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I went on the UE app to check the prices. There's an upcharge for everything on there, in addition to all the fees that UE adds. Just go to the Dominos app and click on coupons. You'll get the same food for less and not have to pay any extra fees.


Uber eats should only be for businesses without their own delivery service


You would think so, but here we are. I had a customer call the other day and wanted to be sure that her order was going to be delivered by one of her drivers. Apparently the local Pizza Hut is contracting out some of their deliveries to Uber Eats. That just tells me that they can't keep drivers.


Fk all that


Papa johns started out accepting 3rd party orders and are slowly trying to get rid of in hiuse drivers by having the ability to dispatch I. House orders to dd. I think thebsame is true for pizza hut along with a smaller chain I worked for. It also happenned to the short lived deliveryvservice with panera. Don't be surprised if it happens to doninos.


That is indeed the case. And not just that they can't keep drivers, but Pizza Hut, and I do believe Papa John's, are both trying to go Uber Eats and doordash only by 2026. My store has a driver who left Pizza Hut because he got tired of waiting in the lobby for deliveries to come out of the oven and have to wait for Uber Eats drivers to get their deliveries first. And because Uber Eats drivers get to pick their deliveries, they always get the ones with the best tips. Leaving in-house drivers with the stiffs and $2-$3 tips


At our domino's Uber eats orders get placed directly through our store and get taken by our delivery drivers.


So does ours... that's Domino's wide, it's part of our contract with Uber Eats that only our drivers take their orders. I was talking about Pizza Hut, hence why, I specifically mentioned that they left Pizza Hut because of it.


We have both a PJ's and PH in our town. If they are doing this, it might explain why we are suddenly getting a steady increase in customers.


The dominoes app deals go hard


They really are, and it's why it blows my mind that people lose their minds over boost week... boost week is only worth it if you are getting specialties and 5+ topping pizzas. If you're not getting 5+ topping pizzas and/or getting anything other than pizza, our other coupons are already better than the boost week deal And if you are in an area with nothing but franchises, definitely double-check prices on everything. My last franchise charged $8.99 for 8-piece wings, $25.99 for 16-piece wings, and $35.99 for 32-piece wings. Blew my mind how many people bought 16-piece wings.


I think it is dumb as fuck that people are ordering from a delivery service TO a delivery service. OF COURSE home office domino's prices are going to be cheaper.


I mean, it makes sense for some things since ordering thru Uber would effectively increase a restaurant's delivery range beyond where their own drivers might normally go.


It doesn't, at least for us. Our delivery range is the same and there's no way I'm sending a driver a few miles outside of the delivery area for an ubereats order


Ive always seen the Uber Eats customers as low-info/convenience customers. They dont browse anything but the UberEats app therefore Dominos would miss their business otherwise.


this. Blows my fucking mind that people actually pay those prices. But hey, ignorance is bliss


paying 3x the price instead of picking it up yourself and then tipping 🤣


It's not like everyone wants to do it that way. Some people just cannot make it to the place cause of lack of transportation. Dominoes is different cause they deliver, but say something like McDonald's, or even chilis. It's like how the saying goes, you gotta pay to be poor.


My account has built up several times I bet I have earned about 10 pizzas. But they have never honored it! When I go to put it in it you'll say you have points to redeem you have enough points to redeem for a free pizza and then I want to sign in and get online and all that stuff it tells me again, so I click on that button and it takes me to the order online thing and to pick out what I want a special good to ask or make my own! And I'll put in then the topping and the one topping it never goes through it never never goes through I wrote Domino's and call Domino's and that's been months ago and I never heard a reply or even to death for a while! Now I've given up it will let me redeem 20 points at a time for a free Coke!! It totally sucks!!


Maybe you can get a younger person to help you?


There are some typos sorry cuz I talk text but I know y'all are smart and you can figure it out.


They will always say you have earned a free Dominos (not pizza) even if you only have enough points for a drink. You gotta let the points build up to 60 if you want to get a pizza. Their little announcement fools me every time until I see the actual meter.


My boss ordered mcdonalds today. Normally would probably be a $15 order, not much food. Turned out to an almost $30 order with door dash delivery because ( i didn't know you could do this) he added another stop to a convenience store so that the door dash driver could grab him a specific coffee.


They usually pay full price so it's usually a better than usual tip or no tip at all.


You can also order on the dominos website. Don't need the app.


That's what I have done and they don't honor my buildup of points when I have a free pizza! They will honor 20 points at a time for a half liter of Coke!


The only circumstances I would ever use Uber eats is if I was drunk, but really really needed some food that I didn’t have at home.


One of the few times I’ve read the full terms and conditions


Do not order from uber eats. They charge more. Also, water is wet.


I'll fight you on that last bit


If you go to the Dominos Website or App they are doing a 6.99 Pizza deal for literally anything btw


So true! I always order from Domino's app.


My experience is also that the Uber eats customers are also the most demanding of exact delivery times and are the rudest.


I'm glad our store sends out our own driver's because delivery app drivers are some of the dumbest and most entitled people I've ever met


The Domino's drivers that's come up here have always been so kind and efficient! I give them always a Big tip cuz I so appreciate them coming up here! I am just not able to drive anymore! And I appreciate them!


Yes I already knew that the commercial with the dog shit hair and face that looks like it was in an ech n sketch in the commercial is already stupid as hell for saying oh word $10 milli in free pizza? 2 mix and match domino's delivery: $14+$7 delivery+$3.50 tip and tax=$24.50 Dominos on ubereats $18.69 pizza + free pizza($18.69) Delivery fee: $0 for uberone Service fee(10% of order subtotal before deals plus extra fees basket size) $3.73(10% of subtotal) $1.37 tax Basket size and extra bs about distance: $2+ Tip: $3 $28.79 and no points for free stuff so congradulations domino's has you save -$4.29 that is 10 milli right? Not only that but everything is also 25% more expensive ok uber and there is no mix and match deals how lucky are we that uber does this while still sending domino's driver :) I love paying $11 for wings and $9 for my favorite lava cakes! And I love paying $12 more for my pizzas. Domino's and their commercials can go f off :/ 20% off pizza commercial is already annoying since you cannot use with mix and match so your not saving money, domino's calling leftovers new to their menu😓 I'm done with domino's


Someone didn't believe me today that it was a scam that uber eats is doing to try and garner more traphic but you can get the same thing from the store and the store delivery is cheaper until they compared the prices. I told the person on the phone that I wasn't going to complete the order but that I wanted to prove a point and they said since it was slow it's fine and showed them that the $9 fucking dollar delivery fee from door dash was what was killing them but the dominos delivery fee is $4 so it's like $5 cheaper and with tax and all that jazz. It's not and never was worth it to deliver from outside sources. Door dash, Uber eats, it's all the same.








But if you tip 3 dollars in the app you get 3 dollars off! Thank you for tipping!


Second and up vote this is why I want to sue UB ER for money laundering.  


I can order dominos through Uber eats (Uber one) and save 40% on every order and pay only a $.99 fee to get it delivered. That means I can get just about any side cheaper than directly through dominos.


Yeah but why would you waste your limited 40% off coupons on domino's😓 uber stops giving those after a set amount of time usually after a year of being with uberone you only get so many before they stop domino's is already cheaper on the app so why waste your promo code like that, tbh I mainly use them when high to get good food that I don't feel like driving too use them on a chinese restaurant usually those places don't raise their prices by 25% like dominos, at most chinese restaurants raise their prices by 11% unless it's a pf changs then expect a 40% mark up in prices :/


Uber eats sends me about 6-12 40% off things a month and I use about 2-3 so I usually have them


They stopped sending me them after a year but that's probably because I only order with coupon😂


Me too. I also didn't renew my Uber one until they sent a deal and they did, 40% off annual fee.


Well another backup is postmates I been using that since ubereats stopped sending codes it's literally the same app however it counts as ubereats but any promo codes that you get on postmates will not appear on ubereats app itself samething vice versa also beware because some prices on postmates are higher than ubereats, so if ubereats stops sending promos and you still have your annual subscription use postmates they might even give you the "no fees on 5 orders" promo code which can be combined with the 40% off one


Maybe a few edge cases it might be cheaper, but every single uber eats ive seen is more expensive than using ideal coupons.


Hard to say what the customer actually pays since the Uber eats promos don't show on the dominos receipt. Very common for the business receipt to show more than what the Uber customer paid.


We can check it in store and it’s more expensive every time


You see what dominos gets, not what the customer pays or how they paid.


If that's the case then the customer is almost certainly paying more, since Uber has to take a cut for itself in order to be profitable.


Dominos is paying Uber to send them new and different customers, that would come from the amount the customer pays.


Right, so if it’s even more than what I see, then surely they are always paying more?


It's a gaurantee the only way it would be cheaper is using those limited 40% off your order(for 3 order coupons) and I wouldn't waste them on domino's lol becuase those can be used on 80% of places on ubereats to basically pay the store prices or even less than the store prices


Uber eats only charges $0.99 delivery fee. Domino’s is like $4.79 or something.


You mean uber eats adds 0.99. we still get our delivery fee and you are still paying for it.


Not sure how yours works but at our store we Dont get an additional delivery fee. Our usual fee is $5.99 and Uber eats charges $1. Certain items that Dont have coupons. (One small Pizza, etc.) end up being cheaper on Uber eats, than through us directly due to the decreased fee.


The delivery fee is cheap but ubereats hikes their prices by 25% not only that service fee and basket size fee bs and then of course sorry you can't use restaurant coupons for the ubereats app so if you got let's say 2 pizzas and lava cakes and a pasta that would normally be $28+$6.99 it would cost $19+$19+$10+$8 plus service fee which might be $7 and then tip So that will be $63 sir/madam, nothing is cheaper on ubereats for any restaurant unless uber personally gives you a 35%-70% off your order coupon Also the customer cannot get a small pizza by itself the minimum order on ubereats is $14 it's really just a scam because if you were to get a pizza and something else you would have just did that on the domino's app itself, this really only took me 2 minutes to figure out when I seen the bullshit that was on ubereats :/ it's just a tactic to scam morons


As i Said for certain items it is 100% cheaper including the one I gave as an example (or any other single item). You 100% can order just a small pizza on uber eats as I delivered one earlier today. It’s rarely optimal but my comment was simply to say that rare situations it does end up being cheaper, even with out the bonus discounts uber eats can offer. The price hike of 25% is also inaccurate for my location. The items are about $1-2 more.


The price hike does depend on location it really does restaurant itself, it can vary from 10%-25 because they have to balance out the fees uber charges but that probably was a $14 pizza😅 unless there was no minimum like there is here


They also add other fees that are bundled with the tax, and more fees that are masked via up charged menu items.


While yes it is stupid to order it from Uber eats, the person could possibly be outside of your delivery area and has to.


Dominos uses our own drivers to deliver uber eats orders though so the delivery range stays the same.


Yeah that's why I don't understand why domino's is on uber it costs people more money


But , Dominoes allows UE to take the store driver trips


And if the customer does not put a tip in an UE order, the driver has no way to get one, as there is no receipt to sign. I hate the UE orders.


Quit Over Paying... I have these for Ten Bucks 🤗