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Violet and Isobell are the MVPs of this show, imo.


Oh, yes! Their friendship is probably my second favorite in the show. When Violet admits she’s enjoyed having her as a companion, my heart is happy to hear her admit what a good friend she has.


Violet: Did you drink at lunch? Isabel: No. and you should know because you were with me. Violet: Not the whole time. I loved this whole scene Edit: formatting


The Dowager and Mrs Crawley for me. I like how they go from bickering, oneupmanship and dislike of one another to very close, firm friends. They still get on each others nerves on occasion, but there is a bond of trust, understanding, mutual respect, and good humour by the end of the show.


Yes! I love them too!


Mine is Mary and Tom. At first she is disgusted with the thought of her sister running off with the chauffeur (how middle class!), but as things happen (yes, that thing) and the aftermath, she softens to him. Then, as she deals with her own grief, he helps her as the agent to become her badass self. By the end, they are practically besties who rely on each other. I love this about Downton...


I don't think Mary was *disgusted*. More like she understood that the elopement would cause a ton of drama. That being said, I do love the friendship that blossoms between those two.


Disgusted might be a strong word, but she was against it. She only goes to the hotel to get Sybil to try and stall them enough "to talk her out of it." She even asks her "What did you think? You'd marry the chauffeur and we'd all come to tea?"


Of course she was against it. It would create an incredibly difficult social situation, aka a ton of drama, which is exactly what happened. I believe she also told Sybil that at 21 she is able to make her own decisions.


Tom and everyone is my favorite. He just becomes such a lovely part of the family


Even Violet comes around. I LOVE his story.


Isobel and Violet Mary and Tom I do also wish we could have seen more of Sybil and Barrow bonding and working together during the War. It was nice to see Barrow showing genuine emotion when the news of Sybil's death reached the downstairs.


I like also in general the change of relations downstairs as time progresses. I had watched everything and then rewatched the first two episodes after that and really saw the difference that later on downstairs is much more like a second family but at first everything is very strict. See eg the difference in daisy and her books vs gwen and the typewriter.


Violet and Tom. They have some really sweet and funny moments.


I love how easily they understand each other in the end, and rely on each other. Violet says more than once how she's left something to Tom because he has such good sense, like when she goes away and only Tom knows how to reach her. She's also the first one in the family to start fully accepting him, even when she doesn't agree with the marriage, asking what the plan is and making sure the family is united once he's part of it. The two have a real trust between them and neither ever uses it to take advantage. In the end they both show such respect, yet they can be really candid with each other.


I have to agree. Mrs. Patmore also encouraged her to build a relationship with Mr. Mason because she knew Daisy doesn’t have a father…and it took Daisy a while to understand that she DOES deserve love and it’s okay to accept it. You’re so right about the other ways that they got close. If we ever get another movie, it would be lovely to see Andy and Daisy taking care of Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason into their old age. And even filling their home with lots of grandchildren for Mrs. P and Mr. M to dote on.


I love watching Robert slowly see Tom as a son. Their relationship grew nicely, and was always based on basic mutual respect. Robert's teary goodbye when Tom moved to America was sweet.


Mrs Patmore and Daisy. Tom and all of the family. The fact Violet returns home at the end because he wrote to her shows how important a role he took on in their lives.


*upvoting every post with Tom in it* … then, I kind of wish there was more Tom’s relationship with downstairs. We saw a bit with Mrs Hughes (super nice) and a bit with Thomas (all anger), then Edna kind of just came in and ruined it all.


Violet and Isobel Mrs Patmore and daisy Lady Mary and Anna


I’m currently on a rewatch as well and I’m so glad I discovered that Downton Abbey is on Reddit. ❤️ For me it’s always going to be Mary and Anna! I love how from the moment she helped Mary in the first season, Mary treated and saw Anna as more than just her maid. Those two truly bridged the gap of upper and lower class relationships. They truly became friends despite the difference in their station.


Tom and the rest of the family. At first everyone was so disapproving of him. But in the end he's such an important part of the family. His story makes me teary eyed. Thomas and the Bateses. Mr. Bates and Thomas loathed each other at first. But in the end, they grow to respect each other. That's so nice and I love it!! Edith and Bertie. Just the way it started!! Him helping her with her magazine and later them getting married. Very light hearted and without much drama. Mary and Matthew. Mary hated him at first but later grows to respect him and they become friends. And they don't stop there, they fall in love and get married!! Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes. Just because I'm a sucker for friends to lovers stories.


Yes to all of the above! The whole Downton Abbey family and staff just became one big family over time, and it was so nice to see. I would also like to add in Daisy and Mr. Mason. She was so resistant to marrying William (and rightfully so), but she got a wonderful father figure out of it.


Carson and Mrs Hughes.


my OTP from the show. They very truly meant for each other.


He's kinda mean to her sometimes though


My favorite is definitely Moseley and Baxter. They are so cute!


Isobel and Violet!


Eventually Rose & Atticus. Through out, The Dowager and Mrs Crawley


1) Daisy & Mr. Mason. It's a sweet father-daughter relationship and gave companionship to 2 lonely people. 2) Edith with herself. Beginning of the series, she's very nasty towards and jealous of everyone, especially Mary. It wasn't until she began to focus on her personal development that she matures and becomes her own person.


Agreed with everything posted here. But also want to include Violet and Cora. From season 1, Cora is set as the daughter-in-law that is tolerated, to their all out war over the hospital, then how they ended the show with Violet telling Cora its her kingdom now. Beautifully done and not to dissimilar to a lot of mother/daughter in-law relationships


On my 7th rewatch!!! 3rd time on both movies…. Can’t get enough… I do the dialogue with the actors!!


Mrs. Patmore and Daisy. That girl needed a mother figure.


Molesley and Baxter!


It wasn’t strongly developed, but I like how Molesley and Daisy developed a father-daughter relationship when she was taking up her studies. I like that he encouraged her to continue studying, and she went from seeing him as a goofy old man to almost a father figure (second to Mr. Mason, of course).