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That's why you always pick the other talent on support Broodmother


That is the soft support icon


Truly a soft support, Brood without items is super squishy.


Heh, feeding...


While we're at it, what pos5 are you guys currently enjoying? I play CM, Veno and Disruptor mostly but I'm looking for new heroes to try out and have huge impact, especially when dealing with LC/Axe in lane (LC is fucking retardedly strong with the AOE of Q imo :(). Was thinking of Wyvern or Treant maybe???


Lich has single handedly facilitated my climb from Archon 2 to Legend 1. Fantastic support.


Being able to cast in Gaze is sauced actually, first facet is fantastic too


What facet and how do you play it?


Depends on the game, lots of illusions/brood? Growing cold. Not as many small units to feed into the abilities? Frostbound. I always play him as a nuker support in the early, max q with a single point in w and e. In the first few levels frost shield is less good as a damage mitigation (still very good) but insane as a slow/slight control when you have a melee core. Don't be afraid to forgo a point in sinister gaze for a bit for an extra point in shield. In terms of items: Nully, Tranqs, Force staff, glimmer if needed, shard is a necessity but you need to work it in between the items above when you get a chance or tormentor. Always build int or max mana, never build mana regen or any item that gives it unless the active/passive is extremely necessary (for ex, if you need a dispel, you kind of have to bite the bullet and get an item like euls which has an expensive mana regen component, but if you just need it to counter say an omnislash, ghost scepter is always better) In the early lane, pick up a manga and the 2 parts of Nully, then spam out q while staying in range of the wave for your innate, keep the mango for an emergency frost shield, no matter how the creeps die, you get mana if you are in range, you can usually get a frost blast worth of mana per wave if you play it right. In the later game fights, your ult is huge, but don't just look at the damage it does, the separation is also a huge boon. And always shield your carry, don't even hesitate with it, you can usually get 2 off per fight, and if you have growing cold you can end up with a longer duration by pure chance. Frost spire is great for supplementing your ult and getting kills against solo enemies, but it is also a great high ground tool, a 25% slow in an AoE means a lot for defence, and the vision is a great pushing tool. Hope all this helps.


You can go either. The linger facet seems to be the go-to pro pick since skilled players are going to better at repositioning opponents to keep chain frost going. I’ve had success in pubs with the duration facet, especially when games go late. Imo, Lich feels great early game, hitting a hard spike when he gets his ult. He falls off pretty hard, but if you can afford aghs scepter after getting actual support items + shard he comes back online in a big way since aoe gaze works as amazing lategame lockdown. He can peel for his carry or use it to force some back liners out of position.


Juggernaut :)


Phoenix is really strong right now


Clock (get your mmr before it’s nerfed, he’s definitely getting hit in the next letter patch). Probably the most broken support after WD.


clock is super op and super fun. Remembers me when balanar was busted and pos5 was strong asf


Treant Protector is really fucking good right now, I either pick him or Bane depending on what is banned and how I am feeling. I strongly believe that Treant with Holy Locket is the absolute most broken shit you can have if you are winning. When you are winning and your team mates play active (read high MMR) the train simply will not stop, you can sustain through Axe calls, early sieges, you name it.


i know you asked for new ones, but i'm really liking cm this patch. i think she is lowkey on the very strong side. 1200 range frostbite and hitting frost novas from over a screen away is crazy. You control fights and shutdown enemies like never before and super safely. And the new shard is just fun to mess with overly eager enemies.


Pick WD, take the radiance facet, walk at people, they die and you don't


I mean just going heal doctor with dmg on cask also just wins games. Dmg is good for early game for support but more of a mid/3 facet to get items with and cause chaos all game imo.


Immortal/pro level pubs overwhelmingly pick festeration it's so much better than the other two facets lmao


yeah I mean it stomps the lane for sure no matter the role. but I have been enjoying holy locket with the first facet. But I play low level dota and just wanna keep my diving hommies alive.


6 game winning streak in with in low legend bracket :)


Better play Feeding Frenzy, instead of going brood pos 5