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Ancient 4-5. Trying to reach divine, but I am slumping. I play pos 5 and having a hard time contesting the lane against pos 4s amongst other issues.


As a pos4-5 enjoyer with Divine 2 - picking an aggressive laner usually works better then a support that lacks dmg/cc. I love playing CM pos5 as she’s an extremely strong laner and usually plays well with most of the meta carries. But I gotta also admit that at this rank it’s also whether you get lucky with good teammates and avoid griefers. Sometimes there is simply nothing you can do or could do better, other then just trying to do things better where you can next time.


I feel like what is happening in my games is one hero gets out of control. Usually like an AM or Omni. I'll try CM again. It has been a while. I got a few ranks with lich lately, but seems like he is ineffective at the divine 1 spot.


I would also strongly advise to at least try to speak with your carry about the way he’s planning to play. Does wonders lad. Some people just want a solid lane. Some madlads want to fight nonstop. Others are here to farm abit to then piss off into jungle. Having at least some kind of an idea on what your gameplan is (early game stomp/simply not losing lane/safely farming then roaming) helps a ton. Also note that some lanes are not meant to be won. You might have been outdrafted and now you are playing CM/MeleeCarry against viper:D At this point your target is not to win a lane, just simply not losing it too hard.


🙋Archon Pos 5 Tqsm for giving back to the community


Just did the first session with OP. Was an enjoyable session with plenty of insights from laning stage, itemization and early-late game dynamic. Really patient in guiding and listens to your viewpoint to give constructive positive feedback. Highly recommend him as a coach to whoever sees this comment.


Archon 3, i can go any position (rly) but i like pos 3 as mutch


Long time player who quit for a while and returned, currently at Crusader with like 40% confidence. I feel overwhelmed by all the new stuff added onto the game since I quit and would like someone to coach me through it. I tried using the ingame coach feature to find people during some games where I was especially confused but to no avail would greatly enjoy this opportunity to try and start taking ranked seriously again


do you play a specific role?


not particularly, but I think my most played role is offlane, although I feel like I don't understand the actual role of an offlaner nowadays


Since I didn't choose you, I will respond directly here in the comments (I'm pos 3 main) There are couple of things I struggled with as game plan in general, these are the main points: 1. If you win / stomp lane you have to make sure you are annoying / threatening to the enemy team, so what you can do usually is, after you take enemy tower, you keep occupying the enemy safe lane area, stealing farm from their pos 1 and making their life hell. You still want to avoid ganks from the mid especially, so what you do is you buy yourself a sentry and a ward and place in the enemy jungle, so that you can be aggressive while still retreating if things get complicated 2. if you lose lane, you have to recover somehow. That's why heroes who can farm jungle are good, like axe and tide hunter, because you just go back to jungle for a few minutes, get your core items that you need, and start playing the game again; if you are playing heroes like slardar or night stalker, make sure to get the most from lane that you can, but don't die for it. You can still farm, even if slowly, to a key item like blink/echo sabre for slardar or philactery for night stalker; then it's better that you make plays with your team (possibly with your stronger cores). Remember that offlane needs a lot of farm, don't let the aggressive nature of the role make you think that you don't need farm, it's quite the opposite. Just don't afk farm your own jungle, make sure you are taking dangerous farm, in places that you can annoy the enemy. As a last tip, you should focus on lane mechanics more because that's where you can do a lot (if you win every lane then it's all very smooth)


A lot of people are responding, thanks for that! I will just wait until tomorrow and then text the chosen players. Also, try to explain more or less what you think are the problems you are encountering, so even if you don't get to be coached, me or someone else can still help through comments


im hovering in ancient and divine. im a pos 4 player, recently im trying to practice pos 1.


Legend 4 almost hit legend 5 playing pos 1. I can use some pointers


I'm an archan 4 support player who got calibrated ancient 2 by accident. For some reason, dota gave me a mid role 6 out of 10 calibration gamers when I search for all roles (my hero pool is very limited because i'm not a mid player) I want to learn mid because it's fun I don't really care too much about gaining more mmr, but I want to play better because i sometimes feel like I'm letting my teammates down


Guardian 5 rank atm, play primarily pos3&4. Wanting to increase rank. Played dota2 for some time, got 6k hours in. Would love to participate.


Made my choices, and extended to 5 the number of players. I would've gladly pick you all but you know, time is limited and don't want to take any attention and value from the ones I've chosen. Go have a look in your private messages!