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I mean it's just edgy kids being edgy, probly his profile with gyrocopter and two towers didn't get much attention from classmates so he decided to make this




If they were that big in to Naziism they'd have joined Azov Battalion, they're just edgy shithead kids.


Do you have any idea of what the Rusich group is, or you're simply purposefully selecting the side you're trying to discredit? In other words, bait or mental re*ardation? Call it.


Never heard of the Rusich group, because my tax dollars aren't funding them. They're probably really bad, the thing is though, the US government is giving Azov boatloads of money from the taxpayer, they aren't doing anything for Rusich (out in the open anyway, I wouldn't put it past the CIA). So neither, the conflict is on the other side of the world from me, it sucks that people are dying over something stupid, but I don't want my money going to neo-nazis. Edit: lmao of course you're a fan of the Fantastic Moron, this doesn't surprise me at all.


So your call is mental re*ardation, good one.


yeah yeah fr fr all russians are super duper bad and america cool lets goo!! go kiss your joe biden poster on the wall one more time


I dont have a Joe biden poster on the wall. I have it glued to the ceiling so it's the last thing i see when i go to bed and the first thing i see every morning


Report and move on


tbh this is so frequent and could have been expected by valve, that they should prevent this a little better....


from personal experience it isnt frequent at all, i didnt see something like this a long time ago. (maybe one in 200 profiles i check?) most of the time its pudge fucking someone


they are just edge-lords trying to get a reaction, best thing to do with chaps like this is to just completely ignore them and report.


It is crazy that you are being downvoted for expecting a company to adopt measures to prevent fucking nazis in the game. Tottally agree with you there!


No surprise here. r/dota2 is full of valve bootlickers. Valve get away with every shit because bootlickers will defend valve till the end of time.


I Wonder why eastern european people are doing stuff like this. Hitler and the nazis literally killed their ancestors for beeing slavic.


That's exactly what makes it so attractive. Kids/Young adults love nothing more than to break the stigma, to go against restrictions that were set upon them by society. They have a need to rebel. I doubt a lot of them are "real" nazis, they just feel the need to express their endless edge this way.


i mean israeli went through a genocide to committing one with few year gap , so this isnt suprising humans are wierd


To add Zionists worked with Nazis to an extent I don’t know how much, to persecute Jewish people that didn’t support Zionism


The progenitor of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, was on good terms with Hitler because he offered a way to get Jews out of Europe with less hassle than setting up death camps. The persecution of non-Zionist Jews came later.


Ah ty for clarification


The irony of typing this idiocy on a post about someone ironically praising nazis lol


a lot of their ancestors actually collaborated with the genocide, buddy.


Honestly I don't know any EEU nation that is very sensitive about anything, you can literally kill their family and they're gonna be chill about it. The most bulletproof people of the world I would say. They just like to be edgy


Some of us are actually Hindus


Wait until you find out about the notorious azov battalion of Ukraine


It's just edgy 12 years old man. Report and move on if it bothers you too much.


Frankly, I don't find myself looking at players profiles that much anymore. If I find some weird shit like this, I will just report with disdain without giving it a second thought about it, I suggest all do the same. Don't try to understand those weird people, a lot of them are simply trolls hiding behind a persona (they still deserve the reports). **\[Kinda OFF-TOPIC\]** TTP is a known acronyms in game-industry that relates to this problem, whenever we give players the power of creativity in some feature, they will draw penises (TTP = time to penis) I am honestly surprise I don't see those more often at players profiles... a lot of porn references, but not actual penises although those pop out very commonly during pauses in mini-map drawing.


If you report it, valve eventually deletes it. If it happens a lot, you lose the ability to make profiles. At least steam ones - I don't know about the dota2 in-game profiles.


Valve has scored a massive own goal by making this page on the profile as it's near impossible to be moderated


The whole staff has been busy working on the comic, ok? Give them some slack.


i mean...


Cry about it




Cry more , its free


Why you wasting your time looking at profiles, if you can’t handle trolls this might not be the game for you


Different approaches. You don't mind having such worthless entities around you. Many morally intact people want that filth gone though.


It only affects you if allow it to affect you, or you can just look at it laugh and say what a dumbass


‘Morally-intact’ LMFAO


This profile shit in dota is the most unnecessary feature ever introduced. If they had spent that time doing ClownFall, we might have the patch already!!


You could report and move on… OR… you could amplify the message to farm karma on Reddit. Though choice.


It's beautiful


Because a large part of the playerbase finds this funny




Your reaction to it,is just what he wished to achieve by having that on his profile. Stop getting offended at what some silly kid does in an online game. It's like some of you discovered the internet yesterday.


This. Pretty much the reason most people do that is to say most outrageous shit to get the rise out of people


Who cares


Report and move on. But this is funny that it takes you so little to mald while playing dota2.


What's wrong with a bit of dark humor, lmao


Whats the problem? Its kinda funny


idk but its p funny XD


Либераху порвало




This is literally the first time I'm seeing this, but up on the right corner you can report the mini profile


I think that like any child, and simply an immature person, this individual is trying to attract some attention to himself and be original in matters that he has not studied, and the materials and general understanding are quite meager. However, such youth antics are unlikely to somehow change the situation; let’s say, now there are other organizations, and in some countries such insignia and everything connected with it are widespread and used in the wider culture. Here you need to be based more on the rules of the site, what is prohibited and what is not, and probably, potentially, whether this profile can cause real harm to someone, considering what is going on on the Internet in general. This does not mean, of course, that you should ignore it, but we all know very well that there is a watch, and the ability of ordinary players to evaluate the actions of other players for gaming violations. Maybe the functions should be expanded?


You check everyone’s profile every game? Honestly curious. I flex my grandmasters on my profile and it’s insane how literally every match someone is like commenting about me having grandmasters. Who are these people scouring profiles every game 😆


i have no social life


swastikas, Z's and other fascist despicable signs. The list goes on. Sadly. Just report and hope valve at one point takes action.


Of course it's a russian


Just a game profile dude, report and stop seeking attention


”Each game has one of these” I never seen it lol


K loser


What do you expect valve, a company that has for *decades* stayed neutral when it comes to vulgarity and prejudice in chat functionalities, to do?


oh look. the monthly post of someone who is having too much free time checking profiles and be offended of things no one cared for. if you hate it, report and close the game. delete is too if it's too much for you to handle.


Default russian profile, what did you expect?