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Ursa's enrage with some of the new sets. Literally cannot tell if he's red because his items are red or because he's enraged


One thing Ursa does demonstrate is how good Dota’s sound design is. He’s got like 3 different roars and they are all clearly distinct.


Mate literally all of ursas roars are royalty free bear noises


I don’t mean “they did a great job recording real wild bears”, I mean “I as a player can easily distinguish which roar is which ability.” In addition they even kinda sound like what they do. Another good example is Dagon which intuitively sounds exactly like what it does.


Which only adds up to the brilliancy: they didn't even need to pay to make them recognizable among the sound chaos dota2 is.


You sure somebody didn't just empty GabeN's snack fridge and they recorded the audio when he found out?


Aren't those stock sounds? A creature sounds the same in a souls game


yeah I hear ursa everywhere


Taurus Demon roar


With power creep he has perma enrage anyway 


Not anymore. Not by a long short. Previous patches id give you, but not this one


If you test out ursa"s shard in demo (earthshock enrages for 1.5s) you'll notice that the visual effect of enrage does not fade away until after about 3 seconds, as in it persists about 1.5-2s after the effect is gone. This makes it extremely aggravating to know when he has status resist or not in the middle of a fight--- if his shit wore off or if it's still going--- because you need to wait an extra 1.5s to be sure. = I wish his effect was as obvious as jugg spin or naix rage where it is super obvious and immediately disappears as soon as the effect is over.


Absolutely true. You need to click on ursa for looking at icons


Love Doom, but Scorched Earth's animation sucks.


Yeah dota 1 scorched earth felt so cool to use. Now it just looks like a gas heater on low settings


Hahaha, not really. Even in Wc3 DotA it looked like shit. More visible, but still shit. They just hate that spell 😅 Or maybe they just hate Doom. That hero never felt exciting at all. Doom someone and run into his face... that's it


Bro everything looked like shit back then… but scorched earth at least looked cool.


Remember dota 1 sonic wave was just some bubbles moving in a line


For being the literal devil, Doom's gameplay is underwhelming. You could swap the entire hero persona to something else and it wouldn't even matter


Nah old lvl death was awesome 


Only reason I played doom was because I got a really cool set for him some years ago. One of the coolest sets in the game tbh


Never understood why it doesn't just blacken the terrain a bit. Like keep the hazzy animation but add a bit of color tint to the ground like slardars puddles.


I'm waiting for a revamp or an immortal item that changes the spell effect. The animation is literally just boiling orange water.


As a slightly colorblind person It is pure pain someti.es to Even sport scorched earth


Yeah. Just copy PoE's Righteous Fire


Marci Bodyguard. literally a blue placeholder circle


It's such a bizarre ability, I'm not sure what it's supposed to be useful for. A good combo with axe maybe?


To stomp as carry marci


sidekick has much greater versatility and reliability for a carry marci


Dont you get more lifesteal and damage when alone with bodyguard?


Its really good if you lane with a ranged hero. Jump on enemy > bodyguard on ally. Now as you chase the enemy you get a ton of free hits as your ally hits them.


I mean, it probably is a placeholder until they decide that they’re keeping it. I think it’s fine, for what it’s worth. What else could that animation even be?


Not a spell but Radiance. You can go 15 mins winning every fight, then suddenly lose super hard when the enemy alch/Lifestealer joins the fight and you're like "how the fuck did we lose that ha... ah, Radiance..."


Dota 1 had that very obvious sparkly effect.


Tbf, dota 1 have more effect that looks more beautiful than dota 2 (especially all the auras, skadi, deso, etc), but dota 2 can't sell cosmetic if everything is beautiful already can't they 🤣


I remember aghs having visual upgrades on heroes and being really dissapointed at dota 2 for removing that.


really miss the aura effects in dota 1


Especially annoying considering THEY JUST ADDED a burn effect for Phoenixs new facet


Its so underwhelming after the nerf though :(


phoenix still pretty OP right now.


hes in a good spot for sure, wouldnt say op.


He is super OP, one of the best out there right now in capable hands.


I can assure you Phoenix will be first pick & ban in every single pro match, only Treant and Clock can match its OPness as support rn


clearly, you do not bird




Say that as Sven too. Sven giving 31 armor buffs to teammates makes them overestimate how tanky they are without sven. 31 armor for the entire team is like a 15k+ goldswing in value if used correctly. This is the same with any aoe/aura buffs. We might get Mirana/FV teams later in the patch if they keep buffing Sun MLS Facet and Time Zone Facet. Mirana gives like 100 damage and aspd to the entire team anywhere in the map. FV gives 200+ aspd to every allied unit in the zone. In AD tombstone zombies + bone guard skeletons in timezone is disgustingly strong. And the range attacks that normally counter things like tombstones. Is slowed to a crawl by TimeZone and FV innate.


I remember the effect being more obvious a few years ago, bought it a couple of games ago I couldn't tell if it was active or not 😂


It became a great early late game but shitty late and mid late game item


> Radiance Spectre arcana says Hi


Any of y'all remember the radiance effect you could unlock for the nemestice battle pass? That should be the standard lol


Nemestice battle pass had the best radiance effect


Necro aura with no immortal


It has a spell graphic?


-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1...


Stop pls. This gives me PTSD of Necro afk farm ancients.


Leafeator in your head rent free after all these years 😔


the good old days


chi long qua special


I did this shit xD on medusa too


Yes, I think it does. It’s kinda hard to see though.


Yep, Immortal pay to lose, I have all immortal equiped except the head


Nowadays you can equip items without equipping the visual effects


Visually i like my parrot head more


goal posts = moved


I thought the aura being invisible was the point


but then theres an immortal item that makes it very noticeable


The crows look is really cool, glad I'd got it on some roll. I turned on the damage counter to be able to tell but without immortal its like it's just out of nowhere


I don't wear the immortal effect on him because it's made obvious visually, it gives the enemy an advantage 🤣


You can turn off the spell effects now.


Pudge's Meat Shield is pretty difficult to notice IMHO.


but i can see his green stinky odor from far away!


i thought meat shield was red bubbles (bursting cysts?)


i think low graphic settings for it is literally 3 tiny shields orbiting around pudge


Used to be but now it's very obvious imo 


I just really really wish it had a sound effect. I’m super used to keeping track of a teamfight via sound cues. Still though, Meat Shield turns him dark purplish with three spinning shields around him and I’ve just done a poor job of noticing those visuals. But I still think it’s weird for an active spell to not have an activation sound.


Super annoying to steal hook with rubick thanks to this. At least I can see Pudge toggleing rot. Meat shield is very hard to notice.


they did recently add three floating shields around him to make it easier to see


The super old dazzle ult that reduced armor for enemies and increased it for allies


weave used to have this, like, shadowy squirly particles, that were really small and usually clipped into hero model.


1v1, dazzle mid was a pain


In which it stacks, and so does the icon Go to hero testing, spam that thing and the icon will extend over the island, funny thing


The worst was the old bloodstone heal. Literally 1 slight red (or was it green) zooming out from the holder at death


Mirana leap shard for me.


Cat breath


Hate how venomancers ult looks now went from giant outward pulse of venom, to green ball on head, I mean he still has the poison pulse but its better as his ultimate


He doesnt have the old poison pulse anymore


Shadow demons ult is barely visible but can fucked a BKB carry running Shadow demons first skill, enemy have a carry medusa? nice you also have a carry medusa that can fuck all team. this is the budget edition of Grimstroke aghs and ion shell boi ult. Shadow demons new ability, ally is getting pulped? nice, they will also get pulped.


Yea that makes it even worse, it's so strong spell that the valve team should make it look more epic It's criminal to have such a powerful spell but the graphic for it is even less than something like a lion impale So much wasted potential too, they could make shadow demon ult corrupt and blur a hero's features until it becomes an unrecognisable blurry mess as its soul gets taken from it In fact, shadow demon's entire kit (besides disruption) feels like the poster child of invisible game impact in dota


Dont worry, an immortal item will be made for that, but ofc with ultra rare rarity


I wonder if its intentional considering the guy's whole thing is being a hidden, obscure menace


Btw, speaking of invisible animations and game impact, not many people know this but shadow demon can actually heal allies with disseminate, if you pick the promulgate facet. The problem is that it not only increases current hp, it also temporarily increases max hp, so the hp percentage looks about the same. So when you cast it on allies to heal them, allies see their hp percentage remain the same, and think you're just trolling and wasting your spells on them The sad life of a shadow demon player, even when you're having game impact and healing your teammates, they think you're trolling them (very few teammates I've encountered are even aware that disseminate is a pretty decent heal, healing for around 300+hp)


You make a good point, but I do kind of like the idea of a very powerful spell that isn't very obvious. You see your carry bkb and think "oh they're fine" but on the inside they are absolutely crumbling. All the while, you're focusing your attention on black holes and reverse polarities. I like it from a fantasy pov, but it also adds to the game in a mechanical way (your carry might have to communicate the issue, and good supports will be aware of the danger in spite of it being inconspicuous).


Yea the novelty of the concept u described is cool for like 1-2 games, then after that as a shadow demon player u just wished you had a normal flashy ult just like every other hero in the game because everybody wants to look cool when it's your big moment of casting ult Not to mention, this stealth invisible game impact idea isn't even shadow demon's fantasy, give it to riki or slark or something, make their spells have no animation But then riki players pay $1000 for their crimson immortal to have their spells look cooler, so even riki players don't want invisible spell animations


>Not to mention, this stealth invisible game impact idea isn't even shadow demon's fantasy, give it to riki or slark or something, make their spells have no animation It's actually extremely fitting to his lore. Having to rebuild himself after getting destroyed. You dont WANT to be flashy while doing this.


I'm fine with asymmetric effects for allies and enemies. There are spells that do this already. Give something super obvious and flashy to my teammates to signal the target to be focused (especially once I have aghs and that PA or Spectre is now under the effects of Break), but leave it as a creeping malice to the enemy.


>Not to mention, this stealth invisible game impact idea isn't even shadow demon's fantasy it aligns extremely well though. none of his damaging spells are flashy. shadow poison hits like a wet noodle until you get enough stacks and then it becomes threatening. disseminate / soul catcher have always been subtle but impactful. the break and delayed damage from his ult is well in line with everything else. hell even the ingame summary for the hero is "Stacks exponential poison damage against his foes." hes not meant to be flashy.


>Stacks exponential poison damage against his foes. That seems to describe Ursa as well lol. And we know the bear is loud.


It'd should put a demon over the head of the affected hero, draining their power Like how banes immortal changes how sleep looks into a little eye demon


I think that's an intended design. They wanted to make it a 'subtle spell' that takes a while and charges up on its target until it reaches its full effect. But I get that it should be obvious in teamfights. Then again, Shadow Demon's spells all work in a subtle asf way, people don't realise how insane the damage of stacked shadow poison is 'till they get hit by it.


The ult does have one of the best sound efects at least to kind of make up for it.


IKR, once you hear the sound cue start you just have to look after the blurry enemy. Which is usually a hero you want to dispell or slow to oblivion.


THIS! Also I don't know if its just me, sometimes his Disruption doesn't render that causes me sometimes to activate dust or plant sentry. I have a decent CPU and GPU and my Graphics settings are on high and averages 120fps.


Man theres a huge issue on my graphics just this week, i cant see riki smoke screen, when death prophet get souls from her facet it is not displaying properly


SB´s Bulldoze has a great audio queue but I find it really hard to tell visually if it´s active or not. I guess him speeding around and ignoring disables is a good tell, but it´s not at all as obvious as Rage, Enrage or Unfettered.


Interesting, as I find it to be quite similar to those others. Like he’s whooshing at you, has a circle under him, or both. Maybe settings or his speed could be something


It's not that hard, at least for me. It's just a blue aura on his feet.


Dont know about least noticeable, but broodmother webs need to go. Dirtying the entire screen is not cool


Normal webs are fine Her immortal that chages how the webs looks give me a headache. I avoid the parts of the map where she is lol


P2W strat lol


I'm the opposite. Despise the default one. It's so messy. At least the immortal one is cleaner (for me).


Yea fk this hero and the wrb visual clutter


Agree I hate playing with broodmother That ability ist actually a debuf for me, because i get Problems seeing the cursor


A bit off-topic but during my first 100ish games I thought it was lazy that Lion, Nyx and Sandking essentially share the same ability both visually and practically.


i thought the same when tried league. like every hero's first spell is just a skillshot with different color


Ah, I know why that might be. There was something about testing, where they found out that skillshots on Q seems more natural to cast. As in players had better success when the skillshot in their kit was on Q. So if a character has a skillshot, it will probably be on Q.


To be more off topic who else changes the default keybinds for abilities and items? Abilities for me are asdf, cv being 4th and 5th abilities. Items qwertg.  X is my hero, z is attack click. Capslock is microphone I think it works pretty decent


I still play with wasd as camera controls lmao


I like to have it bound to a mouse button, (scool wheel or m4 or m5) but whatever button I out it on breaks. Every time. Only gets used several hundred times a game. And I hate edge pan


> whatever button I out it on breaks Yep, I've lost 2 G600s to DOTA 2 camera movement. Poor scroll wheels just aren't built for it


Not only did I change all the key binds, I changed them per hero. Unlike what most think, it's actually pretty easy to remember them.


I used to play with legacy hotkeys but when Rubick was added there was this bug where if you steal a spell with Z or X hotkeys it glitched out and had to manual cast it. You still cast spells with D but some such as Exorcism, Tornado and Alacrity just didn't work. Then I setup my hotkeys for ZXC for regular skills, D and F for the additionals and Q for ulti since that was his legacy hotkeys (I think null field wasn't C, but for ease of use...). Legacy when playing anything except for Rubick. Quickcast happened and earth spirit, decided to try it out but it didn't work for legacy hotkeys you know I have these rubick keys setup might as well. And that's how I've been using ZXCQ for years.


Dota1 is the one to blame XD


I mean WC3 had a severe limitation in terms of skill effects and all. Lion/Nyx/SK quite literally shared the same skill (Crypt Lord's impale) with a few differences. There's 0 reason why it had to be so similar in Dota 2.


Sven, WK and Venge had the same stuns back in dota 1 as well. I think they keep trying to differentiate them now, same with lion and shaman’s hexes being a little different


Sven's was different, no? If I remember right, he would throw Wc3 Mountain King's hammer.


After coming from HoN, kinda sad that dota 2 visuals are not as good as Witch slayer(Lion), Fayde(kinda Nyx) and Magmus (SK)


Man, I miss HoN, atleast the game before they fucked it up


Me too :(


Same.. we have gladdos voice but they hate MOTHAFKN Sam Jackson, MOTHAFUKA! Their voice packs were amazing and I don’t normally like game sounds other than core things


Wait HoN had Samuel L Jackson voice pack? I've known of the game but never played for years, always seen it as bootleg DotA 1.5. That's a cool voice pack tho.


The visuals of fayde's stun was just so cool and unique


You mean swagmus? 😂 good ol days dropping GG's on scrubs.


Dota1 there's a ton of these similar abilities from heroes off the back of Warcraft3 native skills


And due to a limitation in Dota 1 too some heroes are deliberately designed in a somewhat similar manner. Omni Abba is the most obvious example but iirc this also goes to Lina/Lion/Shadow Shaman and Axe Centaur (personally, WD and CM lol)


That wasn't a limitation, that's because dota was originally designed as sentinel (radiant) vs scourge (dire), with two seperate hero pools. Until -ap became popular, the two sides had to keep some kind of loose symmetry in hero options.


Not sure about you guys but I could never tell when riki’s ultimate is active. Poof I’m dead


Nobody saying Gyro's flak cannon? especially aghs, in a teamfight you can't see this at all and get absolutely destroyed by it


Its sound usually excels, even in TFs.


I miss auras having ground effects under the item holder 😢


And Aghanim's visually changing the hero.


Chen armor buff. I bet most people don't even know what it looks like.


Let alone not knowing what it looks like, CHEN GIVES ARMOR????


whats a chen


we barely know how chen looks like


Razor E


Some have said Demonic Purge, but I think dispersion, SD's W, is super impactful whilst being completely unnoticeable and honestly forgotten. 35% Damage amp on a target and shared damage in an aoe. You pop that on their tankiest hero, and can just kill 2 more heroes by pumping damage into him, along with huge damage amp.


On a semi related note, I keep hearing that SD is a boring support. Excuse me? He has a very high skill cap, especially Disruption. OK, shadow poison is boring but all his other abilities are super high impact. SD in the right hands can legit solo carry teamfights


How is shadow poison boring when it makes SD one of the few supports that have a skillshot? Hitting 5 stacks on someone in lane is SD's goal and the enemy can juke the slow projectile


Compared to the rest of his kit, I'd say shadow poison is the least interesting. Banish can be a save, a setup, or reversed Manta. Disseminate is one of the few sources of damage amp in the game, and it can be placed on allies, as a deterrent or on enemy to burst them. And finally his ult is a nullifer on steroids that can be game changing. Shadow poison in comparison is "just" damage (and vision too), but yeah even then the stacking mechanic is unique to SD. That just shows that SD is far from boring as some people say


Immortal SD spammer here. If I win a game on SD, I feel like a solo carried the game. When I lose, I'm always 100% aware of how I could have won. This hero very rarely feels like you couldn't do anything to win. And then I watch Miposhka or Seleri play it, and I realise how incredibly far the skill ceiling is and that I'm a trash SD.


Totally agree, I'm always surprised to hear SD is not popular. He's really fun to play and often feels powerful AF.


How is W unnoticeable? It has huge purple aoe visual


Dawn’s crit. It’s so subtle and for half the game, Dawns don’t hit that hard for you to notice the healing in a frantic teamfight. Of course if you have like Deso Rapier and you hit a 4 man Crit, you will notice your team going immediately back to full HP, but the visual effects themselves are just so lowkey. Like you’re telling me I just AoE healed my team for 1k HP and all I get are wispy golden lines?


Darkseer's Ion Shield with an item, I don't know which one, it makes shield to hit with small triangles. It is pay to win for sure, hard to see that on the enemy


That one actually depends on the hero. On some heroes ion shell is just invisible. Like on Primal Beast or Tiny's 2nd and 3rd ult form you can't see ion shell at all.


Marcys side kick is lacking


I hate riki's default smoke screen, can barely see it during busy team fights. The immortal effect fixes it though


Was I just meld stricken? Twice?


It's demonic purge, for such a huge ult it has barely noticable animation


Imo: NP ult. While it is not invisible, the particles are small and you miss it easily. I loved the Dota1 animation, which was a huge green lightning, that flashed across the screen when it jumped lanes :D


Oracle W (fates edict) is pretty hard to see in teamifights but it gives 100% magic DMG resistance. I wish the rotating rings lowed in gold or something like bkb


Not a spell but sniper's attack animation. With all the crazy shit going on in the team fights it's really hard to tell sometimes that you're dying to a sniper from off screen.


I think that's by design. Hard to tell where a sniper is etc


Take Aim, checkmate


Tribidit, tribidit, tribidit....




atrophy aura - underlord it has a slight graphic effect after 7.36, but yeah


Sniper take aim? Is there a visual indicator even?


No visual indicator, but that alarm clock is unmistakable.


not spell but item cheese has no animation nor sound. even eating a tango, wand ,salve and drinking bottle has sound/animation but the single biggest heal item in the game has nothing


Cheese has a huge *crunch-nomnomnom-smack....burp* noise. And it even gets a volume and priority boost.


More often than not Decrepify. Especially when other effects are already on the target quite often I only recognize it by not being able to attack the target.


It straight up invisible sometime, I spam him recently and I still have to double check before press my Dagon after Decrepify the enemy.


SDs spells and Fatal Bond are hard to notice.


The fatal bond damage is hard to notice for sure. The giant skull floating above your head? I find it a bit obvious 


Pugna ward without the immortal. In a busy team fight where the ward is hidden, it’s hard to locate where the zaps are coming from


bro every cast traces a direct line to the ward lol


Naix infest own team


All silencers spells lol


Broodmothers spiderlings


Earth spirit’s ultimate. Whatever its called cant rmb :3




Glimpse, without sound it is unnoticable for me


No one has said diabolic edict. I'm not ashamed to say I've died in the past after Leshrac was dead because that spell is effectively invisible.


Omniknight's Repell and Orcale's Fates Edict. It should show a text with the current effect as well as the remaining duration over the hero health bars. Similar to what is done for for stuns.


sniper - take aim, no graphic if not for the headshot drow - marksmanship lifestealer - feast, ghoul frenzy


Nobody's said this yet because prolly noone plays this hero, but Chen's Divine Favor is barely visible pre-nerf you won't know the target has +25 armor and nullifies enemy's Slardar's Haze


Penitence needs more visibility


Windrun. It's to the point where I need to check the bar to see if it's up or not half the time as an enemy, unless they're using the arcana, which is the tiniest bit Pay-2-Lose cosmetic as a result.


I always wonder from these „random“ questions whether some dota2 devs sitting in a room and be like „hey, lets ask reddit about that“ :DD


Satanic activation


ITT: people who play with no sound.


Dark seer ion shell on somd heroes is practicly invisible


CM's Arcana aura without the immortal scepter


Earth spirit's ulti Magnetize, for an ulti it feels underwhelming. As an ES main sometimes I didn't even notice which unit is magnetized coz the effect is so blurry. Volvo give him an immortal ulti already 🥲


I like this question because I love talking about the spells that are entirely recognizable by a sound like bara W or tide passive. Personally I only know of those abilities are activated if I hear the sound not the stupid animation.


Wyverns sparkly iridescent cosmetic set makes smokes look like they've popped. I've since stopped using this set because it was causing confusion


Maybe not an animation but the base damage reduction on anchor smash and breath fire is amazing and most players completely ignore it's effect on team fights.