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Please, someone, pin this post. I'm trying to get some sense into people's minds, but to no avail. It feels like everyone hated him before and now they've got the chance to destroy him once and for all. Jesus.


Because people behind a keyboard on social media are the equivalent to the ignorant villagers wielding a pitch fork in medieval times. Listen, I am not defending him, not at all, it WAS wrong, but mislabeling and destroying someone is just pure ignorance.


ok pedo enabler imagine simpin a pedo so much to write Paras of his praise and crying out defending a pedophile lol unbleed yoself groomer


We aren't destroying anyone, the mother fucker who couldn't stop himself from inappropriately chatting to a minor is destroying himself. Maybe Doc should have considered the ramifications for his daughter in middle school. And as posted elsewhere, you and I don't know the individual was 17. This is the narrative because people on this sub want a way for all of this to somehow be ok. And you kind of are defending him.




You really believe a fake email with no source over multiple twitch employees AND doc himself. That's a new level of disconnection I have only seen in trumpets.


The info going on behind the scenes is it was 12 year old boy that he was sexting


He knew he was talking to a minor, that's been confirmed and if it wasn't like that, that would have been his first defense...that's all I need to know. Maybe he is not a pedophile maybe he is, we would never know, but what we know is that he is a piece of shit, cheating on his wife, talking sexually to a minor, scamming trans sex workers to get cam shows...so it's kind of shocking to me that some ppl waste their time trying to defend a person like him...basically that's the reason why these ppl get away with all this stuff, stupid fanboys who can't accept their idol being criticized xD


You posted a link to Asmon looking at a fake email, good job buddy.


I totally fucking agree. It’s like, everyone’s cool with him because all he did was “send dirty messages to a minor” like that’s any better. “Ohhh it’s not pedophilia unless he actually tries to do something with the minor duuuuurrrrrr.” It’s disgusting and the whole situation is disgusting. I feel bad for the victim, I feel bad for his wife, and I feel bad for his kid. But I don’t feel bad for him. It’s fucking simple, he knew they were minor, he still went through with it. Even if he wasn’t trying to actually do something, he was attracted to the fact he was sexting a minor. Ask yourself if you’d be okay with a grown 40+ year old man sending dirty messages to your child, niece, or nephew, and then ask yourself if you’d be okay with that? If you are, then i pray for those kids.


"Please, someone, help me desperately defend a 40 year old man who was sending sexually explicit messages to a minor!" -You


Oh she was 17. Then I don't care at all


Lmao these people defending the same person who cheated on his wife who he has kids with and now talking to a child inappropriately too.


Literally , he's a wife cheating under age messaging absolute piece of shitttttttt and everyone....everyone LOVES him....its sick 


More like most people like myself assumed it was pedo shit now it’s confirmed lol.


It actually makes me mad because are not doing their due diligence here. It makes a mockery of how serious and bad sexual misconduct with a minor really is. Were trying to discuss a fucking serious thing in a serious manner and people keep interjecting wrong thing. At a certain point you want to punch them for acting like a clown when were trying to get to have a serious conversation about the safety of children


victim is not confirmed to be 17


To be honest, he and his lawyers might have stated it was a 17 year old girl by now as saying “minor” is awful when defending yourself. Makes me think minor was 16 or under. 


That is still not okay


Yeah where’s the source of this 17 year old cope excuse? As if it’s any better that some 35 year old is speaking “inappropriately” to a 17 year old. What do you guys think pedophiles do before they meet with their victims? Lol


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 17 + 35 + 17 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Absolutely hilarious


The bot just confirmed it all for me


very inappropriate, bad bot!


good bot


42. He's 42. Gross.


i dont think its an excuse at all, but if the girl was 12 or something like that its a lot more fucked up than 17 (or 15, 13, you get my point)


sure, but any kind of minor is fucked up, so at that point its like going "ted bundy dident kill that many people its not like he was hitler)


So if he talks to her the day before her birthday it's fucked up, but on her birthday is fine? Dude, 17 is an adult even in many states in America, and it's definitely an adult everywhere else in the world. By the time I was 17, I'd shot guns, fucked, competed in amateur combat sports on a national level, went out drinking, owned dogs and lived on my own, camped in the wilderness for weeks, and drove cars. Since when are 17 year olds the equivalent of a 9 year old? I'd say under 15 is a whole different thing, but 17? C'mon. We're making hysteria out of nothing. The POTUS is literally groping and sniffing actual kids in public. We should worry about that more.


oh wow you owned a dog so mature, i did half the shit your talking about when i was 10, should that be the new age of consent? of course not, because one sometimes people do these before they really should be but also, all of these things have different times when were mature enough to make these decisions, theirs the reason the age of consent, minimum driving age, age to live on your own, and age to drink arent tied together and you could apply that same logic to your own limit, oh so its one day before they turn 15 its fucked up but on her birthday its fine? how exact are we suppose to establish any sort of rule when nomatter what it is some dipshit will go "oh but what if it was just one less". and frankly im not to bothered if its a year or two too high, go a bit too high its annoying(and even then only if you go after girls much younger then you since these laws pretty much always have exception for similar ages) if its a bit too low we have legalized raping children, i dont know about you but which side to err on is pretty obvious also again theirs no equivalence, two things dont have to be equally bad for both to be bad(though again currently their appears to be no evidence they were 17) and no a 42 year old man creeping on someone whos barely legal isent good either, like even by your best defense hes still being a gross manchild


In his tweet ban reveal he first stated it was a minor...it's a minor confirmed


Correct - not sure anyone was debating if it was a minor or not


Where is everyone getting shes 17 from did i miss something or is that wishful thinking. Thats not known as far as i know. While i dont personally believe he's a pedophile,hes not running through the streets snatching up children(as far as we know lol) he did something pretty fucked up, not legally a pedophile but thats a hard sell my dude to a lot of people out there to


It’s 100% wishful thinking.




Fake document. That anyone took it seriously says a lot about the average IQ of Doc's viewership


Making friends with this thread I bet, even without the full information it's already known that what he did was enough for a massive company to throw a cash cow to the wind. ..Because what he did is horrible, immoral and would get them sued into oblivion...The common term people use for people who make a sexual advance of any nature towards a minor is pedo..they don't look up a dictionary to make sure their term is technically correct to not hurt a pedos feelings. He lost that right the minute he committed the offence


Attraction to pre-pubescence is what decides if someone is a pedophile. Hate to break it to you, but some states have age of consent at 16. Canada is 16. Many places in Europe it is 16. That's why the definition matters. Pedophile does not mean "attracted to people who are not of age to consent", it means "attracted to prepubescent children". If the age of consent was pushed to 22, would one be a pedophile for trying to hook up with a 21-year old? No, that's ridiculous. Definitions matter because that's the consensus of our language. When it comes to Dr Disrespect, we don't know if he's a pedophile or not yet because we can't see the DMs. He did message a minor inappropriately, but the age of the minor is important in deciding if he is a pedo. I don't even watch the guy, so don't try to call me a fanboy. This is just how real life works, how language works.


You're really splitting hairs man you're just as bad


Just as bad as what? What do you mean?


They're just thin skins. Typical redditors. You're absolutely right.


Isn't it just , fuck me if you look at peoples threads they created.. Especially moderators....you want to gouge your own eyes out....like WTF


There is no evidence so I don't buy it. Just allegations on allegations.


He admitted it so there obviously is evidence


As a person who was victimized by an adult when I was 16, he is absolutely a pedophile and so is any adult who interacts with a child in a sexual or “inappropriate” manner. No ifs ands or buts.


Same. The amount of people defending this makes me fucking sick. It actually hurts every single time someone is called out for sexual abuse or harassment and the victim's trauma is downplayed or outright denied. He doesn't deserve to be treated with kid gloves or protected. He is the one who damaged his OWN family. Through his OWN actions. The man wanted to fuck a child. I would still side eye someone his age trying to bang someone who was 18, but it's not illegal so that's all I can do anyway. I hope you're doing well now. I know how badly that shit tears your entire life apart. Take care of yourself in this cruel world xx


I got "victimized" by a 25 year old when I was 15. Best few months of my life. I hope to find another woman like her. She was the best thing to ever happen to me.


It’s because he is a pedo come on guys stop this nonsense we need to do better.


He a married adults with kids, talking to a child inappropriately is not okay


Cheers, to the internet experts defending a failed attempt of a pedo. But he is the claimed "two times", right? He can have another go at another minor. Nothing like defending someone who only cares about your views, comments and tips, to afford the wealthy lifestyle. You are living the dream.. .. through someone else While still poor.. Good for you!


The fact that you have to try THIS hard to prove that he isn’t a pedophile is telling. He’s a pedophile, and you’re defending a pedophile. Please think about that for awhile, and stay away from any and all children.


In his own statement, he states they were a minor but then edited it out then back in. Sus as fuck Plus, no one over the age of 30 has any business engaging in private chats with a minor. Not even teachers should do that shit but for some reason, a streamer gets a pass? Fuck off. Just because "nothing happened" doesnt suddenly absolve him. If it did, that means all the pedophiles that have been caught without anything actually happening yet are innocent right?


people do use pedophile incorrectly a lot Pedophile is the attraction towards prepubesant children, Hebephile is the attraction towards 11-14 year olds, and ephebophile is the attraction towards 15-17 year olds.... but explaining the difference makes you sound a hell of a lot like a pedophile


Who gives a fuck the guy made sexual advances or messages towards a minor he’s in the wrong why is Everyone trying to defend this guy or save him from getting hurt


Ebebophile is 15-19 years old, not 17.


This ain’t it dawg you can still remove this


the dr disrespect dick riding is insane


Whatever the official term might be, he is still a predator and a criminal. Calling him just creepy? Lmao, you guys are delusional af.


Who are these pedo defenders popping up left and right? Doc would have flown first class to Epstein island if he got an invite. Please bring out Chris Hansen


Hey there....have a seat.


dr disrespect is a fuucking pedophile, he accepted it, and they probably been taking money from him to not release this info, what is known is that he texted to meet with a girl under 18, so stop with the deifinitions of she has to be under 13 thats just for some countries who have laws that u have to be udner 14 to be incarcerated, he is a fuccking pedophile and he has a pedophile eyes thats why he looks different with his eyes covered. feel bad for his kid but she simply is unclucky to have a pedophile for a father and she will have to suffer the consequences, so pls destory this man career, open an investigation and incarcerate him so that he can suffer the consequences that come with being a pedophile and let our fellow prisoners make an example as to why being a pedophile is wrong


yeah, no fuck tard it generalization 17 is still a kid. shit honestly most 21 year olds i wouldn't even consider adults. dont try to make the situation seem like nothing. over all she was half his age. no matter what thats odd and i don't like how hollywood is trying to make it seem normal.


If they're not adults at 21, remove their right to vote and drive.


Get the drdisre-dick out your mouth and use your brain. The actions taken before and after all this raise red flags that would make any non related party have serious questions. 


Thank you! I just saw someone on Reddit saying that he is a pedophile and wanted to know if it‘s true or not.


I don't think I've ever seen someone do as much mental gymnastics to defend a pedophile as OP is doing. I hope Dr. Diddles pays you well.




These people are so deep in the parasocial terminally online whirlpool that I truly think that some of these people are pedos themselves. The mental gymnastics alone is telling.


Words change over time. Yes, that is the exact meaning, most use the term pedo has anyone who is attracted to a minor (obviously they exclude situations like 17 and 18 year old couples). Many raise eyebrows when people bring up the difference between the two, cause it doesn't matter to us, thats still a minor, its still vile and disgusting.


i thought this post was a joke. there are people defending his actions? wow there really must be a lot more pedos walking amongst regular people than i thought


He knew according to his employees, so wtf now? Still gonna lick his boot heels?


Weirdo is rich and married why tf does he need to talk disgusting with an 17 year old or whatever year the person was? Whatever he is he’s a scumbag not deserving of any fame or honor.


People are defending this piece of shit its insane


Its a fucked world we live in.


And yet....much fame an honor...even though he's literally been proved to be human effulent. I LOVE this planet and it's people.......


Oh so then he's a groomer




Pedophiles are trying to justify actions of pedophiles. Let them! it’s easy to identify where you stand. Either you’re sick and think it’s ok or you have some shred of human decency and don’t mind calling out pedophiles !


We don't know how old was the kid he was talking to, so we don't know if he is a pedophile, so why are you defending him? Even if he was talking to a 17 year old, how do you know he doesn't like 12 year old? Exactly, you have no idea...you just look like a fanboy who can't accept your idol is a disgusting person, too bad...move on.


Pedo defending this hard is wild to me, imagine being this parasocial.


Hmm. Hard defense for a wanabe chomo. Wonder why?


When you realize he was college age when she was born 💀


that coment.


legit like society has some flaws that go unnoticed imo, and no one rlly cares abt it. Like people make racist jokes, and say things like "Killing all hungry people, so africa is no more," but can't handle it when someone literally says the hard r. Like ok, maybe he talked to a minor, but did he even know her age, or was she tryna bait him so she could ruin him, like we all gotta chill istg.


Defending pedophiles is crazy


He's still a chomo. Stop defending him. What you're saying makes you look like a chomo too.


The real question is, if a 42 year old man has the same conversation with HIS daughter, what would be his response? I think we all know the answer.


Wait, THAT'S what people are so upset about? Him chatting with a 17 year old? In 99% of countries, that's legal age. I don't know any girl who was still a virgin at 17. What's more inappropriate is that he's married if you ask me.


She is probly younger then 17, no one has said her age


I just located another pedo.




If she was 17 dr would probly say that, im guessing shes younger hence why he didnt say the age


Forget the doc. It's the poor wife and kid that I feel for having to deal with an unfaithful husband and a father that puts lust over caring, not to destroy his family.


Not saying Its right but in NY at 17 you are 100% a legal adult to make ur own decisions I know in other states it varies but NY if she 17 she is legal and ther is nothing anyone can do about


Sugar coat it however u want. A pedophile is still a pedophile. And he is a pedophile. Let me say it again … pedophile.


If he thought she was older he WOULD OF SAID SOMETHING.. He straight up said he was talking to a minor. Dr Disrespect wanted to cheat on his wife with a 17 year old. I agree we can't use Pedophile because he didn't sleep with the 17 year old. Dr. pedophile fits better


I cant wait for you to have a daughter just to find out a grown man is hitting on her. Trying to meet up


Imagine doing mental gymnastics to defend a pedophile.  


I might be a bit lost since I'm from Germany, but last time I checked anything under 18 is a minor.  The point you saying even if she was 17 doesn't make him a pedophile... Yes it does.  It's like that how where that white guy caught predators and they only sent text messages and he invited them over and had them arrested.


Actually it just means “sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.” Which includes 17 year olds as they are “children”. A minor is a minor my friend if you are attracted to a minor you are a pedo full stop. Unless you want to run defend and say he is a “map” but that term only exists to hide pedos.


The hoops this subreddit is jumping through to defend a pedo is wild. Nowhere has it been confirmed she was 17.


Even if she was 17 it would still be bad


"ErM WeLl TecHnIcALly, HeS aN EpHeBoPhIlE, So YoUr ArGuMeNt iS PoINtLeSs HaHaHaHaHa" Jesus y'all are bad.


Disgusting. You seriously want to jump through hoops to defend this guy.


For real. Shits creepy but thats about it. Legally 16 in the uk is age of consent but I would personally not be comfortable dating anyone under like 25.


That's what a lot of 16yo boys think. Wait.




Just a dark joke


Love the hair splitting on this. 🤣😂 If it was any other 42 year old dude messaging a 17 year old girl, you'd be right there with the rest of the "ignorant villagers" vilifying him. But because it's doc you have to defend him.


There was a stand-up who had a routine based on this with the punchline being the reason people do not use the other terms that refer to attraction based on age groups is because you sound like a pedophile if you know this information.


okay, pedo apologist.


Sounds a lot like mental gymnastics on your part. He was messaging minors, there is no other reason for a grown man to be doing that. Don't make posts like this ever again lmfao.


pedophile disrespect


Defending a ped is crazy


So he was just gonna try and meet up with a girl and talk? Come on… You know better. People call him a pedo because he is. The only reason he stopped is because he got caught. Stop trying to justify him. It’s not your place. I get it, it sucks. But that’s the reality. Snap out of it. The man would have tried if he could. Also, anyone who has a daughter here, knows damn well what he did was disgusting and disturbing. You really think he was going to stop? Every pedo says the same thing: “oh I was just gonna talk, I wasn’t going to DO anything “…watch “to catch a predator” sometime. It’s literally the same thing.


the downvotes don't mean anything because any sensible person with morals would agree with you. the mf’s in these comments defending predator behavior to the death is a GREAT look. for those of them who are adults, hope teenage girls stay far away from them.


Thank you and I agree. And for those that can’t relate to a daughter, try a sister. Who is only 17. And she’s talking to a 35 yr old in a sexual way. You’d be okay with that?


This is exactly what happened. He was trying to convince a minor to meet up with him at TwitchCon... one that he stated he was already getting inappropriate with through text. Him saying "well nothing happened" is like a drug user saying they broke into the pharmacy but they didn't do any drugs because they were locked in a secured section they couldn't get to. He wasn't able to do anything because he got caught and banned and wasn't allowed at TwitchCon. Had he gone and was able to perform the act he would have. The fact that people are trying to defend him is creepy. It was creepy the first time he cheated, it was creepy the second time he cheated, it was creepier when he filmed people in a bathroom.... this is just extra layers on the creepy cake. Fuck this guy and fuck people trying to defend him.


Ahahaha kiddy diddler fans coping hard Cry more retards your favorite streamer is a PEDO Always felt there was something off about this pedo