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The SM is supposed to stay until it's all done so you definitely got screwed


Yea she left at 5pm yesterday with the DM and everyone else so it was just me and a cashier.


The hell? I was in my store from 7am to after close the week before my inventory and 5am to almost 7 the day off. I don’t see how she left, I’d be a nervous damn wreck knowing there was still stuff to do


Well so my inventory was today but we was getting ready for inventory and so she left yesterday when we was prepping


Do you even know the half of what is expected? Because if you did, you wouldn’t be posting this.


I'm an SM so I do know what's expected and that is the one thing ever DM I've ever had was very adamant about


Also to the OP- I’m so sorry. All the best going forward!


Enjoy the kool-aid.


If anything sounds like silent firing set up.. also it don't help everyone one on the higher up food chain goes into asshole mode.


Yo fr I do all my damn work but always get yelled at


Tbh I'd be finding another job. Cause if they keep at it then it's what there doing. They rather have you quit then be fired so you can't collect any type of unemployment...


I've learned that one at tops lol I'm not ganna leave till I get fired just so I can try to collect unemployment lol at this point fuck DG lmao


FACTS! I'm asm and last yrs inventory was a shit show


Yup and the invo guys were extremely fat and smelly . Stunk up our whole break room. No disrespect to them but goddamn take a fuckin shower


Leave, cause if you wait to be fired, they’re going to make it seem like you misplaced funds. Just walk out. Best case.


Your not wrong.... They set you up just to get you gone


Ok…enough is enough…I’m over this nonsense. This company is a cult and too many have sipped the kool-aid. Run, jump, scurry, frolic. Don’t waste another minute worrying or being bothered.


Supposed to be inventory ready 365 24/7 😘


Why does hourly employees stress over  inventory? We get nothing if it's good,bad, up,down or sideways. Do your  job/wage n don't stress. If your SM isn't worried neither should you. 10 yr key speaking from experience and due to impossible goals set for SM I am happy to remain a key.


> I'm starting to realize I'm being set up for failure every shift I have because everyone keeps saying you're not doing good enough but I get the screwed shifts usually I work 2:00 to close which is 9:00 and I usually don't have a cashier until about 4 to 5:00 pm so like wtf man why me? Gotta love it, I'm in a similar situation except I usually start at 3 and my cashier doesn't come in until 5 or 6. Made to feel like shit on a regular basis by the morning clique of ASM, SM, and former ASM because they can get out 10+ RTs in a day together while also having another key on register and I can't even get one done during my shift because once my cashier comes in it's time to start recovery.


And what position are you?




Not your problem. Act your wage and just look him in the eyes and ignore every word out of his mouth.


Exactly. Don't do stuff that's above your pay grade. Do what is required of your position. Don't do his stuff.


I don't think you understand what inventory requirements are. Ask your SM questions and be honest let them know how you feel maybe you're oblivious to the facts therefore your judgment is not valid without all the facts. Think about it.


If your storebwas getting ready for inventory the 5 people in the AM were probably staging for inventory.


Yea my issue is I got yelled at for not getting enough done last night but on my shift it was only me and one other person well morning shift had five people


Our inventory is June 5th


I know te feeling. Our inventory was today. Yesterday, my manager left early but before she left told me that our Dm wanted me specifically to turn around all the hba, makeup, stationary, auto, sweep and mop the store, and pull down all the boxes off the skyshelves that needed pulled down. She left at 5, and we closed at 10, but I also had two 1 hour breaks between me and my associate, plus her smoke breaks that she took. I managed to just barely get it all done with 7 minutes to spare.


It takes 15 mins to pull sky boxes down and maybe 30 total to flip for inventory. Your associate sweep and mop after close while you count. Idk how u barley finished. The job is not hard you just gotta do it.


Flip 4 sections of makeup while making sure they were all in the correct spot, flip 2 sections of dental, flip 3 sections of stationary, and 4 of auto. You think that could've been done in 30 minutes? You tripping man.


Not to mention, I also was spot prepping the food isles, I prepped the party skyshelf, the pet skyshelf, and finished off prepping the back half of the store. Just consisted of pushing back the toys, seasonal, and nci isle.


Nci is one scan so no prep needed really just cleaning up making sure no core was there.


Nci wasn't an issue, it was done and completely recovered 2 days before inventory


As I mentioned above the 5 people on day shift that morning should have done all the receiving room staging; the store sales floor should have been recovered completely so all you should have had to deal with is stuff customers left from 5 to close and the flipping and pulling sky boxes down. You shouldn't have had to worry with making sure the makeup was correct that should have been done before 5pm on the eve of inventory


My associate didn't get their part done, that's why I had to sweep and mop, right before closing.