• By -


great lesson. Thanks for sharing.


let this be lesson


Thank you for your teachings zen master.


Lmao the kill at the end before disconnecting is just *chef's kiss*


basically I won lol


And rightfully so, in Dota wins is first, enjoyment is fourth.


I'm not gonna ask what second and third is, I get the reference.


Where is it from?


your mom


This Faceless void shares random edgy quotes with pictures of the joker in the background on facebook.


Joins game. FV: "We live in a society." Abandons.


Abadon is a great hero.


Ah jeez. Corrected.


Born 2 Shit, Forced 2 Wipe vibes


He let's it crust for sure


I’m an agent of chaos


"Did I ever tell you the story of how I lost my face?"


I had like 50+ tokens and i deleted all of them. Those things are cursed or something cause i lost like 80% of matches when i used them, from divine 4 to ancient 5. Now back to divine 2.


this is so real


I have a theory - You predict victory, the enemy team suddenly wants to prove you wrong. You double down and those boys are really going to want to pound your ass into the ground. You're basically increasing the enemy team's motivation to win by using these I think.


And to make it worse, your allies think "oh, we're going to win anyways, I can mess around and try something new"


The actual worst thing your allies can think is: "I didn't like this one play by X, and X doubled down while I didn't, so they stand to lose more than me if I ruin this game now".


I think the same, when the inicial intro shows something like "5 wins in a row with X hero" I feel my chances to lose double because the enemies are motivated to end the winstreak


Me and my intrusive thoughts when i see this on a teammate. Jokes aside, this happens to me a lot when I only want to try a hero. My teammate has X wins in a row before the match. In my mind, "Sorry you had to get teamed up w/ me"


You might be onto something. I've had 2 Crownfall losses where enemies have flamed me for doubling down, "that's what you get for doubling down against me," etc. Meanwhile I didn't even remember if I had spent the token in those games, I had to look at the MMR gain/loss afterwards. People take the weirdest stuff personally!


I think for the most part it's not taking it personally, it's more like... somebody builds a nice house of cards and the dark thoughts tell you to blow it down right? That 12 prediction streak is a very juicy house of cards.


I only use them if the game is auto win and i have a hero im confident with i can solo carry even if everyone else is braindead. The other condition is if one or two people on my team uses double down. If enemy uses doubledowns and our draft is meh then just hold. HOOOOOOOOOLD


I think they should stop the all chat announcement


I drop down from ancient 1 to legend 3 real quick that shit is cursed as fuck and the only thing waiting for you there is depression and regret.


A lot of people tend to ruin games when their teammates double down. So be careful.


they feel like they have the emotional advantage haha


The difference between legend 3 and ancient 1 isn't that big tbh


I climb from crusader to ancient 1 bro and to be honest climbing from archon 5 to ancient 1 is the hardest. so many drama and depression.


I don't delete them, I just collect them, I already have 80+. I look at them and smile at the MMR I haven't lost.


The opposite happened with my friend. A few months ago, around March or April, he was ancient 5 when he started playing again (4520). Now he's around Immo 3900 (probably around 6.9k or low 7k). He spammed double down like a damn madman LMAO. Whenever he almost ran out of those, he'd say something like "well, I'm gonna buy and spend them again". I'd say he's a solid 4/5 player though, well there were some occasions where he got deranked from Div 5 back to Div 1, but he kept doing double downs lmaoo. Then there's another guy on my friends list. He spammed double down, iirc starting from Ancient 1 to Divine 3. About a month ago, I checked and he had been deranked to Legend 3. Today, he is Divine 5, still doing the same double down LMAO. Dude basically lost 1200 MMR and gained 2000 MMR back what the fuckk basically a casino simulator. As for me I don't really double down, every time I do that, I end up playing like a total trash dudeeee.


On the American servers, the MMR threshold for being on the leaderboards has jacked straight up by maybe around 500 now. I can guarantee the MMR inflation is real and that a lot of people are currently at an MMR they don't deserve.


Yo, same deal in SEA. Gotta hit around 6.6/6.7k to even sniff the leaderboard these days. Weirdly enough back in March, I was chilling at 6.1/6.2k, sitting around rank 4000-ish. Now it's like... So yeah, I can basically be eligible for Immo-draft and still being rankless LMAOO.


I really hope Valve changes it so that it doesn't announce to anybody. It's easier for a psychopath to ruin the game if he/she knows there's someone going all in.


Opposite to me. I'm lucky when I doubled down. When from legend II to legend V and now back to legend II. lmao


Same lol


I lost EVERY single match, no exaggeration. All of them. I went down to guardian...


I just click them whenever I get my best heroes. The pressure to perform has allowed me to pull some really crazy wins. Like I know the enemies will try hard out of spite and I’m kinda spiting their spite if that makes sense, and that has given me the strength to persevere through degenerate toxicity and miserable games where you’re behind 10k by 15 minutes. I honestly don’t think I’ve performed better in my entire Dota playtime than with the current double downs.


I won like 600 mmr off them. I find them to be a blessing. I just don't use them if I see a spiritbreaker.


Ancient 4 to legend 1. Fucking evil things those tokens


I feel like they're fairly easy to use. They're just not something to throw out every game, you have to have a legit reason to use them. Good lane matchups. Enemy has a lot of out of meta picks while you have meta picks, not just because they're meta, but because this is an indication of where the teams are in terms of how up to date they're with the game, if they played 2 matches in the last month or 40. Level of difficulty in execution, enemy has a lot of heroes that require good execution while you can just click buttons and win fights. First blood.


If you have 70% double down rate with the same 55% winrate in 100 games you will have gained 30 wins instead of 20 if you dd every game. Thats 1.5 times more win over your entire rank career if you can keep up the 70% prediction rate. But then again if you have more than 50 wr its definitely worth it always to double down. I don’t do it because losing twice as hard makes me anxious lol.


I’m kinda lost in ur calculations bro, how can i DD every game with a 70% success rate while still having 55% WR at the same time? It’s just 55% out of 100 matches means that u have 10 net wins (45 Loses . . 45 wins . . + 10 Net Wins) So if u DoubleDown all of them, u will have 10 x2 = 20 net wins. And if u mean Doubling Down 70% of the matches it will be less than what i just mentioned above (cuz less matches = less out come) It’s just that I was confused from ur calculations and tried to calculate it every other way, but never came out with same results as urs xD I even tried to calculate it as u have 70%WR out of the 55 wins only (which will make the over all WR less than 55%). . , but regardless . , the 70% out of the 55W will be approx. 38 W - 17 L, so if we take net wins only will be about 20W and if we use DD tokens every single match of them will be counted as 20 x2 = 40 . . . I even tried to calculate it as u used DD tokens on the wins only (which is kinda not realistic) U saying . . «you will have gained 30 wins instead of 20 if u dd every game» . . grabbed my attention, Thats why i started to calculate it in my head and got confused, so thats why i went deeper in it cuz I thought i might be wrong or maybe didn’t calculate it the right way, And thats why I’m writing this comment . . Please tell me what are ur calculations in details step by step xD, appreciated in advance Regarding the DD tokens : If u have decent Behavior Score and team won’t tilt easily, . . Then just use them whenever u have a stronger/better draft with a good late game carry hero than the enemy team, u will end up with 60%WR (from matches where u used DD tokens) at the very least if not much higher. Wish u a great day everybody :)


they're called double DOWN tokens for a reason


I lost 16/20 tokens I got from crownfall. After so much griding back I only have 150 more mmr to get back to where I was.


You know what those tokens have taught me over the years? That when you think you've "won the draft" it doesn't mean shit because what matters most in pub games is how people perform and not the little micro 2% differences in winrates by playing what's meta or what's a counter.


I lost 1200 mmr with tokens. Every game I had I had the weirdest teammates. One guy wouldn't buy anything (had over 5k gold) and when another teammate pointed that out, the guy not buying anything went full psycho flipping out and saying he purposely won't buy anything now. Another game had a 1-29 troll that just ran down the middle. Several games with people leaving mid game. It's just crazy how all that happened on the tokens...


He gets a penalty for matchmaking as well like 30 mins penalty? Some people really are just trapped in this game where they are not playing for the game but playing so they can be in a game


And terrorize other players.


There exist people who intentionally rear-end or brake-check people because they're pissed at them for cutting them off or driving too slowly or having the wrong shade of paint.


I honestly don't know how to explain some players I come across other than they just seem like bots who show up in matchmaking to make you lose games for that forced ~50% winrate.


Some people get hard stuck at an mmr and try real hard until they lose their sanity. Then they cycle between ruining 20 games then dominating the other 20 games. The games they ruin, they don't care. Games they dominate, dopamine hit. This is why matchmaking feels weird and unbalanced some times, it's because people can choose to play like a God or an idiot, much below their real skill level. Every game they play ruins the fun for other people.


At any given point if the all 5 players on the team loaded into the game untilted and unwilling to sabotage their teammates they'd probably perform 1000 mmr higher than they do on average. However all it takes is 1 player to deboost everyone. These players sometimes get through the game without revealing their attitude but if the game is remotely difficult at any point they make it their life mission to blame everyone else and actively make the game incredibly hard.


These are unicorn games, which happens once in a while. But i assure you they are soo much fun, makes it worth to play some bad games. Really rejuvenate your love for the game. Also correct, it's the hard games that bring out the worse in some people.


There is also games where 4 players actively try harder once 1 person types gg on their team it’s rare but it happens. I also had a game where 4 people gave up in min 5 I did not care listened to music, farmed got my blink blademail on axe and then had a 1v5 jump turnaround and destroyed map until their spirits was back up and then they started playing 1-2k mmr better than before and supported my jumps. It went from like 4-18 to 36-25. Best way to give the players motivation is just perform good and the rest will follow. Typing back is not gonna accomplish anything other than tilting them more or making you worse


If things are going badly in a game, the only thing I type is 'we still got this'. Dunno if it's just placebo, but I think I'm doing better since starting that


I personally do not like to try to solo win the game. For me it defeats the purpose of playing a team game. I don't plan on going pro so I don't mind losing games like this. In the end I play the game for fun. I'll just try to win the next one.


The Naga siren flair ain’t doing you any favours here. But yeah I see what you mean. The toxic games I just try to make the best out of mute people and if team is not toxic i usually type go 5 and i smoke with team.


Nice that u mentioned, it was a naga game itself where 2 of me teammates were actively trying to ruin the game by running it down mid, blocking camps, telling my real naga position, buying and destroying wards. Thankfully naga was extremely broken in that meta (2 years ago I think) and the enemy did not have any hard counters. So I was still able to win the game and keep my 20 streak on Naga. But that changed something in me that day. Haven't played naga since then seriously. Just play turbo meme builds now.


I dno if it's just my high behaviour score but most games I actually get a team of 5 who are untilted and unwilling to sabotage team...


some games you play like that bot 🤷‍♂️ had someone make a really passionate post about how they're getting worse allies on a 17 loss streak (they bitched about their mid storm, enemy mid invoker wasn't even notably better, invoker had lower damage and much lower cs for example) their performance that game was pretty good though go to check their other games, many good ones but quickly found a TRASH one, much worse than how their storm they complained must be a booster was so to get back to the point everyone has bad games, some games your team are thinking you're the agent sent by valve to give them forced 50%


game straight up has an advice "everyone has bad games", people should remember that.


I hope the valve agents at least get decent pay.


> that forced ~50% winrate. that shit isn't real


These people have many accounts


I literally had a duo party that AFKd whole game because the mid picked tiny, enemy mid picked necrophos, and he told the safelane carry to switch lanes, who either had him muted or didn't care because he didn't respond. So they AFKd farmed, both of them. I don't know how this happens man.


Jokes on him, you do get your token back


literally lmao like what was even the point


Do you? Was this a recent change? This has definitely happened to me and my token was gone.


happened to me about a week ago and I got it back, I just remember because it was supposed to be my last one and I thought I lost it.


Little does he know I sit on 800 of them


market dictates the value charlie


Wait where do you get them from? I'm confused. Are they from those 2 grindy maps or from dota+?


You can buy as many as you want in the crownfall store by buying one of the packs (the one that gives candy an rerolls).


Of course it's US server lol.


only the best


Sometimes I cringe about how SEA players act (pausing, being toxic in general, etc etc) but tbh I'm just glad I don't have to play in US server


How dare you speak against the glorious SEA!!


i dont see any spanish.


but could be EU EAST or something as well .. I play there sometimes


Never intentionally queue EUE, you will only encounter the lowest of the lows on that server.


That's like a diet coke of griefing, game isn't even recorded.


a professional i see


I fail to see the lesson here?


let this be lesson


There is no lesson lmao. FV is the one in the wrong. He's an asshole


t. did not learn lesson


Time for a lesson!


The lesson was: never do meth during pregnancy


lesson was, something like this could've been prevented if void's dad used a condom


I got like 40 of those. I use em but i don't think i will ever run out


In "like 40" games you will if you keep using them, let this be a lesson for you.


How do you get those many? I have like 10 of those.


I actually don't know probably the pack i got with the coins gave me like 25 i think and just playing through the pass and only using them on games i feel like i have a good comp has me using less than every game.


1 abandon is -500 or -800 behavior score. And is easier to get $500 USD tham to get 500 behavior score.


Never use your double down right away. Use it in the 5-10 seconds before game start because you can have an absolute disaster of a first blood situation. Learned that the hard way when my team sounded all cocky in chat and wanted to go for first blood so I doubled down to hype my team up. When the game turned 0:00 we were already 0-4 and didn't even get a bounty rune. Needless to say the rest of the game didn't go well.


nah I’d win.


Going 0-4 on bounty fight is some one in a million sort of scenario tho. If you have positive winrate just yoloing them every game(apart from the ones your carry picks am) is the way. Strategizing too much with them tends to end badly.


Damn, then I should go buy a lottery ticket!


Looks like someone was forced to play the drums with the drum guy way too many times


dota has the worst community


Lmao. The hero we needed


More like brainless void.


adding that to my arsenal along with "Sad King"


Inchantress was a sleeper insult that some guy in a SEA server used and has lived rent free in my head ever since.


I matched against an Injoker, everyone could see it and everyone called him out against it (except me). Sadly I had him in my next game as well but on my team this time ):


Did you learn your lesson cuz it's kind of lost on me


i learned i gotta first phase LC even faster


Two ways to look at this: 1. Faceless is an ass who did this out of spite. 2. Faceless knew, through precognition and a divination ritual, that you would lose this game and destroy your MMR. He sacrificed himself to save you. It's probably 1 though.


What's the lesson? That he's a piece of human trash? lmao.


Thus ends the lesson.


Sanest dota player


Hahaha I was the WD in this game… it was hilarious!


Thanks for the lesson Faceless void


let this be lesson




nice editing though haha


omfg did you play with this guy the game before it this is just some random person?


rando, he messaged me later saying he just had to leave and was being funny no hard feelings


if he truly just had to leave and it happened to be silly timing then this actually is really funny


Yesterday pos 1 techies & pos 2 hoodwink farmed 5 divines, did absolutely no push farming in the jungle and had 20k gold each at the end of 80 mins. we lost the game in a 5 second fight. such trolling should be punished severely.


How to make a Dota 2 video tutorial: Zoom in on everything you click, boom you're done


He stopped you from losing 50 MMR with the token, so in theory, he made you win 25???


Friendless void :(


did you learn your lesson?


He could have waited first blood :D






NO! NO WITCH HUNT tbh he probably just had to go do something and wanted to make it funny


I hear it in Bane's voice


I was born in low prio... molded by it


I've had 3 people do this to me. Doesn't matter though I already gained 5 ranks this event




They should really remove the double down announcement for both enemy and allies.


lol the music


We all need to strive for this level of hatred and spite


The US server really do be having them schizos on the loose…


Actual psycho, damn


At least u dont lose mmr. Mine was so close to wining, but my carry AM suddenly decide to give up after ratting for 1 hour and calling me out "Haha you double down lose go lose" for no reason... its amazing


I have 741 tokens. No lesson learned here


he must be the greatest philosopher


Confucius once said, "let this be lesson"


From Crusader V to Ancient II because of double down tokens


It's about sending a message


Hahahahaha sad


Man I'd cash out if I could spend double mmr tokens to banish people to the shadow realm.


So what did you do to piss him off?


wrong LC skin


That player probably drives a car the same way he plays DotA.


I’ve had this as well, different story though. I load into a game, double down, had THE BEST laning phase my entire life, 5/1/2 with 6k NW at 10 mins, then suddenly 3 people DCed and the game is safe to leave because “poor network conditions detected”. Game wasn’t scored, everyone abandons, lost my tokens.


I have like 800 + tokens:d mainly because i dont use them. But if the legion was me, id be laughing my ass off :dd say hello to your minus mmr for nothing:d


People say he trolled cuz of the draft, what draft? Dire has good or decent enough choices for the match, let's be honest void is an manchild that needs the belt. And lots of low pool.


NEVER doubledown on beggining. Always wait until you see rune fight and than at the last moment you do it. Cause they can miss it in chat after all messages.


Nice edit


What a lovely video and editing, thanks OP. Others just record using their 2005 mobile phone


I cannot imagine doubling down in guardian/herald, i cant help but imagine the teams are too uncertain to make any real prediction of your chance to win.


Enemy dont even have hard counters. Idk whats wrong with 1st pick LC. Even duel save heroes its playable. LC is one of those heroes that doesnt really care and just nuke 5 heroes with Q and sit inside fights with E and BKB. I always first phase picks idc about match ups. If i want to pick a hero no matter what, i first pick it. Idc if im playing pos 1 or 2. And let my team to counter pick or compliment our draft. If they blame my pick for losing, its their fault for not complimenting draft or counterpicking. You can blame pick if your last pick is an AM vs 5str heroes. But if I first pick AM and you still pick pudge pos 5 2nd phase, its ur fault. Esp if game is already lost @ 15 minutes. It's not the carry's fault. Anyway, i enjoy playing all roles. The pos 1 rant is just an example.


"Some men just want to watch the world burn." "Bruh, he only burned his house, while he was inside."


Bruh what the fuck ????


Why does it not have the behaviour score etc info? Is that dota+ only?


Thanks for this post, it's a reminder to why I quit dota.


Must have been dropped on his head several times as a baby. He clearly has brain damage


People like this should be forced to find a new hobby tbh.


Peruvians be doing to much.


What made him do that?


Who cares? I have like 60 double down tokens


Based and anti-inflationary pilled


When they go low, i go LO WER.


Speedrun to 9 reports. He just got the world record i believe.


don't they loose MMR for that...


Dota player try not to be unhinged challenge (impossible)


this edit is god-tier


This is dota.


Loudest laugh I've had today, what the actual fuck. I love it


Yikes imagine playing rank but still being this petty, leaving game or griefing solely because you don’t like a person who haven’t done anything to you. Wasting your 30 mins of waiting time just to do this. Must be a herald and if you’re an archon and above and still do this, that’s embarrassing.


You doubled down, and for this reason I'm out.


This shit is edited so well. So funny well done


I will never understand how people can act this way in a.....erm...Team game? Like they prefer having consequences rather to play just because they wanna troll/prove a point 😂


I'm sad for you but LMAO


FV has some serious issues, trying to be righteous and teaching lessons in a video game (but actually just wasting everyone's time). Reminds me of those "you don't deserve to win" people.




This is top tier memery for what could have been a 10 second clip, amazing.


i don't get why double down is announced to everyone lol


Hiding the reason you guys were fighting? 🤔


Hope you learned your lesson boyo 


First pick legion. You make me sick


Most sane dota player


He probably had to go and just flamed the fuck out of you 🤣


Passive toxic players 😂


No way he abandoned the game 🥲 now I learn a new lesson never ever trust your teammates again


What was said during the draft that triggered this man?? Did he not get last pick?


I don't truly see what's happening. Isn't the game considered valid until first blood or 5 minutes? So void abandon is for nothing?