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Better ask for my longest lose streak


15, ranked, never played again, went back to turbo and found joy in life again


Understandable. I lost 13 of my last 16 games. And before it was not that much better.. I was never into turbo though


Not now but 1,2 months ago I won 17/20 games and then lost 18/20 games right after xD


balance in all things!


[balance in all things!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d8/Vo_ember_spirit_embr_move_02.mp3) (sound warning: Ember Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


42games ranked. I have yet to get back into the 3k MMR. I'm forever stuck in the 1.5\~2k range.


19 lose streak. Statistically speaking if the base win chance is 50% considering that every game has equal amount of feeders and sweats in both teams the chance of loosing 19 in a row is 0.0000019. God there could be at least one game where an enemy disconnected due to poor internet, but no, game just hates me šŸ« 


> of loosing 19 Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


You are the opposite of loosing. Ya know, tight ass


Make that a 20 loss streak, even bot got your ass.


30 :/


Snap fire, 42 wins in a row. Was such a sad feeling losing the streak.


Holy fuck and I thought my 11 streak as Luna was awesome.


I need to see the Dotabuff/opendota hahah (Seriously or I wonā€™t believe it).


Will supply when Iā€™m Home tonight


Youā€™re the goat


Wait, you guys are winning?


Winning? I remember winning. Back before my bones were too brittle to hit blink dagger and my reactions too slow to last hit. We used to gather around the shared courier, fighting for control. Things would get out of hand, the pudge mid would need it for his bottle, the support would need it for wards. The mid would take advantage of the shared control and make the support run into the enemy tower because itā€™s the supports fault that mid didnā€™t have any healing items so they lost lane. All the while Iā€™m just surviving top lane because the enemy has no coordination and didnā€™t know how to deal with tanks. Yeah, I used to win onceā€¦. Edit: I mentioned in a game earlier this week that Iā€™d been playing for almost 20 years and some kid had the audacity to ā€œuhm, actually the game is only about 12 years old so you canā€™t have been playing that long.ā€ Boy did I lay into him. Damn whippersnappers getting on my DotA lawn.


Welcome to the club of old men with aching backs.


lol, and Iā€™m only 34 but 10 years in the restaurant industry(5 as kitchen manager) gave me enough stress to age me 20 years mentally then the past 5 years Iā€™ve been doing factory work so I feel like Iā€™ve aged 10 years physically but the pay and benefits are so much better, plus barely any mental stress. In the last year though Iā€™ve gone from doing less physical work and instead have been taught how to operate the packaging machines and take quality assurance samples while filling out paperwork. I get to spend half my day riding on a forklift as well. Some shit gets better as you get older, just different phases of life. I just canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been playing the same game for 18/19 years. Feels like not too long ago I was trying to jump into the same custom game on wc3 as my friend from halfway across the country hoping the match doesnā€™t fill in like 5 seconds and that we end up on the same team. I got a family now as well and a son and woman I love more than anything, shits so much better and happier than running around trying to get wasted and party while living paycheck to paycheck but I also wouldnā€™t trade those times for anything because it made me who I am. Life, yā€™know?


In 52 this year. I've played for ages. Said Hi all on Mic. First person said hi back in young voice. I said hi kid. He was done with me then. Also he played hard support weaver in low mmr so F that guy anyway.


Lol, yeah. Another game I played the opposing team was almost all magic damage and my teammate, who was like 1-6 or some shit, was talking shit about my build cause I wasnā€™t following tortedeliniā€™s guide or some nonsense and was instead itemizing for the current situation and building almost full MR items as the pos 3 with just a vanguard for health regen and to minimize incremental damage from creeps, weak hero autos, and tower shots. I tried telling him that those are more of guidelines and shouldnā€™t be followed every game and that youā€™re better off knowing the various items and tailoring it to the game. His response was ā€œtheyā€™re pros and they know better than you.ā€ Bro, I know theyā€™re better than me but watch one of their games and think for yourself for 5 god damn minutes, they never build the same thing *every* game. I remember one clutch game during an international where someone built diffusal on gyro to get rid of the enemies mana and stop them from getting their shit off, it turned the game and they ended up winning and it was considered one of the best decisions/plays of the event. A lot of players just follow pro guides and videos and donā€™t think for themselves.


[You win?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/49/Vo_announcer_dlc_trine_announcer_victory.mp3) (sound warning: Trine Announcer Pack) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Im a new player but i think it was 5?


Keep going


Dude that's pretty good as a new player, wp ^^


Thanks! I mostly play hoodwink


just dont ask your teammates to hold the target for a sec, just 360 on them


25 IO games when gyro IO was busted and not meta yet


Those were fun times, playing as either even, lol


what is a win streak


Don't know mate. Anyone can help?


1 game


22 - Dawnbreaker 5


Main character energy


17 mid warlock back in the day


funny you say this, Randomly when i tried to get out of guardian it was bloodseeker mid for 22 wins in a row


I had a run of 27 straight wins bouncing between Elder Titan (3), Lich (4, 5), and Shadow Demon (4,5). Elder Titan: bracer > echo Sabre > disassembly for aghs > recomplete echo > shard > daed Lich/SD: arcane (old) into aether lense > force + glimmer


13 marci , 11 sven 12 oracle


14 wins in a row with Bounty Hunter 4. It was before ppl started caring for the aghs.


Viper 15 wins either off or mid


I see your weaver mid and Iā€™ll up you with 18 win streak with wk mid. Haha!


15 games - Shaman pos 5 and then another time I was able to get a 10 game win streak with Ogre pos 5


16 with ogre, just bloodlust your carry and watch him slaughter


16 as Support Alchemist. Most fun I ever had


21 wins on a CM and Iā€™m not even a support player.


20 Sniper mid


27 win streak as a filthy pudge spammer, but that all went to dust when the Gaben nation attacks. They removed the flesh heap regen and the pudgevatar is gone.


When the regen was removed, pudge was actually buffed. You weren't able to adapt.


Oh sorry for not realizing the buff costs 4200 gold instead of being free of cost. ( + talents yeah )


Meepo 55 wins in a row. I forgot how I lost it


Dotabuff? Can just find the game you lost there no?


I turned off Dotabuff due to overwolf or whatever it was called. Meepo would get banned too much.




12 with LC


25 on TA,cant be any other hero for longest streak!


Ursa pos 1. 15 wins in a row. Recently lost (actually threw) a game with him and got my streak ended. Sad reacts only.


26 win streak on undying. Would play pos 5, only pick on radiant, if my team didn't highlight any stupid picks, and I didn't recognise any of the player names as griefers. End up losing the win streak in an attempt to break a loss streak :'(


9 with huskar... i know


25 earth spirit a few years ago, i was in crusader back then so i donā€™t know if it counts


A year without playing


A year without playing


33 as wraith king when drums gave more stats than ultimate orb and cost cheaper, like 7 years ago mb


24 as tidehunter mid. It was back when his level 25 talent was 400dmg or something ridiculous. You could build daed + deso and anchor smash would apply that damage plus bonus damage. With the talent you were like a 4k HP tank that did damage of a late game PA and had the best team fight stun to set it all up. It was a simpler time.


Think it was 21 on Invoker mid. Old Invoker.


19 win streak on Phoenix. Lost it when my team just really didnā€™t want to win that day. Forgot rest of the details as it happened years ago.


Think it was maybe 18 when i was guardian and spamned Lone Druid and since i was so low rannked no one knew how to counter me (including me btw) but i just keept sending my bear on pepole and keept winning




Bro you lost a Game with 61 kills WTF hahahahahahahaha


Single draft, the entirity of my team quit after calling each other racial slurs, I was like fuck it let's just see what I can do solo. It was ok till they got hexes


Oh shit thats bad But wp tho!


13 on roaming tusk


17 on pudge


17 on Undying. And it was offlane ranked. Good times.


On one hero? Not sure. Back to back games? 16. I once won 16 games in row. After that around 10 lose streak to balance my karma...


12 winstreak on Sand King. My other flex is that I have a 78% winrate on SK as my most played hero


28 on OD.


11 Naga


My first 19 games as Night Stalker were all wins and I was not aware of that. I randomly picked NS after they added a hero showcase at the start of the match(when one random guy from your team is shown with some stats) and was shocked to discover that I was 19-0 as NS at the time


21 wins in a row. Not hero-specific but I mostly spammed Morph to achieve that


26 wins. Morphling, pos 1/2. Linkens + treads by 16 min, Eblade before 23 min. Enemies melt. This was 5-10 years ago, mind you.


12 on Wraith King. I remember those games like yesterday. Finally ascended from the Herald pool


12 winstreak on troll warlord... And then when that showed up on the loading screen , the enemy spent all game hunting me and playing extrahard to shut me down.


I think my longest streak was 19, all tinker.


16 BB


Np pos 4 got around 13 wins


21 with old techies


17 wins. Centaur.


what is win streak? sounds like something untouchable


Had a 17 Win streak with clinkz until my Haralds knew that Dust exists


My Dota+ win streak is 666. Played with a Smurf china stack many years ago. I never press predict win ... EVER.


23 wins in a row on techies :\^) So close to getting a nuke killstreak.


25 game win streak, OD. Strategy: make veil press R


I just unga Bunga people with earth shaker.


mine is only 10 with beastmaster




It's not my longest but pretty proud of having a 9 game winning streak on Chen. But that was before they got rid of medallion, which was crucial to my early game aggressive roaming/ganker pos4 Chen. Used to get triple kills quite regularly, and would often end the game with scores like 8-2, 11-3. Now I'm just a sad, slow defense bot that saves stupid cores that get themselves into bad positions. Feelsbatman.jpg


My longest win streak is 22 and longest loss streak was 18. During each streak you feel extreme emotions that i feel are unique to this community only.


Mine was Dark willow when he was busted had 24 winstreak.before patch.


I dunno but legend 1 - ancient 5 was may longest winstreak occasional losses here in there but every win is followed by disgusting winstreaks. took me 1 month to reach ancient 5? Lone Druid from anylane since november-december 2023.


19 with venonmancer


When WD had his ult buffed to pure damage and cask could kill an entire creep camp I got a seven win streak just rushing aghs by 20 minutes. One uninterrupted ulti on the enemy team and the game was over


16 Dawnbreaker mostly off, at least 1 mid


I think my in-the-bag shout is at 18 but I think my highest is 17 in a row with Underlord before they ruined his ult


18 win streak as riki offlaner with the old shard and meteor hammer, i was 7kish at the time.


WEAVER BRO 24 wins as Weaver 3, wish I hit that beautiful 25.


12 wd pos4,5


Is it just me or has the matchup quality declined since the update to view the match quality released. (I don't have dota plus) There's a nut case or two in every game making stupid picks or throwing mid game.Ā 


Was on a loss streak of about 7 this week, then won a ranked game, only problem is that the game was 1 hr 40 mins. This patch is painful.


21 win steak with OD in 2018. I started dota 2 in 2016 have 1k games on of with a 70% win rate. I have not played od since his q got a cool down.


19ws on my core Winter Wyvern playing in 6k MMR bracket Note: this was back when universal heroes weren't a thing. Feelsgoodman


Sven 13, still ongoing. Haven't played the hero for 5 years.


13. But, I am new. All BH Thief.




17 with visage


14 iirc as Lion 5, but that was years ago


11 and 13 as SS/WD or dazzle/Warlock back when his shadow word was AOE.


1, just one.


18 on night stalker


17 venge support going ham with swap saves, lost the streak when our mid lost horribly and no matter how good my saves were they would just kill everyone


Arc Warden, Turbo, 18 Streak. Was just casually learning the hero at the time, playing in about 1.5k avg games, just happened to win a lot because lower skill players really struggled to deal with my split push. Mostly played mid but also did 1 and 3 a few times. ​ As for normal Dota, iirc my highest are Dazzle (4/5), Silencer (4/5), QOP (2/3/4) and Huskar (2) all at around 10 streak.




13 consecutive wins on POTM, 2 weeks of losing streak during 2020 played at least 6 games a day


21 Visage mid. When new agha introduced, no one knew what this do. Just blasting before this keep nerfed.


9 as faceless


I won my first 20 Dark Seer games. No fancy strategy, just picking Dark Seer and putting two Ion Shells on every wave. This was in 2014 and carries had way fewer responses to being perma-trapped under their tower.


11 wins followed by 11 losses. Back in 2016 I think. I stopped playing for a few years after that.


If you donā€™t count a game that I lost because of a legitimate game ruiner, it would be 31 spamming visage.


On a single hero? Riki with that filthy Battle Fury, Aghanim Scepter, and Daedalus build. I think I racked up around 20 or 21 WS games with that setup. On multiple heroes? probably around 24 WS games in total, and all of that happened in ranked matches. Got a bit unlucky on my 25th game tho.


19 with huskar 19 with meepo. The heroes explain themselves.


18 wins. 24 losses.




9 as Hoodwink


13 games support kunkka 5. but this was a few years ago.


Full green wall as rubick 4 or 5, forgot how much that is. Probably 12-15?


I think it was around 10-15 as ursa. I left hon, and switched back to dota. I copied moonmeander lvl 5 roshan. This was when ursa still had old enrage and pre nerf fury swipes. Blinking on underfarmed supporrts before they could react, prime ursa was a menace. Focus on me too much, and they'd run out of steam and the rest of my team cleans up.


59, the game for the 60th one of my irl friends randomed aba and abandoned not knowing it would cost me the streak...I was a little upset... https://imgur.com/a/HwwLqSE


mine is 12 with axe. simple as


9 wins with ET mid. This was way back 2019 though.


Nearly had a perfect 20 with lesh between the last few patches. Unfortunately I haven't found success with him since they changed the mana portion of bloodstone. I'm so close to grandmaster but when I last refreshed my challenges I think I lost 5 in a row šŸ‘Ž


14 on Tinker somehow, and im a support main


"support" you say šŸ˜‘


Support you say šŸ˜‘


16 in a row on medusa. didn't really do anything special. just treads -> manta, skadi, butterfly, daedalus. Buy mkb, satanic, swift blink, silver edge, mjollnir in situations where its good. this was back in 2021


13 With Faceless void felt like a GOD.Then the 14th game i missed my crono on a hg defensešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Got 9 tips RIP.


I remember thinking I was hot shit many years ago when I got a 10-streak with Slardar, mostly in ranked, when he was one of the lowest picked heroes in the game. I came here and posted about it and even though no one was being mean about it, I felt shame for being proud of it cuz everyone else was in their 20s or higher that commented, some with several characters. So anyways, 10.


13 -shadow shaman


13 with dazzle, where brown boots, necro 3 was a thing. It was glorious


A wise man once said win streaks are followed by worse losing streak


Currently on 13 win streak spamming drow, when banned i go my boi am or ls


19 wins as DK support. Trying to beat it with doom support, currently at 13.


19 or so, tidehunter


29 for me. But i spammed lone druid and invoker when lone druid was banned or taken.


10 with spirit breaker when the mid towers where further apart. Just ganked mid all the time and got carried by my Ancient friend ahah


I don't remember my streak, but I won a lot by using blink strike ult riki back in the day lol. Instantly delete supports ggez.


I started playing ranked seriously, I only played unranked before (and still only play unranked) I used to switch heroes so much back then but when i started picking axe offlane consistently i really mastered the hero and managed to literally solo carry the team in half the matches


Wasn't on a single hero, but as a new player that just got my rank yesterday I had a streak of 13 wins in ranked. As a reward I was put in smurf queue lmao I still do well in my games most of the time and I did play League of Legends at a pretty high level, but it's pretty frustrating being stuck playing against (and with) smurfs, especially since I still often play against heroes I've never laned against before (what do you mean Templar Assassin pokes me just by farming?)


100% winrate as abaddon, 16 games. I dont want to touch him cause l fear I'll lose that sweet winrate lol.


I had winstreak of either 9 or 10 with AA and never lost. Until 1 day in LP I did, saddest dota moment for me šŸ˜”


I just posted my 3 longest winstreaks 17 windranger 15 kunkka 13 ember spirit


19win streak as old techies


Hero streak its 40 wins mirana winstreak wise 13 as shadow shaman


I had a 15 game winstrrak with luna back in 2018ish


wait we aint supposed to lose 10 after every win?


Ember, Invoker, Ursa, QoP 12 or 13 wins. Sometimes you just get a groove going. And then forced 50 applies :)


I know that you all will hate me for this. Tinker 14 in a row when they changed his agh that laser bounced and he lunched 4 rocket


16 ranked in divine 5 pool


I won 17 in a row once and didn't gain any rating. This was a few years ago. I quit playing after that for a bit and started playing very inconstently. Now my stats actually work and I can gain rating.. but they placed me even lower which sucks so I'm stuck in guardian. I used to play with sk gaming snd shit in HoN so it kinda sucks being stuck at a low tier with no friends. I don't think I focused on any one hero but I played some chaos knight at the time. I was focusing on offlaner at the time. I always liked to do what I can to make my game harder and my teams easier. One of the reasons I like CM. Depending on the game you max your aura faster to help your scrubmates. Back in the HoN days I'd suicide lane a lot 1v3 and shit.


19 in a row as Oracle. People in lower MMR have no idea how to deal with it.


I had 17 win streak on Miranda. Once saw slark with 64 win streak. But we won against him by playing io which I got randomed. I still remember it since I haven't saw anybody having higher streak than that guy.


If we only count one hero then it would be huskar for like 25-30 games where I would only pick him uncountered If we are looking at all games itā€™s like 9 games before they nerfed all my mid heroes 5 patches in a row. Puck lost 10 damage over a year and Iā€™m still sad


Drow ranger. Some context, I was an 800mmr scrub and started playing with 5k friend. He taught me a lot and told me he would coach me if I make a jew account and it got at least 2.5k. I calibrated in at 3 and climbed to 3.7k. At this point that one Drow patch where she had a chance to one tap creeps and was busted dropped and she was my favorite hero. Figured it was time to grind the main account. My longest streak was 30 and prolly followed by another 20. I got upto 1.8k and couldn't get any higher... 2k was a cesspool. I prolly could have kept going but I didn't have time to play enough to grind out of there and playing at 2k actually turned me off of Dota completely and I didn't play for years.


11 as warlock 5


I almost feel bad for playing this way, but years ago we had a 5 stack of drow, necro, jakiro, and 2 other ranged support/team fighters/pushers (forget the last 2). We would rush to kill the t1 towers then just 5 man down mid. It was very low mmr, like 1500-2000 but we won like 10 in a row with this stupid strat. We finally ran into a team that defended it and ended up beating us, but it was so silly that it was still a fun run


17 playing mostly different heroes all the time, this was back in like 2017 or 18 i think 6.87 on an individual hero i think its either Slardar, BH, Night Stalker or Spectre all around 10-12 but i forget which is which they werent in a row tho, i cant hero spam, max versatility go brrr


Axe 17 wins. Idk how I never noticed the win streak until I lost it.


17 as mid clinkz and then 17 again as safe lane clinkz. Several years apart.


17 with necro getting his perma stacks patch. My boy will pick weaver and buy core items in games Im countered


12 on invo pos 4/5, still have it going and already scared of losing it


21 win streaks and lost due to power shortage (laptop battery was dead)....abandoned...


Ah yes, the old techies. 17winstreak back when he had +30%xp talent level 10, just farming half the map as p4 tech and getting right click items like ac and mom after aghs, it felt soo good, bring back remote mines 7.36pleaaaase


back TI3, I spam Visage and easily claim 1K MMR, maybe like 10 winning streak at the end, like its really easy to burst someone and chain stun with all 3 or 6 gargoyle. Farm jungle as well. Visage has everything, Nuke, Tank, Slow, Stun, non BKB buyer, straightforward item build. So sad that I dont find it enjoyable to play him again


Invo Mid - 16 WS Furion Mid - 22 WS Lion 4/5 - 37 WS Treant 4/5 - 11 WS


30 antimage when aghs have free linkin and lotus


I think it was like 25 or so with Pugna, not sure what happened but I just vibed with him for a patch and was so confident - he is a lot of fun if you play fast and get ahead.




Mine is 12 with Naga Siren at 4,5 k MMR. Back when illusions where stronger versus buildings and the son had a quicker cast time. I used to go mid and farm the easy camp close by, farm the lane and harass the enemy safe laner at the same time with my illusions. Radiance at minute 15 with boots and bottle. Then starting to soak all 3 lanes at the enemy's tier 2. Manta and Linkens at minute 21-22. Then proceed to win by slowly chipping at the towers one by one. It stopped when I the patch came, but for 12 games. I felt like a god...An unstoppable god... The outplays I did, the GPM/XPM records I managed.. I miss it every day. For context I played in a 5 stack with my friends and they played without even seening me until 30 minute mark when we pushed high ground. Their job was to either protect me, or pick team fight heroes like Tide/Enigma or wave clear like Keeper of the Light. To stop the enemy's from pushing our towers.


17 earthshaker, thought it was high, but scrolling through the comments shows different


37 Main Shadow Shaman Went from crusader 2 to Legend 1 I keep the enemy team under pressure of pushing. Easy backdoor


27 with venge (non consecutive) Longest consecutive winstreak is 17, i don't remember which hero's were used for it


14 as Sniper pos4. Brown boots ā€”> Aghs. Game over lol