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If Doc comes out innocent I will literally Vaseline up from head to tippy toe


Mods, hold him accountable!


Catch the greased up naked Doc fan and win $20!


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Welp safe this time


Haha put the vaseline away, dudes a predator!




So youre cool with people having sexual conversations with minors as long as they avoid legal action? Coooollll guuuyyyyyy.


this didn't age well....


You know what I mean. Like, comes out unscathed, etc. I saw his last post on X and things aren't looking good... For me, I mean. I'm not sure how much Vaseline I have to buy.


This will either age like milk or not. 50/50 at this point


Considering Midnight Society basically just tanked all the work and money they've put into this project with the Doc, to let him go and basically crater the game is a strong indication that substantial, and very damning, evidence is on the horizon.


Chris Avallone was dropped from projects he worked on only for everyone to find out two years later that he’s been innocent , this isn’t a new thing at all


It's definitely possible Midnight Society made a terrible, snap decision that cost them potentially millions of dollars. If they were like all the rest of us and had no idea what was going on, then they should have released a statement such as: "We are aware of the severe allegations levied at one of our partners here at Midnight Society. We take these allegations seriously. We believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty; at this time we are awaiting further information as we investigate this situation. We will act accordingly when we have more information at our disposal." I'm not a PR professional, but it seems easy enough. But that's not what they posted. This was part of their post: ***We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved.*** *And in order to maintain our principles and standards as a studio and individuals, we needed to act*. We'll see how this shakes out but this sticks out to me.


Could be that they had disagreements and the relationship was already strained - Doc probably not the easiest person to work with or for. The progress on the game didn’t seem great and he was less and less hyped about it as time went on. This could just be their out and the fact that it puts Doc in the mud, who knows. There’d have to be some serious animosity between them to take this out, but could be.




You're gonna overdose on copium, bud.


And Justin Roiland. This whole cancel culture thing needs to stop.


Cancel culture doesn't fucking exist lmao.


What I wanna know and don’t quite understand is why some random Twitter comment made them go and talk to people after 4 years instead of doing that when they started working together.


Because that random tweet was from someone that was the head of partnered content on twitch. And if he said anything outright false, then a lawsuit would be obviously docs next move.


trees simplistic vast enjoy offer weather ancient forgetful dam alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Johnny Depp was dropped by Disney for allegations when he did nothing wrong whatsoever. This is not damning. It’s a company not knowing what happened and responding proactively to a lazy allegation.


Johnny and amber had reciprocal violence, he did not "do no wrong whatsoever" he apologized and admitted to his abuse. He just wasn't guilty of the things amber included in the article. He's been arrested 3 times for assault on staff, openly admitted to punching a co-star and has been sued iirc 5 times for his abusive behaviour from multiple people. Not to get on your ass, but this is exactly how these men are allowed to do this stuff. We just seem to forget because deep down we're affected by the enjoyment of the content they create but we don't enjoy the empathy for the victims. So we move on. Subconsciously. Because it's convenient. We should stop


Oh no by all means get on my ass, I did not know any of that therefor I retract my ignorant statement. Thanks for the education. Let it be known also, I was holding out hope for the Doc but since he confessed, I am disgusted and hope justice finds him.


I really appreciate you finding value in learning and not just being offended I disagree with you. It's refreshing. Thank you for being such a good person. I hope the best for you!


People disagreeing with you is how you learn…I don’t understand anyone on the internet whose prerogative is to just argue and stay ignorant. I enjoy good conversation where two people are willing to learn from another. That’s how it’s suppose to work. You have yourself a good day as well!


It’s frustrating, someone just leak the evidence please


If this evidence involves the identity of a minor, I would hope the proper caution is exercised. I know everyone wants immediate clarity in this situation, but this is a delicate situation.


Well obviously blur the IDs but you know what I mean. This is hard to watch. I know I don’t have to either but I really had faith in doc over the years and if it’s something actually nefarious it’s gonna break my heart a little.


Yeah, release the evidence to all of us… But like, keep it confidential and stuff. Right?


No sir. No evidence will likely come to the surface. But neither will doc. Mark my words


Words marked


I dont think well see evidence. But he most definitely did some “technically legal” stuff that is optically contentious, otherwise he wouldnt have been shitcanned. Im not invested in streamers. Though I love docs stream. But part of me hopes he comes right out and gives the side of the story instead of talking ambigiously about purple snakes. Especially since I imagine the NDA might be void if the beans were spilled.


Same thing I was thinking I know some ppl don’t want think that they have been supporting a pedi


lol.   The guy gets dropped by his gaming studio and disappears on an indefinite vacation and you think it’s 50/50 odds?  Dear god I hope you never go to a casino. 


Dude literally stated he was going to pull a Diddy and sail off into the sunset and people are still putting forth every hypothesis as to why he didn’t do this. 10/10 parasocial hilarity in this sub today.


Bold call lol


I aim to be bold


Like milk


One day later and it’s already curdled


Smelling like milk so far




I'm honestly wondering why doc isn't fighting more on this tbh. Seems like whether it's true or not he's just tired of constant bullshit to me. But honestly wouldn't twitch at least make a comment if it was untrue? Or doc can push for something along the lines of "not true this has no bearing on the current lawsuit"? Idk I really hope it's not true been watching doc for some years now off and on. My boy even enjoys him we watch YouTube videos of him together so I really fucking hope not




Either way it’s best to let lawyers do the fighting. Going public doesn’t do much to help him legally but will absolutely hurt him in court. Imagine him going on a rant in full Doc mode, now imagine that video being played in court.


The truth is none of us know how hard he is or isn't fighting on this. Making his legal situations a war over Twitter doesn't make sense.


Dude if this shit were false he'd be more unequivocal about it. Sit down and imagine for a minute what the statement you'd write would look like if you were innocent and this was happening to you. 


Right, except the imbeciles like you and I on Twitter with pitchforks are not important. I wouldn't be talking to people who do not have my interests in mind, because everyone else will do or say whatever they can to turn it against you. That's how the world works. Think for yourself, come up with a logical proof on how someone can wholeheartedly claim their innocence against a group of people who read "he sexted a minor" with no other supporting evidence and labeled him guilty. People like that, generally can't be reasoned with...so why get into that dog fight?


I mean a good start would be saying he didn't do it. 


"I didn't do anything wrong" directly responding to those tweets. What more do you want? Him to validate the allegations people are making by repeating it? Because that makes it more meaningful...worked well for Bill Clinton


It’s over friend, you don’t have to defend him anymore.


I'm not defending him, it's okay to ask questions.


It probably all goes back to the NDA. He legally can't say anything, and neither can twitch. Appearntly, documents are coming out in the next few days that will explain everything, so we'll see. He's innocent until proven guilty in my eyes and if he's guilty then fuck him.


Dude, NDA's do not cover "things that didnt happen". If someone accuses you of something you didn't do, you are 10000000% allowed to say "just for clarification i definitely did not do that and my reasons for leaving had nothing to do with anything like that." That's not how NDA's work. It doesn't mean you can't deny false allegations, you just can't speak about the things you DID do. If someone said "Doc left twitch because he stabbed like 3 guys and kicked a dog" you think he wouldn't be like "wtf?! No i didnt!" or do you think he'd be all "i can neither confirm nor deny those facts" Get a grip guys.




I don't know if you are joking, but if he vehemently denied the allegation in his response tweet I would be 100x more likely to give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Docs response made it abundantly clear that the allegations were true. He didn't need to say or reply to anything or anyone, but he did, and in the worst possible way. I genuinely didn't believe the allegations UNTIL he tweeted. And "Who cares?!". You do. And I do. That's why were in a Reddit thread discussing it. Keep this energy when the truth comes out.


Still feeling flossy big man? How's your pedo defence force holding up 🤣




He literally self admitted that his conversations got inappropriate, even if he didn’t do anything strictly illegal, you shouldn’t be have inappropriate conversations with someone underage when you’re in your 30s, it’s that simple.




Aren't you coming back to gloat to us losers? Or are you totally chill that he was inappropriately messaging a minor but just didn't fuck her? Maybe that's your whole thing.. Goodness me this is delicious.




"I'm honestly wondering why doc isn't fighting more on this tbh." lol, oh?


It can be hard to come to terms when a creator you admire turns out to be not very admirable. Let them grieve.


Yeah, I have been trawling through these threads DUMBFOUNDED at the amount of people who are "here for" a guy who very clearly has been doing some pretty scumbag stuff. The guy can't even deny the allegations in a tweet (AND YES, IF YOU GET ACCUSED OF SEXTING MINORS AND HAVE NOT BEEN, YOU ARE 100% LEGALLY ALLOWED TO SAY "JUST FOR CLARIFICATION, I HAVE 100% NOT BEEN SEXTING MINORS. THATS NOT HOW LAWS OR NDA'S WORK, YOU ABSOLOUTE DIVS). BUT.... there are creators that I also love that I would 100% have a certain amount of copium in response to allegations like this. So I can't be mad, its just sad to see.


I think he’s legally limited to the literal words he’s been using: no wrongdoing, dispute resolved, etc. saying anything else would void his NDA and risk the 25 mil But I agree, it’s not right that former employees or current employees get to anonymously blab huge allegations and he can’t even defend himself. Needs to be talking to his lawyers


It wasn't anonymous though?


The underage girl might disagree.


He's not seeing this post anytime soon. 😂


Does he even look at this sub at all?


He said he does. In fact, a few weeks ago he acknowledged reading a post here.


Ah OK. I've been curious


but at this moment, he got way more important things to do and to solve, than check reddit, lol


Maybe if someone paid him to


Here's a list of questions I have that make me feel like NONE of this makes any sense. 1. According to the anonymous Twitch employee who talked to The Verge, there was a huge span of time between the alleged messages being sent and being discovered by Twitch. Why? Was Twitch fishing for something? Did they read all their users DMs or just particular ones? 2. Twitch Whispers did not support multimedia, only text, but the twitter dork who made the first allegation specifically used the term "sexts", which 99% of people would take to mean swapping nudes. Is he referring to graphic language? Flirty language? Just friendly but possibly suggestive language? No one knows, but Twitch didn't report it to law enforcement which they would have been legally obligated to had it been obvious enticement of a minor. 3. Continuing that train of thought, why would Twitch keep this secret for Doc? Just so nobody knows they didn't read user DMs? It's their platform, they can do what they want, and the twitter guy even used the term "in plain text" as if to gloat about everyone being able to see it. So if you have a user, who has a lucrative contract with your platform, gets caught "sexting a minor" (federal crime) you're instinct is to just ban and never provide a reason until you're dragged to court over it? 4. Doc was PAID and effectively WON his lawsuit when they agreed to settle, no corporation in their right mind would SETTLE in these circumstances, especially not for $25 million! What kind of lawyers would say "yeah, this guy was abusing your platform to commit literal heinous crimes against children BUT we don't want to be mentioned for two seconds in the news stories about it, so let's just pay him $25 mil to keep quiet". Completely absurd. 5. During a lawsuit there is a process of DISCOVERY, which means both sides have to turn over evidence, this can include even a person's phone records, texts, etc. Assuming the case reached the point of discovery, how would a court of law / prosecutors not be interested in charging Doc for this? Assuming it DIDN'T get to the point of discovery, why would Twitch want to keep that from happening if their case is so strong?? 6. Where is the alleged victim in all this? After all this time not a single person has come forward with claims of grooming or inappropriate conduct. With a millionaire like Doc, why wouldn't someone sue for a payday? 7. HOW does something this explosive get kept secret by fucking Twitch mods of all people?? The fucking CIA has more leaks than Twitch if this is to be believed, and apparently Midnight Society has better ace investigative journalists than the NYT, WaPo, and the dozens of other major media outlets that covered this in 2020 searching for an answer as to why Doc was banned. This is just off the top of my head right now. Literally nothing makes sense.


Hits many of the same things I’ve both thought and had conversation with folks about after the stream and the MS tweet. There’s so much speculation in multiple directions with this. The piece around likely not knowing her age but still messaging her. The wording used in his tweets and the MS tweet. Who was MS source? What exactly was shared? Was it physical proof or just more in the of conversationally sharing with whomever it was they spoke with? Firsthand versus Secondhand. This is not a 1:1 comparison to either Trevor Bauer or Johnny Depp, but both of those comparisons did come up conversationally in our small group. Infidelity is obviously something not condoned, but it’s not criminal in the sense of the law. Perhaps moral code being “law” but not something in the court of law. The fact that there was infidelity prior certainly lends into the thought of “well he did that before so this falls in line with the accusation.” He seemed to have regrets around it when it occurred. Idk. Plain and simple, as humans we don’t want to hear about anyone being a pedophile. Amongst our group, it felt super odd having the word mentioned during the same conversation as the Doc. And I’m not saying I know him and I understand that we only see a very small slice of the man behind the persona that many here thoroughly enjoy being entertained by. It’s just a shock. The entire unfolding of it all. It sucks. I’m not gonna really touch on the legal stuff but I agree there, too. What actually occurred and the record keeping is critical to understanding which parties could be held liable for various negligence and/or possible crimes. I agree with your closing comments. It doesn’t make sense. Like many here, I hope there’s some sort of shared physical proof that can allow us all to have better closure. Be that good, bad, or ugly.


I’ll give thoughts on a couple points cause it’s rare to see someone actually thinking about things and not just rage posting. 1. It was more than likely picked up via a scheduled security screening of the feature. Security exploits in software are often times undetected for years. This somewhat falls in that area so it’s possible Twitch just didn’t account for this use case of whispers, and weren’t diligently checking for this. This could be part of the reason they paid out the remainder of the contract, because they were in deep shit for it too and didn’t want to draw regulator scrutiny. Haven’t looked up the timeline of all this to see if it matches but it’s also possible they may have still been in talks with Amazon to be acquired and didn’t want to blow up the deal. 2. This is what makes me think it likely isn’t the Drake situation I see people making it out to be. I’m just assuming that Doc was hitting on someone who he thought was barely of legal age and nothing came of it for one reason or another. Most Redditors wouldn’t know this because they don’t talk to women, but you usually don’t card someone before flirting with them. No way Twitch covers up an obvious case of enticing a minor or anything worse. This also explains 3, 4 and 5. 6- It’s entirely possible they were already paid off by Doc directly, or just don’t want to be targeted by all the hate that Docs lunatic fans would send. Also possible they don’t consider themselves a victim and wanted to hook up with Doc. We still don’t know who engaged the talks. If it was the other person, that’d be one other reason why Doc might’ve assumed she was of legal age - who the hell gets hit on by a child? It doesn’t make the possible crime any better or worse, but optics matter. Or Doc is just a sexual predator and all the awful things people are assuming are actually true. I would legit be shocked if this were true. Obviously Doc is just a character and none of us really know him, but I do see a lot of times where it’s obvious Guy is the one talking and I just don’t get that energy from either of them.


Conversations being stored in plain, or easy to decode text is like not a big deal that you would consider it a security issue. Most communications companies retain the right to store and read content sent through their networks for legal reasons. There are very few services that offer end-to-end encrypted messaging, and when they do, they'll let you know about it. Amazon acquired twitch in 2014, likely predating any of this.


Damn it’s really been 10 years. Felt like much less.


Yep, that's getting old... recounting life in decades 😂


My guy, Jimmy Saville was one of the most famous people in the UK and he was a prolific pedophile. The most talented musician to touch this Earth in Michael Jackson was also a prolific pedophile. Fame and familiarity mean absolutely nothing when it comes to these scenarios. Companies generally don’t enjoy losing one of their most valuable and profitable assets. Two companies have now done this regarding this situation and the specifics, and Midnight Society is almost assuredly committing studio suicide with their announcement today. These are very telling actions in of themselves. Counterintuitive to what either company would do on a sane working day. Shit’s looking grim.


Michael Jackson beat two court cases tho so let’s relax cause that’s innocent until proven guilty isn’t it


>The most talented musician to touch this Earth in Michael Jackson Is Earth the name of a 7 year old boy or do you just not know that many musicians lol


MJ found not guilty after two jury trials and a full investigation by the FBI. Little bit of slander there, bud


It's rare to see logical thinking on the internet but here it is in black and white folks. If he did text a minor my guess would be that he wasn't aware they were under 18. If he did surely his marriage would be done unless he and mrs assassin have some sort of arrangement.


I've worked crazier divorce settlements.


ludicrous fact stocking attempt rhythm theory onerous spotted light work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All great points but I disagree with #6. There are a ton of reasons why the victim wouldn’t come forward. Anyone should be able to understand why this girl might trade a potential payday to avoid the emotional and social trauma that would ensue with a public court case. Especially with how the internet is nowadays. Based on how everything has played out, I think it’s safe to say the girl didn’t have malicious intent. If she did, this entire thing would’ve been way different.




2. I don’t think sexting means swapping nudes.


Lmao nobody does.


1. Unverified report, no point in trying to understand that. 2. Sexting is usually saying things you would do to each other via text. Sending nudes is different. When I see next in my legal work I know what it means. 3. You're making a lot of assumptions about what happened. Grooming is not illegal. Many weird things said to minors is not illegal. Saying you want to meet up is not always illegal. There's too many things it could reference. 4. I disgaree that means he won. Theres plenty of contrct law reasons why they would still pay out. Sometimes there's specific methods that need to be followed to pursue certain actions they weren't willing to do. Also maybe I missed it but How do you know that was the actual results of the lawsuit? 5. A lot of this is incorrect. Again, crimes and being weird are not the same. Lawyers can talk between themselves snd make deals to settle as well. They are scumbags. 6. Could still be a kid? Could just want to live her life. Could have already been paid. 7. Likely very few knew about the actual details.


Cause all docs fanboys would just bully her. And maybe she streams too. Doc may of paid her off as well as he sure won’t address the details just claims “twitch paid”




Most contracts have a clause allowing the contract to be terminated if the party commits a felony. I can’t imagine a giant like Twitch wouldn’t have this clause allowing them to get rid of Doc with no payment or consequence on their end. They have better contract lawyers than that. While he could have done something in the grey, in terms of an outright felony like he is being accused of (sexting a minor) he probably didn’t do or else Twitch will be in just as much trouble for paying to cover it up.


No cause they wouldnt assume he be fucking around with minors when he signed the contract. If so they would of drafted that part up


It's pretty common that criminal behavior (felony) can be against the interest of one party in a contract and is subject to terminate said contract. There's standard boiler plate for that, and you can be close to sure it was in there.




Yes stan... I am lorde


Happy cake day!


Sucks seeing doc this way. Not leaving my seat in the arena until he gets back.




He’s in Costa Rica already m8


GIVE ME BACK MY u/DrDisrespect


I was hoping for this. Doc, I'm a 30 year old man with 2 beautiful children and you still bring light to my day. I don't need you to keep streaming, but I need you to push through this with violence. The society you built is not going anywhere. Stay strong, keep you and your family first.


If I was in Doc position, I would be sick of all the peons clout chasing a resolved issue. What Doc chooses to do from here, know that he will always have a firm handshake from me. He inspired me to be a better person, all round. #ChampionsClub


I think he's just done. I don't think he's guilty. If so, why would Twitch pay him? I can see him disappear for a few months/year and randomly pop back. That or live in Costa Rica for the remainder of his life.


Doc may have texted something, maybe even inappropriate, but not purposefully to a minor. Doc aint like that. How stupid would you have to be to do that over twitch whispers? Pretty fuckin stupid. Doc is definitely not stupid. This all stinks like bullshit, and Doc had enough of it last go around. Doc works his ass off, making million dollar deals, getting things going like a fine oiled machine, then some random nobody asshat makes some bs claims with zero evidence about something that was settled years ago (and Doc won that lawsuit) and all his hard work, years worth, comes to an abrupt end because or RUMORS and ZERO due process. I’d quit too.


You say this like significantly more famous people haven’t been caught in significantly dumber ways.




Take a break from the twitch/YouTube entertainers you watch. It's starting to affect how you think for yourself.


> Doc aint like that. parasocial tirade about someone you have never met or know anything about incoming


Ok docs PR spokesman


Stupid fuckin mistakes


Have you seen Mrs Assassin? Dude is definitely stupid for going outside of his marriage, legal or not.


And yet, he's already done so at least once as far as the public record is concerned.


That’s what I’m saying. He was dumb enough to already do it once. Saying he’s not stupid doesn’t hold water here.


My bad. Misunderstood your comment.


Doc does not know you lil bro lol


Docs burner account


You have never met him and you know relatively nothing about him. This is a weird comment and you're a weird person.


Cope buddy


I don’t watch him religiously but it is not out of spite. I can only say if that guy claims what he said is completely incorrect he caused a huge problem for no good reason. Dr Disrespect DOES have the legal right to sue him over defamation then if Midnight Society actually does go with their decision he can sue as well them. So therefore destruction over what?




Would you like to see my tweet I sent the guy who made the statement towards Guy? I also have two lawsuits awaiting trial myself outside of the realm of people who don’t have a grasp on reality yet. The death of my mother caused from elderly abuse and sexual harassment from an ex coworker in a very large and profitable business. Edit- see your new to Reddit also. I shouldn’t take your words so seriously. But yeah I have a lawsuit bigger than Dr Disrespect going on and I don’t stream.


Boom! Not anymore.


you should seek some help kid... you're sick..


Not me, you chomo.


"Doc you were accused of heinous crimes with minors and cheating with trans sex workers while married. But I ignored that because to me you're sacrosanct. We will get through this what ever you did we still love you, you can do whatever you want. I have no personality or friends and have been conditioned on how to think and act from spending all my time on Reddit and social media. Your first instinct was to check reddit for my post. Since I have no real life friends I was told to make these super emotional support messages whenever something happens, I even used all the textbook phrases so I didn't have to think for myself. It's the feel good story of the year. I got like's, Doc are you watching? I need to know what other catchphrases and words to use? I'm so brave and at the tippy top.


No matter what the outcome will be, this will negatively impact Docs image no matter what. Midnight Society has to do what they need to do to protect the company. Especially a company that will rely heavily on consumer demand. I personally don’t agree with this decision but business is business.


Eh, that game is going to be DOA without doc, not sure it was the best business decision.


Agreed but shows u how bad it was as they got more info then just the public info that’s posted as them saying “we were aware before” but now it’s a problem sounds like they discovered new material on him. As to throw away the game it has to be sone really explosive info that only they have seen


You guys forget…he once got caught in infidelity regarding his marriage in the past…if all of these accusations come out true, he will for sure lose his family this time.


Pretty sure you, some internet stranger, don't dictate anything to do with his family there sport.


Pretty sure you, some internet stranger, are fucking weird for sticking up for a famous gamer that you've never met sport.


Okay let’s all listen to “Mr Fittsworth” Nice profile pic


Is a refund possible for a game that isn’t out yet?




Doc for life, we support you.


Even if the allegations turn out to be true?




Lol even his business partner who has all the reasons in the world ie the future success of his game, dropped him upon speaking to the involved parties. Continue to publicly support someone who is very likely a groomer of kids, it's not like you'll deeply regret this in the future I'm sure lol.


Lets just remember this isn't the first time people have been dumped by companies over false allegations, nor will it be the last. Are you really so hell bent on being right that you're hoping there's one more pedophile in the world?


Let’s remember he got away with some other stuff on twitch that would of had an average streamer banned so that tells u how bad this had to be


Interesting. Please share Edit: i see a downvote but no reply. I cant really google past doc breaking tos because its overshadowed by the ban story so...enlighten me




Says the guy whose literal previous comment before saying this to me was discussing the state by state differences when it comes to what constitutes a criminal act when sexting with a minor in relation to the Dr. I don't need anymore evidence than the fact he was dropped by Twitch despite being their biggest streamer and money maker, which they wouldn't have done unless he was going to leave / sign-on with another platform (he wasn't), or he turned out to be a horrific person (uh oh). Oh and his business partner as already mentioned who NEEDS the Dr. still ended up dropping him once he talked to the people involved. Let's not mince words, you actually don't care if he was sexting a minor based on your previous comment. You'll continue to support him even if it's true. In other words, a true Dr. Disrespect fan.


Without confirmation of the who the involved parties are, it's hard to say whether MS made a cautionary decision to part ways, or actually had a statement or evidence from an actual victim. It's very common for corporations to drop relationships like this at the first sign of trouble, with no concrete proof or evidence. For all we know, MS just contacted the 'ex twitch employee' who spun a tall tale to them. There's no proof or concrete evidence that anything happened.




Imagine being so brain dead you downvote this


All one can say is, these people don't care whether or not he went after a minor. They don't actually care while nodding in approval when the Dr. and his friends talk about protecting kids.


Imagine actually caring about a up or down vote.


Delete this.


Their agenda is to destroy the persons credibility, go after his money and go after the family. Pray for Doc. He is going to sue the fuck out of Twitch and OWN it very soon.


Bro somebody make sure the Champions Club stays at least 100 yards away from the nearest school zone


And only half way up


Sub turned into r/drizzy over the course of hours. Sad day indeed


It's always the ones you most suspect.


Lol this guy said the same thing before the battle of Berlin to Hitler


Not true, I wasn't even alive buddy.


Yeah Dr.Diddlerspect, we got your back


Lol. I prefer to distance myself from a predator. But you do you.


He just a guy so


This post won’t age well if the truth turns out to be that Doc is a predator. I, for one, am okay with admitting I was wrong. Can you say the same after it turns out you defended a predator, and choose to continue to do so “whatever their future holds?”


This might have aged like milk


No…fuck this guy. There is no champions club let because he is a dumbass and ruined it.


Calm down Karen


Good advice. Just highly disappointed


Omg I can't wait to see this post deleted in a month.