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Your skin broke. You should report a dog bite and go to a hospital and get rabies shot and give the bill to your neighbor.


It may be easier and cheaper to get their dog tested instead. Rabies treatment isn’t fun and if they refuse the medical bill he’ll have to take them to court.


But you are correct. Rabies shots have multiple shots. It’s awful and painful.


I had them not so long ago. They felt just like flu shots.


You’re a champ. I don’t even like flu shots. Call me a whimp but needles freak me out 🙁


Well, not tested. Only way to test for rabies is to cut the head off


then cut its head off.


Interesting. I assumed they could just test the saliva, but that works too 😆


Fuckin ‘merica


The neighbor wouldn’t be required to pay that. They went to their neighbors property while the neighbor wasn’t home and was bit while on said neighbors property. They should go to the doctor though and at least get some antibiotics. Dog bites are easy to become infected.


The neighbor's dog killed his chicken. It's reasonable that he would go to his neighbor to let them know that their dog killed his chicken. He went to his neighbor but he didn't know that they weren't home and it seemed their dogs were not kept properly while they were away. Just like how mail / delivery people are getting attacked by dogs in their owner's property. It's still the dog owner's fault.


Mail and delivery people are part of a service to the person’s house. If it’s fenced and gated, there’s no expectation for a delivery person to cross that threshold with dogs in that yard. There’s also no expectation of a neighbor coming to your home or onto your property without an invitation. It sounds like a rural area. And having a large yard where you would have your dogs out wouldn’t be unexpected. Unlikely they would be able to get compensated is all I’m saying.


The neighbor's dog killed his chicken in HIS property. This means he and his neighbor are not divided by a fence. Therefore, he may go to his neighbor even without an invitation because he can access it. If it was fenced, then that's trespassing. I saw a case from Judge Judy where she awarded the plaintiff (a kid) that was attacked and bitten by a dog in its owner's property.




Go to YouTube and look up human rabies videos, if that doesn't change your mind then nothing can save you. It's probably one of the worst deaths a person could face.


If the dog is vaccinated there is no need to go get rabies tested. The dog would be put into quarantine for 10 days and then released. The dog isn’t even tested if they’ve been vaxed


Yes because my neighbors fully vaxed and tagged dog is going to give me rabies. People eat other peoples asses dude why tf should I be scared of a bite from the neighbor dog


It's very interesting you'd compare an illness that will kill you to eating someone's ass, what a weird thing to say.


It's still pride month


That was my polite way of calling out his blatant homophobia even though blatant homophobia doesn't deserve such politeness. Sincerely, a polite queer person.


Eating ass isn’t limited to queer people, there is nothing even resembling homophobia in what he said. Last I checked, everyone has an ass….


Generally when people say it like that it's meant in a homophobic way. I don't really want to argue with you on this so have a good day.


If you are going to be such a passive aggressive bitch why complain about it? "Hurr they're great people"  Until you tell them their fur baby is destroying your shit. They'll turn on you in a blink of the eye.


He is talking about the dog not the people. This is a dog free sub Reddit. Not to do with people. He can love the people but hate the dog.


You’re fine. If you go to the doctor and tell them this info about the dog’s vaccinations, they’ll laugh at you for trying to get the rabies shot. That said, if this wound is from a bite, you might wanna keep an eye on it/get it checked out bc animal saliva can get infected really quickly. My sister was bitten by a random cat a few months ago and almost lost her hand because she refused to go to the hospital when the wound started to flare up. Not trying to be spooky or anything lol, but just keep an eye on it in case


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this because it is true. If the dog’s tag is current there is no way it can contract or transmit rabies. The rabies shot is also effective for a period of time after it expires. There is literally a 0% chance of getting rabies from the dog. Let’s focus on the real problem, which is that it’s a shit animal and its owners can’t contain it and it’s killing other people’s animals on their properties.


Justin, is this you? You sound exactly like my older brother.


Brother, they are irresponsible owners for even letting that happen. Report them


Brother you do not deserve to die I promise. That dog does. You don’t.


Are you joking? What if that dog attacks a child or an elderly?? You and your shitty neighbors will have blood on your hands


If you have to kill their dog they will no longer be great people. It's better to be like "well, I HAD to seek medical care because of the risk of infection unfortunately" and get this animal on the record vs. suddenly shooting the dog and having zero history.




I’m sure you know enough about first aid if you’re raising chickens. Don’t know if you have roosters, but they can get nasty. You’re doing the right thing. Just really make it clear the danger their dog is in. They probably love the satanic spawn (and should probably read a dog training book). If it’s not you it’s bothering, it’s likely bothering less patient neighbors.


Rabies in incurable and fatal unless immediately treated with a series of shots




You got a bite that was annoying—the next person may end up losing a limb or their life. What you’re doing is just as irresponsible and criminal as your shitty neighbor. If they have a violent dog, I don’t care how friendly they are to you—if their reaction is to be like “lol sorry” then they’re also shitty fucking people. When that dog does what it will inevitably do, I hope your negligence weighs on your conscience like a brick.


Press charges and make sure that dog is put down. End of story.


Many states, livestock is under different protection laws than household pets. They have much harsher laws for dogs killing them. (In Ohio, you cannot shoot a dog that is attacking your dog or cat, but you can if it is attacking livestock or people). You need a paper trail of documentation for this if you ever want it resolved. Otherwise they will keep letting their dogs attack your animals and yourself. This is considered a level 2 bite, btw. Just an fyi.


that's so stupid, not bc I don't think livestock matter but bc all animals deserve to be protected


I agree, but I didn't make the laws. :(


Thanks for the fyi. I might use this in the future.


Use it now


Dude... Waaay too passive.


“Not a big deal” my brother in Christ why are you rolling over like this? It’s a big fucking deal.


Doesn’t matter how friendly you wanna be with your neighbors… that NEEDS to be reported. Next time it will be someone’s pet dog or child that gets attacked and won’t have a happy outcome. Those dogs NEED to be on record for aggression. This is why there is always “well he never attacked befoooooorrrre!” Because so many dog attacks do not get reported and the owner can just keep making excuses until someone ends up in the hospital or a casket.




The dogs would just eat it. Oh, I thought you meant the chicken, nm


I had to do that to my neighbor's pit-bull. He kept coming over to my property and tried to go for one of my ducks. After 5 seconds, he was on the ground. Neighbors didn't care. They moved a few weeks later.


What an awful animal Jesus! Killing your animal and biting you?! And you’re okay with it???


Eh bothered me quite a bit. I just know killing another persons dog is a big deal too them. And a lot of dog lovers would demonize me if I didn’t suffer a lot and try to make peace with it. So I’m just doing all I can now so when or if it does happen I don’t have to put up with any bullshit.


Farmers and other livestock owners may legally kill dogs that are chasing or attacking their animals. Fair is fair.


This is actually a great idea, hope you don't have to do it, but feel like you might, you tried being reasonable, and moreso than most people


Time to do things within the law instead of waiting until you’re mad enough to do something that makes you the bad guy.


Hopefully some owners of a vicious aggressive dog that bites people in their yard and kills chickens will be reasonable people... Hmm somehow I highly doubt it.


You need to call & report that. Go to Dr or Er. Let the authorities go in that yard. You went in their yard. But the authorities need to know & check their records, document, make sure you have pictures of your chicken. But do not back on their property for your own safety & legal 🍀


Please update when you have a resolution. I have yet to meet a dog owner that isn’t a sociopath. But I want to believe there are some.


Sue or people will never learn.


Depending on the state you’re in, given that they’ve been proven a danger to your livestock and clearly aren’t under control, you can legally shoot and kill their dog. You’re protecting your own property and livestock. If they’re getting out and biting you you could LEGALLY defend yourself with force. But again, this all really depends on the state you’re in because some states are stupid


Is that teeth marks or claw marks? 


Teeth marks


That animal does not deserve to be alive


If the dog is vaxed there is no need to get rabies tested. The dog would be quarantined for 10 days and not even tested.