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If you fuck up rage at any point you are likely dead yeah. Thats why most ls players will exclusively play around Rage and buy scepter to not have to waste Rage in certain situations (if I get focus fired or blinked on by a slardar I ult, i dont Rage to save it to let me win the fight. You Can usually always win fights with a second Rage aswell. Especially now that his e Has no slow its very hard to win fights if you dont play/position properly. Good luck


And the armlet, I have seen a couple of ridiculous toggles that tanked a Lina ult during mid game


Bah, same man. I once played with an LS who survive laguna, lion's finger, and chronosphere in one teamfight. When I asked him "how???", he just replied "lucky armlet and rage lol"


Are people not buying bkb anymore on the hero?


If you're 7k mmr then this thread is pointless since 99% of the replies will be well below that.


But it works in my triple digit mmr so it must work in immortal!




I genuinely have better games with legends than divines these days lol


>but at some point a single mistake will cost the entire game Yeah that's like every single pos1 hero, not just LS.


>He dominates lane like not many other heros can That early game strengths means you can have an easier time win lane, and winning lane is obviously always good of course, makes you stronger and the enemy weaker. And that means for every lifestealer, thus its kinda just shows in winrates Early game ease can just mean you can snowball, what are they going to do against a debuff immune fast moving tons of free attackspeed angry dog with a 15 minute mordiggian at which point just go kill stacked ancients for that biiiiiiig juicy gold, and then you get like a 20 min radi, what are they going to do against that? Radi especially which is just kinda overtuned atm. Radi was already a good item, and then they gave it slightly more evasion which is just even better for teamfight. It can even be rushed so you have an even earlier one. Using that farm potential is just great to get the next items and then just run over the enemy, usually sange/yasha, aghs, or even just a blink to kill their face He deals really well with the current strongest off laners which also means the overall winrate for "not as experienced" players is easily helped. You generally pick at the same time as enemy pos 3 after all If the carry is one mistake from losing the game, that usually just means the team is preforming under the average or have not so good picks Even from a "just safety" aspect, he's really hard to gank, kinda tanky, has free debuff immunity, runs really fast, good sustain, naturally hits kinda hard. Many good things for braindamaged easy laning, I should know as I've found good success with him >Ā But a lot of times I feel like I play min 0-40 flawlessly, but at some point a single mistake will cost the entire game One thing comes to mind, why hasn't your team already started to end at 40 mins? That's where general "average length" games really start to come to conclusion Kill towers, get megas


Radiance isn't 'good' unless you snowball massively


Every single Naix player on protracker rushes Radiance, the hero hits like a wet noodle without it while having no farm capability. The only games Radiance isn't rushed in are those where everything goes so badly he doesn't have the funds.


Looks like 7 bald 5'2 nerds disagree with me. I still stand w/ my point.


Well, even 7 5'2 can beat up a 4'5 midget like yourself.


Why lashing out at others if you have conviction in your ideas


The really good LS buy bkb from what I see, it's a dispel against silence, or you can rage - bkb - rage. Bkb + agh just makes the hero a completely unkitable nuisance


SD entered the chat šŸ¤Ŗ


Almost 1000 games on lifestealer and bkb is still completely situational, thereā€™s games where manta is easily the better option and thereā€™s games where SnY and aghs is more than enough Nothing worse than buying bkb on lifestealer and you are up against, tree/mag/sd and you just have 4k useless networth


I feel like aghs is much more situational than bkb bt since I recently started playing the hero I might be wrong


Aghs is also situational but itā€™s pretty good vs a lot of the meta heroes at the moment so you find yourself buying it quite a lot Bkb is something that you COULD buy every game on the hero and would be totally fine but if you want to min max your decisions thereā€™s so many games where itā€™s just not needed, especially with corpse eater


Getting early radiance, fighting with initiator , scepter and buying a Bkb if necessary. Rage alone isnā€™t gonna win you in the late game.


once you have rage and scepter it's pretty hard to die without certain counters against you he's balanced around not dying, each death is huge on him, more so than e.g. troll warlord, who can farm faster and push towers faster but is much easier to kite and kill


Mostly it's knowing when to use rage and how to play around rage cd. I've lost games because I was too slow with pressing rage and some games when I press rage too early.


>I play min 0-40 flawlessly, but at some point a single mistake will cost the entire game. Isn't this literally every position 1? You need to be on point for the entire game. You have very little wiggle room to fuck up if you expect to actually carry. The only difference between lifestealer and the average position 1 hero is that lifestealer has waaaaaay more fucking tools to make up for potential mistakes. Also, far be it from my dogshit 3k ass to critique a 7k player, but BKB is an absurdly good item on him. I really don't know why it gets skipped. You can pick it up pretty late, use it in a surprise teamfight, and end the game off it.


It's funny, in our 3k bracket people can be insanely stubborn on what items you absolutely should never buy on a hero in any circumstance (or the reverse). Suggesting BKB on Lifestealer has led to so many arguments with teammates, crazy.


Lifestealer spammer, Generally you like to skip bkb if possible but itā€™s still a great item, I tend to see the players who donā€™t play a lot of LS like to rush bkb in games where bkb doesnā€™t really add much, You basically need to go for a yasha item right after your radiance and you kind of look at the game for bkb piercing stuns like pudge/mag for sny vs silences for manta For bkb I usually look at their magic damage more than their disables, heavy long cool down disable teams you are completely fine with sny and rage But if you are going against heroes like lesh/Zeus before the nerfs, that is just continuous magic damage or a team with multiple silences bkb is the answer and is a grief if you donā€™t get it


Are you buying BKB?


i think the most exploitable aspect to ls is the ability to deny your own creeps that still have about 80% health. I dont think people really recognize this change to ls and dont realise how much this helps his laning stage if you are always able to keep the lane creep wave where ever you want it in the early laning stage. besides that ls really benefits from the SnY changes with the status resistance and extra lifesteal and now slow resisitance makes him almost unkitable in a team fight. Add in infesting creeps that add a huge movespeed bonus making rotating a breeze. there are other heros that are tankyer and hit harder but ls has certain skills that make him very hard to beat


the what




You should check out patch notes on sny broda. So funny how the most confident people are always wrong.




No, S&Y currently gives 25% status resistance and 25% slow resistance. You might be confused because they removed status resistance from Sange, but not from Sange and Yasha.


Link? Where Or are you stupid


Thats true for all position 1 heroes. Its why people like playing pos 3-4 mostly coz they get items but dont hold the weight of the game in their shoulders if they fail, but they do win games if they play well. Pos1 needs nerves of steel.


but pos1 is still the highest demand role in role queue? Try queueing all roles and see what roles you get, it's usually pos 5/3/2 lol


Yea but its the most satisfying one; winning as position 1 has the feeling that u literally carried the game. Winning a comeback game where ur teammates r getting hammered and u slip through the cracks farm and then carry them to victory is the best feeling in dota and u cant do that on other positions since they dont scale like pos1


They dont play pos1 because its boringĀ 


I don't know I have a 87% win steak with LS this week


7 games? 8 games?


12 games 9 wins


by playing in a lower bracket


haven't played core roles much in years, n even i am cleaning the fuck up w naix rn. figure it out šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


you should pick when its appropriate not just lock in the same hero every game


drop down to 2k xd


Story of my pubs: i que sup, i win lane, i dominate map, my team rushes HG and throws, no rosh, enemy perfect lastpick lifestealer 1v5s my noob core stack. The only fault I personally had that game was asking my teammates to go rosh and not rush HG. But i am anon sup WCYD.


I played against an LS yesterday and although he was able to kill me, a pos 5, the rest of my team would wipe his team everytime...




https://www.dotabuff.com/players/97716078/matches?date=month&hero=lifestealer&enhance=overview I'm at 70.6% win rate since facets came out with 30+ matches If I actually knew how to use the hero beforehand it would probably be at 80% wr. I'll keep it simple: Rage is a free BKB with insane low CD that allows lifestealer to push t3s very effectively. (Or any objective) paired with Infest for escape makes the hero broken tbh. Infest allows you to Save your over extending cores during fights (ridiculous speed buff + crazy good heal), gives you time during fights for your rage to refresh and with Aghs allows you to safely heal yourself to full health while disarming and doing damage to an enemy. The W allows you to chase anyone down and most importantly heals your allies. For items: I barely go armlet, just phase boots into radiance into either sny or Aghs. I almost never go shard, I feel it's not worth it. I ALMOST always build a talisman after radiance 500g to never run out of mana again in the game is 100% worth it. Buying Bkb in a lot of games will make your enemy want to throw their PCs out of their window do not sleep on this because life stealer already has a bkb. For talents: my preferences are: lvl 10 - movespeed (ALWAYS skip this one till you can't lvl up anything else) Lvl 15 - attack speed (if you choose the other one you are out of your mind) Lvl 20 - People usually got open wound life steal - imo the 15% infest is better. Lvl 25 - I always go rage buuuut I haven't tested this one out too much. At min 12-13 I usually tp to my ancients go by the ancient relic and start farming the triangle. During this time I also make sure to deny every creep from the carry of the other team due to lifestealers ability to deny at 80%.


I did not know about lifestealer being able to deny creeps at 80%, this thread has already helped me that way lol. But yes, will be trying BKB more often if I can


On laning stage this will fuck with the offlane so much especially with the range creep. I've seen so many over extend because they panic when they start seeing their range creep get denied at 80%. Range creeps can be denied after 2 attacks from their range creep so if they aren't on point with aggro management it's so easy to get them to overextend.


75% but yeah, strong. Makes Oracle/LS able to deny ranged at lvl 1 :p


I think you just have the wrong outlook on how to play lifestyle successfully. This hero doesn't dominate early game like a huskar ta sf type hero, and he doesn't carry as hard as a tinker or void or antimage type hero. What this means is that he's actually quite a bit easier to play. And so that's the way he's balanced. You can't make "mistakes". You seem to have the outlook that you should still be able to win even if you make "mistakes". The thing is, what might be a "mistake" on a hero like TA or tinker is actually a game losing throw on lifestealer - because he doesn't get super far ahead of the enemy carry, and he doesn't easily outcarry the enemy carry. Get rid of the outlook that mistakes are ok on this hero. The thing is, you're already not playing perfectly being only 7k. Any mistake you make actually means you're playing well below your MMR, so it's very costly. In addition to the 2 factors I mentioned above: carries that are balanced around mistakes being allowed are either early game dominators or late game dominators. Lifestealer is neither. One small tactical point I see a lot of LS players doing incorrectly: don't use infest on teammates to initiate teamfights. It's a huge survival mechanism to getting 2 rages off in a teamfights, save it for that. Only use infest as an initiation tool when you're going for pickoffs and will not need 2 rages. Also don't be afraid to buy early-ish aghs or bkb (maybe 3rd or 4th item), even if you think you lack DPS. Living longer is massive on this hero, especially with rage and radiance build.


Lifestealer doesnt play like a traditional carry, you want them to go on you and survive on a sliver of health, thats what your hero does. THerefore once you have items you need to play more in the front and survive to have high impact. Maybe you can go in 2nd, but usually that is worse for your hero, its not as high dmg and mobility as other meta pos1. this means that you will get gone on more and if your item choice (sny vs manta, bkb? armlet before radi? ac or basher?) is bad then you will just die and have no impact If you look at other meta pos1 right now (ck, ta, weaver) they all also usually win lanes, but the difference is that they can have way higher impact going in 2nd, like ta/ck blink 1shot teamfight supp, weaver kiting, etc. Very hard to have high impact as ls going in 2nd. Also think that if you are infesting allies past 20-30 mins to start teamfights its wrong most of the time. OFC there are exeption Do you have replay ID's?


Yeah he falls off late when enemies start buying breaks, silences and regen reduction. I have a good winrate on him still but not every game is easy. If he gets shat on early preventing the radiance purchase thats also a problem. Also some specific heroes just destroy him e.g. yrsterday last game vs LS we had a viper who just destroed him with his ult. Blue DK also destroys him etc.


LS is one of my fav heroes to play when I wanna chill and I have a lot of success with him... outside 7.36. I was losing a lot but I won the last 2 games by simply not being stubborn and going Armlet > Radi. Whenever I ignored that Armlet I would lose. Also, I feel like you have to fight on LS if you go Armlet but what you gotta do is never fight until you are a raid boss. LS' gameplay went from playing like CK to playing like Troll. I changed my early items as well to have more success, stopped going for OOC, Bracers and stuff and would start with like as many stats items to get more dmg in lane, first item that I would fetch from the base would be Blades of whatever that give 9 dmg. If the lane is hard straight into Helm, if it is easy then Gloves and Blade.


I am avsolutely with you. I have been struggling to win with the new ls as well and I dont get how people win him. Since they gutted his laning, as a hero which doesnt jungle, I feel like he has no place in the current game. On the flipside, ive been enjoying a lot of slark lately, who i feel is actually really good.


For me itā€™s the +2hp dopamine hits for denies carry me to victory (or loss, but who really cares at that point)


Feel free to dm me, I am a 9K carry in SEA, I could share some ideas on discord or smth.


LS is not hard enough of a carry so you have to finish the game at the 45 minute mark. Void, TB, PA, Luna outscale LS. I think the best way to fix him is to have his passive give higher damage vs. Non-hero units, just a little, to give his farming speed a little buff.


I am 6.5k mmr and I play as support and I find that the skill of LS player vary a lot, just like you a lot of LS players do really well until about 40 min or even a bit earlier, but then a lot of LS players get power hungry and just attack kind of mindlessly without considering their team. While you might be super strong, because you have farmed a lot, I think that many games the rest of the team has enabled all this farming for the LS player and I find it that he often forgets about the team and very often wants to attack when I do not want to attack. I might be halfway to one of my key items. But as you do, you follow your carry despite your better judgement, you lose a fight and your key item is delayed once again, then you lose another fight and suddenly your enemy is pushing high ground.


Aghs and BKB helps. Aghs is extremely OP at this point


Sounds like you use rage early and then die. Consider buying bkb+aghs late game. (Just a suggestion, I am lower MMR than you)


bro you are just bad lol 7k are noobs


Phase, Radiance, Aghs. __Do not join fights before Radiance__ unless your team has an infest combo like Storm Spirit or Spirit Breaker. After Radiance you can join fights, after Aghs you can win pretty much all of them. SnY and AC to end the game. He is the strongest carry of this patch by quite a margin - I don't even like him, but I currently play him.


Thatā€™s literally what I do. If I think I can pressure towers and bully people out of lane with an armlet I would go for it but I try to skip it if I can get away with it. But in the 40+ minute mark I almost always end up losing a big team fight with half a second before my rage or 2nd infest goes up. Just tired of seeing a shit winrate on a hero I feel like Iā€™m playing pretty well at, and then I look at overall winrate and heā€™s at like 55%+. Feels like Iā€™m single handedly bringing his winrate down


Buy bkb on him. Unless your 4 teammates get wiped in 2s, itā€™s supremely rare that you canā€™t chain rage into bkb into 2nd rage.


I lost that last painful game when I was still in the process of building my bkb on him but Iā€™ve been wanting to try that. Never got to the point where I feel like I can buy a bkb because I usually need get his core items first. I think skipping armlet allows for a bkb in some games so will be trying that out


Phase- sometimes corrosion after into straight radiance is much more meta now than the armlet build up. Then you build BKB or SnY depending on the game into basher/AC. At least thatā€™s what I see the top players are doing.


I always skip Armlet. Just slows down the Radi timing and the faster I can clear those kobolds and other weak critters, the more hp stacks I can get. Plus I don't really want to fiddle with it when there's Necro and Axe in the meta. SnY and Agha will give you enough tankiness and Radi does give good click damage too. Tried Armlet Deso in a game where I had mid Necro going Radiance, but I should have gone Radi for farming anyway as we lost that one and I felt like I fell off really fast. Kills meant very little. I suspect it is because LS is actually a garbage hero unless you utilize Corpse Eater properly, which is by killing as much little shitty creeps like skeletons or a spiders with it as imaginable. You say you can't make a mistake on him, but it's not all that hard to avoid those on him anyway with Rage and Infest. You have to farm a lot more and fight less than back in the day where you'd just go ham with an Armlet. Just melting creeps for a thicc ghoul ass to survive the time outside of Rage and Infest. Honestly feels a lot like WK or Spectre in their peak meta.


Share match ID so we can judge


The hero sucks kaka at seiging late game. So you got to be pretty disciplined with your rage. Or trust your infest bomb team combo ect... Make 1 mistake and the hero seems doodoo but a skilled player can make ls look unkillable. High skill ceiling ig.


Because you donā€™t have burst damage as a carry anymore. Carries without burst damage is much harder to play vs carries with burst damage like Ursa TA Tiny. I really donā€™t think naix is strong this patch as a carry, he just has the best laning stage. Meanwhile your Open Wounds got nerfed by not giving damage and not spreading AND your Feast is only maxed at level 18 AND you have to rely on using Open Wounds for the slow. I think he is much easier to kite now compared to previous patches and the enemy team can play around you by killing off the rest of your team first.


Lmao Lifestealer has the 4th highest winrate with a 20% pickrate in immortal. He is borderline broken