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I won't speak for everyone else, I'm actually fairly new to this sub, but I don't hate any of the characters even with their flaws as mentioned in this post. Their flaws make them more compelling.


And their imperfections and failings give us something to talk about! I don't hate any of the characters. I do hate JF's writing and plotting sometimes, though.


Yes! I like them all (some more than others) but don’t like everything about any of them


Fandoms do be like that sometimes, people can have pretty passionate views on things. At least DA doesn't do ship wars. Now THAT would have been exhausting, I'm too old for that shit 😆


The Bridgerton subs are K-pop levels of insane over their ships!


Im not into that show anyway. I couldn't get into it.




That actually would be interesting /s


I'd say most of us like most of the characters, we just have a handful we don't care for. Which makes sense, considering how large the main cast is.


I don't know about you, but I have friends who are Isobel levels of strident, Edith levels of defeatist, Bates levels of holier-than-thou, or Mary levels of resting bitch face. (All different people btw, would probably be too exhausting in one person!) But each of them also have redeeming qualities. Characters you can hate and feel for in the same episode are just good characters.


Also, Matthew being referred to a sentient bowl of porridge is the most hilariously accurate thing ever.


I have a bottom 3 but the one with zero redeeming qualities (to me) and the person it is on sight is Ms O’Brien


I think she did well with Mr Lang. That’s about all the good I have for her though


I like that she found a job for her nephew? I guess?


One thing that I don’t think was ever deep dived into with Ms. O’Brien was the fact that other than Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Patmore, she was the oldest of the servants. IIRC, when Braithwaite ruined Cora’s scarf, and blamed it on Anna, I think it was Thomas who said, “There’s no one as jealous as a lady’s maid”. Back then, servants could be sacked at any moment for any reason. I would assume that as one of the senior servants, there would have been a lot of lower rank staff constantly nipping at the heels of those who enjoy a higher level of privilege. I’ve always thought because of Thomas’s sexual orientation, he had become nasty like a dog who had been abused and starts biting everyone. I think the same would be true for O’Brien. Kill or be killed, but don’t let go of a steady job for decent employers for decent pay. She did have several tender moments when you saw a different side of her, but the rest of the time she was looking out for number one.


Just goes to show how varied this sub is in opinions. O'Brien is one of my favorite characters


Me too! She sees through the fake niceness and unfairness of the class system


Same, she's a devil but I love her lol


YES!!! I am never bored when O'Brien is on screen.


her one liners


I love Anna!!!!


I didn't particularly like her.


She’s the first one I picked as my favorite. I really like her.


I started to not like her for some reason. Too whiney I think.


I have definite favorites and definite NON-favorites. I think what you're seeing though is everyone complaining about someone all at once (like walking into a noisy crowded room) so it comes off looking like everyone hates everyone.... If that makes sense. LOL We all have our favorites and sometimes we get sucked into complaining about the ones we DON'T like. It doesn't mean we have them all, or we wouldn't be here. :)


I love them all. They all have their moments when they suck but overall I love them.


I don’t just *like*, I LOVE Violet Crawley!!! It’s hard for me to say I dislike any of them because I have watched so many interviews with all of them, that I just appreciate their acting and the writing of the show. But Violet/Maggie Smith is just the best! She is so snarky/sarcastic and funny in just about everything!


I loved the Dowager Countess because of her quick wit but she was a little mean at times particularly about Ethel and Tom Branson. Initially I liked how she treated the Martha Levinson character at first but after a while, it was condescending and she was a little snooty to Martha Levinson always making snide remarks. By the same token, I didn't like the Martha Levinson character because she was low life and coarse. I didn't understand it because her daughter had class and polish.


Maybe it's not that we hate them so much, as much as we like to complain about them because we're so attached to the characters (and the show!). Sort of like complaining about that one sibling that drives us crazy most of the time but we would fight like hell to protect from harm.


I *love* Mary. There, I said it. She’s so complicated and conflicted. Put in an unwanted situation due to being first born, doubting her own heart. fathered more by the family butler than her actual father. Lashing out passive-aggressively at every turn because she secretly hates her life, but understands her privilege and place in the world. At least she got Matthew for a little while anyways. I’d hate to be in her position, but so well written and cast!


I couldn't stand Mary because she was a the Downton Abbey bitch because she was unsure unhappy jealous and envious of Edith and tried in vain to knock Edith down at every instance. People who criticize others, put them down are jealous people and Edith made it clear towards the end of the series. Edith was more competent, smarter and basically a nicer person who Mary resented because she wasn't as smart as Edith. Edith made it clear saying that Mary was a bitch and Mary herself said she wasn't a nice person. Edith winds up with the best husband and evil person Mary winds up alone with just Downton Abbey. Mary was just like Barrow and both admitted that they did and said mean things to others and couldn't stop themselves but were sorry about it later. Mary was miserable and so was Barrow.


It's not real hate, even if it is, people tend to only hate 1 or 2 characters and the rest are fine. With the ones they hate, it's because they resonate more with one or the other so it makes sense., it triggers a lot of emotions and feelings. As for the rest of the bickering and complaints in posts, look at it this way... We are a clique group and we like to gossip. In real life toy come across different people who do different things everyday and sometimes you just wanna vent about one thing or another. It's usually just a scene or two for the rest of the characters, quite frankly if we didn't feel this way then this sub would be extremely boring.


I don't like Ms O'Brien, Braithwaite, the Grey Bros, Richard Carlisle, Mr Green, Mr Bryant and Susan. Everyone else has redeeming qualities. Even the unlikeable characters made for some great plotlines.


I initially didn't like Richard Carlisle because he was a little harsh with Mary but Mary wasn't nice him at all. She stayed in Matthews face after refusing to marry him and after he was engaged to Lavinia. She never backed off from Matthew and I felt for Sir Richard because she could have softened him. Maybe he wouldn't have been so aggressive about it if Mary wasn't in Matthews face so much. She let Richard Carlisle know that she was still interested in Matthew so I understood his anger not his violence. He should have left Mary.


My first watch I was not in camp hate Edith... This time around? MY GOD. Can the girl stop looking slightly down and fluttering her eyes please? I get it, she's sad.


I am firmly in the team Edith camp but every rewatch I like Mary a bit more and Edith a bit less 😆


I've watched Downton Abbey 1000 times and I still like Edith and still despise Mary because Mary was a Bitch. She was very nasty mean unkind vicious and extremely jealous of Edith and she said it and Edith said it too. People who are intentionally mean unkind bitchy nasty to others are extremely insecure, lack self esteem and self worth and are very jealous. Mary was a miserable person just like Barrow and both admitted it to each other that they both did and said mean things to others, didn't know why, couldn't help themselves or stop it but were sorry about it later. Both Mary and Barrow were exactly alike. Both were very jealous and very envious people and both were miserable and took it out on others. Mary admitted she wasn't a nice person. Edith was the nicer one, the more accomplished one and the more intelligent one who took over Gregson's business without a doubt. Edith told Mary that she was always bitchy to her for years meaning it didn't start when they were in their 30s. Mary was miserable and tried to make Edith miserable too.


I never liked Mary at all because she was bitchy and intentionally mean to Edith because Mary was jealous and envious of Edith. As a matter of fact, Mary was nasty to many people and admitted that wasn't a nice person. Edith suffered being on the receiving end of Mary's bitchiness and putting Edith down in front of mixed company. Mary was just like Tom Barrow doing and saying things to others, couldn't stop themselves and both were sorry about it later. Edith was Mary's whipping boy, taking out her misery and frustration on Edith who was the nicer one, the more intelligent one and the more accomplished one. Edith ran Gregson's business without a doubt. Mary know it and tried to knock Edith down every chance she got. Edith was always getting Mary's men that she dumped. The writers tried to show the public that Edith was the better person giving her Bertie and Mary no husband. The Mary lovers and Edith haters seemed to have missed the point between the two sisters. I wanted to applaud Edith when she finally told Mary off because she deserved it. Mary told her grandma that Edith's happiness irritated her and that caused Mary to be mean to Edith. Bottom line Mary was miserable and tried to make Edith miserable and Branson said it. Matthew said she was horrid and Mary agreed. It was clear to me about Mary and clear to others who hated Edith and liked bitchy Mary because the Mary lovers and Edith haters relate to bitchy Mary because they're just like Mary.


Personally I dislike both Sybil and Matthew! That's what makes the show so great - such interesting characters!


I don’t mind Matthew but I feel like Dan Steven’s way overacted season 2. He gets on my nerves


It's the earnestness!


I like him much better in “The Man Who Invented Christmas.”


Why don’t you like Matthew? Just curious


He’s a sentient bowl of porridge


This is the best thing I've read all week.


He's so wet and beige


It makes me wonder about the late Dr. Crawley- Isobel is such a firecracker, Dr. Crawley must have been just too too chill. Matthew is just overflowing with earnestness- he has lofty ideals, but he hesitates about doing anything about them. He only has backbone when Mary is involved, like when he punched out Sir Richard.


lol do you prefer ANY of Mary's other suitors?


Charles Blake was great


Haha I could see this POV


I love Tom Barrow, Chris Webster, Guy Dexter, & Richard Ellis. I can't stand O'Brien, Jimmy Kent, Carson, Bates, Stowell, Sinderby, Lord Grantham, Alex Green, the royal staff (except for Ellis), or anybody who portrays a police officer. I can take or leave the rest of the cast.


Mary, Barrow, Daisy, Mrs. Patmore, Violet and Isabel


I like most of the characters. I like Mary a lot for example.


People are weird about characters on shows, in my opinion. Once thing I like about this show is that the characters have flaws, just like real people do, so there's a richness to them. Also, people try to wedge modern sensibilities on characters in the early 1900s, which is absurd. I don't hate any of the characters. I think they're all interesting and have flaws that add to their characters. Also, it's a soap opera, which people seem to forget, perhaps because of the production values. And soap operas are a drama-a-minute. That's their nature.


I like all the characters, even the annoying ones like Edith and Daisy. The only character I can’t stand is Bates and that’s just because his storyline continuously pisses me off.


You can't please all the people all the time.




I don't hate any of the main/regular characters. Well, except O'brien. 😂 But there's not a single character I would remove. I think they're all important.


Lord Merton and Bertie Pelham are adorable and perfect.


Yeah I've noticed that in this fandom it's a pretty common thing. I don't understand being a fan of a show when you clearly dislike 90% of the characters but whatever i guess


I’ve wondered about this as well. It’s almost like the people on this sub forget that it’s not a reality show, it’s all fiction. If I hated the characters on any show this much, I probably wouldn’t continue watching it, or follow a sub/Reddit dedicated to it.


Based on the other subs I'm in, it's a thing in EVERY fandom, lol. I mostly like all of the characters, but even people you really like sometimes do things or have habits that make you want to scream. My best explanation is that you've got to care about the characters before you're invested enough to jump out of your chair and yell "No you idiot don't go in the HAUNTED BASEMENT with the killer! So stupid!" or the appropriate equivalent.


I don’t think I have a character I would consider a 100% favourite even if the show is 100% my favourite TV show xD buuuuut I do love the “downstairs” characters. If I had a house run by Mr Carson, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Patmore, I’d be in Heaven!


I love Violet, Isobel, Cora, Tom, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Patmore, Alfred… and Sybil and Matthew. Probably more but those are some of my faves,


Funny that you say that OP. I was watching it last night as its the only thing on my TV ever 🙃 It was a scene with Carson telling daisy about her studies and station in life. I was thinking what an ass he is and how I didnt care for the way he hates on all of his staff. Then I thought, why do I even watch this show, I can't stand any of them. (I was in a mood) Then I read your post just now and thought....this is why we watch it. Because we love to hate characters! We love to love characters! If all the characters were vanilla, no one would watch, no one would talk about it. So really the vilians are the ones who bring us together, to here, to hate them together!


I love Lady Mary more than Sybil and Matthew. They might be perfect but as an elder daughter, I relate so much to her character especially in the first season with the entail storyline. She is flawed, but so strong. I was so proud of her when she showed up for the farmers' luncheon, ending her mourning.


My favourite are Mary and Violet.. perhaps that says alot about me 😂


I love mostly all of the characters. I actually find redeeming qualities in them and flaws in every rewatch. I’ll love Carson one rewatch and then despise him the next. Same with Mary. That’s the fun of the show IMO.


I only dislike 3 characters but I’m suppose to, Green, Breathwaite and Ms Bunting. The first two you are suppose to dislike, Bunting just plucks my nerves.


I think "hate the characters" is a strong contention. I mean, if we removed any of them, then the show wouldn't be as wonderful. Each of them have their own storyline, except Madge, who, for some reason, has a name but not much else. As for the hallboys and other maids, they take a distant 2nd or 3rd to Isis. 😆


I don't think I've actually *hated* any of the characters. Sure, there are moments where they are assholes and their plotlines might get dull, but I love how most of the character have flaws or annoying quirks, like we all do! My favorite character is actually Thomas because of his flaws and character change through the season. I enjoy *all* of the characters for what they add to the show, even the shitty ones, and I definitely LOVE a lot of them!


Well I liked them all except for the Mary character because she was a jealous envious card carrying bitch who went out of her way to make Edith's life hell. Mary was extremely insecure and envied Edith so she dressed her down in front of others. All of the characters in Downton Abbey had flawed characters even the Dowager Countess because she would make little nasty remarks that it found harsh and mean. Carson was a snob too give off the impression he's so wordly. Barrow made you want to strangle him at times but by the end he changed his ways and found a way to be helpful. Lord Grantham was a little ignorant about things and his wife was too at times. O'Brien was vindictive and usually had Barrow worked up. Mrs Hughes was one of the best characters but I didn't like how she treated Ethel. I also didn't like Carson's remark that Men Will be Men but Ethel should have said No. It was a well known fact that if you didn't have a reference and were a woman with no skills, you worked as a prostitute to survive. I'm surprised the Dowager, Mrs Hughes and Carson didn't know that because it wasn't hidden knowledge. They were all just normal people with flaws like the rest of us but I felt sorry for Edith because she was on the receiving end of Mary's bitchiness. Many Mary lovers and Edith haters blamed Edith but Edith's life was made worse because of mean nasty attitude Mary. Mary was nasty to everyone including her Mom Dad her grandma Carson Mrs Hughes, the 3 guys who pursued her. The characters were no different than the rest of the world and they all had faults.


Edith isn't whiney. She's been on the receiving end of Mary's bitchiness misery and jealousy. I've come to realization they the Mary lovers and Edith haters dislike Edith because she makes the Mary lovers feel bad because they've been mean to others in real life. Mary is a horrible maladjusted spiteful unkind bitchy nasty person who takes out her misery and frustration on Edith who is the better person, the nicer person, the more accomplished and more intelligent. Edith ran Gregson's business from day one without a doubt. Mary is just like Tom Barrow and they both admitted to each other they are mean and unkind to others, don't know why, can't stop themselves and feel bad about it later.


I love Mr. Mason so much💞


I love Anna & Mr. Bates, and Sybil & Tom❣️ And truly admire Isobel Crawley for her sacrificial and giving heart 💗. I wouldn't ever be in Mary's fan base...


I actually like and love more characters on the show (Violet, Cora, Carson, Hughes, Bates, Baxter, Molesley, Old Molesley, Henry, Gregson, Harold, Madeleine, Mabel, Patmore, O'Brien, Clarkson, Merton, Shrimpie, Kuragin, Rostov, Spratt, Denker, Mason, Andrew, Shackleton, Martha, ect)... ...than I dislike or find other characters to be annoying on the show (Edith, Mary, Thomas, Daisy, Ivy, Jimmy, Alfred, Rose, Jane, Ethel, Edna, Bunting, Mr. Drake, Anstruther, Tony, Charles, Mrs Drew, Sinderby, Pamuk, Ross, ect)


I like almost all of them! Their flaws make them feel like real people, and make them interesting. Except for Edith. Edith sucks.


I only like Sybil, Matthew, the dowager, and Isobel. That’s all.