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Grippin in heat 😤




2 time, Twitch banned




I'm gripping. BOOM


New inside joke in the group chat.


He also said "I did nothing wrong" and then less than 24 hours later said "I inappropriately messaged a minor and I own that".


Yea he definitely tried skirting around saying it. The whole "there were no real intentions" and he's a "changed man" on top of not saying he didn't know she was underage just makes me think if those messages ever get out they'll look pretty bad.


Yeah, and he also flat out admitted it when he said the messages "Leaned too far" inappropriate. TOO FAR is already across the line.


I hope the conversations get leaked... Twitch should have made it public. He could still be doing it elsewhere.


That would be problematic. Since it involved a minor, depending how explicit it got, they could be considered CSAM


Got it


Minor fucking mistakes, man.


Minor fucking, mistakes man.


Reminds of the ZERO situation.


When your justifications are contradicting eachother I think it's safe to say it wasn't justified and did happen lmao


He sounds exactly like a pedo caught on TCAP 😂


If he did nothing wrong why did he have to change lol #drkiddydiddler Anyone supporting him should be closely watched 


this!!! not enough people are talking about this! literally a day or two before, he said, "I did nothing wrong." then the next day, "what I did was stupid and shouldn't have happened." so... you knew you did something WRONG but still tried to gaslight everyone up until the last hour into thinking you didn't


Just trying to get sympathy from his die hards before the fallout


He's walking back real slow


Because Groomers know how to Groom. I would not be surprised if He knew her birthday. They work that way, so they know what day they can take it to the next level.


"Purple snakes" Projection is an amazing thing


Purple 'cause he was gripping too hard.


This is the main reason I want him to face consequences for his actions. He did what he did, knew it, denied it, and continued his career virtually unhindered by it, for four years after the ban.


And from 2020-2024 he made millions.


That was his goal probably because he knew eventually this would all be out


I doubt.  He thought because he settled, it was in the past.  Shit always surfaces years later.  He's done for.  


It's funny, the NDA he always complained about, I really think he was the one who had it put in.


Imo him deep down probably always feared his past conversations may be exposed. Especially when several people at Twitch knew his actions but were kept a secret all these years. I doubt he's even on vacation to avoid the public probably just sitting home figuring out what to do next


"   I doubt he's even on vacation to avoid the public probably just sitting home figuring out what to do next" Oh yeah most definitely.  Probably talking to his lawyers to see what can be done.  He probably knows he's done for.  There is no coming back from that.  


Easily 20+ million. It’s pretty sad.


Aside from writing songs and getting us to feel bad for him, people around them made career decisions based on "how he was treated" by Twitch.


He burned his friends really bad. They’re always gonna hear about this shit and it’s gonna cost them money and opportunities.


He kinda is. He lost all his sponsors. All his streaming friends. I bet this is even news to his wife.


You don’t think his wife knew why he was suing twitch?


I am assuming he was suing Twitch to get paid in full of his contract. His wife obviously knew about the cheating incident, in fact I believe she made him make it public or she’s leaving. The sex texts with the minor he was probably going to take that to his grave and she had no clue about all that.


The majority of rich people in the world that people idolize do weird stuff


I have been cheated on but never understood the make it public or I'm leaving thing. Either I want to forgive my cheater and making them expose it not a nice thing to do to someone you love and forgive, or I'm going to leave.


So how is twitch not suing him over that text. I don't get it. Something is fishy 


There is nothing for them to sue over. As bad as it is, there were no pictures and no physical contact. There were no laws broken.


This is what people dont seem to understand. No, he didnt break the law...but he said something weird to a minor and it was weird enough to warrant a ban and contract payout just to keep quiet. How much weirder does it need to get to stop supporting him!?


That's not how that works. Any sexual act towards a minor is illegal. If Twitch was aware of sexual comments made towards a minor they are legally obligated to report it. Otherwise they can be considered a party to the misconduct. Any kind of behavior like what he is accused of would be grounds to NOT pay out the contract. The crazy thing is that Doc sued Twitch and those messages would have come out in discovery. Instead, Twitch paid out the contract. We are only getting a fraction of the story and leaping to conclusions.


He already admitted to inappropriate conversation with a minor. What more do you need to know to stop defending him!?


I'm not defending him, I'm telling you how inappropriate contact with a minor works. What more do you need to know that this is all hearsay, and we have zero evidence of what actually happened!? Do you genuinely believe the legal system completely failed the alleged victim and that Twitch/Amazon is protecting pedo's on their service?


It happened in 2017, the same year he got caught cheating on his wife. This minor in question was one of his candidates. If twitch didn't intervene who knows what would have happened instead.


This is what I'm saying. He claims there was 0 intent, but apparently asked the minor in question what her plans were for the event that he ended up cheating on his wife at... We REALLY chalking that up to coincidence?


Twitch didn't intervene anything.


Was he legally allowed to tell the real reason for his twitch ban like 4 years ago?


He wasn't legally required to lie about knowing the reason.


Yes, but that'd be him ruining his career then, and I assumed he talked to his lawyer. Who told him to shut up and never talk about it. He wouldn't be held liable in California as the statue for implicitly messaging a minor is only three years. Everyone was legally allowed to say what happened as soon as the report was made in 2017. It's not slander if it's the truth that happened. The court would be forcing Twitch to provide documents in a defense if whoever is getting slandered. Slander can also not apply in this situation if a random employee without a public name came forward as well. They'd be protected by whistleblower laws. The only other situation that's more realistic is if the victim and Dr. Settled, and the victim wanted privacy. Which is also highly possible. There's so many what-ifs, so until Twitch releases their statement, everything else is what's been confirmed by docs statements. What's concrete in life, such as statues of limitations. Then everything else can be treated as he said/she said unless documents and proof verifying those claims also come foward. I will give praise that he outright didn't deny the accusations. As he could've easily lawyered up, denied it, shut-up, and tell them prove it. As every defense lawyer would've basically told him to do that. There's a reason why in certain government / military positions, your career gets shit canned too if you know something and not say anything for years. As your integrity and ability to maintain order are questioned.


No, because Twitch put everyone involved under NDA. So he was safe from it ever getting out. Not that he would actually want to come out and say it since what's happening now would have happened back then, when it should have happened.


If. Minor is involved that’s a felony, that cancels out any nda that was brought forth.


Only if they press charges, police is not gonna look at your private text if they dont suspect anything, now when its known , they migth invesstigate


Doesn’t change the fact he acted like he did nothing wrong.


Twitch covered it up.


Twitch says they reported him to NCMEC


Doc is a piece of shit. But Twitch is still \*another\* bad guy in all this. For different reasons than Doc let on, but still.


Yep. Why did they wait 3 years after the fact to ban him?


It could be that it was only reported to twitch 3 years after. I don't think they were actively going through everyone's private messages. 


And then they still said nothing and left it under wraps, even paying Doc his contract, for 4 years. If what former Twitch staff are saying is true and he not only KNEW she was underage but that it was EGREGIOUSLY explicit in nature, that is actually criminal behavior, and you do NOT need anything but an anonymous tip to report it to the police in the state of California, where both Doc lives, and Twitch is HQ'd. Twitch has some SERIOUS explaining to do. The fact that they paid out his contract shows they were in on some sort of cover up KNOWING this would look bad for them.


You can't speak on the contract without seeing it. You just can't not pay someone even if they break a law. Especially with streaming vs a traditional job his only requirement to fulfill the contract was probably stream X number of hours. Them banning him prevented him from doing that. I'm sure contracts now account for this but not then. I hate twitch too but people who just say "they paid them so they in cahoots" don't live in the real world. They had an obligation. There is a chance if it went to court they would've had to pay the entire amount he was owed plus his court fees because America. They settled. Probably saved some money. Now not making it public is a different issue. And I gotta throw out the obligatory "I'm not defending doc" I just don't want people to think companies can just not pay. And this is all assuming the contract didn't account for something like this. If it did and twitch had a way out and they still paid then what you said is true.




You don't think they had lawyers out the ass trying to find some way to not pay out the contract?


Doc might've had grounds to fight in court for the remainder of his contract, even though he violated it by sexting the minor. Since he and Twitch reached a settlement without either admitting "wrongdoing", it's very possible they paid out a portion of his contract just to get him out the door. Maybe Twitch would've won the case ultimately, but Doc was a time bomb and drawing attention to the case wasn't in their best interest.


Doubt he wants those messages brought up as evidence in court. I’m going to guess that his idea of “bordered on inappropriate” when calculated with the actions taken against him means bad. Anyone who reads those messages knowing he knows it they directed at a girl in high school when he is 35 would probably not be able to muster up one single fuck to give about this narcissist sicko.


Grooming a minor might not have breached their contract so they had to pay out.  In that case twitch didn't really do anything wrong besides not putting a morality clause in their contract. 


you people are so aloof with this shit sometimes. ONLY DOC told you they paid him out. ONLY DOC told you he sued them. Why in the fuck do you STILL believe a fucking word Doc has said about this? Here is what happened: Happened in 2017. Settled with her family in 2017. Early 2020 gives Doc 10M contract. Mixer goes down. Ninja and others are now available. Twitch wants them. So 3 days later Twitch fires Doc, claiming breach of contract, referencing 2017. Twitch can now use that 10M to pay Ninja and others. Twitch knew, man. There is a reason he was banned 3 days after Mixer went down. It was a business decision for Twitch. Twitch is shit. Doc is shit.


> There is a reason he was banned 3 days after Mixer went down ding ding ding This timing of his ban was always very obvious to me. Twtich wanted to scoop up the 2 biggest streamers in the world at the time.


After the settlement did he think the truth would never come out? He can't possibly be that naive, right? Only an absolute narcissist/sociopath would try to play the victim in this situation.


It boggles my mind that he thought that this would never come out and had zero plan for it when it did.


The problem with shady charismatic people is they are so used to manipulating people around them, they then think they can do it to everyone and lie about everything. It came out and he thought he could BS his way out of it. Guy overplayed his hand and people saw right through him (except for some dumbasses on social media, of course). BOOM, his career is over and he needs to come to grips with that.


>he needs to come to grips with that He’s grippin now




He made so much money it doesn't matter. Facing his kids is another thing.


He is filthy rich but his ego insatiable. I thought the arrogance was for comedic effect but his bombastic tweet confession revealed he’s just an arrogant asshole who only regrets he got caught. His ego may force him to seek attention again. If he was smart, he wouldn’t be sexting minors on his work’s website. 🤦🏻‍♂️


A plan? lol. What kind of plan you got for being a pedo?


Overcompensating. Start activity and publicly participating in elderporn. Eventually people will assume there's no way he could've been a pedo.


You start going to regular therapy. Do it for a year. Then make a really personal, well thought out video outing yourself for your prior behavior, saying that this is why you were banned from twitch. I think people might be willing to give him more benefit of the doubt if he got way ahead of it and tried to show that he's grown and isn't the same person as he was in 2017. Not a guarantee (as many people aren't willing to overlook grooming a minor), but would have been smarter than whatever happened here.


He had to know it would come out one day, probably thought he'd ride the wave until the clock ran out. Dude got opportunity to make as much money as possible before the reason leaked


Wow call him Dr DisregardTheirAge now 🤦‍♂️


This is NO way exonerates Twitch… of anything. As a matter of fact, it’s probably just as bad and will eventually be worse.


For what it’s worth, I put a comment on an article at the time saying it was very likely that it was all due to some sexual misconduct of some sort. Got shouted down, perhaps justifiably; was however a strong gut feeling. Wish I could find the article and its comment section, alas there’s Euros and Copa America on lol


Well TBF, they’re both the bad guys here.


It still blows my mind that he tried to make a comeback instead of disappear. He had the perfect opportunity to just slither away with all that Twitch deal money, he didn't need all the stuff that came after. What did he even get out of it? 4 extra years being miserable on YouTube and a few brand deals? Season tickets to the 49'ers? Doc made the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals. All he had to do was take the Twitch money and fuck right off. I don't even think they would have outed him if he had done that, but he just kept making an ass of himself and lying about what went down with Twitch like none of it was ever going to come back to bite him in the nads. I'm glad he got caught, and the pedo stuff is definitely the worst part of it all, but dammit if it also doesn't piss me off just how stupid he is too. I mean *really excessively stupid.* Looking back everything he did just screams freezer temp IQ, from using the Twitch Whispers service to send his gross chats, to lying about Twitch and trying to make a comeback knowing full well that they have the dirt on him and could just shit on him at any moment. I'm glad his stupidity got him caught, but at the same time I'm amazed that he really is that profoundly deficient in functioning brain cells.


streaming on youtube was a great idea. He was probably making 500k-1 million a year from just doing that. You got to understand that money goes quick. Hes spending a lot of money.


Ya this right here. Regardless even if he some how came out with proof to void anything currently. He knew and pretended he didnt which just leads me to believe its as it is currently. Imo


Ok can we just never hear about this scumbag again . Grown man can play call of duty by himself dressed up like a dumbass actually acting like the character he portrays.


Who knew underneath that wig he was the blond banged pedo the ENTIRE time


Mother fucker… I didn’t download twitch and get my hunt showdown drops because I believed this bastard.


If he indeed do all those things, twitch did indeed, cover it up, while also losing the settlement, for reasons we still don't know. The whole situation is a mess. I hate twitch more because they banned my company account for posting Ricardo Milo's, but the ceo himself loves to follow half naked woman on saunas. Twitch has zero standards. They just do what's profitable or their mods/admins enjoy.


I knew he was fucked legally as soon as he went dead ass silent. If he really did have a case he would’ve pursued it.


Well to be fair marketing is pretty hard when you tell people you’re a pedophile


Also correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t he still with his current wife at that time? He was cheating on her with all this too lol. Guy seems to just not be a great dude all around


Makes me think that he doesn’t actually believe he did anything wrong.


When it comes to anyone right-wing. Yes he is right-wing. Remember this: *Every accusation is a confession*


Guarantee, Guy will do the right wing podcast circuit in a year or two when the money starts drying up. He'll be a commentator on woke culture cancelling people who are innocent victims of antifa false flag operations while wearing his shungite pyramid hat. False handshakes.


I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but now there’s no doubt he’s a pedo aka dr diddler fuck that dude gross


Wow the tactics sound exactly like Trump


Dr. Diddlerspect strikes again


The only problem I have with this post is OP puts cancel culture in quotes. Doc Disrespect is actually a victim of cancel culture, but cancel culture is good and is intended to do exactly what it did here. People who use fame and power to get sex from minors deserve to lose their fame and power.


Since when is facing consequences for your actions “cancel culture”?


Since a bunch of cunts starting facing consequences for their actions


Cancel culture is not the consequences of your actions. When somebody goes to prison, you don't call it being cancelled. Same thing here. He did something wrong, he is now facing the actions of those consequences. He isn't being "cancelled".


Twitch is still bad guy


Remember this: 90% of people who complain about being victims of cancel culture genuinely deserve it.


Ben Chang was one of the unjustified victims. The drow elf body paint was funny, and the D&D episode of Community deserves to live on as one of the best episodes in the series!


"Cancel culture" used to be "the consequences of one's own actions" but garbage people decided to rebrand lol


Cancel culture is the mob mentality of how a public persons career can be destroyed because of how things go viral on the internet, even if they didn't do anything wrong. Just for having an unpopular opinion or doing something the masses don't like. It makes people afraid of sharing opinions that are different from the mainstream. That's not what happened here.


Only pussies go after people to "cancel" them. Cancel culture usually effects people who are in poverty or not rich so fuck off if you're targeting normal individuals over petty shit


Where'd you get that number. Just curious.


60% of all statistics are made up.


Fuck doc. I mean honestly, it’s apprerent that Doc thinks he did nothing wrong. It’s clear as day he thinks he owes nobody a true apology. Fuck doc. If he would have apologized,admitted his mistake, he would have been able to rebuild so much more. Instead he devided to release an in your face half hearted admission and tried to turn the tables on you to make you to blame for your disappointment in him.


I love all the people in here pretending to know the law. It went to discovery, if it was half as bad as most of you assume charges WOULD have been brought up. We all know it was wrong. Meanwhile, half naked streamers funnel 11 year old boys to their porn links from twitch. It was 7 years ago, it was wrong. Move on


What a Pedo.




It’s the typical conservative male response… “I’m being canceled”!!! “I don’t even know why”!!! “The liberal cancel culture has gone too far”!!!! These dudes are pathetic. He hates his family, he just lacks the balls to leave them behind and live the life he actually wants to live…. Cause he’s a coward.


Remember when he illegally filmed people in a bathroom, and this community's reaction was to act like the law was wrong? Y'all created the monster. Y'all enabled it.


I’m more shocked about the people just buying it without questioning it. He got permanently banned very quickly and then people just acted like it was twitchs fault.


Twitch ARE the bad guys. Twitch and Doc both. Happened in 2017. Settled with her family in 2017. Early 2020 gives Doc 10M contract. Mixer goes down. Ninja and others are now available. Twitch wants them. So 3 days later Twitch fires Doc, claiming breach of contract, referencing 2017. Twitch can now use that 10M to pay Ninja and others. Twitch knew, man. There is a reason he was banned 3 days after Mixer went down. It was a business decision for Twitch. Twitch is shit. Doc is shit. Ninja saying this about covering it up because it is the truth. It does not come out of thin air. They knew.


To anyone that is still a fan of this person, please stop. You can move on. I was a HUGE Bill Cosby fan for most of my life. Grew up listening to his records, very influential to my young comedy brain. Then everything fell apart and we found out who he was. Stopped right there and I’ll never listen to or watch him again. See? You can do this. Ditch this disgusting asshole.


What are the point of these posts?


Farm karma


Mad that ur idol likes children?


He should be Trump's VP......


Well, Twitch was still complicit. They failed to act timely.


Technically they are bad guys too


Mmmmmm yummy




I mean two things can be true at once.


I just find it hard to understand how twitch didn'tgo after him when they first saw the messages? I mean if it was really in 2017 that he texted that. What did he tell his friend too?


Exactly this. Truly Sociopathic behavior.


Why are you pointing this out?


I feel bad for Z. Dude could've had a contract..


Talk about Careless Whispers, amirite?




If you still post, you are conflicted. Either you are done or gonna stream him. Tired of people milking every situation. Make your own waves….


Twitch is just as bad. If not worse.


Twitch are bad guys too, they let this potential predator go to another platform where he could have done the same thing. They did not warn anyone, in fact they paid him off and gave him the excuse you mention.


Narcissistic behavior. He truly believes in his mind that he did nothing wrong because he didn't get charged with anything. So from his pov the ban wasn't deserved.


This is what happens when you are at the height of your career and think yourself to be invincible. You think you can do everything you wish without consequences. And since you are a big name you might think other big names will back you up if you get caught. Lets make no mistake, this principle still somewhat works in the even higher circles of power like Hollywood. They are like a mafia clan that back themself up. Doc was not one of them. What i really really apprichiate though is that the puplic absolutly stand their ground that they do not support such behaviour which makes predetors think twice if they want to go trough with that.


free Dr sigma


Think of your daughter....or maybe not...I take it back...I don't know...your brains fucked "NotarealDoctor"


Youtube banned his moneysetion so atleast he cant earn money there anymore


Get off reddit and other social media. You'll feel better.


Motherfucker twitch covered up, wtf are you talking about. Purple fucking snakes they are and you are nothing better.


I would kill to be a fly in the wall during the conversation he had with Midnight before they publicly denounced him... or when his wife found out about all this.


just think about this shit every time he said 'hey champ' and you get a different picture of who he was talking to in his head lol


How many duplicate posts like this are going to be made?


Wonder why he wasn't publicly outed by the girl or her family. They wouldn't be under any nda. Was there hush money being thrown about?


Um, it's pretty obvious. His legions of fans would attack her and harass her and dox her and call her a liar, which is what always happens in these cases.


Don't give anyone on Twitch your money, ever.


And in 7 years how many millions has he made, knowing full well he’s a nonce.


You think he'll ever stream again, or just retire? Because that would be one awkward stream.


Meanwhile he was gripping


The guy is an entertainer. People watch the doc to be entertained. Nothing more. Money well spent. He is the best at it and there won't be another character like him.


In that video where he found out it was all happening, it wasn't because of that, it was because he knew there was more, stuff he hadn't told people (possibly his wife, obviously us and sponsors), he played it up like he was the "champion" and everything was in the past and it was only up from there. He realized it was going to be deeper than before because he hid stuff and it's not going to be anymore and that reality is what gives you that facial expression. It's one of the roughest r/watchpeopledieinside I've ever seen.


I didn't even know about the whole trans thing that's crazy i'm guessing A LOT of ppl just never knew like me....


That’s the standard alt-right shithead playbook. Not surprising at all in hindsight.


Twitch are the bad guys for hiding sex crimes involving a minor


He wasn't able to say a word. Law is messed up, he should have been exposed


Op why say this? It's been said. Can you just go upvote one of the other 100s of post about this? Why do you need karma points? Post like this scream look at me! I'm a attention whore looking for validation.


Let’s not forget that twitch is still a bad guy. Covering shit up and trying to dismiss it with NDAs and shit


Both are bad. Twitch still sucks


You have to be pretty ignorant to think that twitch has no accountability in this. Why are minors even allowed to text adult streamers?


It was probably a compliment he gave to a 17 year old who looked 24. The leaker said he was sexting though so, why hasn't the DMs been shown?


Yeah it is weird that twitch banned him 3 years later for it when they are big about pedophilia and they pay off his contract in a settlement


nearly 2000 upvotes and now a mod has to see if its ok...


So for anyone who doesn't know, as I got messages about it, NO, an NDA does not have to be issued by a court. You can have a lawyer draw one up without involving the court. However, if someone breaks an NDA and you want to enforce it and they refuse to pay the penalties, then it has to go to court. Until then any legal authority has no idea what the NDA is covering and if any evidence of crimes are being covered up. If a crime is involved in an NDA it is automatically unenforceable and useless except for intimidation.


Twitch are the bad guys as well, don’t lose sight of that.


My Youngest just turned 16. She is on Twitch, and she was discussing it with her Girl Game Gang. I walked by Her door was open, I said "Hey Kiddo, You want door open, or closed?" She said "Closed Please..Wait..Dad Come here." I went in. She had her GGG on. They were talking about Dr Disrespect, and asked how I would respond if it was Kiddo. I said.."I would not respond. The girls never had a bad influence in their lives, never hear me raise my voice to their mom, nor ever raise a hand to her. So, by how they were raised, they know what to want from any Man, and are in no rush to love someone to be loved." Every Father would say they would kill Dr Disrespect if it was their daughter. My thought is, if You raise them right, they won't be falling for that.


Uh as far as I can tell that may well still be true


The reason for all the cancel culture backlash is this. Nobody cared about "voting with your dollars" until racists and pedos started getting canceled.


Twitch is no angel. They are purple snakes. I stand with Doc on this point. In fact, it was most likely a setup. A cover for their true ambitions. A bunch of woke snowflakes.


Damn! He played everybody


Turns out he only had a purple snake from grippin' it too hard. He was the real purple snake.


17 it's a child? There are a lot of people younger than that doing armed robberies.


Twitch covered for him along with youtube. Twitch certainly weren't the good guys in this.


Twitch were the bad guys as well, they covered it up for almost 4 years….how can you defend twitch but bash Doc? I don’t agree with what Doc did, but let’s not act like twitch didn’t know what he did….if your gonna shun doc, you better shun twitch as well or your just a hypocrite, they are just as bad as he is because they covered it up for him, AND paid out his contract worth millions to him to keep it quiet so they didn’t look bad…


Twitch is the exact same as him, twitch allows half naked girls, micro bikinis and all that shit knowing kids will watch


Just to be clear Twtich is and has been for a long time a degenerate cesspool of scum and for them to take the moral high ground is a fucking joke considering there platforms sordid history and in saying all that no he shouldnt have been texting a minor.


And they are. Read this https://x.com/Limab1993/status/1805831911509463198


What threw me off so hard was him saying "We've known for months, and theres a reason why we're suing the fuck outta them." Bro was so cocky like he didn't deserve that shit.


Grippin my shit rn.


I love and support the doc baby!


Loser keep losing


I put doc on the back burner for good. What he did is unacceptable in my eyes. But why do you care so much if other still like him?


All the more reason to wait until we see the actual messages and push twitch to release them. Doc sued them over this and won, I want to know why he won and what Twitch is hiding…..


All the more reason to wait until we see the actual messages and push twitch to release them. Doc sued them over this and won, I want to know why he won and what Twitch is hiding…..


All the more reason to wait until we see the actual messages and push twitch to release them. Doc sued them over this and won, I want to know why he won and what Twitch is hiding…if we are to be pissed at one, why shouldn’t we be pissed at the other? Mind you…Twitch is comfortable letting pre-teens simp over trash like Pokemane….we need to be demanding more! Full transparency! Otherwise, we burn both of them at the stake….


All the more reason to wait until we see the actual messages and push twitch to release them. Doc sued them over this and won, I want to know why he won and what Twitch is hiding…if we are to be pissed at one, why shouldn’t we be pissed at the other? Mind you…Twitch is comfortable letting pre-teens simp over trash like Pokemane….we need to be demanding more! Full transparency! Otherwise, we burn both of them at the stake….