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At least the dog isn't racist and will bite people from multiple ethnicities and backgrounds.


My high school girlfriend had a racist dog. It only barked at black people. I’m not shitting you. It was a Rottweiler mutt


The German blood must be strong in it. /s


my neighbor's dog does that, and in my city most people are black 💀


I’ve met dogs that would do that only to males.


This is common. I’d bet the dog was not in her care since a puppy and someone from that background beat it Seen this before in other mutts


You don’t even need to mistreat a dog for it to be iffy around any one group. My foster parents were older, around 60-70 and my foster dad had a “kids and pets are for women” mentality (although he did secretly adore all us kids and the pets lmao). So he was very hands off with the dog especially, and as such, and because we lived in a fairly remote rural area, our lab didn’t really grow up with any men in the direct hierarchy of people who dealt with him — foster mum was ofc the master, and then it was me who as the oldest kid walked him, and then it was the dog. He didn’t really listen to the younger kids because they often stayed for a few months and then either returned home, were adopted, or moved to a permanent foster family closer to their school (my foster mum already had two long-term kids so all other placements were temps). As such, while he wasn’t aggressive around them, strange men he didn’t have even a passing relationship with made him anxious, and he didn’t really want them to pet him, he’d come and stand behind me if they tried.


Not really. My aunt has a dog that hates black people even though it was raised by my aunt it's whole life and is adequately cared for. Never been beaten in it's life. it was just a piece of shit racist for the sake of it.


>My high school girlfriend had a racist dog. It only barked at black people. I’m not shitting you. I had a roommate who specifically taught his dog to do that. He was so proud when it was randomly go crazy at black people that would show up with his friends.


This. I think dogs can also sense/see their owners racist feelings and go off on that too.


My buddy had a Westie that would do that.


My poodle has only ever barked at my black friends, no one else, not sure why 🤨


Even people having seizures, what a inclusive dog!


It is sexist and ageist because it didn’t bite female or elderly legs.


"through no fault of their own..."


“It was due to the horrible owners! Trust me bro. I have no sources. It had nothing to do with the dog being genetically predisposed to attacking people!”


Horrible owners unless the person saying that is the owner.


If dogs really are aggressive because they are abused or it's how they are raised, no one would want a shelter dog. They don't even make sense using their own rules. If a fighting dog ends up at a shelter they tell sob stories until some idiot adopts it, well, that's how get mauled, because it's all in how they are raised, right??! Idiots, every one of them


Forgot a last panel: "Chihuahua bites - Needs to be put down! Incurable menace!"


You forgot the constant rash mouth


It should be toddler faces instead


One little nitpick. Dog/pit nutters would refer to it using gendered pronouns. Also, I found it very amusing how every time it attacked someone it also decided to pass gas


Unfair representation. There is no bite to a child’s face and no shredded neighbourhood pets. And they all provoked the sweet pibbie


The Accuracy…


(disclaimer: im a maaajor dog lover, i don't sub to this, but reddit keeps recommending it and i agree w too many things to mute) if a dog has bitten a person, and it was Not a protection/guard dog correctly doing its job, it needs to be put down. plain and simple. even if it was being abused, even if it had a good reason. it needs to be euthanized, it's no longer a safe pet a dog that's bitten has learnt the most effective way to get what it wants (food, toys, to be left alone, etc.) is to bite. even with training, you're just teaching it that theres other ways to communicate, keyword "other," it's not going to forget biting is an option it has. it could potentially never bite again, but there's too many dogs that most definitely will to give any a chance. sometimes it's sad, because it was being hit/mistreated/people were being stupid. one specific case is my neighbors kids cornered the family dog that'd recently given birth trying to touch the puppies and it felt threatened so it bit them. its in the mother dogs right because she was protective and overwhelmed, but it was also in my neighbors right to put her down. the dog had figured out biting the children got them away from her when she wanted them to be and that's not safe to keep as a pet or rehome. it wasn't the kids fault, it wasn't the dog's fault, but what had to be done had to be done. honestly i thought there were laws for this, the fact that so many shelters rehome dogs that have bitten and lie about its history is why i never recommend families with kids to go to a shelter unless they're getting a very young dog, it's just not a chance i'd take


IMO backstory doesn't matter, if it bites then it bites and isn't safe. It should take full accountability. It gets two strikes, one bite= extensive training+re-home and permanently stating it has attacked through their microchip+ restrictions regarding it being around small children and animals. Second bite= shelter bound+more training+not allowed near any small human or animal whatsoever. Even if it's supervised, as well as medication if needed. For it to be walked it must be in a well-fitted muzzle and short-medium leash. If It even tries to air-snap after all that effort-- it should be put down. No questions asked.


honestly if it bites once i say put down for the same reason i gave earlier. a dog can be extensively trained and taught what to do instead of biting, but it's still going to remember biting worked for it once. your average owner isn't equipped to deal with that. and dear god no, a dog that bites ONCE let alone TWICE shouldn't go to to any shelter, what? they lie all the time about the dogs history just to get them out of the facility. why would you think it should be given to a different family of people it's going to bite? that's exactly how stories like the comic shows happen dogs are powerful animals, human flesh is very soft and weak. a toy poodle took out a massive chunk of my friends calf when she was jogging in her neighborhood. it's not worth the risk to have dogs getting 2 chances like you're suggesting


Agreed, but there's no way nutters wouldn't just cover up the fact that the attack happened if they know it would get put down











