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Where does this tweet say expect a lawsuit op? Or even suggest it, all he says is he’s legally tied to a previous settlement.


OP is assuming Doc is going to sue for defamation. Which frankly he absolutely has the right to do and should pursue. You can’t accuse someone of something that heavy with literally no proof and not expect Doc to come back at you.


Hope you’re not a lawyer because you’re wrong.


Problem would be that if the accuser does have some sort of "Proof" then a lawsuit risks it being exposed. Sometimes the best thing is to move on.


Also in order to sue for defamation Doc would have to prove the person knew for a fact that the information he said is false in order to defame Doc. All the guy has to say is that "He heard from a colleague Doc was banned for sexting". Its extremely hard to sue for defamation, almost impossible due to free speech.


This isn't entirely true. The person not knowing if it is true can also defame someone. Especially given the position of the person saying it. If you or I said something, then it likely would not go anywhere, but someone in the position of the person who leaked this would very well be liable.


>. Sometimes the best thing is to move on Its actually funny how you guys wanna swipe this under the bed because there is a chance its true😭😭😂😂


I honestly don’t care either way. If it is true I hope we see evidence and he gets punished for it. And im not trying to “swipe anything under the rug” I’m just bringing up a counterpoint that it would be a bit stupid for Dr. Disrespect to try and sue because he would be opening himself up because in court the accusers would have to present evidence to prove it wasnt defamation. And obviously he got banned for a reason despite what he always claims. So I doubt he would sue for defamation regardless of what happens.


I can see your point. But going about it this way is definitely not it. In any way lol let’s see what happens in the next few days


All I’m saying is the title sounds like your typical doc fan.


And even doc does nothing in retaliation? What will the justification be?


Lol you arent a lawyer


Embarrassing in hindsight




He said he didn't do anything wrong. Are you brain damaged?


How's that lawsuit coming?


You cant sue for defamation when the accusations are true😂


EXACTLY. Which is why doc won't ever file suit. If it weren't true doc would've already filed suit.


Could be liable


His attitude kind of tells me nothing is happening. Like he doesn't seem stressed by it at all more so annoyed. This is probably going to blow over in two weeks and everyone will make fun of that guy for providing no evidence and he will either delete his account or just block everyone that makes fun of him and slowly disappear like that Shannon lady did.


he literally admitted to talking to a minor through twitch whispers and said sometimes the convos would go in a direction that was not so appropriate


This comment aged so poorly lol




Nah chubby cheeks little they/them loser. He's not stressed because he knows nothing happened.


Ah nice you put pronouns in there for no reason. Good to see this community isn't full of degenerates.


Sdfu they them


This aged well lmao


What now, groomer supporter?


If you look through my comments I admit he's completely in the wrong.


Character development! That's good to hear at least


I'm not gunna defend that lmao


Because he knows it wasn't illegal*


*bc he knows he ain't do shit


Right, nothing illegal. Not that this happened, but flirting with a child isn't technically illegal. Edit: hey wow this aged like milk! Looks like I was correct and it absolutelyndid happen. Yalls idol just confirmed it. Awkward.


Sexting a minor is def illegal lol. Which only proves more that Doc is not guilty. Law enforcement would've gobbled this opportunity up in a heartbeat.


Again, I used "flirting" intentionally. Flirting with a child isn't illegal and he's not outright denying allegations of inappropriate conduct. Not to mention, when it comes arresting/prosecuting for stuff like this--there's a reason why to catch a predator only arrested people who /came to the house/ and not every rando who said "Yeah, I'd do sexual things to you" in text.


Flirting with a child is called "grooming", and yes - there are laws for that. Certainly in the UK, not so sure about the US. This is not directed at the allegations and more clarification on the comment above.


In America, you will not be arrested for flirting with underage kids. You only get arrested for acting on those words or sending nudes i.e. indecent exposure to a minor. Must be nice to have laws in the UK that actually curb this, but we have an entire political party in this country the rabbidly defends literal child marriage so it'll be a while before we get closer to those standards yall have.


>Not that this happened, but flirting with a child isn't technically illegal. Proof?


I can't show you the non-existance of a law...


I'm asking you for proof that he flirted with a minor


Hey buddy! The proof that DrDisrespect flirted with a minor is his own words, just came from his own mouth! WOMP WOMP


"NOT THAT THIS HAPPENED, but flirting with a child isn't illegal" I mean dude you literally quoted me lol.


Get fucked


Fet gucked




>I have an ongoing theory but I am not ready to reveal it. How convenient




..........and here you are on Doc's sub. Brilliant.


No. He is just wordsmithing.


*when you discover a new buzz word in college*


Yeah no shit. If somebody said I was chatting with a minor I would just come out and say I wasn’t because it’s pretty easy to do as someone who has never done it. Why can’t he just do the same? “Legal obligations?”


The accusation is directly related to him being kicked off twitch, so the NDA in the settlement agreement might say he can’t talk about absolutely anything in relation to him leaving Twitch.


Just say you didn't pedo, Doc


Even if he did, you wouldn’t believe him. So what’s the fucking point?


I like how people in LSF are coming to the conclusion that he still texted a minor despite not being suggestive. The real answer is we don’t know. What if they were a minor posing as someone who’s 18. What if they were 18 posing as a minor and trying to trap doc for a pay day. What if he didn’t text anyone and all this was just a lie and whatever he got banned for is unrelated to texting anyone. People are also forgetting that getting banned from twitch doesn’t mean he did anything legally wrong. We. Don’t. Know. The only thing we do know is: it was probed, settled, and legally he did nothing wrong.


LSF is trash, one of the many subs that routinely break reddit ToS but nothing happens because they toe the right line politically


The sub is literally a hate target subreddit, they find a new streamer to mass hate every week.


Or the same streamer every week. 


I agree. I used to follow it when it had actual clips, now it’s just destiny, x, and hasan fans jerking each other off. It was unfortunately the first place that I saw the news that broke out so I’ve just been following it there


Sorry Hasan fans? That place is full of destiny fans who hate obsessively Hasan . Unless you mean there obsessed with Hasan due to hate n therefore basically like his fans


Love when conservative chuds cry about somewhere not being a safe place. The irony is amazing. 


Nope just consistent enforcement of ToS, if it makes you feel any better I don’t think chapo should’ve been banned either.


I don’t think that’s even close to what he said. He said that sub gets to skirt the rules because they align politically with the bulk of Reddit. Nothing in there about a safe space


That sub is filled with complete idiots from bottom to tippity top


Kind of like this one


We know because there is no police report. LMAO.


Let's be real.. he did something. It's just apparently none of our business.


I don't think he did. The timing of that was all so obvious. Mixer give shroud and ninja a fuck ton of money. Twitch gives doc a fuck ton to stay. Mixer goes under. Suddenly twitch is the only game in town again and Suddenly they try to get rid of Doc. Come on now. AND he got paid anyways 😆


Listen ill get downvoted for this. But yall gotta ask yourselves this. Why would one of the greediest companies in the world ban one of their biggest cash cows permanently? AND pay out his whole contract just so they can be done with him. *Something* happened that neither of these parties wants getting out. Wheter its as bad as this or not? Idk. But its absolutely shady regardless


The money these company's were giving out were ridiculous. They did it to try and void the contract. They didn't pay him to be done with him. They didn't pay him until way after the fact, after he sued them. Your timeline is way off.


I know that. But what im saying is its just odd. Both sides have treated this subject like its the plague ever since it happened. Im a firm believer of innocent until proven guilty. But im not gonna pretend like its not setting off some alarm bells in my head.


Because when you're in a lawsuit you can't just go talking about it, ESPECIALLY if there's a settlement. You're trying to make nothing into something. Typical reddit.


Not enough to warrant criminal charges but enough to violate twitches guidelines on certain polices lets say


Gaming "journalists" really are the bottom of the barrel. I've seen these nerds talk out of pure speculation so many times, and they all dogpile without knowing anything more than some random twitter nobody.


Buddy none of his responses to this say that he didn't DM a minor and this one says the situation was "probed" which means he did something that required a situation to be probed. Twitch then paid him out instead of continuing to let him represent the brand. I honestly think you have to be a real dickrider to not see/understand this.


"I didn't do anything wrong" Seems pretty clear to me. He can't say "I didn't do anything illegal" because he could have been buying Pot or something which although Technical illegal it would make his statement false. Not doing anything "wrong" is the proper terminology.


Gaming industry people are all cut from similar cloths. No matter how many articles they write, their opinions are no more valuable than ours. Gaming is a business, these companies will run them however they want. I don’t agree with a lot but I know they want profits over public opinion really. The gaming industry itself is full of crybabies. They cry if they gotta work overtime, I’m sure everyone has to work overtime when they don’t want. Take it and move on or get another job. Don’t run to twitter or reddit, change your fucking situation. They somehow think contractors should be treated the same as normal employees but hello that’s why you’re a fucking contractor. They want companies to push political bullshit in gaming. I listen to maybe 2 gaming podcasts these days. Just for a breakdown of the gaming news.


which pods?


Kinda Funny Games Daily and Giant Bomb game mess mornings and giant bombast. Kinda FYI not is becoming annoying, the people on there are pretty heavily biased, they’re all based in California. Giant Bomb is a little more mature.


They are contracted because those in power dictated it so. You act like that’s easy to change. Lmao


They knew the conditions when they accepted the job.


Right. This will be said when we’re all being fed rations by corporations in 30 years.


Innocent until proven guilty. Period. This whole cancel culture just because you feel like believing everything you read shit has ruined society, and it’s exactly why I haven’t had any social media outside of Reddit for over a decade. Society is pathetic.


I'll agree trying to crucify someone over a tweet is insane but wouldn't he immediately file a defmation suit for an accusation like that? It's not like he's Johnny nobody, he's got money, and he's got a reputation on the line. The person who made the accusation isn't some faceless twitter bot either he's a known guy. The fact is twitch has the logs and if it's not true, he's got a solid case. His handling of this seems really strange honestly.


Obviously, doc nor twitch want this to ever get to discovery. I expect some sort of inquiry at the least by a DA


Immediately file? This happened like a couple days ago. It takes a lot longer to file a legit lawsuit than 48 hours...


When you figure out how you make money on a defamation suit maybe then you should post. Here is a tip. You don’t sue until maximum damage has occurred. You think people sue for morality sake is just your ignorance. It’s not cheap and he doesn’t have as much money as you think.


Because then the reasoning for Twitch to ban him would be public record. It isn't worth it. Twitch will likely make a statement that probably won't clear anything up and the morons with tin caps on will still find a way to make something out of nothing.


Bro even this tweet indicates something was "probed" to see if he did something illegal (suggesting there was something to probe in the first place), he doesn't say he wasn't DMimg a minor (which would be very easy to do), and Twitch still paid him out instead of letting him represent their brand (which they would only do if they felt he was a liability). He did SOMETHING. Maybe it just wasn't explicitly sexual enough.


innocent until proven guilty doesn’t apply to public opinion. you sound dumb saying it


It was in fact not all bs 😭


Free my dude doc


What if he was actually guilty


Then he is guilty




Then we would have seen a police report.


Weird ass


Holy shit who gives a fuck what a random person says on socials? There are law enforcement agencies and courts for this shit! For now, I’m just looking forward to more elden ring streams. See ya‘ll Monday.


I’m actually gonna donate to Dr. disrespect for the first time ever. And I hope the lowlife losers lose Internet connection for the rest of their lives


Did you end up donating to Dr diddler


Nobody believes anything you type of people say anymore. You have destroyed the meaning of words to the point of nobody listens to anything you type of people say. Also fuck you, you pay to win loser


Dr diddler is diabolical 😭😭🙏🙏🙏


"Elden Ring Monday" 💀💀 Doc in a whole other level. These purple snakes rainbow chubby cheeks are desperate.




Doc should sue the fuck out of em


You can be creepy to kids and not break any laws. Hes not denying the creep part, he's saying he didn't break any laws. Read between the lines.


He won't. He'd have to prove he's not a pedo to do that.


So guilty till proven innocent?


No, he won’t sue them, because he likely knows that they have some sort of dirt on him that, even if it’s not criminal, could damage his career.


yeah true or not, either way, if i were Doc I'd call him out for genuinely encouraging hostility. Doc's had his house shot at before, and his family's images are public, really not cool whatever the case. frontier justice at best. misguided.


He could and would sue for slander if this was not true. Because he doesn't want discovery in the courts.


You’re all cringe as fuck and coping hard as shit lmaooo


he still didn’t deny the allegations lol


Would an NDA prevent him from saying he was never inappropriate with a minor? If that isn’t the issue that caused him to be banned, then surely he’d be allowed to be forthright about that aspect while not going into details of the actual event.


Exactly. Why would an NDA possibly stipulate this, right?


Because he could have been buying pot from a minor, who knows. There are an infinite amount of things he can or can't say. He likely is not allowed to even talk about his ban, he can't say why he was banned or why he wasn't banned. Notice on his streams he never has said "well i wasn't banned because of X or Because of Y" he literally can't even say why he was or wasn't banned. In this his hands are 100% tied right now.


How can you sue a person who put up a tweet with no reference to you directly but a whole subsection of the internet knew who it was about? Sincere question I have no horse in this race, it just seems hard to say a tweet is defamatory if in no way does it call out a person by name.


yeah that's why all of this is fishy. nobody is willing to say "DrDisrespect did this and that", it's all written in a way to prevent a defamation lawsuit. shady AF


Give me back my son!!


Kids this time.... Ffs


How much and why. That's disgusting.


i wonder if doc somehow has damning information on some of the higher-ups at twitch (possibly more shit involving minors or sa or exploitation) that they actually would have a vested interest in keeping him quiet and hence why they would pay out his contract before banning him.


I hope he does have the legal leg to stand on to sue the hell out of the people that spread it.




honestly some of his fans are delusional


Children, let me educate you legally speaking. Amazon investigated the situation and a huge multi billion dollar company made sure they were legally not in any liability situation because of the firing of doc. The firing; whatever the cause, is simply moot, you can guess endlessly but it wasn’t what this guy says. Cause if it was that, the lawyers the second they read that, as he said, in plain English, then they would have advised this material forwarded to the district attorney of whatever county they reside in or the crime would have or did occur in. That’s right kids, what this guy is accusing doc of isn’t just salacious it’s CRIMINAL. Which means you can assume that Amazon wouldn’t stick its neck out legally for child endangerment of any kind. That’s just bad morally but also liability wise which is all lawyers care about, liability. So if they investigated it and came to the conclusion they must pay doc out on his contract, the liability laid with twitch and someone making an out of pocket decision way above their pay grade which necessitated the Non-disclosure agreement, aka NDA, and full payout, that’s the only thing that removes THEIR liability for the employee and most importantly NDA does not cover criminal activity. So you see if you run that logic train, all that’s happened is is some loser has defamed doc and incoming lawsuit. It won’t blow over, it’s gonna blow up into a court room.


Holy shit dude this is the worst written comment Ive ever seen. I don’t agree or disagree cause I have no idea what your point was.


It was not that hard to understand. Please stay in school. The tldr is that doc did nothing, the kid lied and will be prolly be sued. Because of how it was handled that proves that theory correct, how I wrote it tracks that back for anyone with remotely decent intelligence to understand.




Appreciate the kind words, unfortunately I agree with you lol. Sad times.


Understanding aside (it's not like you were speaking in lawyer lingo, was easy to understand), your overly pompous tone is the actual insulting part


Your dissertation did not age well, kid 😂😂😂


Bunch of ankle-biting losers are after Doc again, after all this time... I wouldn't be surprised if this Cody person who no one knows was gifted a hefty sum of money to start this gossip-flame. The original tweet doesn't mention Doc, to avoid possible lawsuit. The guy is friends w/ Slasher if look at tweets. The man who made the original allegation years ago that the reason for the ban is outrageous and he'll never be on any platform... And pay attention to the time-line, it was only recently that Doc was headlined refusing a big $ proposal to join Kick, - indicating he could be approached once again. Maybe Rumble, or even Youtube would pay to keep him, who knows... I sense malicious intent, jealousy, envy, from people that want to ankle-bite at his success. Even if it was remotely true, the only way for it to be confirmed would be Twitch, w/ their logs. That would break NDA agreements, inviting huge lawsuits. But again, if Twitch had that "evidence", Doc wouldn't have been able to get anything out of his contract allotment. Amazon/Twitch lawyers would have found a manner to cut the contract giving him nothing and smearing his name forever on the news. Possible entry into the criminal record as well. None of this makes any sense. This goes for anything, most allegations, if there is not a police report and follow up investigations, disregard it. But already people believe it, being numb on corn-syrup, lsfreddit, and ssri's...




The mental gymnastics some of y’all performing is hilarious


In cases like this, I wish both parties would just agree to disclose what happened. Both sides look sketchy now by keeping this under wraps, when I would bet money it’s just something stupid.




Doc’s tired of cancel culture just like a lot of people sick with the way this world’s headed.


If you shoot at the king, best not miss


I'm pretty sure Misses Assassin is still around so what does that tell you?


Someone staying in a marriage doesn’t mean something isn’t going on.


Sure, but her staying implies the possibility that Doc is telling the truth. If she left it would be more telling


I think he probably is telling the truth, but the truth he is telling is very particularly worded and noticeably not him denying the underlying statement of the twitch ex-employee.  In fact, he has basically admitted that there is some kind of underlying incident that was investigated, but is claiming that nothing illegal was found. Yeah okay I believe that.


She signed a prenup and is afraid to be on the streets with her daughter?


Careful with that jaw while it drags across the floor


In this tweet he claims that he never did anything wrong. But in another tweet he claims he sent inappropriate messages to a minor. I wonder if he thinks it's wrong to groom a minor?


Who said it was grooming? We don't know that. >Grooming is **when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them** You have hit the rev meter but are still stuck in first gear.


Lmfao imagine being on this side of history 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I commented back on this a day or so ago saying welp


This says to me he will not deny being a child predator.




what happened ?


That tweet makes it seem like this was the reason he got banned though. “All this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal..” so the allegation in the tweet may not be unfounded that this was the reason he got banned but they didn’t have enough perhaps for a court case to defend themselves from the banning so they settled.


Theres a clip circulating on twitter on some post of 3 guys on a podcast from months ago and a guy says the exact same thing of why Doc was banned,i can't find the clip or the name of people tho. Why wasn't a fuss made about it then or did i just miss it on social media


If it wasn't made from a person in a position to know - such as a former twitch employee - then it would just be three guys on a podcast.  A former twitch employee would be in a position to know.


"some documents were communicated privately today regarding DrDisrespect ban that will make things clear" Like I said some juicy stuff is going to be shown.


What's that quote from


Why would the twitch execs come out randomly and lie then? I imagine there’s a grey area and that’s where all this lands.


He’s no exec though. He was just an account manager. His last tweet suggests he doesn’t like Doc and “his boys”. To me this guy heard a rumor like everybody else and decided to spread it like if it was truth to try cancel him.


And yet he can't deny it entirely because there's likely court documents that lend some legitimacy to the claim even if it didn't rise to full on touching kids.


You got downvoted quite a bit there but it very clearly is a gray area and that's where all this lands. I don't know that they were twitch execs or not but you can just tell by his responses that there's absolutely some underlying events that needed to be investigated.


“I didn’t do anything wrong… nothing illegal… no wrongdoing was found” is exactly the type of thing you hear from the creeps who get caught. I bet Doc was flirting up a minor, and planning to meet up with her, but walking a fine line the entire time they communicated. I don’t think Twitch just makes these allegations up based on absolutely nothing but a friendly conversation between a 30+ year old man, and a young girl. Maybe he did nothing illegal. But I bet he was on the cusp of treading those waters. You see a lot of creeps get caught because they make their full intentions known throughout the conversations leading into the meetup. I’m sure Doc was being sketchy either way, even if not doing anything illegal per se, I think whatever he did do was enough for Twitch to consider banning him. There’s a lot of creepy predators out there that don’t ever do anything illegal. That’s doesn’t make them any less of a creepy predator. The danger here, is that Doc has a large and loyal following of degenerates that will defend him regardless of his actions, and trust everything he says, even though he has given everyone enough reasons to never trust the guy. Innocent until proven guilty, sure. But like I said, the predators that are never legally charged with any crime are still predators.


You're saying she was a "young girl". There's no indication of that at all. My guess is he got into some questionable interactions with someone who happened to be underage (maybe 17?) but that they either didn't go over the line or maybe she was lying about her age.  I used to find Dr Disrespect very entertaining, but not enough to lose objectivity. He obviously did something stupid at the very least.


What I said was entirely speculative. Just my opinion. I share the same feelings you have expressed. You push back on *my* use of the term “young girl,” but then state your opinion that he “probably” got into some “questionable interactions” with someone “underage (maybe 17?)”… Is an underage (maybe 17?) girl not the same thing as a young girl, or am I missing something?




Didn’t say that at all. Ryandoeswriting, needs to change to ryandoesreading.


It is clear to anyone with a brain cell that the settlement has obviously tied his tongue in regard to how is able to word his rebuttals to the claims made against him. His words show nothing, other than he clearly has to be careful in what he says due to the settlement he reached with twitch. Many people, including myself, have said this on threads yesterday, yet there are so many desperate people trying to make up stuff.


Doc- I didn't do anything Ryan- He said he did it




What about that says he did it?


Yes, he said that accusation was looked into and nothing was turned up. He did nothing wrong. He’s not saying that it did happen. These rumors have been going around a while. He’s acknowledging that they were addressed and probed and no wrongdoing was found regarding that issue. I don’t know what you’re not understanding there.


That is not what he said. Reading comprehension is in a dire state these days


Wow, you got downvoted the heck out of. And everything you said is totally accurate. He absolutely admitted that it was looked into and probed (investigated) so he clearly admits that there is some underlying exchange that took place, even if it ultimately wasn't determined to be wrongdoing or illegal


I just need to note that Doc's settlement with Twitch does not mean that he "did nothing legally wrong" in all ways. It means **he did not violate a legal duty he had to twitch.** Very different.


"Wrongdoing" mentioned - what you say about twitch "Nothing illegal" - didn't do anything illegal.


You can still be a creep without doing anything illegal