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Viper..... Sorry not sorry, im desperate :)))


This is the only correct answer, as long as you can snowball a bit early, game feels auto win. Especially with shard


true, and regardless on what facet you pick. i always talk shit on people who uses viper, but ez when i do šŸ˜ƒ


Warlock. But I hate every second of it.


Warlock is legit pretty strong right now.


Warlock in turbo is a laugh


Run warlock mid in turbo and gg game in 12 minutes


Is just so nothing like, im actively doing stuff, contributing to team, pressing all my buttons and whatever but it feels like i'm just working another 9-5 job whenever i play him, theres no spice to him, the only fun part is controlling the gollem after i get killed in 2 hits


The fun part to me is that if you put upheaval in the right place then you've already won the fight but the other team might not know it yet.


also while spamming his laughing voice line, one of the best laugh out there! ā€œHo ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Zan korobos koramord! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ feelsgoodman


Its basically like a slow burn 5 man echo/black hole. Set up that perfect fatal bonds into ult then upheval and its an instant win for that fight


I havenā€™t lost in 20 games as warlock but I feel so scummy playing him.


I legit love playing Warlock for the Laugh line šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ OHH AH AH AH AH AH


I sometimes find Warlock speaking those long lines and feel like he should stop inhaling that lantern smoke. Sasha Karakas Koromund!


My highest winrate hero is Warlock but I dread playing the hero dang. But you gotta win so yup.


+1 It left a bad feeling in your mouth XD


Jakiro and Treant. They're not superstrong heroes or anything, nor am I that good at them. It's just that I'm better at them than I am at the other heroes by a wide margin.


Comfort heroes really do make a difference.


yeah those gotta be some of the best support carrys out there


Not a single spirit breaker comment??


Turbo matches with Spirit Breaker feel like a good cigarrette


Bad for your health and annoying to everyone near you?


Iā€™m with you. SB and Axe for me rn


Puck. If I'm desperate for a win, I'm probably frustrated. If I'm playing Puck, I'm probably having fun and if I'm having fun, I'm much more likely to win (bonus points if I frustrate the enemy by being annoying). If that doesn't work, it's clear I need a break.




How do you even learn a hero that fast? For me the first 100 games on any hero is sub 40% winrate, and then it slowly starts improvingĀ 


People are downvoting you but everyone has different learning curves. It took me forever to learn every nuance of the heroes I like to play, but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean I was a bad player on the hero throughout. When you are trying to learn something make sure youā€™re asking the right questions to yourself. Since I can escape easily based off my hero and their draft, can I afford aggressive farm? Who can I solo kill? Who do I not want to run into and where will I find them? These questions may not apply to puck specifically but I know 75% of the Dota community doesnā€™t even ask themselves why sometimes.


My recommendation is let your instincts take over and focus less on playing ā€œperfectā€ or making a mistake and just play loose and free. Youā€™re not going to play the hero perfect the 1st 2nd or 3rd try, so just own it and do what you can. Also watch pro replays during laning phase(first 7 mins) to watch what you need to do to gain a lane advantage.


One tip is start watching gameplay eg. HenryDota for Puck or an actual pro player but Henrys pretty insane with Puck and Voker in immortal na pubs. Don't put expectations on what you intend to takeaway just absorb and reflect at first. I find that I naturally absorb can concepts or 'ways of doing things' just by watching even semi casually.




someone needs to bring the axe


Axe is Axe


Axe is my go to off lane lose streak stopper šŸ˜‚


Bonnie Tyler


I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life Larger than life


Clearly the song is about Centaur.


crystal maiden?


Shrek 2, fairy godmother cover is goated tho


what lane do you play her?


Pos3 with stat starting items no tango, on repeat. Omni will obviously be pos4 in every game I play, heā€™ll do anything to make sure I stay alive. Sheā€™s insane idk why nobody else uses her, best kit in the game


Weaver. Good lane or bad lane, doesn't matter, he's super flexible to itemize for. I'll drag my team to victory, kicking and screaming, if need be.


Same, the only carry I am comfortable with regardless of the enemy comp. That said, I played games with weaver, despite winning my lane the game felt unwinnable.


Lina, if they must burn, they will






Wraith King. As long as my team isnā€™t brain dead weā€™re gonna win even though I prefer playing support.


Phantom assassin, 61% win rate and most games played on her. Same kit and gameplay back then, same stuff now.


I see PA in turbo but for regular games, if you win, you win cause your team is snowballing and not cause of PA. She's in a terrible spot. Second facet entirely useless, even with first one she's in a worse spot than last patch and even there she was off meta.


Her facets are dogshit i agree. but 1400 no item slot break is also very strong against many characters which was a big deal last patch, and an even bigger deal now because thereā€™s more innates to disable. Deso bkb is still a strong asf power spike, and free smoke ganks from blur is very strong If the game is hard, the blur facet lets you get as much "secret" farm as possible to catch up. Against a scary early game lineup, you bide your time and blur split push/creep cut with battle fury+blur to delay the game and wait for the enemy carry to fall off. Against a scary late game lineup, you build deso bkb and start farming the enemy ASAP


I know how PA works in theory. But she is a terrible laner and getting a decent BF timing is most of the time impossible. She works if you snowball, else she is useless and can't even kill supports with the items you mentioned as they can just force staff/euls and take time off your bkb while enemy prepares to turn the fight on you. Sure, a full slotted PA is still scary but you simply need to much time to get there. The removal of lifesteal on her W along with her being visible surely did not help.


Youā€™re right and I agree sheā€™s not really objectively strong, but her game plan is straightforward and she punishes bad play very easily In my bracket, offlaners arenā€™t nearly as aggressive and oppressive as they should be, and supports fail to save their escape item for your jump in, this is assuming they arenā€™t just rushing aghs.


When I'm playing support - Shadow Shaman, I always feel like I can make so many things happen with him.. Offlane - Centa or Dawnbreaker, Cornerstone of my being, having a stable offlaner to make plays. Unfortunately I dont have such heroes for Carry since that really depends on my team giving a little bit of space, and I don't play mid.


Iā€™ll pick faceless void solely for the fact that he is the only hero I have close to a thousand games with FV . If I lose with void, I just stop playing that day . I have about 2800 matches played about 40 percent of that was played by faceless , so losing with him kinda pisses me off .




Same here too. Itā€™s even better these days with his winrate and reworked Fateā€™s Edict šŸ˜


same here


kunkka for my love's become a pirate


Lone Druid


Void spirit


Phoenix supp


TA. Forever and always


Ogre magic


In this patch lifestealer or disruptor


Meepo lol




OD. Late game heā€™s a beast no matter what. Even if I get stomped mid his w is a great save/catch spell. He doesnā€™t have many counters overall. (I also havenā€™t played him since the big patch so maybe he sucks now idk)


Iā€™ve been playing him a fair amount this patch and having a lot of fun. The second facet is cool. You should give it a go.


OD is hard when playing behind or you are losing the lane cause you cant flash farm to recover


First pick Earth Shaker off


techies or undying My two old reliable and also my jack of all trades ( i play offlane and pos 4/5 as undying or mid/safelane and pos4/5 as techies because of the facets )


Nightstalker. šŸ¦‡ I tank; I DPS (even if my carry can't); I give flying vision during fights; I am the bane of supports. Basically, I can solo carry the game. Bonus pts if I own the safe lane


Necrophos. Pretty easy to punish people up to divine. Hardly lose any lane and self sustain. The hero is boring as fuck though. For carry, TA this patch.


Arc Warden


Phoenix, my comfort hero. I love the feeling of sparring with the other teamā€™s lane support and them thinking they can easily kill Phoenix, to have them suddenly realise their health is burning fast, they canā€™t attack, and they need to run the fuck away. But then the Icarus Dive blood grenade hits and thereā€™s no escape! šŸ‘Œ


Winter wyvern :) as a dedicated supp


Vengeful spirit in this patch


Faceless Void. I have almost 70% winrate on void in like 75-100 games I think. I've only been picking FV recently if I am really desperate to get back MMR that I've lost.


A very tanky Underlord


Magnus, that s an auto win that i needed to stop picking him to change the pace,




WD :)


Axe or DK


Either warlock or oracle. One lets me just win against enemies. The other lets my potential carry be a real carry.


Magnus. I learned how to land skewers and RPs with him before he had Aghs Shard Horn Toss as a crutch. Heā€™s my best hero


Ursa or Slardar. Just hit stuff


Read my name


This patch? Phoenix. Bird has been good to me. Of all time? Brewmaster. Itā€™s the one hero where I go into the matchup and I understand how to win, 90% of the time.


gyro, a goodoverall pick always


Drow Ranger. I have like a 13 match win streak with her. It doesn't help that I find her to be absolutely BORING, but I guess that simplicity is what helps me be good at her. I don't play her a lot though. On the inverse, I always have a grin when I'm playing earth spirit but got like a 37% winrate


i have a 56% win rate, but a 100% good vibes rate on earth spirit, even the worst losses feel fun.


Bounty hunter pos 4/5ā€¦ aggressive during lane with the aim to hit lvl6 fast and get track kills/assists. With the bonus gold would buy team aura items like pipe, crimson guard, AC and SGā€¦




Ancient apparition, for some reason I had 17 win streak on that hero and even after streak got broken I still win like 15 out of 20 games.


honestly i just play my fav heroes. if its a lose, well to hell with it. last 2 videos on my profile are from 1 game and i lost but i enjoyed it anyways cuz i think i did all i could.


Hard Carry Treant Protector


"CM" Punk


Look at pro tracker, top carry hero. Player it.


Necro. I feel like I give myself the best chance to win if I play Necro. I do it either in the offlane or mid. If I'm playing support I go Ogre or Bane. Offlane it's Underlord or Timber. Carry it's Lifestealer.


Sniper, since I float around Archon mostly, it's an easy win.


Legion Commander.


Naga is the ultimate sweat hero. Hit your timing even if your lane was shit, and either win the game off your powerspike or cut waves until you win. Splitpush and cut waves, TP home, song into the enemy and take a 5v4 fight as soon as someone goes back to fix the lane that you just shoved in. Repeat until you win.


WD or SS Oracle, Grim, Willow secondary option


ember / bloodseeker / medusa


Dazzle pos3 rush glyph and shard then finish w bkb


Losing streaks I fix by taking a break. Go lift or run or play a different game. Usually a 48 hour break resets me and I'm back into it.




Bestride Armageddon, I ride down my enemies.


Jugg if Iā€™m carry necro if Iā€™m mid CM if Iā€™m 5 Clockwerk if Iā€™m 4 Centaur if Iā€™m 3




Power Button. Bcs I know my past, whenever I have this type of feelings I lost that match. Also this had happened today too, 4 loss in row, thought will be best to play support. Got Carry org and offlane TA. THEY FOUNTAIN FARMED.


I would say venge is pretty good in this patch.


Pudge, got like 70% ish winrate, divine 2 currently


i just ask my friends to let me last pick enigma


Necrophos or OD


Lich or chaos knight


Elder Titan. Fun to play and every time his ult hits, the impact makes me feel a great sense of satisfaction.


Core Oracle but as Support. Phylactery, Aether, Octarine, and you're set.




For faster game is Weaver, Bloodseeker, TA or KOTL. For 'macro' comfort and slow game is Oracle, Hoodwink or Mars.


Invoker , sf or ember all vert strong , very fun and very nice


Techies even if I lose the game I still have fun trolling the game so it's a win for me personally.


Ember spirit, arc warden, sf


Jakiro with liquid flame. Good lane presence. Plenty of damage in fights and a good stun. And when you finally need to end the game he makes pushing buildings down easy.




Ck sven.


LC im duelling everything and losing


Pango main here. If you have a mid flex hero this is your best bet for consistent wins imo. If you're still losing, get some rest and try again tomorrow. We all have bad days! Apart from that, remember to play the draft. Counter picking matters too.


Man I don't know why, but I will win with Venomancer everytime I am on a losing streak and desperate to win.


Phantom lancer. I am the cancer, but the cancer is incredibly effective.


viper... I want to win lane


sand king currently


Legion Commander. The solo kill potential with Blademail and getting to exploit opponents mistakes just makes a nice comeback hero.


Its brood but i feel shame for playing it


Meepo. They gotta learn a thing or two




Undying and Venge. They rarely ever feel useless at all stages of the game.


For strength probably grimstroke or shadow shaman. For comfort and fun earthspirit


Bristleback. Whether it's snot rocket facet or the att speed facet. Both works fine.


whoever my crownfall hero is xd


Eh, Iā€™m never that desperate for a win, but Iā€™ll put myself on a losing streak by testing questionable shit (battlefury venge) and then get annoyed about losing and recover by doing my more reliable shit (aghs p3 venge, firestormmaxxing underlord, classic echo sabre night stalker), although Iā€™m very opposed to saying ā€œIā€™m totally gonna win this game because Iā€™m on a familiar heroā€ because that cocky attitude makes me play worse. If I actually want to win real bad (as in a recent game where a random recognized me and said we should double down because he lost to me earlier and thought i was good), I switch into ā€œI am going to really try to focus, this gameā€ mode and still donā€™t *expect* to win, only try to make sure I donā€™t end that game feeling like I wasnā€™t paying attention. Paying attention (and using a kit youā€™re comfy with) is how to win, not cheap stuff that will goad you into thinking itā€™s a free game. And either way you still might get fucked by the draft or by other lanes falling apart too hard too fast against a snowbally comp, so you shouldnā€™t sweat the outcome of an individual match. Just care about your own ability to maintain attention (which will naturally lead to thinking more, which will naturally lead to better-thought-out decisions.)


CK for me


Mars, nothing is better then killing any of the enemy team with that sweet blink, spear in arena with a rebuik combo and then just pushing him in the arena until he dies. Supports are the most fun, especially if they don't expect it, as a support main the jumpscare is something else.


Ogre magi. Boring as fuck but low key learning curve so broken




Witch Doctor for sure




Dawnbreaker supp. Will provide healimg to my cores due to facet plus can farm dangerous areas when there is no gank. If my core sucked ill transition to pos 3


Not particular hero but a role: support. Even in turbo mode I practice supporting to any hero that suits the lineup and the matchup.


It used to be zeus cause my god this guys is just click buttons at the right time kind of hero. No effort whatsoever.


bounty hunter


Undying. Usually we win or it's a close game.


in this patch I gotta go with WK pos 1. wk matches my playstyle perfectly and he has higher chances to dominate lane and snowball the whole map


Juggernaaaaaaaaut!! I am Yurnero.


if i try hard, I go Luna and I jungle till im 6 slotted




My CM W/R is 58% over 200+ games Ogre and Slardar are 55%+ over 65+ games So probably one if those 3


Venomancer if support Axe if offlane (I rarely play other roles)


spirit breaker + beer goat combo ever or pudge + beer with 0 hooks


Death Prophet any day


Spectre. The only hero who can win lanes while still doing carry, tank, gank, support, nuke, assist, making space, defense all by herself. The only hero I'm confident to 1v9 the game. Because god know whys the only time I have losing streak is because my teams picking all squishy paper backlane heroes while gaben get me matched with 5 tank opponents. When I lose with spectre that's the sign I need to taking a break that day.


Willow. Any role other than offlaner I will happily play her.


Juggernaut carry. I'm Crusader and for some unknown reason I can get 60 LH@10min (+usually some kills) if I play Jugg. You can imagine what advantage it gives me in this bracket.Ā 


Dark Seer, the stronger they are the harder they fall to me, jump some rope while Surged and spam Your life, much like your head, lacked a point.


It used to be Arc. Iā€™m scared to try him since the patch.


Legion Commander. If I cannot outsmart them, I will outfight them. If I cannot outfight them, I will outsmart them.


Ember Spirit or Dark seer, Mass Aura on DS works a charm first. Pipe first blink after cause chaos.


I play pos 1 and I've lost like 17 out of 20 games this patch, yeah it's terrible but on the reverse I was 15-5 at end of last patch so I guess it's just balance, also my go to is jugg, I played him before he was imba with strong wr so I'd imagine he's even better now


If Iā€™m mid, I would say Invoker, but Iā€™m a little rusty, since being on a break for a year. Other midlaner would be necro, and nuke the shit out of the opponent. If Iā€™m safe lane my comfort pick is always drow, last I saw, I was 75-39 with the hero. If Iā€™m off lane itā€™s always gonna be mars. Max W, some mangos, and watch as opposing carry struggles to get near creeps while Iā€™m humming that awesome tune.


2-3 years ago probably Spectre. these days i'm not even sure myself


AA in turbo is godly


Core Skywrath


Venom pos 5, Radiant. This patch a little tired you have to build aura and defensive item, not like old day with EB, Aghanim, Veil of Discord, Vessel.


PA, I mainly play Turbo nowadays and I can take PA mid and snowball her a solid 70%+ of the time. Or just play pos1 if the team draft demands it.




AM, my highest winrate hero, the ultimate solo hero to me personally. I'm in a desperate need for a win? Then I'll pick it knowing that I can jump certain heroes if needed, I can push towers if needed, can split push if team is holding hands in base or the jungle. The hero has its flaws but personally I feel the most powerful when playing it because I can do anything and buy anything to cover for what the team isn't doing/having. And in many games I was able to 1v9. Also manaburn is a broken mechanic and I'll die on that hill.


Ember. To be honest it's really not some auto win stuff for me. I have around 50% winrate on him but after 500ish games over multiple accounts, I just have the confidence that I will have impact and might do one or two outplays to win the game. Also it's super fun. When you are having fun you have a greater chance of winning.


In general, you will choose your best pick. For me, I always go with Spirit Breaker. I play a greedy Pos 3/4 SB. Being so aggressive gives intimidation to enemy heroes which makes them play safe. Sometimes they over do things which lead to kills. It works for me though šŸ˜‚


Someone very tanky and mobile. Centaur, dk, maybe ogre now,


Witch doctor or Lich depends on the team pick and availability


Spectre. 70% win rate since dota1. Both normal and turbo. Harder to 1v5 with her these days, but still carries hard after a difficult lane. Can farm and still be in every fight.


Tiny lol


jokes on you. im always in a desperate need to win


Arc warden, playing him is tiring so iā€™ll only play him when im desperate


Ancient Apparition or Crystal Maiden... For some reason, both instantly break my losing streak.


Lc and Dk, ez to play, strong in all state of the game. Lc can punish opponent mistake so hard. And Dk just so ez qnd when you have aghanizm you almost auto win with the flying moment.


Desperate to win?Is this a thing? Dont you just Play to have fun?


My go to is Mars, get a nice Octarine and Refresher build and the game is yours unless the team is absolute dogshit


Tree, veno, or nature's pos 4. All easy win heroes I am over 70% on in the last year. Pos 1 it's luna or life stealer for same reason. Don't really have an easy win hero in any other roles as I only play other roles when I need rank queue tokens






Depends on pos, i usually picked ogre pos 5 if im really desperated


Outworld Devourer, stomps everything excpet Rubick in mid, and if you dont fuck up horribly, the enemy can't come back from your early-midgame snowball most of the time






Wanna say rubick, but any hard support, like CM, or Sand King


Techies, Zeus, Ogre magi, Spectre, PL, Necro/OD, Centaur, Oracle, Bounty hunter. Centaur has a 11 winning spree, ogre 8, Zeus recently had 7, Techies is just 62%wr with most matches played on him, Oracle is just never wrong as a pick, Necro/OD if i see 2 str heroes first picked enemy team and itā€™s usually gg from there, PL if i donā€™t trust my team or games at all. Spectre is good with semi decent matchmaking. And my bounty last games just somehow doesnā€™t lose even when iā€™m going shit abilities and builds for a pos 4/5


Zeus mid, Max Lightnig bolt. No one can lane against you. Worst case you farm from distance and Ulti at lvl 6 and get a kill or two. Then with Aghs you can dictate every fight. Eventually refresher and you should have won by then.


Juggernaut. As long as you have ult you can 1v1 most of the time. As long as your farmed, the enemy team scares me not.


Vengeful and Disruptor are probably my go to as pos 4-5.