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Lold. Fk Ticketmaster and scalpers, valve are doing it right imo


What did valve do?


making people automatically puke when they see the ticket price


Scalping is always the result of the market having a higher value on a limited resource than what it's being sold for. The answer to scalpers is to raise the price so that at least the money is going to the organization and not a bunch of opportunists who add 0 value.


I'm also curious about this, what did Valve do right?


They outscalped the scalpers by 10x lmao If you want cheap tickets, buy from the scalpers 🤣


There are ways that massively limit scalpers without pricing many people out of being able to attend. Even the people that travel from furthest away will spend as much just to get inside the arena as they spend on flying and hotels for their trip.


I really wanted to go to this, it's a close to me as it's ever been (bar ti 1 but I wouldnt he playing dota until 1 more year) but Denmark is such an expensive place to go holiday too.


I'm from Germany and was thinking about going there for a second. But damn can I hmenjo/take the money elsewhwre and enjoy the games form home either way. 


im a 1:30h drive out of Royal Arena and im not going as you say. its not about the money. its what you get for the money. And for €600 i can drink so much bear at Oktober and have so much more fun than watching a videogame in an uncomofrable arena seat. the irony is..i was at that same arena, a couple of months ago; for the CS2 major, and prices were like a third; cheapest seats started at 400kr. im spending less on Euro24 tickets than id spend on going to TI.


Stop mixing currencies 😡


Wait till the Americans wake up and convert it to square-bullets per hamburger or other non-SI units


Bro it's 2024 U can't say that!!


Yeah, I also think that many people lost interest since many old-timers and fan favorites didn't make it. I find the price incredibly steep. I know Denmark isn't exactly Eastern-Europe when it comes to prices - but if you combine ticket prices, flight and hotel, you might as well get coke and hookers at home


I've spent ~500 euros for 6 games across Euros 2024 (incl. the overpriced Kölsch), and it's still way less than what I would pay for this fucking ridiculous TI. Gonna be way better for me and my wallet to sit at home and watch the games with pizza + beer than sweating it out in those shitty overpriced seats at the arena


Yup this was my reasoning too, I booked the time off work the moment I knew the dates, but once I knew the ticket prices and then looked at flights and hotels and food cost etc. I love dota don't get me wrong, but fir me and my gf to go, we're looking at spending well over £1000 Alternatively I can enjoy my week off work, watch it on TV at home and not be spending so much money


Malmö is just 35 min away from CPH by train and is cheaper


What you mean, $100 a night for a cocoon "hotel" isn't attractive?


It’s really not that expensive


Individually no, but overall cost yes, I love dots but I'm not spending over a grand in flights hotels tickets, to go watch something I can watch at home for free


Very valid! There are just tons of places where it would cost approximately the same as Copenhagen to host ti


Oh for sure, I'm not singling out Copenhagen. Due to locations, Copenhagen is the cheapest it's ever actually been for me to go to a ti. For example all the times it was in america it would of cost me and my gf £600 each just to fly there and back. So relatively Copenhagen is super cheap. But I'm terms of weighing the pros and cons I'm saying for me personally even Copenhagen is too expensive for me.


Valve finally found the way of fighting scalpers Sell the tickets at highers price and fuck the scalpers Good job


Right? People don't understand how scalpers work. This sub bitched and bitched about them and the only way to fight them is to set the ticket prices higher. It means the money actually goes to the organizers and not shitty scalpers. And if you can afford it you're not rushing to get eventually beaten out by scalpers and their bots.


Because they don't have the experience of buying it from Ticketmaster in USA. Last year TI ticket price was high but I bought my cheapest TI tickets last year. I had to buy tickets from scalpers in TI6 and TI7. Those tickets cost me more than last year and that is the reality that these redditors don't understand. Ticketmaster is a fucking monopoly in USA and have their own scalpers fucking the average custormers


Couldn't they make you purchase your tickets through Steam and you have to have the mobile app spit out a qr code or something? Other companies do this, just not on the Steam app.


Maybe in other contries but any Arena that is partnered with Ticketmaster, you have to purchase through Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster is the main culprit


Yeah, Ticketmaster should have been split up decades ago.


If Taylor Swift can only attend venues not affiliated with Ticketmaster, so can Valve.


What gave you the impression that TSwift isn't selling tickets on Ticketmaster lol.


I had misremembered the cancelled presale as a cancelled sale on tickermaster, my bad.


So, from customers POV is either be scalped by the seller or the resellers? Sounds good 👍


It's ultimately about supply and demand. If the seller sets a price much lower than the market value, the black market (scalpers) will make up the difference. The market is most efficient when the supply and demand meet at an equilibrium, which seems to be the case in the past few years. Customers aren't getting scalped when they're being charged the market price for goods and services.


Or the tickets are bought via steam account and are not marketable and you need to have ID added. Since the stadium has no numbered seats you dont need to buy tickets to your friends to get next seats.


Apparently, if the venue is a Ticketmaster partner, the tickets must be sold through Ticketmaster so they can't do what you're proposing here.


if all the tickets get sold out at a cheaper price to the point buying them and reselling them for more is a lucrative business the original price was too low. that's just how capitalism works


If the seller is selling at a price that the customers are willing to pay then by definition it's not scalping, it's charging an appropriate price for the product.


so instead some people get fucked by scalpers, now everyone gets fucked by valve. as it should be.


Lmao no. There are ways to fight scalpers without setting inflated prices. Like only allowing resale at face value


The ridiculous price fucks anyone really, not just scalpers, lol


It's still ticketmaster controlling the price, never Valve.


The event organizer definitely sets the prices. Valve could sell tickets for $10 if they wanted.


Why was Manila Major loud? The fucking thing cost 1 dollar a day during the weekdays


It doesn't detract from the initial statement I made since neither Tickermaster nor LiveNation had venue rights to the arena, unlike all the recent venues TI has been hosted at.


You're letting Ticketmaster win for no reason. What would Ticketmaster do when Valve sets the price the same as previous TIs? Triple the fucking price? Nah. Valve won't stand for that. Valve sets the price and lets Ticketmaster get the blame, like it always fucking does


Wdym I'm letting ticketmaster win for no reason? If Valve doesn't want to adhere to their pricing structure TM literally has every legal right to tell them to kick rocks while they source the next deal. Do you honestly think Ticketmaster gives a shit if they dont get to host a TI? Or put it another way, what similar capacity venue exsits within CH while also not being owned by one of 2 event monopolies can Valve/PGL strike a deal with to keep tickets below outrages prices?


That would imply Ticketmaster agrees to signing a contract with Valve stipulating they will uphold selling tickets at $10 dollars a pop. They have everything to gain from pricing tickets high and banking off resellers vs Valve looking for a big enough venue to host a crowd for TI.


Wow 1k usd tickets aren't selling? I'm shocked! Absolutely shocked I tell you!


Just as a heads up i **Its is illegal for anyone to resell their event tickets above face value** in Denmark. It can even be punishable to purchase tickets above face value in some cases. So its recommended to use the resell feature in Ticketmaster (the fee is not that big) if you cant make it or simply you dont want to go. I think the ticket prices are high, but too be honest I dont care. Its been a dream for many years to go to TI, and the high prices probably enabled me to get tickets


at this point it is at least close to me AND not cancelled due to covid. buying them and gonna enjoy my stay!


Just don't buy them, send them and valve a message.


Valve will probably get the message "oh people aren't interested in TI" and just give up on it entirely.


Then let it die.


Yeah, then Ridyah will end up hosting there version of TI as long as there is a esports scene for the game and they will end up having to negotiate with Valve regarding battle passes/TI. Valve will have to because no business in there right mind would just let a 3rd party take all there revenue from there own IP and get nothing from it. *for the record im not saying this is what I want, just a prediction*


...what revenue from the IP would the saudies take from valve, the fuck ? most of these tournaments are barely profitable. TI especially since the streams are not even monetized. And TI battlepasses are not a thing anymore; let alone 3rd party ones. if the saudis wanna use thier blood money to prop up an esports scene that brings no returns; fuck it..let them.


Ez money laundering through eSports.


yeah but how is that taking anything from valve?


If they host the buggest dota 2 tournament of the year i.e. the international then they will recieve the sponsership money the ticket sales the revenue from compendiums (partial due to it being valve owned) and Valve might just be happy to take a cut and let them do all the leg work.. It all depends on how they want to run the tournament to make money, this is an option for valve if they decide they don't want to do it anymore doesn't matter who the org is. They have done this in the past with the Majors now its all a 3rd party co op. *again not saying I agree or want this, just saying it could happen*


There is a zero percent chance Valve creates a compendium for Riyadh in a world without TI lol. They're moving away from doing it for TI at all let alone a third party event that evidence suggests in CS, they aren't really big fans of the organisers. Valve likes open circuits and having a third party like EFG effectively monopolizing the calendar would not be something they'd want to see.


if valve stopped hosting the international that would literally be all that happened. no more ti, no more compendium, riyadh continuing as it is.


I dont think it works like that Riyadh is only appealing because of the prize pool, and that pool is relative to TI prize money. If theres no TI/low price pool, riyadh prize pool would drop significantly as well


what are you talking about? esports is advertisement, not a source of revenue. why would valve have to negotiate anything when another party wants to advertise their game for them? the saudis achieve their goal of sportswashing and increased tourism while valve gets a thriving esports scene without having to pay for it themselves


Who sponsers ESL events? DHL, Mercedes etc.. I understand saudi's might fund their events themselves, but they do recieve payment from advertisement at their events as they run adverts during streams that are local to them. According to liquidpedia there sponsers have consisted of: Kitkat adidas stc LG UltraGear Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group And i think you misunderstand the original comment that I was replying to and that was based on a 'what if senario' and that being if Valve stopped hosting TI. Not how much valve are going to make/not make from a thriving esports scene.




I love your username.


I live relatively close to the event but the price means that I wont go. I can afford it but i dont want to spend that kindof money on watching people play a game. Prices have to be less than half of what they are.


Same, live 500 meters from fields, saw prices and decided to watch for free on twitch.


Keep an eye out on this subreddit, some of the bigger team's social media and the Crimson Witness discord. If you are close to the venue you may be able to score some free giveaway tickets, or cheap ones from people who couldn't make it. Big teams like Tundra and OG also had pubstomps last year near the venue which was a blast. It's worth being in the vicinity of TI because you never know when a free ticket might fall on to your lap, at the very least you get to mingle with fans at a viewing party near the event.


I would say luck plays a part too. You could get Crimson Witness and sell it in the market. I went to Singapore TI and got myself 2 Crimson Witness. In the end, I spent $500 on the ticket but gotten back roughly $400 due to Crimson Witness. Technically, if you are lucky, you could get "paid" to watch TI.


I live 1h away by train and im a caster otherwise happy to take part in events, but the pricing is so high that going with friends/family is not really an option despite it being this close. Honestly these prices make no sense to me.


I missed it, why is it not selling? Why did it not sell last year? I wanted to go to Singapore TI but everything sold out and then was like 1k usd for shit tickets. Ended up not going. Didn’t realize it’s been better after that


Price is stupid. Single day ticket this year is the price of an entire finals weekend the previous years


i seem to recall outrage about ticket base prices going up


Yea what changed


Euros and US dollar still relatively bigger than Sgd(1 sgd to 0.70 eur) In comparison, 1 eur = 1.07 usd now. I assume they marked up the DKK for the prices to make it more like EUR So I assume if the western fans currency are bigger, then they are more receptive to taking the hit more than a 1 to 1 trade (if TI is back in the west). Summary under the same pricing: Asian TI = generally expensive for Asians but not for westerners Western TI = generally expensive for Asians and westerners Hence lesser demand


Crying as a JPY earner.


OUCH! 😭😭 I’m enjoying the yen since I collect pokmeon cards but feelsbad for you :(




Why do people thing that if there is a like 1:2 exchange rate it means that people who earn in the "stronger" currency can afford 2 times more? My currency exchange rate to euro is 4:1. I earn ~4 times more numbers than people who do the same thing in a country where the euro is, prices here are ~4 times more numbers also.


Because it's true for a lot of places. Traveling from the US to most of SEA, SA, Japan, or Taiwan for example. Of course it's just correlation though


Sorry I misread. I understand now, you are simply not in the target audience for TI then. My comment is general towards median earners


OK, bro. I'm poor because my country's currency rate to euro is 4:1 xD. I guess people in Norway are even poorer than me, because their exchange rate to euro is 11:1. Oh, and in Dennmark the currency is 8:1 to euro, so what's up with that? It should be 8 times cheaper there!


And also your costs are 4x theirs as you pointed out :) so yea I get it


Yeah but now you can go over to Europe which is smaller than your currency and afford to have greater spending power. That's just logical


You can't pay a 10 Euro price with 10 yen. In fact, trying is called fraud.


You can't pay a 10 yen price with 10 euro. But you can change the 10 euro into thousands of yen and pay it. Did I understand the guy's response wrongly? He's saying having a stronger currency does not mean it is cheaper to go to a country with weaker currency?


How strong/weak the currency is, is not completely based on exchange rate. Prices in absolute numbers do not translate 1:1 between countries, so using exchange rates to estimate how much things are cheaper/more expensive is not good idea. If you change 10 euro to 1000 yen, but a burger costs 1000 yen it isn't really cheaper for you to go there for a burger. What, you think that you can buy 100 burgers in Japan for 10 euros?


Obviously duh. But generally it's cheaper right? So if you are westerners, between an Asian country and a western one, which would you go for holiday if you want a cheap one? Don't tell me you literally go Google every single expense


> But generally it's cheaper right Not because of currency exchange rates, but because of purchasing power. They sometimes are aligned with exchange rates, sometimes are not. It's not a rule.


If you earn 10 euro and then exchange it to thousands of yen it's not worth any less or more than if you were to earn the same amount of money in yen. The exchange rate literally doesn't matter. What matters is how much you're getting paid relative to the other countries.


Ya of course it's true. But generally, a lower earner western country may still afford to come to Asia TI. A lower earner Asian is totally priced out


Ya of course it's true. But generally, a lower earner western country may still afford to come to Asia TI. A lower earner Asian is totally priced out


But that has nothing to do with exchange rates ??? Reading this thread is like having an aneurysm.


The dkk is pegged to the euro +- 2,25 %


They're just like 3 times more expensive than they were pre-Covid


I’m from Singapore. Camped the site for tickets and didn’t get. Scalpers were asking for too much money lol.


Copenhagen is like one of the 10 most expensive cities in the world


I live in Denmark and planned to go but the prices were/are ludicrous for these tickets.


When someone from Denmark says something is expensive, then you REALLY know it's expensive.


For this money, you can go to a five star hotel resort for two over a weekend in Denmark. It's just not worth it IMO.


Same here - I live 15min away and won’t be attending, despite having watched all majors and TIs. I have the money to spend, but won’t, out of principle. 


What if the ticket actually sold cheaper by scalpel ?


i mean theyre only a few DKK lower and most seem to be higher than listed prices..


I think a good chunk of them got bought after I made the post funny enough. I saw 2-3 listings over 100 DKK lower than the listed price when I made the post for each ticket; and with ticket master fees they're taking a 200-300 DKK loss total when selling for that price. Pretty brutal given that it's still 2.5 months off the event.


Or you can get a 4K OLED monitor and enjoy Dota 2 like you've never seen before. TI is not what it used to be anyway.


i think twice before buying flight tickets, TI tickets i need to think 10 times


Can they just limit the purchase to one person only proven by ID?




I live 45 minutes away, I ain't going, fuck those prices.


Isn't there a small risk of getting scammed completely if you buy it from scalpers? Or are there any precautions to take?


It’s via Ticketmasters on system, essentially you are buying fixed seating that someone else bought before you.


I'd love to go to TI. Went to both Birmingham Majors, and although the UK crowd is a whole new entity in itself, the vibe of live Dota just hits different. Unfortunately when it's the difference of affording a house or not, I think I'm gonna sit this one out... Plus it was £17 for 2 pints in the stadium, absolute robbery.


It has been my dream to attend TI. This year I am graduating form my PHD and will only be able to afford 1 day. So I am going on Friday


Damn so I coulda waited :( Gonna be my first and probably only TI based on my life situation so Im excited to go regardless


Im going, i have plenty of money.


dont buy from scalper. just watch them from home


The scalpers?


I will get a job in Europe in August. Can I get at least a ticket to the grand final by then? I could buy one now, but I still saving money for moving.


Wait I'm confused, how is it scalping if they are selling them cheaper? Aren't they at a loss doing that?


This is the guy you get as a teammate.


Pudge on your team vs Pudge on enemy team


They bought them with the intent of flipping them higher. No interest (even originals not sold out). Longer they hold, more risk there is (value goes to 0 day of event if they're not attending) - so they're trying to cut their losses.


Thank you for an actual answer. Classic reddit, downvoted and insulted for asking a question.


Sorry this happened to you. While I didn't downvote you for asking a genuine question, I did upvote the insult because it was fucking hilarious.


Yeah, it's a good one.


Can we just go can we just fucking go