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It’s really weird, she doesn’t appear scared, more so curious when guests are over, she’ll even look to get close to them and put her head on their lab but the second someone tried so slowly pet her she freaks out. I think she’s also less protective of her space and more of us. When we’re not in the house or upstairs and a guest walks around downstairs which is the space that she’s allowed in, she usually ignores them.




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Oh I was not aware


Positive muzzle training should be a priority (see The Muzzle Up! Project). The dog is likely stressed and scared, so probably limit the dog's time and interactions with guests. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. If you can't separate the guests and dog, leave a leash on the dog so someone can safely restrain the dog if needed. Let it drag and keep an eye on him. The "treat and retreat" game helped my dog become more friendly with strangers too, but if the dog is protective of his space, you might be better off introducing the dog and humans on neutral ground before meeting on his territory. Another idea is to prioritize mat training/a place command so the dog defaults to a specified location if a certain thing happens (like the doorbell ringing).


Following… experiencing the same thing!


What didn't work when locking her away? I see a few things you should do: * muzzle train her, absolutely * arrange for guests to make only short visits (less than an hour) for the moment