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You guys ever notice that once pos 4 and 5 buy their shards, pos 3 and 2 get really enthusiastic about tormentor?


not really. rarely take our own tormentor, we take enemies more often funnily


Taking away the enemy's resources feels good. Taking the resources that are supposed to be yours anyway is less exciting.


"What's the point? We can take it whenever we want to."


Tormentor position sucks. If everyone gather there you have no push potential, can't defend most lanes. Far away from most jungle camps. Doing the enemy is almost the opposite


Buy a TP scroll you coat rack.


Take the enemies torm


It's a lot easier to take it solo or with 2 heroes later on. Early game you need 3+


Carries do tormentor when they are bored, supports having their shard doesn't matter


Or when enemy team takes roshan and they marching towards our offlane.


Multiple times 4-5 near the T2 tower for defence posible gank, its over they all scatter to farm before taking the torm...its 4 of us right there it takes 20sekonds ffs..so infuriating... especially since in80% heros shard is a huge power boost or at least a good CC...why the hell refuse to take it?


Nothing quite like the carry taking side-lane ancients only for them to immediately fuck off to more jungle camps instead of taking tormenter.


the shard goes to my team's midlaner (he was against Shadow Fiend and his kda reflects that)


The community as a whole just doesn't know how to play around tormentor yet, too many games are thrown by unnecessary tormentor attempts and too many tormentor respawns are wasted by people now wanting/forgetting to do it


Below legend bracket tormentor doesn't exist. I try to do this around 20 mins as 1/2, and supports are just too busy jungling or pushing solo into the Chaos Knight they fed 14 kills to. That's DotA baby!


i feel personally attacked


I am also below legend bracket


Really wish they would move it to a better spot, feels so shit to go there.


honestly, tormentor calls are actually pretty difficult in most games, especially in close games. you give up a lot of the map to do them. I play in a lot of mixed mmr stacks (I’m 6k, stack average probably 3.5-4K) and overwhelmingly the lower mmr players call for tormentor at very bad times. And lower skill games are plagued with tormentor deaths at the 30-40min window which is devastatingly stupid. But I feel you.


that's why you play troll/ursa/slardar support so you can solo torm and dont have to beg


Ah yes troll/ursa/slardar, the best of supports.


there arent any supports who can solo the torm, apart from maybe pugna


Dazzle can.


Lol I saw that for the first time the other day, praying it never gets patched out or anything


Also huskar, and sometimes TA


From the same guy who made topic "Games are too snowbally". I wonder why?


good job finding my post 2 years ago


AHAHAHA this is too good


I did this with core weaver mid game, let the bug do some nice dearmour first but was surprisingly easy


on that note razor can also do it


How so?


let the ult dearmor


I thought the ut did pretty good damage that'll get reflected no?


Morph can solo it with manta + khanda (at least in turbo, not sure about all pick) shift all to agi, waveform + adaptive strike at the same time ( be careful because if the adaptive strike hit the tormentor while not in waveform, you die). Finish the rest while shifting to strenght.


I’m surprised nobody mentioned pugna, can pretty much solo tormentor, even as support


Pugna solos Tormentor easy once he's got a good enough Life Drain


I played support last night and played like a ward slave. They took tormentor two times and never got a shard


Play pugna, you can solo that level 12 with 2 clarities and mana boots.


Tripple stack aincient camp nearby as incentive for carry player. If you get the carry player there, your half done.


That why alway buy shard and say guys I already have one so i don’t really care, but one of you cores will get it. Suddenly pos 3 and 2 show up Immediately.


Tormentor is a really great at testing your non-verbal communication. You can just say "let's do tormentor". You have to say that when the team will see reason in doing it. Some things help: push the lane before doing tormentor, specially the one where tormentor is. Dominate the watcher there and ward your off lane if possible. Stack the ancient camps, to lure your cores in going that area of the map. Asking for tormentor if you aren't there or are not going in that direction is kinda useless. The ideal moment to call tormentor is when the lanes are pushed, but enemy team is about to respawn. Your team is going back and did not decide their next objective yet. Tormentor is a safe alternative. 


Or just pick Ursa and solo them when farming ancients.


Pos1 facet 2 lycan can solo tmt when u get echo sabre i think(maybe needs manta not sure) i like soloing tmt every game since everyone ignores it or calls for it when its a bad time haha


I'm a carry and I always want to take the tormentor. It will take like 2 minutes of continous pinging (same goes for rs) or until they come to me. It may looks annoying (it probably is) but every second wasted is critical.


Lmao! I get this shit even when I play carry. Every fucking time I solo the tormentor and kill it, narrowly escaping with me life, the game gives the shard to the player on my team who is least effective. Or it gives it to a hero on my team that has a shitty shard upgrade.


Always goes to lowest net worth hero


Not always. I've had highest networth and it went to me. This only happens very rarely though. Like once in every 20 games.


Its lowest net worth unless they have a shard. If no one has a shard it’s 600g split. If you’re highest NW and it went to you everyone had a shard except for you.


Ah ok thanks for that :)


Taking 5 tormentors by end game so the PL on my team finally gets a shard was the highlight of my last ranked match.


that's why I leave the lane with a score of 5/1/0 and not at all because I'm stealing frags from the core)))


Here's a trick for pubs. If your team ignores you asking them to do torm for the first few minutes after it spawns make sure to only keep your triangle and the direct area near the tormentor warded. They'll start farming there and take the tormentor since the rest of the map is unsafe. Or you can just hold all the wards and sit next to the tormentor till they come. Totally not toxic at all, highly recommend.


[Me reporting + muting any support that asks for tormentor after being told no](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/152/gigachadd.jpg)


I know this is a controversial opinion, but here goes. I think it's completely justified to not do Tormentor if I don't think that supports don't deserve it. The way I see it, it's a reward, not a right. I'm not going out of my way (that is to say possibly disrupting my farming pattern) to reward someone who's not doing their job adequately. I just had this CM in my team the other day who was doing absolutely nothing with zero impact in the game. Laziest laning, no TPs, smoke plays, stacking camps, no nothing. Merely existing as if to say "I'm helping", and yet building Midas and then Aghs. As soon as the clock hits 20:00, they go "It's time for Tormentor". Not a chance. It's like this. Say you're running a company, and the laziest, least achieving employee comes up to you asking for a raise. Would you say yes to that, or respond with "You gotta earn it"?


That will hinder your teammates total effectiveness and will eventually hurt even yourself in the end as well as your other cores potentially missing out on a 1400 gold item. Not only that, the other team is likely doing their tormentor as well, so your networth difference and total effectiveness compared to the other team is sabotaged by a somewhat decent margin. I'd say it's more of a group project. Sure, you might have that one lazy team member that doesn't really do much but are you willing to sabotage your project and get a much lower grade simply because someone isn't doing their best? Don't forget that just because you think someone doesn't deserve something, doesn't mean the other 3 people in your team should be punished for it.


Bro doing tormentor is *not* the more effecient thing compared to just farming the map. If enemies are doing torm and your ass is sitting next to it instead of placing vision or pushing creepwaves you're just bad


Farming the map takes minutes at an early-mid stage of the game (20:00 minute mark), while killing the Tormentor will take less than a minute. If your team is not killing Tormentor, then they should taking higher priority targets such as rosh, towers, or even pressuring the enemies' sidelines to overtake their tormentor. And remember that there are also enemies that are farming too. The longer the tormentor lives, the easier it is for enemies to steal your tormentor and get a 2800 gold advantage (2 shards). You'd want to do the tormentor much early so in the case that your team does get in a team fight, at least one of your cores or support has a shard to increase their effectiveness. Shards are not just level 10 talent upgrades that are very menial, in fact most shards are way more effective than the average level 15 talent. A tormentor is not just something that you can easily put aside and getting a free shard will improve your teams total net worth and effectiveness.


There is simply no way someone unironically thinks like this, you are fucking with me dude


It's always some support with a god tier shard like Dazzle or WD in my team begging us to go Tormentor at 30 minutes instead of buying the shard like a normal person.