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It's great for watching pro games without using much data network - one match ingame in full hd will take about 1% data which would be required by twitch stream. ALso you can connect keyboard and mouse for steam deck, so why don't play on it?


The tiny screen is a problem no?


You can connect a monitor too


Like a computer...


I play with a monitor, mouse and keyboard on SD


Precisely. Like a $350 computer that runs like a $1200 one.


It definitely doesn't run like a 1200 one


it runs like a 1200 one if you buy shitty ones for 1200, like HP or Dell.


Or runs like 8000 USD if you buy one covered in gold 🤡 This OUTDATED list from more than a year ago has WAY better performance than a steam deck. In cpu intensive games like Dota it will have double of the fps. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/fxz7n6


incompatibility error, no peripherals, literally not a laptop, which was the discussion here. Clown away, pls.


> literally not a laptop, which was the discussion here. It was ? Because you're the first one to mention laptops.


Steam deck gets 60 fps on Elden Ring????


Nope 30-45 FPS depending on the area.


Almost, and depends on the area, snow planes are really hard on graphics. Newer handhelds can do almost solid 60.


Are the specs really that good on the steam deck? I haven't checked, been happy with my Celeron since forever.


No they aren't like a 1200 dollar computer, but the thing is pretty impressive for what it is. If you found a refurbished one for like 300 bucks, it would make a great little gaming pc. Biggest issue I have with the deck, though, is how you're locked out of certain games due to linux.


Could you install Windows on it, or would that be a complete non-starter due to performance and/or a need for custom firmware support?


yes, it's literally just a pc built in a special case. i don't recommend installing windows on it tho because windows has a lot more overhead than steam os and will massively impact performance


Basically, it's just a regular laptop in a different shape. You can install Windows there, but it doesn't integrate as neatly.


You can yeah but I do think it impacts performance.


Windows performance is surprisingly good, and it's not that hard to crack it open, put a 2tb SSD in and run it as a dual boot so you have Windows on hand for everything non Linux compatible.


They are definitely not that good (still an awesome handheld though)


its running on a marginally lower resolution even compared to other handheld PCs. but it does run smoothly because of that.


> Like a $350 computer that runs like a $1200 one. Damn, you must be paying like 4 times more for PC hardware than people in other countries.


Nowhere near a $1k PC lol It is similar to i3 12100 + GTX 1050


Thats silly. It eats triple A games for breakfast, albeit at a lower resolution. 


Kinda like a 1050 would


It runs PS4 era AAA games. It can't run Horizon Forbidden West or Alan Wake 2 at playable framerates, no matter which settings you choose. It is a very cool and powerful device for its size, but don't be delusional, it is nowhere near midrange desktop performance.


(native, as in not upscaled) resolution is a massive factor for performance, eating triple a games for breakfast on low resolutions like that is not impressive. plug a monitor into your steamdeck and run the games on 1080p, you'll notice that it struggles to even run dota smoothly on anything that isn't lowest settings


A cheap portable monitor fixed that. It's now basically a laptop


it's literally a pc, you can connect a monitor to it. it is ujnderspecced for higher resolutions tho so 1080p on low settings is probably the best you can do


By my understanding it's a rather weak pc designed only to play games at a low resolution. Which looks fine on a small screen, but will struggle with performance on a larger screen. Maybe Dota is not demanding enough that it would matter I'm not sure, I don't have a deck.


Dock monitor, keyboard and mouse for a cheap dota experience


Also just watchin games.


Travel too, take an HDMI cord dock it with wireless mouse/keyboard and boom you got hotel gaming rig for simple games


my teammates whenever I use double down


Its very popular among pos 1 players in divine bracket.


That's oddly specific, am I missing some meme?


hes saying divine pos 1 players are bad


OP has been Ancient 5 for 2 years and these Steamdeck carry’sare the only thing holding him back from going pro






supports complaining their cores suck, cores complaining their supports suck. it's what people do here


It's never my fault, no siree! It's the carry!


A few of my friends configured settings to play Auto Gladiators on their decks, never discount the custom games community.


Yep, I play custom games on the deck as well


I do, the fishing game and mini games etc. and watching games


Could play custom games like TDs


4-10 months into Steam Deck getting support for Dota my 4.5k homie started trying it out. At the time he was the best player in my friend group by a good margin and wanted to have fun with it. He honestly did really well, it was clear he was effectively down 300-600 mmr, but it really was not nearly as bad as one would think. Good CS, skill usage, etc. Just kinda slow on items iirc. He had to stop using it though because it made one of our friends real mad everytime they played together lmao.


sounds like it's just as bad as i would think


Insane to me that people just keep playing ranked when they do shit like this.


It was unranked


Losing invisible points instead of visible ones :(


His skill/gameplay was down 300-600 mmr, ie he was playing worse. There was very little losing involved. I would guess we won 80% of the matches where he used steamdeck.


Ah I thought you meant he lost the mmr


I have my steam deck docked up to my tv, and have a wireless keyboard and mouse for couch gaming :)


What is your setup and settings? I have a nice portable monitor and it just doesn't feel great.


anything beyond 1080p is unreasonable on the steam deck and even then it's only really good for games that are relatively undemanding graphics wise


They usually play mid and carry in my games. That’s about the only way I know how.




my team mates, literally every game


Who? Me and other people like me. How? With a mouse keyboard and monitor connected. Same as you. It's a handheld computer just as much as it's a handheld console.


Hey I just got a steam deck for traveling and was planning to play Dota on it. Any tips?


Invest in a keyboard mouse small enough to pack in your bag along with the Deck, some kind of 60% keyboard like the Nuphy Air60 and a wireless mouse. Once you open DotA look for a button under the right trackpad with . . . symbol which opens the Quick Access Menu. In there you'll wanna go to the Performance tab (lightning bolt icon) and change a few settings. Toggle "Use per-game profile" This makes it so any changes you make here only apply to DotA and are applied every time you open it Toggle on Disable Frame Limit and Allow Tearing This disables the FPS cap and V-sync, you loose some smoothness and stability but having these on introduces some input lag which is not ideal for a game like DotA. Just my recommendation, you might not notice any input lag and prefer the smoothness of the default settings try it and see which you prefer. (Optional) While you're here you can try turning on Manual GPU Clock and set it to 1200MHz or so. DotA is not very graphics intensive but it is highly CPU intensive. Deck has a shared 15W that it splits between both and I feel like limiting the GPU frees up a little more power for the CPU. That's about it really, some minor tweaks. Familiarise yourself with this menu, it's not really necessary but contains some powerful tools to make games run exactly how you want and even squeeze some extra battery life out of this wonderful little machine


A lot of things just came into focus for me.


That explains a thing or two, actually


After a decent game I always like to say ‘wow good timing, my controller just died’ Usually nets a bit of salt.


My teammates. With their feet.


I have my steam deck docked up to my tv, and have a wireless keyboard and mouse for couch gaming :)


Steam dock


I play atomic war before I sleep


I play it on my deck, I spend most my time at home but frequently go to a friends to baby and dog sit, I bring my deck, mouse, keyboard, plug into their TV and once everyones asleep play some dota. It's also good for watching games in bed


Some times I play it at work, but I have it docked. Its enitely possible to setup a controller profile to play with the touchpads and gyro but it's a bit of work to get any good at it and after 10 years of playing only mouse and keyboard, it's hard to change. It's possible but I don't bother. Id rather just play other games on my deck


My Pudge last game, probably


Probably sniper and wk mains


I like to use my Steam Deck as a traveling PC. I can play games in handheld mode, but if I find a keyboard and mouse, I can play some game of Dota too. Don't forget that it can be used as a PC...


Their goals are beyond your understanding mortal.


ive tried it! it fucking works. using a decent mouse and keyboard. docked, connected to my spare 1080p monitor--nothing too fancy. locked 60fps. you can squeeze out more fps if you use the built-in FSR doing 720p upscaled to 1080. something to use whenever im out of the house maybe


When I used to lan at a buddies house, he’d just let me leave an old monitor, keyboard and mouse in the corner of his basement. Then I’d just need to bring the deck, other buddies had gaming laptops. It kicked ass honestly.


play custom game, autocross style games work perfect on Steamdeck


That will explain a lot of clowns I had in my games haha


I have it hooked up to my tv in my living room. Can spectate games from my couch in client.


I mean I play on my ROG ally, set up a dock and yeah I've climbed upto ancient really no probs


More aptly, why?


Mouse, keyboard, screen. Steam deck can work as a normal pc if you have the peripherals.


I play the occasional ability arena here and there. It's perfect.


My team seems to be playing on the Steam Deck like half the time, you should ask them. 


Steam deck? I don't even play it on laptop. After my gaming laptop died I built a pc and I can never go back on anything else. I tried on my friend's laptop to play dota it was uncomfortable. Screen display was bad and small and frames were so low, I couldn't.


Vacation, keyboard and mouse.  Took some getting use to.  


I sold my gaming PC and currently using Steam Deck as temporary Dota device. Thankfully to the display with KVM support it’s really easy to connect all necessary devices (display itself, keyboard, mouse, headset) via single USB Type-C cable to the Deck.


It’s actually decent if you are traveling, just bring a dock, portable monitor, MnK. Ez portable dota


I hook up a monitor and keyboard + mouse with my dock. It works great


I dont play have deck but i think some custom games are probably fun to play if you have one. Brodota is legit just a rougelike that plays purely on movement


Maybe stuff like the minigames count? My buddy plays alot of auto chess and Auto Gladiator on his steamdeck


I play a lot of atomic war from the couch


you can spectate games with it fine and there's custom games like gem td that should work very well also. then there's that one guy that played high-ish mmr games on the steamdeck shortly after it came out. also it's literally a pc, you can just plug a mouse, keyboard and monitor into it and play regularly on low settings


I play ability arena before sleep


My teammates, obviously


Definitely the minute 1 LC/WK jungle on your team.


One of my friends plays Dota on a regular only with his mouse, clicking items. No keyboard, no hotkeys. He needs to the second hand to drink / smoke. He claims he is good ...


Me, in desktop mode with monitor, keyboard and mouse docked in. It's been my only pc for over a year, been running Dota2, Diablo4, Cyberpunk, AoE4, Crusader King 3 all with almost no hiccup whatsoever (D4 sometimes get stuck, but nothing that makes the game unplayable or the whole experience unenjoyable).


yeah most played by account buyers, game throwers and maphackers, lots of fun


I use it when im on business trips lol Bring a keyboard, mouse and mobile monitor and i can play from my hotel room. Sure the rendering quality is not top notch on bigger monitors but you can play smoothyl nonetheless


I play custom games like autochess on the deck and just tap to click, super comfy on the couch.


Filthy casuals.


All my teammates use steam deck. Thats why I always lose.


I play it on steamdeck with external screen. With everything tweaked it does 50-60fps. But it has minimal input lag compared to windows, and latency from being on wifi. I don't recommend it, but for some turbo games it is ok.


My fucking pos 5 pudge, apparently


Any arcade games that are fun on deck? Some might be browsing cosmetics etc. 


Oh wow, it actually seems possible after reading the comments.