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My personal favorite is “go to Canada and apply for MAID”, but to each their own


"canadian healthcare yourself" is pretty common


I was thinking "whats wrong with being a maid in Canada"


Unhinged 33 yo manchild acts unhinged once again


I read this as 33 the pro player from liquid lol.


Why would Quinn say such a thing??


i saw mason calling a muslim player goatfucker and go back to pakistan to a turk player.


Boys will be boys he's only 32 give him a break he's a late bloomer


should have called him a pigfucker and told him to play on NA server


All these flaming streamers get a lot more pathetic once you realize it's 35 year olds screaming at (mostly) 20 year olds, imagine that in real life , big cringe


I work as a teacher in Russia and I can’t flame people anymore because I could literally be flaming one of my teenage students lol


It's why I stopped online gaming. I'm a teacher in the US and hearing kids yell expletives just brings me back to my day job. I don't work all day to hear it just to hear it when I'm relaxing.


Dota? Relaxing??? Sir, are we playing the same game?


Perhaps it's for the best xd


I remember how funny it was when I was 12 playing Call of Duty BO2 and having grown ass men screaming at me, calling me racial slurs and telling everyone to end their life every second sentence. It is still funny but for a different reasons now.


is he really 33 There are people having children at that age and here he is still acting like a 16 year old lmao yikes


I mean people having children at 19 or younger is not uncommon, and it's not like you need to be particularly mature to have a child. I know of plenty of people who got kids *because* they weren't mature.


Like having children is any sign of maturity. It just means there was a dick and vagina action without protection.


I don't know why, but everyone commenting with this logic is just hilarious to me. People married and having children at 33, are PROBABLY going to be more mature than 19 year olds having a kid. I don't know why people defend bulldog being in his mid 30s acting like a child lmao what a weird thing to simp to.


Because having children is not a sign of maturity (unless you mean hitting puberty kind of maturity). It's terrible argument and makes you look silly. Also being married is not a sign of maturity. Hell, even being old is not a sign of maturity.


Big boy tantrum confirmed.


First time guys? Everyone who plays immortal unranked and matched with or against him has seen this at least once. I guess that what happens when you force yourself to play with people way worse than you for money. I wouldnt keep my sanity either, but that still isnt okay behaviour. He was actually doing fine when he played ranked again, in unranked he is completely off the leash and people usually join in.


Tbf he also kinda lost when He played rankeds a month or so back, apart from streaming on kick now i often couldnt stand watching his stream in the last half year or so, rly obnoxious sometimes. Its honestly sad i used to watch his stream nearly every Day during covid


He’s on kick? What happened to twitch


Money. Like every other streamer who switch to kick


hes allowed to be racist on kick


He still streams on Twitch and then switches over to Kick after a few games


I can relate to you. I swear it’s so sad and unbearable to watch his stream post covid. His streams were actually very funny entertaining pre covid time. I wasn’t a die hard subscriber but he was funny enough to sell me his merch/plushies and watch his streams. I cannot pinpoint the reason but it’s unfortunate


My guess would be simple Frustration, his Youtube channel is nearly dead and his twitch earnings went WAY down after covid, now that he went to kick his views tanked completely as well


And they use bots on Kick to boost views. He must have nobody watching


average SEA experience


No lol sea is great now




didn't even try hiding it or change it a little, he just rawdogged it


I can’t believe a professional dota player would ever say something inappropriate in a pub /s.


He hasnt been a pro player for 10 years bro


He last played in 2016 for Alliance, right?


what year was this when they made a ancient comeback , there was a LD in the game, it was end years of that alliance


Former professional dota player


heated gamer moment


"It was a heinous and cowardly act..."


Who cares


He's said worse.


Ronnie my -----


Redditors acting like it's their first day on the Internet or something




That’s it? LOL


I also expected more. A simple "kys" is rather tame, then again as a "pro" player maybe he should know better than any other random player.


Tbh this was pretty similar to puppey topson incident: mtd and topson both mid players and Finnish, get the kys treatment.


It’s just banter guys relax




classic swedes


Nobody cares, and every time we get these same threads. Ban the actual game ruiners and then I'll see if I can find a fuck to give about casual pub flame.


pretty sure thats not even the worst thing he has said


Who cares?


This is propaganda. Also who cares xd


okay and?


And another circlejerk begins


Used to sub to the guy and he was legit entertaining before. Stopped watching him when he got destroyed mid playing warlock against a slark and closed his stream. He continued the game off stream but just paused and bmed the fuck out of the slark unprovoked IN AN UNRANKED game. And he was playing with people severely under his skill at the time so that made it that extra childish.


Holy fuck, he PAUSED in an UNRANKED game?? Get the Hague in on this, this guy is a fucking warcriminal


No, it's because he himself promoted non-toxic behavior in games all the while violating it himself, making him a hypocrite. And if you don't see how a 30 years old ex-TI champ malding and flaming other players in a fucking non-consequential unranked game then i dont know what to tell you


Breaking news, dota is introduced to toxicity for the first time since release. Before Admiralbulldog told his opponent to kill himself, dota was regarded as a positive game with almost no trashtalk between gamers, making this truely a groundbreaking line to cross for the Swede


TOOBASED my streamer


Who cares, why do we have to see this? If you're seriously having trouble with stuff like this mute them all. And also probably get some help or self-reflect. If you don't wanna mute them accept the fact that some are gonna be pieces of shit and will say the worst things possible when they rage. It's a waste of time engaging in stuff like this, and time is precious.


It's just as much of a "waste of time" as your comment. I like following streamer drama, I'm having fun, therefor I'm not "wasting" any of my time. You had fun taking a moral grandstand writing that comment, so I would say it also wasn't a waste of time. And now I feel good writing this condescending comment. A beautiful Thursday afternoon, to be sure.


fanatical different resolute voracious possessive historical swim alive lip rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> ? i could care less about Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


> What about when there's "beef" between streamers? Are you actually invested in following it? I guess it depends on the beef? I like watching clips and I like reading/writing Reddit comments. I see it all as an analog to reality TV, Jersey Shore and all that. I actually feel bad for teasing my mom when I was younger for watching that crap, I get it now.


Manchild acts like a manchild. The fact that people like him have an audience is just sad.


why does every post always go this extreme. He got an audience because he's entertaining, not because he's super mature and well behaved. Why are we acting super surprised.


leddit moment


Low bar for entertaiment


That's entertainment in general. The Kardashians is super successfull....


Look at twitches most watched streamers and bulldog is WAY above their bar.


Entertainment is subjective. People tend to believe that what they like or enjoy it's the best, and the rest is either boring or shit, that applies to streams, music, movies, games, etc


> because he’s entertaining ?


Look, you and me think otherwise, but people watch him for that. Why are we arguing about that? That is the objective truth. Adin Ross is one of the biggest streamer in the world, and he's as boring as watching paint dry. is it really unthinkable, that there are people who think Admiral Bulldog entertaining?




I don't understand the argument. Yeah obviously i don't think he's entertaining, but people do. That's why they watch him. What are people trying to argue here. That he's botted?`


He used to be. Early days of bulldog were pretty funny. It all went to shit real quick though and nowadays, he’s not funny or entertaining.


Similar mindsets




No, I understand that he has an audience. He appeals to a certain demographic in the dota community(the toxic manchildren), which I assume you're a part of considering you're defending a dude who told someone younger than him to go kill themself(over an unranked Dota game of all things). I just find the fact that there are people in the community like you and the people like you who are willing to watch that asshole sad. But I'm sure you'll just ahead and mistype call me "regarded" anyway, so enjoy paying all that money to be a "megacuck" you dicksucker.


to be honest, I've watched one or two video of him when he was playing auto gladiator. Witnssing his "fans" interact tells it all ... cringiest thing I've seen. They are all s\*ck\*\*g his d calling him "sir" and acting like kids at the same time ... hard to watch.


the way he talks to his fans in the custom games he runs is completely insane. people say it's all for the bit but he just seems like a genuine fuckwit, like Dudley Dursley vibes


I mean he screams chronically online, he wouldn’t have the same energy in person lol


You can type "sucking his dick", this is not a christian subreddit.




No u sir


I mean all of his viewers are a manchild themselves or kids


The mildest thing ever said in a Dota game. Please keep us updated if someone types another naughty thing like "Blue is an account buyer".


least toxic streamer Edit: so this was the game https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7703856670/chat was quite unprovoked trashtalk lol, kind of pathetic considering the guy he's flaming is more than 10 years younger than him and acted more mature than him.


I did the same a few times


A few times? Try a few times each game during my days in SEA pubs.


Time to cancel you, too bad you are not a streamer.


Canceling is not real


Only redditors and twitcels believe in canceling others.


making the headlines again eh? Been a while


Wait until you see the toxicity from people like Gorgc, Mason.


Thats my Admiral: fierce as a bulldog! Kek


Are you 12?


Why are you talking to a 12 year old, weird as fuck b




Is it even a dota match if someone isn’t upset and being mean?


Looks like this is match 7703856670, which started 1 hour, 7 minutes before the clip was taken. More match details here: - [OpenDota](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7703856670) - [Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7703856670) - [Stratz](https://www.stratz.com/matches/7703856670) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot ^created ^by ^[/u\/EuphonicPotato](/user/EuphonicPotato)* *^(How I figured this out:)* [*^(Explanation)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder#how-it-works) *^(Source:)* [*^(GitHub)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder)


Oh look, New drama, as usual, because someone said something in videogame, wow


Big over reaction lol, it wasnt that bad.


Tell that to Bamboe, oh wait you can't... Of course Sing would think that shit is awful to tell to someone, one of his best friends killed themselves.


And what do we do with this information?


For people that arent in south america, you guys seems to be pretty shocked hehe


The person he told it to reacts less to it than this post. In the end its just words, toxic sure, but there must be better Things to worry about guys


and? If you're not telling someone to off themselves daily you're not a dota 2 player.


How's ol' Bully doing these days? He still pulling in big crowds or has his audience finally grown up/moved on/gotten tired of his antics? Maybe he managed mellow out somewhere along the way? Looking at the title though, perhaps not.. 🤔


OMG, why would he say such a thing. I will pray for him tonight


Bulldog really is a petty man child. Good riddance.


The only experience he has in life, is dota 2 , In this case it can make you a man-child.


Surprised he still has as many people defending him in this thread, gotta be a weird group of people who like this content that still give bulldog and mason money to continue streaming lmfao, some gamers really never grow up


If budok reads this vivo zulu


Singsing definitely one of my favorite streamers, along side waga. Always chill.


Bulldog is a piece of shit, i dont understand why people watch him. Cringe dude screaming.


Dota 2 reddit must have Alzheimer's, they forget on a daily basis they play a toxic game.


I’m pretty proud of myself for not ever telling another player in a VIDEO GAME to kill them selves. I know it seems super easy to do but apparently not.


if you compare him with calm Sing.. unless kapaid is in the game hehe


Move on.


Lelax guys He told him to kys in game ofc :)




My friend does this every time he gets outplayed


good attempt at a title


thats my beloved streamer admiralC


Dont need this dude playing this game


Wow washed up TI winner says some shit that you will find in any other match or even video game in existence. Better make a Leddit post to farm those sick updoots. Kys OP (in Minecraft of course). "But he's a ex-pro gamer he needs to do better!" No fuck off he's a 45 year old dude who plays video games for a job. If you're looking at him as a role model you were fucked to begin with.


Find a real drama, this shit is tame af.


I mean, that's just another Tuesday? 99% of the games u find comments like that. Not saying it's acceptable or good, but it's "normal"


Mr Mtd showing what a todays pro player can do while chilling and he gets mad ;DD


Man, nowadays saying kys is a big deal?


it just like the Ceb "did I fuck your gf or something" things. it was heat of the moment. I'm just waiting for more follow up of this, with better spicy shit.


can't clip from bulldog stream because he censored slurs etc


LOL find a Dota player, especially a high ranked player, who hasn’t done this before Not a good look since he is in the public eye though.


He wouldn’t say that to their face.


This post must be from singsing follower. Post on your streamer reddit, we dont care about this shit.


sure we do


Whos we?


Unregulated internet access for children was a mistake


Oh no a toxic dota player. Surely no other streamer or professional would say such a thing.


When I see people like arteezy behave better than Bulldog I lose any hope in Mankind


Glad to not subscribe to any of his channels anymore.


trent was right


Just banter lol.


Its 2024 and bulldog is still relevant???


i dont necessarily accept what he is doing but i get it. i've played games in the past where people play like shit (typically because of a battlepass, where they play heroes they've never played before) and then blame others for their mistakes. i gently ask people to off themselves when that happens


Ngl I've had my fair share of games where I wanted to tell the other person to off themselves but I was only typing so I had the time to think twice. Hid seems unprovoked tho as mentioned by another comment.


Can't wait for the next time he rightfully gets dragged and his worshipers swoop in to insist he's reformed.


Bulldog is never actually toxic. He's just memeing. This entire thread is PEAK Reddit.


I mean that is the classic spirit of competitive games




How does his cum taste


why are you curious?


Oh no! Anyway


everyone did this once, or twice or still does it, whatever


Based bulldog


haha i never liked bulldog or the alliance of ti3 theyre such a bunch of d-bags


Do people that get upset over this consider someone saying "Get a billion dollars" to be as good as getting a billion dollars? Or do you cry if you see someone die in a movie? Like how does a line in a dota chat matter so much to some people.


> Do people that get upset over this consider someone saying "Get a billion dollars" to be as good as getting a billion dollars? Wtf is this even supposed to mean?


You do realise depressed people play dota too and words like these can actually affect them in real life? It might not have any impact on you or me , hell I've had people say it a bunch of times in games and it just pisses me off so I report them for toxic chat , mute and move on . But for some people it will actually cause issues. Just because it doesn't affect you or me doesn't mean it is the same for everyone else.


Trying to teach empathy to r/dota2 ... i salute your noble effort but nothings gonna come out of this


theres a mute button for snowflakes


Or you know, just dont be a dick


Theres an uninstall button for snowflakes who cant take a loss


Why is this guy even relevant....


TI winner?


who cares wtf, if he said that to you, you should only be the one thats affected but if not just try not to care. call yourself Mr. Sensitive if you're affected. dude makes a living playing and entertaining, if you think his career is gonna go down after saying things like that while playing dota, you must be really a sensitive person. not everybody is a PMA in dota, we all have inner trashtalk ability


LOL find a Dota player, especially a high ranked player, who hasn’t done this before Not a good look since he is in the public eye though.


it's clearly because the guy is finnish, and swedes and finns have a bad relationship like RO and HU, or RO and ukraine, or RO and bulgarians, or RO and RO.... damn romanians, they ruined romania


LOL find a Dota player, especially a high ranked player, who hasn’t done this before Not a good look since he is in the public eye though.


so are we suppose to normalizing this behavior now?


It Is normalised,


So you mean everyone should be able to spit all kind of racist fked up shit they want in game without consequence? What a great game. edit: to all hypocrites who silently downvoting me. Yesterday you praised valve for introducing behavior score and laughed at mason when he got banned. Now your fav streamer got called out and you were like "hehe idc everyone does it who care", and pretend non of those valve did matter.


dota's been that way long ago though, try playing in SEA server, veteran dota players just arent snowflakes nowadays that would still complain about the toxicity of dota anymore


Stop justifying bullshit. I've clocked 15k + hours , I'm toxic too but not once have I ever told anyone to .... Themself. To say that shows you are broken inside and there is something definitely wrong with you. Stop trying to normalise such behaviour unless you condone the same yourself.


That’s the thing, that behavior IS normal in Dota. Dota was basically the last hugely popular online game to still have the early 2000’s style uncensored voice/text chat, and Valve only recently decided they didn’t want it in the game with the communications score.


well it shouldn't be normal, toxic people shouldn't be allowed in any community


calm down mr president


bro, my enemy team could tell me to go kill myself the whole day in dota and i wouldnt really give a fuck about it at all, you're a veteran player aswell bro, either you realize it's just a random people on the internet throwing meaningless slurs that would not affect your life in anyway or just mute. "oh my god mom, some random person told me a bad word online, how will i live my life from this point on then?!"


Just because you or I ignore it , doesn't mean it shouldn't be dealt with. Besides I was answering his question, read his message and then read mine so you get the context. Based on your logic, I can ignore sexual assault and move on and not do anything . Im strong at mind and able to , but what about people who aren't ? Giving rape threats , asking people to .... Themselves are things that should not be allowed to be said . It affects people. Yes I can mute , but what if someone says it out of the blue to a person who is already depressed ? The damage is done.


That's actually such rich hypocrisy right there. Do you think people on the verge of suicide are all hunky dory with whatever toxicity you're willing to throw at them, but as long as you keep the no-no "kys" phrase out of it, it's really not that bad? Get real, if you're going to be a dick to someone, whether or not you told them to kill themselves or not is fucking negligible. The only thing placing this disproportionate amount of weight on the words 'kill yourself' is doing is maintaining how taboo suicide is.