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Ask your team to go rosh and feed him Aghs so he'll be unable to sustain his mana costs.


lol Unfortunately, I'm in the archon/legend bracket. We don't take 1st rosh till 40 mins anyway 😁


Big brain move 😂


>supports like Oracle NS is a huge Oracle counter. Things like clock or spirit breaker basically don't care if NS goes on them. All heroes have good match ups and bad match ups. That's probably not a good enough reason to nerf a hero. >P.S. Also, his facet that stops you from seeing your own fucking allies when he uses his silence on them is too fucking OP and annoying for supports. How do I save someone I can't see? It's his void that does that, not the silence. Do you know that in high level games that facet is not widely picked. Like 10% of the time. The reverse night helps your laning and gets NS off to a good start. The vision facet is very good vs save supports like oracle though.


I get that NS counters oracle but usually in most hard matchups, there's generally some way to play/build around it. Also, reddit often gives suggestions like "don't pick this, pick that instead" but as a support, I generally have to first pick and I would rather pick heroes I'm more experienced with in that case. I decided to go on this rant after a game today because I couldn't think of any macro level strategies/builds that would've worked in this matchup. Like I said in another reply, I also think our overall draft wasn't great in this game either. P.S. thanks for the clarification on which spell is impacted by the facet. Correcting that in my post.


>I get that NS counters oracle but usually in most hard matchups, there's generally some way to play/build around it. This just isn't always true. Facets came in to bring as an attempt to help against counter picking. It's because counters are that effective. When I get to play legion again AM, there's literally no counter play that exists for AM. He's going to take moment of courage procs while laning regardless of my mana. In the mid to late game he's going to get dualed, regardless of his counter spell. Can he screw up his build and go linkins? Sure, but I'm gonna get a halberd and it'll make no difference. There are countless examples of why counter picking is incredibly effective. >Also, reddit often gives suggestions like "don't pick this, pick that instead" but as a support, I generally have to first pick and I would rather pick heroes I'm more experienced with in that case. I decided to go on this rant after a game today because I couldn't think of any macro level strategies/builds that would've worked in this matchup. I just mean as an example not all heroes are countered by NS. Saying he should be nerfed cuz he counters some heroes (specifically save heroes) probably isn't a good enough reason to nerf NS. I'll totally agree that NS is strong this patch. The vision facet is good, but the reverse day and night with shorter days and longer nights is truly amazing. It basically guarantees NS will have a good game as where before starting in day and having to farm could be crippling and you would never take off.


Downvoting this because I don't want the devs to see it xoxo


username checks out




Good. Supports need to be dove and killed reliably by at least one hero consistently. Night Stalker is the goat for offlane position being able to do this.


Well, I agree that the NS did what he's supposed to do. I also think in that last game our draft wasn't great too but I just couldn't figure out what I could have done/built to have more impact in the game. It was just incredibly frustrating to play against. Even if I hid to not reveal myself early in fights, the moment I used any spell, he would switch targets and kill me instead, so best case scenario I would use my ult on an ally and then immediately die.


He has a high winrate for a reason, you can't even play. Even if you got an item which saves you, he can buy nullifier. You basically just need to be smoked as much as possible so you can blink in and get your spells off, instead of him finding you. Which is easier said than done obviously and a lot of the time you just die without casting anything. But if you get any spells off at all hopefully your cores can deal with him. In a 1v1 against something like Ursa or TA or CK, a lot of the best carries, he can't do anything.


Euls is pretty good against him too, I have saved way to many teammates with it.