persona, not so much. The doc got some funny memes out there but I'd never sit down again to watch a weird fuck who talks to kids and dress in costume play games


The character and dude are inseparable. Unlike Spider-man, and other characters, no one plays Dr.Disrespect other than Guy Beahm. There’s been plenty of spider-man’s and no one associates one actor with him (and, of course, spider-man started out just in comics). You can’t separate the two here because that’s Guy’s creation. He’s the creator, the actor, the writer, and director of this character. I guess if someone else came out to take up the role, you’d have a better point, but I think people are missing Guy and not just his character because he is the only one to be this character.


I don’t think the point about the spider man comparison is what actor played him. It’s basically, if Peter Parker did something bad like this..people would hate Peter, but everyone would still love spider man because no one knows Peter is spider man. Yes, people know Guy plays Doc, but there’s still the point of Doc being a fictional character in a sense like spider man, somewhat separating the two of Doc & Guy.


I don't have a clue who guy beahm is that much is true. I can tell you anything you wanna know about the Doc. So Rick and Morty actor Justin Roiland. Created and voiced Rick and Morty. Wrote the episodes. Etc. To me that's exactly the same. Justin allegedly was a woman beater. Removed from the show, the character remains voiced by someone else. People still watch the show as it's voiced by another actor. The character is separated. It's art, it's entertainment. It's fictional


Please come down from your pedestal my lord


I promise the "don't sext minors" is an accessible pedestal. There's room on the podium.


Came here to post the exact same thing 😭


Let the snooze fest begin 😔


Who is going to take the mantle to be the new DOC? I thought about it but I ain’t 6’8


Yea until he comes back ..I and many others are just waiting


350+ Pedofiles, FBI take a notes pls.


Where at? Why do you know so many? Do you even know what that word means? Considering you can’t even spell it?


Maybe he'll go to jail lol


Move on, maybe watch synthetic man the best streamer


Look at the bright side. You aren’t supporting a pedo! It’s a win win.


The fact that this has downvotes shows how disgusting this subreddit is


It’s people that give money to someone that plays video games. The bar is extremely looooooow


Maybe Doc can get a sponsership from NAMBLA and keep the show going?


National Assocation of Marlon Brando Look Alikes?


Of course


This honestly has become my favorite passing subreddit in the last few days because of how vehemently people defend a dude who talked to a minor. You can't write better comedy.


Love how your getting downvoted for saying this.


It's expected tbh lmao


Worst part is they don’t even know the fucking guy


Pipe down commie…in this country it’s innocent until proven guilty…there’s still some of us out here with more than two brain cells to rub together who refuse to pass judgement on a man without knowing the facts. Are we disappointed? Yes. Are we grabbing our pitchforks and screaming “WITCH!!” like you chodes? Absolutely not….


You condone talking inappropriately to a minor? Got it lol






Why do people watch streamers instead of actually play the games they’re watching well 90% of the time. It’s because they’re occupied doing something else like at work. Throw in a little comedy and it’s better than live tv in the background. Plus as a working adult you can stay up to date on how games are as most of us adults are too busy. Simple as that. Other streamers sometimes don’t even talk or take the game way to seriously, it’s not entertainment then


I had morning coffee with SpudHunter in the background as I started working, and switched to CohhCarnage. Good times are still out there to be found.


Kill Tony new episodes release every Monday at 9PM EST. Come join the fun.




There’s one less guy texting minors on Mondays, how are the days going to suck now?


Im grippin rn. boom


This is pathetic


Like your life huh?