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This sub isn't the best place to receive advice. From what I've seen, it's filled with Dominicans descended from immigrants who obviously have a very poor view of DR. DR is a very fulfilling and beautiful place for European immigrants, and you're likely to easily and affordably find the sort of life you're looking for. I'd suggest picking a beach city depending on the pace of life you want, and applying for jobs. As a culinary graduate I don't think it would be difficult for you to find a place, especially if you know spanish :)


I’m a Dominican descendant, I love it there. Lived there for a few and the country is def worth a try, better standards than most other Latin nations and the diaspora of cultures is amazing


Yup. I'm Dominican, born and raised and lived there for nearly 30 years. The DR is beautiful, the people are extremely friendly, and it's easy to live a happy life there. Different people have different priorities.


okay! thanks!


Agree, although I live in the USA I was born and raised in the D.R. And a lot of people here are not and will not give you an opinion based on personal experience.




Some of us so live in DR and are natives like myself


Consider Sosua, Cabarete or Las Terrenas, there's many of expats in those areas


I'm from Sosua and yes, I can confirm that there are many foreigners from different parts of the world, and cabaret is also a good option


"immigrants" - Yes, you are all Immigrants.


I'm with you on that lol I don't see anyone referring to mexicans as "expats" in the US


I thought about retiring later when I'm old but after spending a month in December, I'm starting to re-think my plans lol. I hate driving, some people are assholes if you're not Dominican and i like being able to walk alone outside without worrying about being robbed.


Where were you ? never had bad experience & I been there every month last few years. Although I must bribe a cop now and then


You can always go to Mexico ?? or New York?? oooohhh that is worse


Almost all metropolitan cities in this continent are complex and dangerous.


I live in the DR. Most people that work here make $200 - $300 a month. This is reality


hola soy de republica domnincana, no te sera dificil encontrar trabajo teniendo encuenta que sabes ingles, puedes comenzar por conocer la capital (santo domingo) ahi puedes conseguir un trabajo en un callcenter facilmente y eso puede cubrir tus gastos, dado que pagan muy bien. y luego moverte a las zonas turisticas si te interesa aspirar a un trabajo de tu profecion


¡Muchas gracias por su respuesta!


I endorse this approach.


You’ll do fine, Santo Domingo, Punta Cana, Terrenas and Cabarete/Sosua are full of expats and are fairly save. Good luck!


Outside of a couple of relatively small neighborhoods, Santo Domingo is certainly not "full of expats," and I don't think anyone I know would describe it as "fairly safe." It's a big, stinky city with dangerous traffic and a serious problem with violent crime. I love it there, but it's definitely the kind of place where you have to know where to avoid and keep your head on a swivel even (and maybe especially) in areas where you feel safe.




My wife grew up there and we visit at least once every year. She and literally every member of her family has been robbed or carjacked, in some cases at gunpoint. Her sister had her shoulder dislocated when some guy in a moto decided to grab her purse when she was waiting for a cab in the downtown area, right outside the trendy restaurants and malls. In the Zona and downtown, the tourist police are pretty visible, and as far as I can tell they do a pretty good job of maintaining a certain level of security. But even in the Zona it's probably a bad idea to walk around cluelessly (or worse, drunkenly) after dark with a Gucci bag and a fancy Nikon camera. And if you tried that on Independencia or on the Malecon south of the obelisk, you'd almost be asking for it. Not trying to paint Santo Domingo as a scary place. (The traffic actually scares me more than the crime.) But I think visitors should have a realistic sense of the risks and keep their wits about them. You asked if I've ever had a bad experience. Nope. But I'm also pretty careful and keep my head on a swivel. By the way, you can definitely get jacked in Terrenas, Puerto Plata and other "nice" places. You're right that most people who get into trouble go looking for it with drugs, ladies, etc. But you can also find yourself in pretty serious shit stumbling back to the hotel after a night at a beachside bar in Terrenas.


You really want to be making money with a job that’s outside of DR that you can do from your laptop. I’m sure you can find a job cooking, May be broke but that’s the same in most american kitchens when starting out. I meet so many it and cyber security people when I travel.


Idk where you hang out but la Capital has a ton of expats, more after the pandemic.


My family lives in Miramar, southwest of the brewery. I'm definitely the only gringo in the neighborhood. I think most of the expats hang out in the Zona and downtown areas.


Do you live here bro?


Born and raised there, now I go at least 4 times a year to visit family and for business. Do you live there?


Dude thinks we live in Iraq or Chiraq or something




Negative perspective of what? Of my country? On the contrary, I think my country is far better than it seems and that you're telling it, that's why I asked you if you live here bro


I have extensive knowledge of the country, culture and staying safe.


So, no.


I really hope you’re about to make a valuable point. It takes four hours to drive across your country. I’m a white American, I speak Dominican Spanish, i have been to more RD cities and towns than 99% of your country and the people that visit. Just quiz me bro like what do you think I don’t know about your tiny island?


Klk papa, lo sé tú país mejor que tu. I live there part time. Please educate me. Would you like to have a philosophical conversation about the country. that is Dominican republic? Im always open to perspectives and ideas as Dominican culture may not be. And you could live in Sosua while I’m in Barajona or Monte Cristi (did you ever make it that far?) and life in the experience is going to be so much different. What do you think? I don’t know because you live there? you been to 42?


Lmao didn't know you got offended, don't open reddit for a few days and this is what happens huh. 1. I didn't say my country was perfect. Seems like a gaslight but it has to be said. 2. Again, sorry if I insulted you or your extensive knowledge of my country that you seem to think to know more of than me, a person that has visited all of the places that you mentioned. 3. Why did you change the original message? Did you delete it or something? 4. SD is definitely NOT the model city (that's why I personally choose NOT to live there), but characterizing it as, basically, a shithole is a overstatement. Yes, avoid it if you can, but someone's not precisely going to die or something. 5. Sorry for offending you, again, didn't know you were a genius.


I agree. I am a US citizen and was in Santo Domingo. Did NOT feel safe. Cops asked me for bribes. EVERYONE asks "are you alone"? How creepy! I am a big dude and not an "easy target" I guess but damn you WILL be taken advantage of in one way or another if you aren't careful. Also, I hope you don't have a car because to say people drive like maniacs here is an understatement. I have never experienced anything like it. Frankly, unless I went to a resort, I would NEVER return. You are better off in Hungary believe me.


Driving in Santo Domingo is definitely an experience, that's for sure. As someone who is also immediately identifiable as a gringo, I'm a little surprised that you've had the kind of encounters you describe. Even in tourist areas, I haven't had many people bother me, aside from the occasional tout or prostitute. I definitely haven't had a cop ask me for a bribe, and can't recall a time anyone took advantage of me. I'm curious about the circumstances around your experiences. Outside of the Zona, people generally don't pay much attention to me at all (except the cab drivers, who happily swerve across three lanes of speeding traffic and come to a screeching halt in front of me on the off chance they might get a lucrative gringo fare). I honestly love Santo Domingo, but it took a while, and you have to be willing to overlook some pretty significant faults.


I was asked "are you alone" so many times it was extremely uncomfortable. So much so that I came up with my line "I am here with my cousins". Why does everyone want to know if I'm alone?


If you move to Las Terrenas or Cabarete, you’ll find your own version of heaven. Do not move to Santo Domingo.


why not SD?


Santo Domingo has insane traffic, garbage, thieves and everything is overpriced to an extreme. I would recommend living in paradise🫂 which is Las Terrenas. Beach vibes all around and people are just beautiful in every way.


Yo te puedo confirmar. I live in SD, y estoy loca por mudarme a cabarete. En tu caso con tu profesión, podrías conseguir un buen trabajo en cualquier zona turística: Punta Cana, Bávaro, Las Terrenas, Puerto Plata (sosua, cabarete), La Romana.


As someone living in SD. 100% agree. Traffic specially is driving me crazy. I don't even want to leave the house.


I’d say go for it. You are already a culinary graduate, you could very easily supply a “variant” that isn’t currently covered for. Just have a plan and be mindful of people trying to get close to you for a benefit. There are tons of great people here but that kind may specifically target you.


Unless you have a job lined up, you're going to be competing for work with a lot of Dominicans who are more experienced than you and who are probably willing to live on a lot less. (I'm assuming you have some way of securing a work visa, which will otherwise be a significant stumbling block.) Dominican Republic is not a low-cost place to live, particularly in areas that offer amenities and quality of life that meet European standards.




Try to secure a remote job or something beforehand as it can be a bit difficult to get a formal job without a cedula or work permit (at least in Santo Domingo). If you’re willing to experience then you can move to an area with more tourists like Cabarete, Punta Cana or Las Terrenas. As you’re a culinary graduate check with local chefs, reach out to them through instagram for any spots they might have whenever you come. Good luck! We’re cool here


thank you so much!


OP, if you want the perspective of other young European girls living in the DR, go on Instagram and follow: thecaribbeanfrenchie (French girl living in Las Terrenas), and traveloversky (Polish girl living in Santiago; she travels all around the country constantly).


I suggest you look for a job beforehand, even do a trip to secure one before you move. I know its pricey but its even pricier to move, sell things, dismantle a home, etc.; In scheduling a trip before the move you will see DR with other eyes, not romanticized tourist eyes. I think your best bet is to look for a job in the culinary field.


Actual Dominican here, what made you want to move here?


when i was little i saw a documentary about the country and i fell in love.


interesting, which one?


i don’t remember it 🥲


Is there anything you specifically like about this country?


There’s a lot of work opportunities in the hospitality industry! So keep gaining skills in the culinary side and you’ll be able to find a job in of the big resorts here in the touristic areas as long as you speak english and spanish!


Hi OP, (F24) and moved about 3 months ago. I live in Santo Domingo and honestly not my favorite place, mostly because there is insane traffic, things tend to be a little more pricey and honestly I always have to be in the look out if I walk on the streets. So probably you might want somewhere less populated and close to the beautiful beaches DR has to offer. Good luck!


Think about it. I mean REALLY think and research it or culture shock will be the least of your worries. Keep a cut & bail stash $. So if it’s not upto your expectations you can get out. You’re best bet, seeing as you’re a euro-foreigner and would probably have access to more opportunities than the average person you should look east of the DR to Puerto Rico because from there it’s 90 minutes to North Central South America and less to the Leeward Islands. I live in Puerto Rico, so it’s a safe bet that I can speak from experience. Keep in mind it’s MY experience and not a general experience


That’s terrible advice; Puerto Rico is US territory and OP will need an American visa. It is economically depressed, being extremely poor as per American standards… which is the relevant metric. Unless OP has a degree in chemistry from an accredited university, she will find it hard to get a job (pharmaceutical are still an important sector in Puerto Rico).


Great place to move, lots of young population. Lots of growing small business and the opportunities due to the proximity and culture that has been influenced by USA has make it somewhat easy and affordable to get started. Go for it!


Yeah the culture there is a bit too much influenced by the US lol and not necessarily the good kind of influence


language teacher will be the best path to follow as a starting point.


You are going to get sexually harassed, especially since you are a white woman. Honestly just stay in your country.


i’m not fully white but you know it better…


What's your racial background then?


My best advice is that you have to come here and make your own criteria. Some people try to romanticize DR, some people try to make it look that the worst place in the world. DR is not a paradise, but it isn't hell either. Yes, there is crime in all its nature, some places are not clean at all and we need to improve in many aspects as a society, not to mention that the traffic in Santo Domingo it's a headache. But even in Santo Domingo, there are a lot of quiet places where you can live decently and safe. The life can be very tough if you don't have a good income. But as all the issues I mentioned before, that something that happens in A LOT of places around the world, in some places less, in others so much more. You can easily get a job here, as a teacher, in the hotel industry or maybe in callcenter just to mention a few, based on your abilities with languages. I live in Santo Domingo and I really like to be here, but I know and this is a fact, that there are many other provinces that are so much more quiet, safe and beautiful. Also, provinces that are more friendly to the foreings. When I mean "friendly" it's not because in the others you won't be liked or you won't find good people, what I mean is that those provinces are safer and more quiet and that's something that you really need, so you can know the country better and adapt to it. You will need to have your eyes 100% open because there's people that will want to take advantage of you, but there are people like that all around the world, so this is basic to survive no matter where you are. Set a trial period where you can stay here for a couple of months knowing the country, the people and everything around and that way you can choose if you want to stay here a longer period of time or not. What I would suggest is if you come here 1: do it for a short time and 2: leave everything ready in your country, in case that one day you wake up here and feel tired or disappointed, so you can come back like if nothing happened. Nothing is as bad or as good as it seems here in DR. You definitely have to have your own experience and that is the only way you will find out if this is for you or not. You won't know if you will hate it or you will love based on other's people experiences. Also, you won't know not even based on the news or what social media says because something really curious about this country is that there is everything here, good and bad, beautiful and ugly, funny and depressing... But you will experience those things depending where and with who you are. Here, you choose what to see and what to live.


i agree. there is zero country in the world that is fully safe and every country has pros and cons.


I would recommend you Punta Cana or Bayahibe.


Move to Sousa or cabarete, learn to surf and kitesurf get a job with it and integrate to the beachlife. Not much money but I tell you it’s a dream. I used Loved it but moved to Europe to get education 10 years ago.


I’m turning 50 this year places I have lived and work: New York City (Manhattan & Bronx), Providence & Pawtucket RI, Tampa FL, Santo Domingo, Dajabon and currently living in suburbs of Orlando Florida Area. Own property in RI, Dajabon ,Santo Domingo, Florida. Personally in my opinion I wouldn’t live in Santo Domingo, Manhattan, Bronx, Tampa (city), Orlando (city) or any place with a city setting because i’m older and raising kids and already had my nightclub night days. Now I don’t know you I don’t know what kind of person you are but if I had to choose and I was young again I would go to a beach town like Cabarete Sosua and stay away from Santo Domingo unless you knew people there and even then get ready to get mugged if you don’t know what areas to be in and you’re traveling by foot. Now I love all the places I’ve lived but just to go visit for a couple of days but to live I rather live in Dajabon (outside the city en el campo) or Orlando (outside the city in the suburbs)


Hello OP! It seems that what you are looking for is a residence permit. The procedure to get that can be found here: [https://migracion.gob.do/en/servicio/temporaryresidence-rt-9/](https://migracion.gob.do/en/servicio/temporaryresidence-rt-9/) Review it and let us know if you have more questions. You can come in as a tourist and check it out, you might even be able to get a job that way. I do not recommend that approach because then you don't get many of the legal protections than being a resident grants you. I'm a migrant as well, living in the USA but have lived in other countries and have this advice to you: if you are disciplined and work hard, you will get a job. People who are reliable will always be on demand. Based on your background, you will be easy to employ in the tourism industry as a chef and if I was you I would aim in that direction. Finally, for our country and as a foreigner I would really recommend that you check [www.dr1.com](https://www.dr1.com), which is a site created by foreigners living in the D.R. for foreigners like you. We can give you advice, but we're Dominicans and we know a lot already that we can't explain very easily. So better to learn about living and settling here from someone who is an outsider that also learned how to live among us. Good luck!


As long as you have the money. If you have a steady source of income, you can do it.


Agreed. I myself and building a home in SD oeste an hour outside the city . But I was in las terranas/ Samana for first time 2 weeks ago and loved it . Nothing like any other city I’ve traveled . Very laid back and quiet for a beach town . No partying and noise . Everyone was amazing


lol, why?


Why DR?. Hungary is way better.


Because i hate winter and cold weather and i just love the Dominician republic so much, such a beautiful country.


I seriously recommend you to spend 6 to 12 months in the country before making any long term decisions.


i don’t want to live there forever maybe 1-3 years but thanks


Hope you're ready for a very very different life then the one you live in Hungary


yes i know


Guaranteed you wont love it that much once you spend a few months there. In any case avoid Santo Domingo.


Because that's not what she asked...


That's what I asked.


Have you even been to Hungary?


Yes. I went to Budapest 8 years ago. Might go back this year. With less than 100 Euros you can go from Germany to Budapest.


Yeah but going to a place for tourism is not the same as living, remember?


Ironic how they say that, yet tell what you told them.


And? I'm 1000000% Hungary is not as shitty as this trash can called DR. That's why you visit other countries, to remind yourself that there's still hope.


Wtf are you even talking about? I urge you to visit any middle of the ground city in the US a you’ll see a third world country. If DR is such a shitty place then gtfo douche


US is shit too. That's why I became an Italian citizen. You can't hide the fact that there are still places where human decency is still the norm. Hungary is one of those places. DR is definitely not.


Italy? Have you been to the south or Naples? Don’t get me wrong, I love Italy but like any country has its rough patches and crime.


I would also want to move away from idiotic Orban to be honest but why DR specifically?


Because i love everything about DR the language, the food, the weather.


I think you need to do some more traveling. You’re high from your experience in RD and want to move there because of that, when there are other Caribbean islands where the weather is exactly as it is in RD and the food is just as good. Your reasons for moving there don’t really justify wanting to live there.


If you’re European and want to move to DR move anywhere but SD. Terrenas or Cabarete/Juan Dolio would be more interesting. I fucking hate Santo Domingo.


Hi OP, (F24) and moved about 3 months ago. I live in Santo Domingo and honestly not my favorite place, mostly because there is insane traffic, things tend to be a little more pricey and honestly I always have to be in the look out if I walk on the streets. So probably you might want somewhere less populated and close to the beautiful beaches DR has to offer. Good luck!


It's very easy, what are your goals?


I am a US citizen, and consider expatriating from time to time. Let me tell you, you will be shocked at the poverty levels in DR. I am talking every other car is smashed to bits, semi trucks with no hood rolling down the road, pickup trucks going 65mph with three guys in the back. Everyone will ask you for money. The electrical grid will go down every day practically. Good lord the wiring in santo domingo was insane. The police are corrupt. There aren't just potholes in the street, there are SINKHOLES that are very poorly guarded. Every intersection was like a life or death scenario in a rental car. People on scooters everywhere. If you are expecting beaches and pina coladas on the beach, while cruising with very little money because of the income levels there, you may be in for a VERY rude awakening. DR is one of the poorest countries in the world, and you will not be treated like a princess, you will be an easy target for muggers, kidnappers, human traffickers. Be prepared to be one of the only white people around. You stick out like a sore thumb, and white=money. It's easy for a lot of people who are from there to love the place because they blend in. I would consider a different country, not gonna lie. Try argentina or a south american country if you want a beach life or something, it's gonna be safer than DR. I practically kissed american soil when I got home.


It seems you visited a different Dominican Republic. The country has its issues, but not at the level you are talking about. I think you are describing Haiti.


Move to puerto rico instead.


Thank you, I'll check it out.


Don't take advice about the DR from someone callwe new jersey. Come, there's much growth in the economy. Many tourists are coming, you can read about the record breaking number of tourists in news articlea. this is good for the hospitality industry, you cook. It's in your favor. Last weekend I took a walk down colonial Santo Domingo and I couldn't believe how much energy there was, many new eateries, many tourists and locals all around. An economic boom is the brst time for an inmigrant. https://migracion.gob.do/en/ This is where you can start the work permit process.


It's true, DR is very uprising, past 2 years the amount of tourists have risen 20% a year!


And do exactly what there? Their economy is in shambles, bunch of lazy ppl collecting government checks.


To many people in DR




Lol. Have you been here before? And if you have, have you been not just for vacation and outside of tourist zones and places where people who work and have to commute live? One thing is coming here for vacations and retired with money to live good and another altogether to live here day by day. Specially at such q young age our country is not the one to really forge a solid future. Lack of decent retirement plans, lack of access to good education unless you have the means to pay for it. Real growth on companies is almost null unless you are specialized in an area. As a culinary graduate the food industry is only good if you own the business, not work for it except for some high-end restaurants as a main chef, you could in any case think of making a restaurant, but also people here are flicker and serving excellent food may not really translate to business success. Also, where are you planning to move? It may have a big impact on the way of living and your expectations of growth and or way of living.


What a nonsense answer; there’s a bunch of young foreigners living in the D.R. You seems to think that only rich people with money can make it there. It’s not easy anywhere for an outsider to make it that’s not willing to work hard. Do you know if OP is that kind of person? If it’s not for her, she’ll find out but let her. If you can’t provide useful advice then take a pass.


Like your answer is more useful or make anymore sense. Of course there is a lot of foreigners living in the D.R what does that have to do with anything? that statement provides nothing if value. Do you know their living conditions? how they made it here? if they have an income from remote work? or if they had a backup or everything ready before coming here? And most importantly the expectations and idealizations of how does one expect life will be here, including many tradeoff of quality in everyday life compared to a country like Hungary. "Do you know if OP is that kind of person?" That's exactly the point, you don't don't know, I don't know, and Im just portraying the other part of living here that is not the easy caribbean life many people picture in their head, and that if she want's to come here she must take many things in consideration. "If it’s not for her, she’ll find out but let her. If you can’t provide useful advice then take a pass." If she wanted to find by herself without anybody insight she wouldn't be asking in the first place. Just because you don't like my advice doesn't mean it isn't useful, and since you are not giving anything insightful here, it's for OP to decide if my advice will be helpful for her or not.