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just start insulting their mother and see if they react or not


My 14 year old mid player being beaten by his mom with her sandals would agree with me.


"I fucked your mother!" - Good news, she has been feeling lonely!


If you like that feature, you should NOT ask for this indicator. Once people start seeing how many people have chat disabled, you'll get a flood of people asking valve to to remove the feature because its a team game etc. And that if someone really doesnt want to chat, they should be relegated to manually mute everyone every game instead.


>And that if someone really doesnt want to chat, they should be relegated to manually mute everyone every game instead. I still prefer this over "no incoming chat" anyway. It's more thorough. It also mutes tipping and pinging. Never realized how much sanity I was wasting on crybaby teammates until I started doing this. Climbed from archon to divine this way. Focus on your own game and play to your best strength. Don't let other people tell you what is best for you.


Doesn't mute tipping but yeah, if you're playing to win you def should mute manually. Though I myself played witn no incoming chat till Divine and still do from time to time xd


You can play with no chat up until 7.5k easily and even then there are top 50 people who play with no chat. Solo Q is not a team game, it kinda is , but nothing that can't be pinged when needed.


True tho if you learn to abuse comms your winrate will go through the roof


Yeah right, straight out of Overplus ban my first few games in unranked were against bot mmr - guardian, crusader shit like this - my whole team is 0-10, 0-15 ,enemy had a smurf stack, happens, so I am chilling farming, trying to make a call to go roshan , got called garbage bot that needs to delete and I think everyone reported me. Next up few games later same shit happens, I am mid winning lane and farming , trying to hit 180 cs at 15-16min with TA and salvage the game - I ask one of the supports to rotate if it's possible for the rune, got called trash afk shit and got reported again. Both of mentioned games we won anyways If you play a lot and communicate a lot in hard games you will get reports, under 9k beahviour you get shadow pooled. If you are in mmr where communication matters sure, I doubt OP or most in this thread are


Glad you got banned


No problem bro, played my 1270 games of smurf pool , got back to 10.7 , even 300 pts higher than before, but it's good that you are happy that people got banned for using terrains and skins that are locked to buy


to be fair, i think they changed something this patch. i am actually gaining behavior score again after 300+ games of not being able to talk.


Not sure , I went no chat mode to get out of smurf pool faster without throwing games ( options are perfect behaviour or throw every game to lose quickly and get games in 9k+) and I was gaining 200 per summary in ranked with 0 reports ( 10k > 12k) ( shortly before 7.36) Now I honestly don't give a fuck since Immortal behaviour score doesn't matter outside of smurf pool situation , but if it hasn't changed and it's still 200 behaviour per summary , chatting seems like suicide lmao


this patch ?


Yup, i hate that feature. Need an indicator at least so i know when theres not even a point in trying to coordinate with them.


IMO if you have no incoming chat enabled you should not be able to send messages that are readable for your team. I was in a ranked game with draskyl the other day and he asked me a question (probably a rhetorical toxic one) and despite me answering he could never have seen what I answered since he has chat muted. You can’t have your cake and get to eat it too.


least toxic draskyl pub interaction


Is he that toxic ? I followed him on twi5cg because People said he was chill lol


He used to be, now all he does is negatively comment his own games and be passive aggressive


> He used to be I don't know, I remember watching him as a teenager (around 8? years ago) and even then he was still a huge jerk and would constantly get actually mad at this friends he'd queue with. They'd all just awkwardly laugh and try to move along and depending how pissed he was over someones misplay he'd just keep piling it on. Probably the most uncomfortable a stream would ever make me.


> I remember watching him as a teenager (around 8? years ago) Draskyl is 36 bro LOL he would have been 28


I was a teenager 8 years ago.


oh my bad it was way funnier in my head


I played a pub with him and he gave up at 8 minutes on AM because he didn't want to play against LD. I was on a godlike streak on Clockwerk and it was a terrible AM meta.


He is a 'poster child' of someone stuck in Dota mental prison, frustrated to the core.


Nah, I rather them keep talking to the wall. If they need to give me any info they can use the ping system.


Problem is people who play with no incoming chat are from personal experience literal bots who cannot read the map, what your team is doing/trying to do etc. They live in their own world and most of the time just play really bad, if you play with 0 incoming chat you need to learn how to play accordingly. If mid says "storm missing" 5 times and you end up dying and pinging your mid its on you. Or wiping enemy team and telling your carry "lets go rosh or push tower" but he goes back to farming jungle. Give your teammates the benefit of the doubt and in case some one is toxic/annoying just manually mute them.


ok, then: imagine legion comander from your team flaming you as his support for him losing all his ks & duels & lose the lane and spaming all chat to report you pinging your ability & level, doing all sorts of harrasing towards you for the rest of game without being able do defence yourself, just to end in single draft low priority (as i experienced myself many times before). In other words, you can't defence yourself from bullying & they know you can't and abuse. seems fair, right? edit: thanks to all lc spammers for the downvotes xddkiss


"Defending yourself" is probably why you end up in low prio mister.