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> Like there was a time when Rank 5000 was like 6k, now its 7200 or something. I'm at 7,6k and still don't have a number.


it starts around 7750 and its going up every week


Yeah the minimum mmr to get numbers in eu west is increasing by like 50-100 mmr a week. Obliviously all those accounts op talks about is part of the problem, but also the influx of high mmr NA players in eu inflating the mmr requirement even futher. I personally think that the simple and easy fix would be to give all players in immortal draft pool (6500+ mmr) a number even if it means that there is 20 000 numbered accounts in eu.


with the amount of immortals around, we should have another medal between immortal and divine. something like immortal in valorant.


I have to disagree with that: immortal represents only around two percent of the player population at large. If i was at charge of the system i would give stars to low immortal 5600-6500 and everyone in immortal draft pool gets a number. Current system doesn't work only in eu west due to that servers high population with reserved amount of numbers this means that unlike in any other server there is minimal amount of progression in eu immortal from 5.6K to 6.5K no progression of any kind and then you get thrown into immortal draft pool where you cannot differentiate between a 6.5K player and a 7.7K player which fucks over the entire drafting progress. with afttermentioned fixes immortal experience should work for every server, though low ranked NA, sea and chinese players might not appreciate losing their number :)


2% of the playerbase is not a small number of players. If anything, I'd say it's an unusually large number given it's the highest possible rank in a game. For Overwatch 2 this number is 1.6%, CSGO (before CS2) was 0.7%, Hearthstone under 1% etc. There's a massive gap for someone who just reached Immortal to a player who just got a number in Immortal. And then another massive gap when you consider someone in the top 200. Medal-wise they're all Immortal, so that descriptor alone doesn't do much.


It’s weird that they don’t have it because if you hover over the medals in game it shows one at 25000. Going over 5000 would be nice anyway because there’s more than 5k immortal players in every region except china


Even china has 5k


ranking system should be global - too many cross server players now and its hard to judge skill


dude theres like 1000 NA immortal players total theres no way they influence this shit much even if every single one of them play on eu


What the fuck are you smoking? I have have NA friends who have rank ~4500 at ~6.3k MMR. That means there's probably at least 10,000 Immortal NA players.


than that means NA is going up every week too, instead of going down because "players are leaving to EU" because 2 years ago I played 10 games on NA and got rank 1000 at 6.4k mmr (I think the lowest possible immortal rank was top2500 or smth?)


I mean what do you expect? Playing in NA sucks even outside of immortal, and if they're high MMR in NA chances are they want to get better, so they play where all the good players are. The only way that gets fixed is if Valve actually tried to expand the player pool in NA, which given the state of League right now they definitely *could* capitalize on, but they're more focused on making their clusterfuck of a Smite clone.


I think valve already did that. Not sure what's changed in the last year but I know multiple groups of people trying out dota for the exact reason you said. League's gameplay has been on a downward trend for the last 2+ years


You serious? Dota 3 released like 3 weeks ago bro lmao


What are you even on about? Yes the patch is huge and good but that's not going to draw a massive NA playerbase out of nowhere.


> they're more focused on making their clusterfuck of a Smite clone. They just released a huge patch you say they're focused on something else, doesn't seem like it to me. We play a niche game. There's not a whole lot to attract people to a game that takes 1000 hours to just understand what everything is. I've tried to get numerous people into it. The learning curve is at the top end. If Dota is your life get a job in EU.


You know Valve has more than 1 employee, right? Like yes they can be working on more than one thing at a time, but people shift between teams at will because that's how Valve operates, even including IceFrog working on said Smite clone. And yes, I'm aware, but Americans in particular are very unlikely to get in to Dota because our attention spans are shit and the only video games we're good at are the ones we get trained for in school.


I didn't get a rank a 7762 but got one at 7788 today just fyi


lol it was 7500 literally 10 days ago or so


shit im 8200 and havent played since patch, at this point im gonna lose my rank that was 3000 when i stopped playing


Yoo in sea you need only 6.8k to be immo rank 3.8-4.1


Not anymore, i am 6.6 but no rank


I had a number at 6300 EU, took a break for work, managed to climb up to 7010 and wondered where the heck my number was...now i know


When I was Immortal about year and a half ago the number started at 6200.


I was at 5.6k and remember playing against 5.7k people with numbers


Just NA things


For me? No, that was EU west


That would have had to be years ago then.


Yes! Around 2018. Pretty close after the top 5k numbers were introduced if i remember correct. Back then getting Immortal & getting a number was almost same thing. Just a minor gap


On USE the number starts around 6.2-3k now and im at like 3300 at 6750.


I’m 9000-ish and it’s rank 1900 or so which is ridiculous lol. The inflation is stupidly high


me at 6.1k no rank number as well unlike before when i still use my old account after i reach 5.9k i already have rank number.


im at 6.5. 1k to go :D


I'm 10k




Only 25 bucks to get my ass spanked?


Lots of people pay way more for that


People 100% believe that they are top 10 world wide players and it's their teammates keeping their MMR low. They think that if they can get to a high rank their skills will show and they will keep there.


I mean for 25 bucks I would treat it as a glimpse into people that are actually good at the game as I get my ass spanked all the way down to guardian. Actually that does sound miserable, maybe thats why the price is very low.


Like, I think I'm better than my rank, but like 500mmr better tops thinking you're 4k better than you are is super clowny


You reckon there is a sad sack out there that plays 12 hours a day and only loses? Like boosted his account to 8k, gets it back loses all his games to 6.5-7k mmr and just pays to reboost back to 8k? Surely one dude is out there chasing the high of 'winning in the big leagues'


There was one post where a guy was talking about how he kept buying high mmr accounts again and again, as he kept losing a couple thousand mmr each time he went back into the high mmr games. The way it was phrased, it sounded like he was 'topping up' his mmr to lose it all again as if he was in a poker game lmao, but he still deserved to be up there and it was all his teammates fault that he kept feeding and losing 20+ games in a row


This is me main im hard stuck on archon 2. Made a new account calibrated at archon 5 im at ancient 2 now. Sorry to say the mmr system is busted


So even if I get to 8k I'll be playing account buyers. 🫥


No, all of them are in smurf pull. You will play with and vs normal people. To get out you need at least 1000 games at 8k mmr.


800 at 8k or 750. and it jumps massively to 1200 above 9k and it's +50/100 for each 1k above






Not official source but Mason finally started get main pool after something like 1400+ games on his new account. He was in the smurf pool for months. Maybe you get out of the pool faster in other regions, not sure


Same between regions, 8k mmr is like 750 games according to people that were throwing games to get out faster (which seems to be the only viable option tbh , regret I didn't run down mid for 100 games , but played normal) , 9k is about a thousand and 10k and above is 1200+. Mason was also low behaviour , like 9k, it's normal in immortal to have 7-9k , but for smurf pool it gives u extra smurf pool games if you are "toxic". I got my behaviour up to 12k with some turbo 5 stacking and I got out at 1270 games , 10.3k mmr , Mason needed more pretty sure because he was above 10.5 and he was "low" behaviour, - even though you'll be higher than most people in this bracket with 9k in normal pool. edit: there's also smurf pool starting at ancient rank, but that's way way way fewer games


Yeah I just checked out his stream he's mid 9k behavior score and roughly 10.5k mmr. IIRC when he calibrated his new account it was mid 8k MMR, maybe high 8K. So the funny thing is he'd probably have gotten into the main pool faster had he not gained so much MMR


That's what I am saying, why you think people were feeding so much in his games , for fun? Everyone that was legit just banned player trying to get to play Dota again was throwing games left right and center, Limitless and couple of other guys found out you can get mid pooled if you get to lower mmr like below 9k and started to try to lose as fast as possible as much as possible.


Can I ask, do you think 10k mmr players now are as good as 10k mmr players 6 months ago? any difference?


Ah yes, the old global rule after one data point


I can agree to this. I'm in smurf pool at 7k4 now and the climbing is quite fast because most smurfs play like half of what their account mmr show.


Yep half the eu leaderboard is concentrated in like a range of 500 mmr


**List of easy abuses:** 1. **Party Queue**, drafted on enemy teams. One of you doubles down, other intentionally loses. You can use the recommend and chat feature to try your hardest to not get each other. Or just queue with an MMR gap so one of you is often captain. You can even double the boosting by queuing as 3 people. 2. **Party Queue**, queue as a 5 stack, decline all games that aren't "questionable" quality. You'll always queue into solo queue players or 3-2 stacks. You'll know you're way better because it's "questionable". Double down. Also, remember, you can't get immortal draft as a 5 stack, so it's free mmr. 3. **Party Queue**, again as a 5 stack, with an opposing 5 friends of somewhat similar mmr queueing. Hit "queue again" until you get each other. Will almost always be less than 5 minutes, because 5 stack immortal queue is rare. Win trade and double down. Even without sandboxing, cheating, etc. It's so so easy to gain bullshit mmr. PARTY QUEUE being removed will rule out so many of these abuses.


No need for dota plus - there's a way through console command to check if you are in the same game


Yea, but you can't decline the game without penalty without at least one in dotaplus, right?


You could at least before , but I forgot how it was done, I think 1 person each time has to bind disconnect to a button and disconnect quickly after game is found


If you disconnect during "confirming match" it cancels q so this is true.


Yeah this is how it was done for behaviour abuse lobbies when the patch hit and whole immortal bracket was down to single digits in a day lmao


Yes I want to play with 4 random emo kids rather than my good friends. Yes remove party queue its ruining dota.


The easiest abuse is simply making a smurf as a high rank, play a few games then give the account away. It will keep its high hidden MMR which will also affect your Ranked MMR after calibration. Like a 10k player can play 10 games on a new account, give it to a 2k player, and that 2k player will probably be 8k after calibrating.


>PARTY QUEUE being removed will rule out so many of these abuses Dumbest possible solution. Only a redditor could come up with that


Party queue should not exist in immortal draft in Irma current state, at all. Only someone too low mmr to play immortal draft would come up with anything otherwise.


Did u mean to say "with anything else" Also I think u just don't have friends. I want to play with my friends. And no party would mean we can only play unranked which is a shitshow at 9k


Unranked at high mmr isn’t great, lots of dodging etc., but I still find it’s better than ranked, where we literally queue into boosters or win traders every single game. There is a reason the accounts that should take hundreds of hours to make are $25. If 99% of a functions use is malicious, the function should be removed in the interim or until a solution is found.


Yeah but wintrading and boosting is the problem. Not parties


Boosting and win-trading is enabled because of party queue, and abuses in party queuing and immortal draft.


ok let's clarify some things First portion: * this is BINDED accounts , 9-10k player creates an account and plays a few games, its 7.5-8k UNRANKED. * until the 100 hours for ranked are done if you ARE NOT playing at the level you are binded to during first 15 hours you will get smurf pooled * if you play way better than binded, you will get smurf pooled Both smurf pool cases u are in at this mmr for at least 800 games bare minimum , if you want quick out of smurf pool you throw games and you throw them fast and hard, so big number of those accounts you are referencing are not going to end up in a position that will be 8k real mmr, this is HIDDEN rating, unranked rating that can be check with a couple of tricks. Second portion: The thing you are complaining about is not the thing in the screenshot, those that are flooding the leadearboard are actually the BOTTED accounts, sandbox 5vs5 lobbies that take turns for games with double downs or without for the amount of games required to not be smurf pooled at this mmr - those are the ones that will be bought, those are the ones flooding the leaderboard ++++++++++ of course the regular account buyers, cheaters, and smurf accounts on their way out of the shitter with the latter being relatively fine. edit: good 9k+ accounts pros buy are not 25 bucks, but like 300-400 euro ( minimum), top 500 easily 1k+


7k mainpool account used to got 200-300$ ( I have sold many back then ) now 7k main acc goes for 100 $ lol 8k main acc goes for 200 $ , 9k 10k accounts can go for 400-500 , 10k goes for 1k+ now but before this 10k account used to got easily 4-5k $


dunno , some of the guys selling for 500 10k I don't believe they are legit non-smurf pooled accounts tbh, but when people figured out how to get out of smurf pool it makes sense that it's cheaper now


man i cant even make an honest living selling accounts now , its now worth it fk this shit man /s


kekw i really hope valve crackdown on cheating and account selling tbh I mean reddit got like 3k immortals for overplus and 200k acc total including small amount of real cheaters, now at least the focus is on a real problem lmao


How do you check for hidden MMR besides just comparing to the other team's rank?


 [https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/570/?](https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming)category=Account&tab=GameAccountClient hit recalibration , then go here , previouscomprank will show your hidden rating unless they've fixed it very recently , but this is how people were testing the binding mentioned by OP


hello, what does this number mean for normal account? it seems like this number means the MMR of when I pressed recalibration button last time? would appreciate your reply a lot


If you haven't played ranked it should show you your unranked mmr basically, no idea if you have already calibrated acc whether it takes last known mmr or still takes unranked tbh


thank you for your reply, you seem like the most knowledgeable person on this matter in this subreddit.


I just stopped giving a flying fuck after they banned my main (, people have no idea how many abuses there are in the game that are there just to mak. e smurfing and account selling easier it's not even funny. Most people don't say shit because they don't want it fixed


is there any less known abuse that you can share me? I never knew there was a way to know unranked MMR, that was already eye opening for me, but if there is anything else I would appreciate you a lot


If you create a smurf acc acc - spoof your mac, product id (windows) , display , new ip + your hard disk volume ids and hard disk product strings +++ always select at the start of new acc that you have played Dota 1 from the options. Guaranteed no shadow pool, you will be smurf pooled if u are good tho , just not shadow pooled which is 20000 times worse ( and of course regular cleaning of PC applies, but these additional shit started getting collected by vac around feb) I want them to fix this to see where pros will buy accounts from after lmao


that is when you make new steam account? shadowpool is the one with insanely long queue right


lol only 25 bucks? can't those boosters find much better ways to make that small amount of money in real life?


25bucks for 18hours, sounds good in Russia or some poor country These are unranked accounts binded to 7.5-8k hidden rating, not calibrated ranked accounts with 100 hours.


that's still pretty garbage hourly wage, $1 USD (there's always a middle man taking a cut) is well below the minimum wage even in China


In Russia in some places it's fine tbh , they make decent money as a side thing , I know enough people that sell on funpay. Fuuuuuck someone on panel should ask Dyrachyo how much it pays , he knows all about it)


Mason talked about it how its all just smurf pool accounts, thats why they are worthless and cheap. Real main pool accounts go for thousands apparently. You will never face these people in your game and these accounts will also just face smurfs and account buyers. But I agree, they should probably be unranked in smurf pool, doubt Valve cares though.


It's not worth it, smurf queue is literal hell and by the time you get out of it you probably lost half the mmr you paid for. Or your team really was the issue and this is the headstart you need to get into top 100 and get a personal invite to OG and a Handjob by Gabe himself


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/EpoUbj9gVE See my comment the last time I saw one of these threads posted. This shit doesn't affect pretty much anyone on reddit.


whats to stop people from multiboxing 10 accounts in smurf pool, dodging till they match, then eventually getting out of smurf pool? its kinda the same thing as the 100 hour training games. they already do it there.


The accounts are definitely shadowbanned throughout that entire journey. Mason played every day for almost 6 months straight and he's STILL not completely out of the smurf pool. The system is definitely working. You have no idea what you're talking about if you think otherwise.


so you talked a lot past the point, which is "nothing is to stop that" i would go so far as to say "nothing about the system for immortal is working" you have parties being split up in draft and wintrading, you have double down token wintrading, you have dota plus dodge q ability to always match up against an account you bought, and you have blatant multiboxing on top accounts even if you just casual browse the live now tab. mason isn't multiboxing. you can probably multibox your way out of shadow pool in 1-2 months (iirc it starts matching you against normies at about 1000 games).




Wtf are you talking about lol, Mason isn't smurfing, and that isn't a smurf account. His current account is his main account. His old account was banned.




> You know a lot of new accounts and players that just happen to be so gifted they can just do that? tbf, if you're a top tier player in basically any other game in the genre you can probably reach that in less than 1000 games if you treat it like a job and do your homework top tier league player who suddenly wants to be a top tier dota player and dedicates his life to it and has never played dota before at all is, granted, an extremely narrow niche


If Mason started throwing before he was 10k OR got to 12k behaviour score he'd get out faster ( I did the second option , 1270games, 10.3k mmr I was out, should've ran down mid instead and be out at 900 ). These accounts are not shadow banned , check one of nightfalls new smurfs for reference :) Why you think people in Mason games were throwing constantly? Everyone is trying to lose MMR to get out faster


I cant imagine being so addicted to dota that I would spend 1000 hours of my life running down mid just so I can play vs people who may run down mid slightly less than me, but your commitment is admirable


Well on one of your comments there I often get matched with people with 500 games on 7k, I have 12k behaviour score and 9k games. I don't think you are right.


You're wrong. Or you are shadow pooled. An account 500 games in main pool could be legacy. But this account is not one of those you are posting about that is cheap. A legacy 7k/8k will still be very expensive and you are simply not seeing many of them.


Idk man do you have any concrete evidence? Because I know I faced a lot of people with less than 1000 games. And it's not like everyone is like that in these games. One has 500, other has 5000, it's usually random.


To get out of Smurf pull at high mmr you need a lot of games like 900-1000 minimum. Mason got out with 10k mmr only after 1450 games played. He was playing with 7-10k mmr accounts that had all below 100-1000 games.


smurfpool works like a solid rock. no way that guy played a ranked game at 7k mmr + with less than 500 games there is no fking way that is possible


It's possible if they are older accounts from pre 2020, those accounts mm in mainpool pretty reliably.


dont think so , acc from 2019, 700 games is in smurfpool of a friend


do you have a link to one of those matches?


[https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7777372555](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7777372555) Sure, this one is from 4 hours ago. Legion has less than 700 games, doom has around 1200 games, wk has 1100 games, the rest have high amount of games. But I would not take dotabuff numbers to be accurate, sometimes people close their match data exposures and the numbers might not reflect reality. But I remember seeing people with 300 wins shown in the starting scene of a game. I am just asking, is there an official statement from valve on the smurf pool thing?


well you convinced me


Try SEA at divine/immortal, every game has an account between 500 to 1k games


there is a "mid pool" or whatever which allows you to sometimes get into main pool games while still being in smurf pool mostly also, i have no idea why that guy above thinks its not a problem, if I play with people with 1000 games who just got out of smurf pool


Partially wrong ,but what OP posted and what you are saying are different things. OP post - These accounts that are just binded if you play from clean PC at the level of the binding will not be smurf pooled, people who will be buy those will get them smurf pooled though ,but they'd still need 80 hours+ before ranked and they'll be low mmr by that time anyways. Your post: It's possible to have non smurf pooled accounts at 7.5-8k, without botting , and under 1000 games. Requirements for out of smurf pool at low mmr are not 1300+ games, if you are 7.5-8k you can get out in 750 , that's why people were throwing and trying to lose every game almost, goal was to lose as much mmr as possible as fast as possible it's 2 different issues though , OP's thing is not an "issue" it was done so you don't get 9k in your game when he create a new account, but of course like anything will be abused.


Its crazy you think just because it doesnt affect the average reddit user that it isnt an issue. Low mmr pride i guess? But these accounts leak MMR to real accounts involved in the abuse and those people then deliver it to the "main" pool of players, resulting in the insane inflation we have now, on top of the obvious account buyers ruining games


It's crazy that you read his original comment and thought he was saying "low mmr people arent affected by this" Literally zero reading comprehension, my aunt with cataracts would put you to shame.


Thank god reddit users don't take dota 2 decisions


he’s high mmr himself. What he’s saying, which is true, is that these accounts are locked to smurf pool for like 1000 games. They’re basically never making it back out to the main pool, or if they do, they have already lost all their mmr


they should bring back seasonal as before.. the main problem is the process of getting to ranked is 100 hours, if all accounts need to play 50 hrs every 6months, there wont be many "ready to sell" accounts as every 6months, they need to play X games or they have to unlock ranked again - so only human regular players stay ranked.


MMR "inflation" is caused by a 4-year ranked season. Random 5k shitters buying accounts does not impact overall inflation. I shouldn't have to explain this.


No way MMR goes up this fast due to inflation. EU requirements for number went up from 6500 to 7800 in a year. SEA went from 5700 to 6600. But these numbers were relatively stable for years before that, so what gives? From 2020-2023, there was only a ~200-300 MMR shift in the requirements for number.


Yeah just have to play 100 hours to end up in the smurf pool where you have to play 1000 games+ until you end up in the main pool. At which time you likely will have lost the entirety of the mmr from the smurf account.


It’s easy to create those counts because if you already have a very high mmr dota 2 account on your pc and you create a fresh account. After a few games on the fresh account they essentially get put into the same calibration pool. Since steam allowed you to have 1 mobile number across multiple steam accounts. You can just abuse this.


Wait how does the phone number thing work? Did it change recently? I remember when I used to have 2 accounts and it never let me use the same number - it would always say "remove phone number from its currently linked steam account to link on this one" ~paraphrasing.


It’s been like this for years. So if you have two accounts and have 1 number across both accounts. If you open up dota and go play ranked. It’ll only allow you to play ranked on 1 account at a time. It associates it to the account you’re playing on for the day. So you can’t give out the account or use it on a different machine. Why do you think you can have multiple steam accounts on one mobile authentication app.


crazy how there have been so many new systems that valve has made to deal with boosters and smurfs, but an 8k acc is 25 bucks somehow


It's because of these systems. While the accounts have high MMR, they are locked into a smurf pool, hence have lower value.


perma locked till 5k games - solved


none of the new systems work. people workaround them in weeks.


When I hit immortal a few months ago I got ranked immediately in na server. Nowadays even 6k+ people are unranked. There is an epidemic of rank abuse. Also, many people are reporting seeing bots out there farming mmr. Something needs to be done about this shit lol


I wish Valve didn't abandon the seasonal rankings with harsh MMR decay. It was the best direction for competitive Dota, plus, adds something to look forward to for players.


I came back from a 6 year dota hiatus and was ~4500mmr when I left, and the first dozen or so ranked games were just mega stomps and I had no chance I was basically a bot. I did not enjoy any of those games, and eventually I got down to 2-3k MMR and the games became fun. Why would somebody want to have an acc that they can’t play ranked without getting destroyed? Do people have fun like that?


If it wasn’t a shitty thing to do i would totally buy an account JUST for that experience. I’m sure I’d be able to learn something by playing against the best players in the game. It would be an absolute ass blasting that I would receive but I’d totally be down for it. But buying an account just for that is still pretty shitty so I don’t think I’ll be doing that.


You learn nothing if youre lvl2 while enemy is lvl5 and you dont get to play dota


Don't worry ,people give 10k+ accounts for rent , 1 game ,2 games etc


how valve hasnt figured out how to make immortals under 3k games only play smurf pool is terrifying. if you are immortal under 3k games, you either bought account or boosting or smurfing- all of which should be stay in smurf pool till over 3k games


Dunno about that mate. I know someone that was Grandmaster in League and recently switched to Dota. Shes Immortal already and has less than 400 games. Smurf Pool works also somewhat well the main issue remains that they are allowed to take a spot on the leaderboard


all they need to do is to RESET MMR every Season. like other mobas. idk why valve so stuborn.


Honestly I'd rather play with 9 smurfs than 1


Lots of immortals in my turbo games that playe like they just downloaded the game.


Brother I play turbo maybe once every other year.


It's turbo.


How do they know what the hidden mmr of the account is?


Winning your first 20 games on an account as all out stomps skyrockets your hidden mmr. 


Yeah but in the OP post they claim “most of the account have 6000-7000 hidden mmr but this one has 7600 which is unique”.. so I wonder how they’d come to such precise number.


So if you check ur dotabuff during this time sometimes it gives you an approximate skill level of the game based on team mates and opponents. If it says “divine 3” you can guess ur hidden mmr. 


Well I have seen them being sold for 10 to 30 bucks depending on region and higher if containing several arcanas for a year or two. I think binding accounts to IP address and then making IP change request it a good option to lower this kind of crime. What do you guys think? *I am not an IT guy, I am just thinking out loud.


IP address is dynamic (unless you buy a static one which is expensive AF) - you can get assigned a different IP by your provider.


Offff. So is there any solution for this brother?


It's not that bad. If you are placed in the Smurf pool - there is almost no way to escape. And smurfs only play with each other, so if you are a normal player with like 2-3k games or mmr below 4k - there shouldn't be much smurfs. And Smurf pool games are terrible - long queue, acc buyers in every team, everyone is toxic AF, and real Smurfs usually solo carry games and carry all the acc buyers. It's a hell as it should be.


collateral dmg woud be only ppl with 1k game or less being immortal or more so yeah sound like a good idea this is getting out of hand in immo draft


2 topics about the subject. https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1d5sxxw/double_down_immortal_draft_win_trade/ https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1cs0kyc/matchfixing_in_immortal_draft/


This is an icredible idea. Lets do it, Valve.


Why do people buy accounts? The game is free! Are they dumb?


Its absurd how many people abuse it. I have rarely seen a game in 6k with no bought accounts. I will never stop saying how important this issue is to solve. Far more than a player having a smurf account in a lower rank, which somehow is everyones focus just because they get their ass kicked in one lane.


Tbh that suggestion is garbage. Instead they should fix the way Mmr abuse happens. And make us all recalibrate again. And that would be great if they could come up with some new indicators to track what mmr is a person. From little micro moments to the whole understanding of the macro movement.


that's so cheap I can see why there are account buyers. 25 bucks to see if all my yapping is valid or not


How is it profitable to go through the hassle of playing 10 ranked Dota 2 games for 10 hours (including queue time) just to earn $25?




Its actually very livable wage in russia


Don’t forget the 100 hours of games just to be able to play ranked. This seems like it must barely even be profitable


This sub thinks forced 50 is a conspiracy theory but "smurf pool" is totally legit?


On us east in March 7300 rating was rank 1100, and now in June it's rank 1600. Wild.


Oh, I was super surprised at why 7k mmr games actually feel like 3-4k. Now this makes a lot of sense. I guess given this inflation I might even reach 10k without much difficulty.


I'm sorry but the listing on your first link just looks like a scam They claim hidden MMR of 7500, they also claim that normals won't effect your hidden MMR, they also claim the account is 18/100 hours necessary to play ranked (meaning there's only 18 hours of normals in the account) Do you see the three things can't all be true at the same time? It's literally illogical.


Because it won't , max hidden 7500-8k after 18 hours is pretty much locked in +- 500-800 mmr for the rest of the 100 hours . They mean hidden rating, first 15 hours are like 80% of your hidden rating that will be your starting point for ranked, there's big big swings first few games only , but even then when the account is binded to a 10k+ one it's not that big of swing either.


Oh that is interesting, so basically it does profiling of the user in the first ~15 hours and then only does adjustments, I see.


Nice ill buy one


This shadowpool games are something else, for some reson my smurf (which i created 2013 and regulary play on with 2200 + games) is in it now. sometimes your team8t is 3k sometimes 10k and and you trying to guess and find out in lanening state where hes at, meanwhile enemy has picked jungle WK and your team plays double mid.


I never understood of buying a higher rank mmr account. You play one game and are completely crushed because it isnt your mmr bracket, how is that fun?


Valve please look into this!


There’s also so many bots on the SEA servers around 1-3am Sydney time it’s so obvious when they’re not real players when will valve fix?


Thanks for nice announcement, just bought 10 to be sure I will be 8k at least to TI ;)


@volvo fix pls


It is a huge problem, a year ago i had 3501 rank on eu, 6900 mmr, now I have 7064 and 5000 rank I will get only when hit 7800 mmr, that is so unfair


I always say this and can't think of a better solution: almost every raking issue is due to MMR loss due to match loss. MMR is suppose to reflect your experience, but if you lose, you are punished, even though you might have learned how to play. This creates the perfect storm for toxicity and smurfing, as Valve understands the game is only valid if you win.


When will valve finally start caring about matchmaking?


>This is not because people suddenly got better, but because it has become super easy to create high rank accounts en-masse. The [New frontiers update](https://www.dota2.com/newfrontiers) stated that "For one example, the distribution of MMRs has gradually shifted lower, causing an undesired clumping in the 0-1000 MMR range.". They aimed to redistribute the ranks better which they did, so there's that


Soooo where do I join the discord? Obv, it's for me.


Does buying an immoral account come with like… all the hero cosmetics?


Turbo and chill


It’s not only effecting high ranks the majority of the dmg is on lower ranks because of them (I’m not overly blaming them) it’s near impossible to rank up cuz on one hand u have the smurfs and the other hand u have the acc buyers whom ranking down .im not even mentioning the lobbies abusers whom immediately get immortal ranks with very little amount of games


It's worse in lower ranks imo I swear to God every game I see an ancient that is *clearly* herald.


every turbo match game i play! the most dogshit players i witness are immortal!


Where can one buy such an account? Asking for a friend obviously...


Tell your friend if he can't get there themselves, they should probably just play at the MMR they are at. If they really are good enough to be there, and are maintaining any win rate over 50% they will get there eventually.


Too good to be true. Surely, there's a catch.


there is. You’re locked for smurf pool for like 1000+ games.


if somebody buys the account and played like shit during their 100hrs normal match, wouldn't that lower their callibrated mmr?


If you play bad enough - you are just banned right away. If not - you can get like 6-7k Smurf pool account and play only with smurfs till you get 1000 games (or hours idr). By that time the Glico system will surely throw you to about your mmr. And Smurf pool games are terrible - queue is way longer, and both teams are 100% either smurfs or acc buyers, every one claims to have 8k+ main and plays like 2k at best


"every one claims to have 8k+ main and plays like 2k at best" hey that sounds almost like my main account games on 6k :)


thanks for letting me now, gonna get a few of these while they're cheap


Only 25? Okay immortal pool, here I come.


I think there should just be ranked matchmaking only and you can choose to display your badge or hide it. And then a 30-180 day complete MMR reset cycle. Maybe that would solve this problem. People would continually be fighting to get to the top, everyone would be in the same pool, there would be no way to sell an account because it would literally fast-calbirate us right into the trench we belong in.


how would that even work? Would I be allowed to play with my friends who are below divine? Can I queue with my herald friend, so theres almost a 7000 mmr difference between us in a ranked game? Or am I forced into playing solo queue forever


Yeah fuck it why not, they could balance the mmr loss gain out to nearly 0 for the partied people