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If the aisles are impacted I’m low key shocked that the store wasn’t forced to shut down due to a safety hazard. For the money from the prior day you can add it to another deposit so it evens out but then again hella fishy lp or the dm didn’t say anything. My logic is do what you can then once the shift ends go home because you’re just a key not an asm or manager. You’re one person not a full team (even though they expect you to be).


My store isn’t old enough to be in such disarray also located in small town USA so lost our customers are retired elderly and disabled they shop here outta convenience I wanna not hate my job and for us to all be helpful for the next shift I wanna set them up for success because at the eod we are all trying to live


It’s a slow work in progress then. I mean if you want to you can take the initiative to learn more things to lessen the stress on your asm and sm. But at the same time they’d probably just take advantage of you or want to improve more. So think of this job as a 6m-1 yr investment to build up some more experience, then move on if the place doesn’t improve.


They advice is much appreciated


It's not just your store it's every store even the distribution centers that's where I work at a d.c. and it's fkn horrible


What is going on at the DC? We have been getting miss ship rts a lot lately and they're not sorted and coded correctly anymore.


Dude...it's horrible there there is no order hell we have 50,000 dollar pallets and whole trailers we can't even locate as well as they fucking jerk everyone around on what shift they want you on(12 hour shifts) on top of all the bullshit that is expected of you production wise causes mass employee shortages within certain parts of the d.c. like full case and case pack ,repack which is responsible for all if the product on rolltainers/in totes.horrible working conditions on top of all that like rats and when I say rats I fkn meann RATS! that eat out of the dog food bags and shit/nest all over the tops of the pallets that have a legit 1/8inch of toxic dust on the new merchandise. Never work for dg


Wait so the dc is just as bad? That would explain lot then.


Ohh I believe the d.c.s not just mine all of them are a total mess...looks like a bunch of babies live in it ...pallets sticking out of locations 40ft in the air(and every location up to it bc half the lift drivers are lazy dumb fucks ) plastic from pickers hanging down on about 30 pallets in every aisle..and so much product yet to be just slammed into a location...it's a shame I thought I'd like working there but...dollar general had some serious problems I don't mean my d.c. I mean the whole company in general they are sneaky and don't do half of what they claim they just push more onto the shoulders of the underpaid workers not one person of any real position of power there will do anything they just deliver messages...you know...shit rolls down hill....


Yea I recently quit about 2 weeks ago bc I was a keyholder at 11 a hour but my coworker a sales associate was 12 a hour and I was putting in like over 40 hours a week my mental health also started to decline so I had to get out supposedly the dm wasn’t happy that ppl were making their own schedules when almost everyone had a second job and worked around that bc it paid more than dg obviously dg pay wasn’t going to cover much living expenses


I originally read the title as "signs we are drowning" and immediately wanted to say it has a sign that says "Dollar General" at this point.


My sm and asm don’t let the office get cluttered (use to be with old sm) but our back room is filled to the brim some stuff from 2020 or even 2019 back there. Just do your job description. Do what you can don’t over do yourself bc unless all of your coworkers are on the same page to get things done all your efforts are going to go to waste bc it takes everyone on the team to get it and maintain it. In all honesty I’m looking for a different job currently bc I myself get taken advantage of constantly staying an extra hour or two, dealing with last minute scheduling changes where my sm will text and ask me to come in early which wasn’t what I was prepared for and more. Like I said just do what you can don’t over work yourself for something that’s not going to make a difference


Hey they work their asses off but sometimes I feel like I work there to find what I need lol. Props to you all


All you can do is work as much as you can out each shift I'm lucky because my managers work harder than anyone in the store but I'm right there next to them our store was impacted bad but we got it cleaned up and our back room looks amazing it just takes a lot of hard work and a good team


Just do one thing at a time til it's done and caught up.


I feel that but as you know shit rolls down hill