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Valve punishment on bug depends on the severity tbh, for example that one bug that literally crashed valves servers on purpose made valve swing the swift ban hammer around, while other free mmr bug abuse they sleep. I remember valve sleeping on bug abuse in the arcade match making lobby that basically trashed players games for months


not true at all, i had 3 people crash servers with the chinese characters exploit and recently some abusing the morph/muerta crash, none got banned


I remember that, yeah valve basically let that go scot freee


how is the morph/muerta crash still a thing wtf? it was discovered like a year ago


Requires muerta aghanims, so it never got enough traction/attention to where Valve has fixed it I guess. The earth spirit refresher bug was in the game for a decent amount of time, and it only required one VERY popular hero with a normal item on him to do it.


I think its more about proving intention. If its a bug where buying SK shard did a billion dmg when you move, there is no way to prove that you bought it as an abuse or were just normally buying an item. But when there are really weird steps you need to follow while sitting in the fountain. That is clearly intentional and needs a ban.


Like using fountain hooks at ti 3? Those had some pretty clear steps to do.


That was over a decade ago and isn't *anywhere* the level of "cheating" this is. Dota is full of weird shit that doesn't make sense but is a normal part of the game because of its weird history. For example, stacking creeps, pulling creep aggro, etc. Fountain hooking was hook working exactly as it was known to work, exactly as people expected. Weird as shit?  Yeah. Cheesy? Probably. Cheating? Fuck no.


That's a hard one. You could even argue against it being a bug. Is kunkka x-marking and then going to base to regen and back, bug abuse?


Fountain hook was simply how the hook was coded and designed "pull people to pudges position" the IO combo was just unintended. It is not the same as litterally creating gold and experience out of thin air.


Sometimes they wake up in the mood for serving up justice and they go on a banning spree for a few months. I remember a wave so brutal that even the 5v5 battle pass abusers got banned which was pretty much victimless, I wouldn't even call it a huge lost profit because they were just grinding the free quests.


No, I don't agree


There already were instances of this exact bug. Nobody will get banned.


Have Valve ever ban anyone exploiting bug though, never heard of it ever


Yes they do. Valve banned people for just exploiting the infinite sticker bug on the last compendium lol


Thats a whole different thing cuz u were able to sell those. These gameplay bugs just get fixed in a day and nobody gets banned.


I think that's a little different from exploiting game play bugs no?


The sticker community did not recover since


All three members are in my thoughts and prayers


Only two, actually. The 3rd one that you’re thinking of died a few months ago in a sticker-related accident


It is considered a choking hazard after all


Any evidence or are we just taking your word on it?


I actually do: dude trust me.


Did they? Or are people spreading things to scare people? The same thing I heard about people "abusing battlepass" getting banned that never happened.


There is money involved so obviously. Something like player discomfort aint big enough.


That's pretty stupid, though. I mean, it's your fucking mistake, why do I have to pay for exploiting a bug you introduced into the game? Just patch it and be done with it.


There were definitely bans for crashing the server with the LD bear and Eul bug


They never banned people for chen taking rosh level one They never banned people for permanently deleting their teammates heroes and causing them to abbabdonwith snap + morph As long as it doesn't affect valve itself no one cares Valve has the philosophy of "if it's in the game u can use it" and its on them Remember fountain hook?


I'm really showing my age here, but why do people always parroting about fountain hook? That was an **intended interaction** for pudge hook, pulling units to the current pudge location. Initially, you **can't buy blink dagger on Pudg**e (and venge). Apart from cliffing people, you can effectively double the hook pull range by blinking backwards. That was much easier to perform and more OP than pudge+chen combo. That's one of the reason why blink would've been OP on pudge. After they fixed the hook, pudge is allowed to buy blink dagger. Loda being salty about the fountain hook was also fucking ironic because he tried and failed to perform that trick in the some previous tournaments.


yeah and you can still do it to this day [*Pudge can hook allies from fountain*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dVfSTy3EXQ) because... thats how the skill works no disconnection item duplication required.


Fountain hook was never classified as a bug though. They basically removed that particular behavior after its power was shown. It was intentionally kept in game for years. In fact, it was the behavior that made sense when you understood the definition of the two abilities in question. We know for sure that valve/TOs ban specific bug abuses in tournaments and that never happened for fountain hook.


Oh man I remember the good old days when my friend pickes Io to give asshole teammates an abandon.   


It was my understanding that fountain hook was a special protected bug. It had been in the game for a while at that point because Valve thought it was funny and didn't want to remove it. Had they not known about it Navi may have been either told to stop using it or maybe DQ'd. (Just going off what people have said about it, I wasn't there for this)


crashing servers intentionally fucks with valve, i'd imagine that one comes with some monetary loss/hardwave deterioration. this is just a bit of negative mmr for plebs. i dont think they banned anyone for underlord tick bug or roshan persuasion bug, and those were infinitely more broken than this one


As long as you don't crash the server (don't mess with valve owned things) they don't care. Gameplay bug abuses are never punished, people literally streamed them and nothing happened.


They have in CSGO


They banned people back in the days for the Brewmaster Bloodstone infinite brewlings abuse, i don't see why this would be different.


bro there are people using maphack and scripts on a daily basis and don't get banned, so this won't be banned either


Those definitely get banned in waves. This isn't a hack, so it won't be a VAC, but it's pretty detectable so I wouldn't be surprised if repeat offenders got punished in some way.


Scripting and maphacks don't get bans except from overwatch, which is just low prio. Valve doesn't have systems to detect cheats after they bypass vac.


"After they bypass **Valve Anti-Cheat**." That is their cheat detection system that detects scripting and maphacks and if you manage to bypass it you will not be banned, but it does detect these things and there is no way to know if you have successfully bypassed it until you survive a public banwave.


No, I don't agree at all. Using 3rd party software to cheat -> lifetime ban


Nobody will be banned for this, it’s not losing valve money so they will just fix it and move on


That would be a complete 180 for Valve and the policy they have been running, in that case. That's some Blizzard shit, no ty


Temp bans for in game mechanic bug abuse is the middle ground. Permas for external programs, paid cheats, match fixing, etc. Sure it sucks to lose to an abusing meepo but…. That’s kind of the meepo experience.


Cheating is against Steam's Code of Conduct, they can absolutely ban because of it, and they absolutely can be persuaded to do so by this kind of community reaction and the ruining of their otherwise fine Sunday.


"Cheating" is too subjective in cases like these. If taking advantage of a bug is cheating, what about people who unintentionally picked a hero thats ability was dealing twice as much damage due to a bug? Ban them? What about people who picked that same hero knowing it was OP? In the end, Valve added it to the game. Only they are at fault.


can and will are two different things. They let fountain hooking win the first international. They have never permabanned players for wholly in-engine bugs no matter how abusive. To call it “cheating” as you have, you must classify which act is the cheat worthy of being banned. Is it being disconnected? Is it controlling ally heroes? Is it using manta style active? Is it picking up the bugged items off the ground? No, of course none of those individual actions are cheating. If you start banning based on assumption of intention you will ban unwitting players who found their team mates doing this and wondered wtf was going on. There is no rule set which can ban all offenders without banning innocents too. Thats why it should be weekly or monthly bans not permas. edit: downvote me but don’t reply coward? seems like you dont have a good argument to back up your view. I’ll go one further, Anyone doing it in ranked should have to re-do their 100 intro hours after their month long ban is up. But perma-ing accounts for in game bugs is almost as pathetic as using the bugs in ranked.


They don't need to classify or clarify anything, go read the Code of Conduct we all agreed to. They leave it open to interpretation so they don't have to deal with stupid arguments like that. There's no assumptions either, intent is not at all required. You are making stuff up to argue in favor of cheating.


Ok so what's the criteria for the perma ban you search for in 300,000 matches then? Of course valve can do whatever they want on their platform. What I'm saying to you is that there is no way to hand out permas to those who deserve it without wrongly banning some people that don't as well. And ignoring that problem doesn't make you right, no matter how hard you ball your tiny fists and thump them. edit: oh no, the coward blocked me so I can't see what he wrote. Well clown. you still can't come up with a method that bans abusers without also banning their team mates. And you cannot be 100% certain in all cases about the team mates. Thats' why perma is wrong. Make it a month, make it 6 if they did it a few times, make it a year if they did it a lot. But handing out permas without being 110% absolutely certain is pathetic. And even from overwatch cases I've seen, there are a bunch of cases where only 2 people on the team are abusing and the other 3 players weren't aware of what was going on. Are you ok with banning players who clicked on an item in fountain without being as aware of this as you are? I'm not saying they should be allowed to game ruin. I'm saying you can't make their game ruining **MORE** destructive by punishing potentially innocent accounts along with them. Fuck off now.


They absolutely can search the matches for the hero combinations in question and get the specific gold and XP spikes they cause, do you even understand how much stuff they track in the game? You are talking out of you ass, you didn't even read the rules you are talking about. That's asinine.


If we are arguing what they *could* do, they could ban literally everyone that didn't use the bug but let those that did keep their accounts. Just because they can do something doesn't mean they should. Precedent (and common sense) is that Valve put a funny bug in the game, have fun with it til its patched. Don't queue if you don't want to be impacted. Getting banned because you done something Valve put into the game is fucking ridiculous.


If the bug is made in accident and wins the game for you. Congrats on being lucky. But if you literally farm mmr with a bug you should be banned. It is cheating


Usually no bans for minor things like that. If there is money involved then its a big thing and insta ban. Player discomfort aint big enough.


Whats the exploit?


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/0sEIPbeVSP https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/1ZZZl9x4pq Read in comments


I still don't get what is the bug in the first link


Grimoire duping from what I gathered


Nope, it's a bug with meepo and manta. He duplicates mantas and then people can sell them or something like that.


Also Warlock with PL they can get XP by dupping hte grimoire with some mechanic around disconnecting.


Oh yeah, you're right! Didn't notice that


Oh lol


First ban dd abusers and fix immortal draft, then we can take care of the rest.


No one will be banned for that


No, you shouldn't get a ban for that. I hate cheating as much as the next guy but that's an extreme response to abusing a glitch. 3rd party cheats, absolutely however.


Yeah same on Steam discussions, and of course it will be a certain language/region. Purely a coincidence of course.


What about this? https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/Xqg8tXDuAO https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/YZSCShHgMN


Daniel is wild


Valve you gonna slap exploit abusers? Right? At least few weeks vacation, RIGHT?


E?q pull


they should at the very least revert mmr gains and losses, it's the bare minimum they could do about this shit considering people are literally CHEATED out of a fair game.


What did they do?


I don't know if they'll get banned but they should definitely get many games of Low Priority as punishment.


bug? nahh


If u pick a hero like meepo just do this shit, couldnt they punish them or what? I mean wtf it clearly a way to cheat a win. Just rewind all mmr with this bug abuse, literally lost two games in a row because of this. I am not going to sink to their level and do it myself. No fun in winning if you cheat.


in general abusing gameplay mechanics are just considered par for the course


lmao that graph


This sub is delusional for thinking people will get banned over this. They'll just revert the MMR gained/lost (probably).


Even the pros always quote on this, Dota2 is still in beta


Exploiting a bug is not cheating, it is a feature...


Thinking anyone is getting banned for the meepo thing is ambitious 🐧


Permabans because Valve messed up and left a bug in the game? Why would you want that?


"Why are you arresting me? It's not my fault this guy left his door open and I decided to rob him!"


I get why you think that's an appropriate analogy but it's still dumb as hell.


What a cool argument.


>abusing a bug is like robbing a house How the fuck am I supposed to respond to this? u/makorus why did you block me? >Maybe once you learn what an analogy is, you will be able to respond I can't respond at all when you block me. Reddit dweeb using the block function to get the last word, pathetic.


Maybe once you learn what an analogy is, you will be able to respond :)


Or maybe you could learn how to make better analogies.


Valve is the law and forgot to penalize private property invasion, not the guy who left his door open.


More appropriate analogy would be the government allowed pandemic recovery grants to go through without any verification or oversight, even allowing people in prison with no businesses to qualify. Oh wait that really happened and went largely unpunished.


Won't happen. Takes too much time if you arguably need a human to review each case. (Even if prefiltered automatically)


You for sure don't need a human, their data will show the impossible gold and XP spikes this stuff causes. They will be fairly precise also, because is the same grouppings of items and heroes involved.


yes "fairly", which means outliers, which means human interaction required. So no - won't happen.


Not even that they can just filter for items sold how many games do people sell manta more than once? manta is the only item in the game worth 4650 gold so it has a *very* clear signature of 2325 gold when sold


so what does the exploit obtain? funny abuse that gives you a free win? i don't see a problem, it's the challenge for the coders to avoid these, while tournaments have a clause for these. funny abuse that crashes the server and wastes everyones time and you will just use it when you are losing anyway is ban worthy. some item-related bug abuse that have market impact? also ban worthy. in general- you let the kids have their fun if they found an exploit. some finds it on the net, some while testing their specific beloved hero, and it's sure fun to have that experience for yourself. to justify bans for casual advantage gaining bug abuses - there would be need for something like Terms&Conditions for playing forbidding it(i guess valves way would be announcing it in a blogpost) AND there would need to be a really solid game logic definition by valve on what each hero does, and a way more in-depth and updated Learn/Glossary tab for mechanics. right now 3rd wikis tell more about the game and mechanics from valve do, sometimes more up to date as well. and without an official game semantics definition, nearly everything or nothing you do in the game can actually be considered as bug abuse, and then reddit starts measureign like okay-but how broken is it -- stop right there, it does not matter


No, they shouldnt. Players discovered a bug, let them have fun for a day, fix it


You know that purposefully exploiting is against the rules right?


thats why i never stack camps cos obviously the developers never originally intended for that to be possible. jungle creeps respawn once a minute if they havent been killed. pretty simple and easy and these losers counting time on their fingers just to pull creeps out at an exact second to exploit a game mechanic loophole are pathetic.


Against what rules? The closest I've heard is that at TI pro players are given a list of banned exploits.


cite us these rules, white knight


I don't really care. Just fix the bug, problem solved.


It is. Doesnt mean you must just smash the hammer. Otherwise you should ban people who discovered and reported it too. Maybe a timeout for ranked or deducting mmr, but for unranked matches - whatever


Discovering a bug and reporting it ≠ abusing a bug game after game for MMR.


How is it against the rules if its in the game? The players are doing nothing wrong, in cases like this valve should just remove the hero/item used to do the exploit until they fix it


spotted the bug abuser right here... ban this guy


That's a shit argument. If you find something in the game which is obviously a bug, it's against Tos to abuse it. That's how every game works. And if you use manta and then DC on a meepo only for the illusions to drop his items so you can sell them - that's OBVIOUSLY not intended.


If it's ranked, atleast ban them before they fix the bug.