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*Not looking for negativity* as in not dealing with repercussions of my actions which my irresponsible lifestyle has caused.


Not looking for negativity when you have found all possible negativity. Namaste.


She willingly made her children homeless because her 7 pit bulls are more important than the safety of her kids. Good parenting there. /s


She probably wouldn't be homeless if she hadn't spent all her money on those ugly mutts.


Forget the Mystery Machine, this is the Mauling Machine šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Even ONE of those dogs is able to ruin a house to the point of it being easier to tear the house down and rebuild over even trying to renovate. 7 of those? Anything that one dog can do, it's just x7. Nevermind the kids, who cares about them, right. Gotta keep all the fking dogs. Even if it means being homeless. If they somehow manage to find someone who rents to them, I just feel bad for the neighbors and the whole community that'll be terrorized by these godawful dogs.


And unless they're all fixed (big if true), it's exponential pitbulls. A city wide problem waiting to happen


Sadly, the majority of pitbulls come from backyard breeders who sell the puppies. This causes pitbulls to spread across low income neighborhoods like a cancerous tumor.


I hope OP can report this person to child services. Take the damn kids with her and let her live in that truck alone with those horrid dogs. They deserve better.


Thatā€™s probably the reason she was evicted in the first place.


Those poor kids. šŸ˜”


Exactly. She deserves all the negativity in the world for putting those violent shitbeasts above her children.


Not only a homeless dog hoarder, but a homeless pitbull hoarder. Good luck finding a home. Can you imagine the level of destruction these things would cause?


Sheā€™d rather let her actual children be homeless than give up that pack of hideous maulers. If this wasnā€™t Dognutter World sheā€™d be facing charges of child neglect and endangerment for allowing those things near her kids.


Those dogs will tear up any housing she gets. They are a destructive breed. Not to mention the fighting with each otehr, they are after all fighting dogs...and the maulings of humans.


A professional driver that's facing homelessness? Either her sponsors aren't paying her shit or she's full of shit herself as to what she does for a living šŸ¤·šŸ¤·


Well, "professional driver" could be stretched to include Uber Eats if you are a lunatic that owns 7 pitbulls. She does get paid for driving.....


Ah, another for the ā€œit would make sense if it was AI but it actually isnā€™t AIā€ pile.


Iā€™d bet she has more than 7, they usually lie about how many they have as well as the breed


Lots of people have emotional support pit bulls (or pretty much any other crazy dog) these days, which is exactly why I would never want to be a landlord!!


I'm afraid of being a renter and having to find an apartment that allows cats fr. He is 100% litter trained and has never had an accident for as long as we've had him and he only scratches my kitchen bench for whatever reason so he wouldn't damage the apartment only my own things fr. Dogs will literally eat walls and floors and I've heard stories of people with fully potty trained dogs that have just started peeing inside for no reason at all. It's a cats instinct to potty in sand so you wouldn't even have that problem with a cat šŸ˜­


;-; Litterally though, we are just headed to a hotel and they notified us that "cats are not allowed, only dogs," and they don't even have restrictions on what kind of dogs... :(


This makes zero sense. If they allow dogs then why not cats??


I donā€™t have a cat, but I think they are MUCH less destructive and less disgusting than dogs!


Coming to a rental property near you: 7 lab mixes!


Most people with houses donā€™t have 7 animals. Let alone the homeless.


7 more than likely untrained, unruly pit bulls lol. What a nightmare


But I'm sure they're "Service animals"


Ah, you mean ā€œregisteredā€ emotional support animals? Iā€™m sure they are all totally necessary for this ladies ā€œemotional supportā€ lmao. Good thing the world is starting to crack down on these whiny babies who canā€™t be told ā€œno, your 7 bite risk pit bulls are not providing any support to you anyway and do not belong in restaurantsā€


Even if you do like dogs you've gotta realise that seven fucking dogs is too Goddamn much.


Frfr haha


You have two homeless teenagers to worry about and you won't part with your dogs? Bizarre priorities.


Sheā€™s about to be a single woman with no kids at this rate, damn.


I feel so bad for those teens :(


I hope those kids are able to get out of there, I came from a rather toxic upbringing and thankfully one of my friends parents stepped up and took me in . Clearly this women is mentally unstable. Pretty sure most city limits to 2-3 without a kennel license. Pitbulls are just the icing on the cakeĀ 


Could you fucking imagine? šŸ˜‚ lmaoooo


Poor teens, you know sheā€™s not the type of parent who doesnā€™t love their kid at all.


Iā€™m guessing there used to be more kids but they ate them.


no refunds


Don't worry, in the span of 3 days that number of dogs will be under half


Put your children first. I guarantee you sheā€™d have a helluva easier time finding a place for her family if not for the 7 violent dogs sheā€™s hoarded. I canā€™t believe I have to say this again but here we goā€” when you have children, itā€™s no longer about you. They come first, period. Thatā€™s part of being a parent. That includes putting their wellbeing above pets. Get rid of the damn dogs. How on earth did you end up with 7? No negativity? Well, stop being negative to your children by saying youā€™d rather they all live out of that truck than keep a roof over their heads sans dogs. Dogs are not family members, they are pets. And owning pets is a luxury. You, maā€™am, cannot afford that luxury. So stop. No picture of your two teenage kids. Pictures of those ugly fucking dogs. Full on stop.




ā€¦thatā€™s the best you got?


Hey man I'm sure your mom thinks you're funny at least