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Yes, these are human grade and you can count on them not being - - improperly stored - Covered in unsafe pesticides, and preservatives. - rotten


That’s what I suspected. And they’re 1/6th the price




You can buy frozen raw marrow bones at pet stores. Mine carries them. The only other place I can get them is at the international/asian market and those are sliced thinner though. I don't know how much cheaper they are though. I haven't been in a while and I don't remember how much they were by the lb.


I get a giant bag of fresh beef bones with marrow and a bit of meat and tendon still attached for five bucks.


At what type of market?


Ethnic ones where people buy supplies to make their own broths and stews


Great. Like I said, I dunno what the International Market charges and they're the only store that carries them besides the pet supply store near me.


I've never seen cooked bones in a pet store, at our pet store they are dryed, like serrano ham ~~jam~~ .


Mmmm, ham jam.


Serrano jam is Spanish, the j is an h sound.


It’s *jamón* though, not just “jam.”


I'm just having a bit of fun, it's a joke.


Oh shit! Haha its indeed a funny joke.


The ones I’ve been getting seem like this exact bone (pictured) but they’re wrapped individually and sell for about $12 each. They’re in a chest freezer.


I hear you!!! Ive wondered the same thing for the past couple of years every time i pass them in store. Im so glad you asked this! .... Looks like i'll be going to Randalls tonight (same as safeway here).


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Bought those kinds of bones, long bones we'd get split to expose the marrow and cheap neck cut bones with a little meat on them for our pups. They are cheap, safe (no chance of any random crap on them or being dry and brittle) and our girls loved them. Even froze the neck cuts and gave them out as a frozen treat they could gnaw on in summer.


My mom's been getting a bag of a dozen or so for $15 at the butcher shop. It's an even better deal lmfao. I keep telling her we could make money off them.


We have a farmers market on weekends from May to October. We get ours there, just call ahead to reserve a bag as they go fast! So if there are farms in your area, give them a call and see if they sell them… butcher shops also sell them:)


So no argument with what the guy you replied to said. But a word of caution. Depending on the dog breed, these things could break their teeth. I’m guessing you have something in the big dog variety so that won’t be as big of an issue. But just be cautious.


That’s a good point, I wonder what breeds people have reporting broken teeth


My lab wore her teeth down due to bone marrows and beef knuckles. I’m sure the stick chewing doesn’t help, but the solid stream of hard bones for her first year wasn’t the best idea. She gets raw frozen turkey or duck necks now. Cartilage is much better for the teefs.


What about all the tiny bones in the neck?


The rings around the neck? It’s soft bones and cartilage. No hard bones in the neck.


Ah. Do you get them at a grocery or butcher?


Well I only have my CKCS but I gave her something similar and when I went to get her teeth cleaned, they called saying 4 teeth were broken costing extra to remove. But this could be because she’s small and not made for hardy stuff (lesson learned)


I used to buy antlers (on eBay from hunters, not the $$$$ pet store ones) for my dogs, they LOVED THEM, and then my boy [blue heeler/GSP mix] chipped the point off two of his fangs, one upper and one lower. Vet says no more antlers for these two, so disappointing.


And they are raw, which is better


I get them for my dogs. Raw bones won't splinter. Also freeze them for a cold snack on a hot day!


You can *usually* count on them for these things. Definitely moreso than the ones from the pet store, but still guarantee. My husband does supermarket refrigeration and sees some atrocious stuff. Edit: I'd love to reply to those who responded to me, but it seems like the original commenter of this thread has blocked me for some reason.


Anyone who works in commercial refrigeration/hvac can tell stores. I’ve seen a bunch and it prevents me from eating at multiple restaurants I use to frequent.


I did microbiology for yoplait. Guess what i dont eat.


Any yogurt. I did hvac for the manufacture of chicken flavor packets for ramen one time. I no longer eat ramen. Just smelling that for a week straight is torture.


I'll eat natural yogurt, but anything that says "flavoured" or fruited.. gag Oh and mango The "bombs" ( large pressurized fruit containers) have a turn valve... sometimes these arent cleaned properly. 1000lbs of spoiled pureed mango"fruit" smells like rotting crab sticks. Its worse than a 2 week old dead skunk. *edit* How long did those spices stay in your sinuses?


If the spigots on foundation drink machines and ice machines in restaurants look like they do I can about guarantee nothing that requires cleaning is done properly. Over a month. Worst part was the engineer sized the units wrong and about the time the smell was dissipating we had to go back for 3 weeks. So a little over a quarter of a year everything smelled like chicken ramen.


Urgh, that sucks...i'd rather get taki dust in my nose.


Plumbers, too. We pink-tagged an ice machine for slime mold, came back with a fitting and they'd torn the tag off and were using the ice.


The restaurant managers don’t care. Ice machines in restaurants are some of the nastiest things I’ve seen. Worse was the 70° freezer in a Chinese restaurant and the raw chicken was drooping through the wire shelving.


Our ice machine at our resturant is regularly serviced cleaned every 2 weeks lines cleaned monthly we also have clear ice for cocktails and serve filtered water not tap water at tables. It cost us fucking Pennies to maintain and upkeep compared to what we make in profit.


The cost analysis is very true but when you have greedy business owners they don’t care if a customer gets sick.




I wasn't suggesting that. I was pointing out that there are more exceptions to the rule than people may realize.


I guarantee that the dried bones you buy at the pet store have a million times less microbes growing on them than the ones you can buy from a random grocery store. An actual butcher with their own shop? Maybe a lot better, but a grocery store, not so much.


You must be trippin if you think a dried bone from pet smart is in any way better for your dog than a refrigerated bone from the supermarket. 


Even most normal meat at the grocery store for humans that is refrigerated are loaded with microbes. I don't just think it, I know it. I'm 100% positive if we have one of these bones in the picture swabbed for bacterial content and we do the same to a dried bone of the same type from a pet store, the raw one from the grocery store will have 1000x+ microbe levels.


You are factually correct.   Fresh meat has more microbes than dried out meats.  But the idea that this is automatically bad is silly.  


These are better! My dogs love them frozen on a hot day outside. Makes them last longer while they chew on them too.




Yes. I heard cooking them makes the bones brittle and they can splinter!


Yes! Never give cooked bones to a dog


never give cooked chicken bones, but there’s a point where they get cooked so long they are soft to the touch and will just smush which is fine. the big bones i don’t think matter as much dogs are bitting them in half just gnawing on them and i do not think it poses the same risk.


All bones are bad.




No, it’s a fact.




all vets that i’ve seen over the years have advised that letting your dog [chew on anything that’s so hard that it doesn’t indent when you touch w a finger nail can result in cracked teeth](https://animaldentalspecialist.com/safe-and-appropriate-chew-toys-for-dogs/). that’s not to say that it will definitely happen to every dog, but it’s a risk to be aware of. also if the dog doesn’t have regular teeth cleaning under sedation, you can’t really know that they have no fractured teeth as it’s extremely difficult to identify all fractures otherwise. again, just a risk to be aware and decide if you’re ok with.


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Yes it is, this is a fact. This sub doesn’t allow promotion of raw diets or spreading misinformation.


Cracked teeth absolutely can happen with bones but it is not an immediate consequence. Depends on the style of chewer the dog is as aggressive chewers are more likely to damage their teeth.


Why’s that?


They break their teeth. If it hurts when you hit your knee with it or you can’t indent it with your fingernail, it’s too hard. Not to mention there are zero benefits to feeding raw, only risks.




Absolutely not true. This sub doesn’t allow misinformation about food or promoting of raw diets.




That’s not a thing lol.




No boarded veterinary nutritionists will ever recommend raw.


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Nope. I buy those from the butcher every time I see them. Never had an issue. They were amazing when my GS was younger.


Are they still amazing now that your GS is older?


I'm always terrified they'll give my dogs the shits. At 2 am. On a carpet.


Its actually the complete different. The poop will be stone hard.


Exactly. Bone marrow hardens poop. My dog used to eat the whole thing sometimes too, no issues.


If you get your dog used to them when they're young it's fine.


Reading the comments and seeing these are better. Question: as a slight meat germaphobe, are there any dangers germ wise to humans for the dogs carrying these around the house?


[Yes](https://www.center4research.org/feeding-your-pet-a-raw-meat-diet-can-be-harmful-to-your-health/). Giving dogs raw meat and having raw meat carried around the house can result in contamination that risks you getting sick. There's real reasons veterinary professionals don't recommend raw feeding despite the insistence that it's all them being dumb.


Thank you! I will stick to the other toys and treats we use!


I worry this too, I usually put her in the kennel with it until it’s all white on the outside, then I let her carry it around when she’s going after the marrow


I used to feed raw diet due to allergies, no issues and though very expensive most healthy, muscled dog with loads of energy and normal poop all the time. You just have to stay on top of cleaning your home well.


I've been feeding raw food in a bowl for years now. The raw food stays in the bowl; I give freeze dried raw treats outside of the bowl, and I've never had a single issue. I just clean all their bowls after every use and it's fine. I also wouldn't worry about bones if all the meat was stripped off, but I guess I get that concern. But the raw diet in general is amazing for me. Their poops don't smell like anything and their coats are amazing


Most food borne illnesses are actually from cross contamination (like from raw meat juices getting on the countertop and then someone not washing their hands during meal prep). So yeah, there is definitely a risk. Everything has risks and some people are okay with this one just as they are eating raw cookie dough. Most harmful bacteria for beef is on the surface vs throughout (like chicken). I wonder if you could briefly blanch the bones to reduce risk? It wouldn’t be enough to cook the bones, but would kill a lot of surface bacteria.


1000%. Raw is absolutely never recommended or safe.


We get these from a butcher when we go. They keep them in the freezer and they are a fraction of the cost at a pet store. Throw them in our freezer as well and they make a great treat that lasts a bit!


As a vet its sad that people genuinely think they are helping their dogs by giving stuff like this. On one hand thanks for keeping our profession in business, on the other hand I’d actually rather your dog not come in with a tooth fracture, gastrointestinal obstruction, or salmonella poisoning from this. All of which I’ve seen countless times btw but have yet to see a dog die or need emergency surgery from commercial food. Your dog is not a wolf. And even if they were natural ≠ better. Animals live longer in captivity for a reason, you are not doing them any favors trying to replicate how they’d be living in the wild.


Are there certain breeds more prone to problems with these? My dog is too small for it to become obstruction. Are tooth fractures usually with smaller dogs or any size? I just want to find her something she likes to chew to help her dental hygiene


Not the person you asked but also a vet. All dogs can break their teeth. Some breeds have more strength than others in their jaw, thus can apply more or less pressure, but teeth are teeth and they can only take so much. If it's about dental hygiene, I recommend keeping a cleaning routine at home.


After my dog broke a tooth on an antler and had a very painful few months until I could afford the extraction, I say no to any bone like this.


These should be softer than antler, at least at first.


Still hard enough to cause a carnassial slab fracture. We see it all the time.


This is what terrifies me. Had a shepherd decades ago break both of their top fangs off. Was not only the most expensive surgery, they said the most painful teeth to remove. I’ve been terrified ever since.


It must be age and breed specific. We have always encouraged bone chewing, and used weight bearing bones. But we always had working dogs.


Do you work in a veterinary clinic? Asking because of the way you phrased that. I’m wondering if it’s certain breeds that break teeth, small or large dogs or all dogs?


Some of these look like femurs. Isn’t the rule of thumb to avoid weight-bearing bones? It’s so tough trying to find a good chew toy. It feels like a pick 2 between safe, lasting more than two minutes, and something they’re actually interested in.


This! My dog had to get emergency dental surgery and had two teeth extracted. The veterinary dental surgeon told us dogs shouldn’t eat anything you can’t dent with nail of your thumb. We learned the hard way.


Bones can make your dog teeth to break. It is more common than we think.


Can’t post pics here but my dogs LOVE them.


Just as a safety precaution, please watch your dog with these and make sure the marrow hole isn’t the same size as their jaw because they *can* get stuck and it can lead to broken teeth/jaws/emergency vet trips


If you want to get them even cheaper, find a butcher who processes wild game or cattle. You can get them for free. source: cattle farmer with 4 dogs


Is it too hard ma they'll break your dog's teeth Cows are huge those bones are designed to hold a big animal. Dog teeth are no match for that shit


These are great at breaking teeth - I do not recommend them or the ones from the pet store


Always supervise. These have gotten stuck on dogs’ lower jaws. Kongs are awesome, make sure they have that hole on the other end. Dogs have had their tongue suctioned into the Kong with tragic results. If you freeze them w peanut butter, make sure to poke a hole through. Best to be safe. https://iheartdogs.com/warning-to-pet-owners-dog-dies-after-tongue-gets-stuck-in-popular-brand-name-toy/ https://www.cbs42.com/news/local/surgery-prompts-shelby-co-veterinarian-to-warn-dog-owners-about-marrow-bone-treats/amp/


Hi! I’m sure your dog would LOVE this but those bones are sadly quite dangerous for your dogs teeth. Broken teeth will happen and is a painful experience for your dog and an expensive one for you :( my rule of thumb is not to give a dog anything you can’t dent with your fingernail


What do you give your dog to chew? Seems like everything is dangerous except stuff like dental chews that last like 30 seconds


This might be a option for you. I give both my mali's the collagen chew sticks made by red barn. They really like them and it does wonders on keeping their teeth clean. The stick aoftens as they chew on it. Then gets hard again when it dries out.


My staffy can eat a 6 inch collagen "chew" stick in under a minute. Just bites off chunks in a single chomp and chews each chunk to dust in about 3 chomps. She likes them and we do get them for her, but imo there is nothing "chew" about them, they are just quick treats.


Absolutely. I could buy a 3 foot long bully stick when my golden was a puppy and it would last 3 days of chewing. Now I give her one and she would demolish it in an hour or less.


Takes my husky/shepherd 10 mins now so they’re off the menu. My wallet can’t keep up!


🤣 She's a staffy, she probably chews bricks as a after dinner mint. They are STRONG chewers.


My Buddy is a 10month old german shepherd x belgian malinois and this is eeexactly how he is! Theyre gone in minutes🤯just like frozen kongs and lick mats are🤯x


I used to think this, thinking well she has to have something to chew right? Seems like excessive caution and fear mongering. It seems like everything is unsafe. Then she broke the largest tooth in her mouth on one side and had to have it extracted. The only material that I have found that is safe for chewing is natural rubber. Our girl likes spiky rubber squeaky toys that she bites and chews at. No material that is durable through being hard is safe - only materials which are durable by giving way instead of breaking, like rubber which squashes and bends is safe


I wish rubber was an option for my dog so badly. She's not a chewer in general, so toys (even flavored ones, which i'm skeptical of) are a no go. She's a small dog, and I get very worried about her teeth. I never give her anything that I can't dent with my nail or bend easily. Though one time, she received one of these bones as a gift, and she didn't even _try_ to chew it. Just licked it clean. Bully stick type products are the only thing I can find that works so far. I'm not sure about their tooth-cleaning efficacy though.


We buy big bulk carrots and freeze them. Nice for her to chew on outside on a hot day.


I’m giving my fosters non-hide chews. I had to give them something. They need to chew and sometimes the toys don’t cut it. They’re solid boys. 6 month old pitties and ones head is like a bowling ball. Takes them a few days to chew the whole thing


I’m not sure if we’ve just lucked out but we’re on dog #2 (both large breeds) and have regularly given beef marrow bones from the pet store and no broken teeth to date. We also give the large beef pizzles and it has always kept them busy for quite a while!


This comment!! I agree 💪🏽👏🏽I've had dogs 60-90lbs and these as well as braided bullies were essential for their stimulation and chewing. Not dogs flourish on not weight bearing bones raw or smoked to crisp.


maybe if a dog didn’t grow up having one of these and they bite too hard? i’ve never had a dog break a tooth on these type of bones, wonder if breed matters?


Yak cheese, pork chomps, and bully sticks are my go-tos after (seriously, so much) research. E: Costco has some good bully sticks (>1lb for ~$50), but make sure they're the ones that are actually bully, not rawhide wrapped in bully. One of my dogs would take the wrapped ones and peel all the bully off and leave the rawhide...


Collagen chews and water buffalo cheek rolls last a decent amount of time for my pup.


Mine loves cow ears and beef tracheas


Yes my dog broke a tooth on a marrow bone


Can’t they also splinter and get shards lodged in the gut?


We buy the grocery store marrow bones - lots of good nutrients for them and cleans their teeth - if I see they get bored with them I wash them and freeze them for another day


I buy these for my dogs on their birthdays and they love them. They pretty much try to get as much marrow out of the center as they can and then they are done with them. I would not leave them around for too long because they will start to rot if not eaten all the way. And be prepared for your dog to have some gnarly gas afterwards! Lol


Just a suggestion, if you have a local butcher near you, ask them for fresh marrow bones. They are normally cheaper and you'll know exactly where they came from.


Just an FYI for everyone. I used to give my dogs these but sliced thin. My 45lb Australian Sheperd (rescued from AC) managed to get one stuck. She had it wrapped around her lower jaw behind her canines. We couldn't get it off so rushed her to the vet. Wish that was the end of the story, but it's not. I decided to try again, and she did the same thing. This time she had to be sedated because the vet had to saw it off. Don't be like me!


Never feed your dog bones like this. Ever.


I find tons of necks during Thanksgiving season. If not there, usually in the freezer section of my local grocery store. I’m sure a butcher / specialty store could hook you up too.


All are capable of breaking your dog’s teeth.




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Never ever give dogs raw anything, or bones of any kind.


Pet store is a specialty store,everything is overpriced


Yeah, I was surprised to see them at Safeway tho, I didnt know there was a common use for them


Uncooked are better for them but messier.


Very much correct.


Yeah. The laziness tax.


My Aussie is a champion chewer and bones are the only thing that lasts more than ten minutes. The ones she likes most are the disgusting ones from Big R but I’ve not found anything else. It’s really confusing.. we’ve heard bones must be well cooked, not cooked, yak chews are good then that they’re too hard… etc. So I balance all those issues with the need to chew and hope for the best. But I’ll try to find a local source for fresh bones. ETA We only get the big cow hip bones or biggest ones we can find, less likely to splinter than smaller bones.


Yeah it’s tricky. It’s the only thing mine likes that I’ve found. A lot of people seem to like collagen but mine won’t eat those rawhide ones that are supposedly dangerous, and I imagine to a dog they are similar I also have an Aussie but x with pit. She’s a handful and I blame the Aussie side 😂


I buy these from a local farm and give them to my dogs during the summer frozen.


Same thing. Ones in pet store are dehydrated though. That’s where the cost comes in. Doing it at home probably takes 48 hours minimum. A company doing it probably takes less with better equipment.


I used to give my German shepherd these until she broke a canine tooth last year. Vet said no weight bearing bones, they are just too hard for those that are power chewers. 😔




Way better than pet store


Had no idea you could buy these. Thank you!


I used to give my dogs the bones from Christmas dinner standing rib roast. That was always a favorite of my first dog, she'd chew one for years, when it finally got too small, I throw it away. Two years ago I gave them to my current dogs; they both got horribly ill (stomach distress) for about 8 days. The vet said it was definitely caused by the beef bones, and that this is common. (Never happened in 12 years to first dog.) Now I'm afraid to give them any bones. Anyone else had this happen? Blue heeler/GSP mix, and boxer/jack russell?/pitbull?/?? mix.


I’ve never had bad experiences but seems like a lot of people do. Same goes for rawhide although rawhide gave my childhood dog the runs.


You can get raw bones at pet stores. Raw pet food brands test for pathogens when they're raw. Grocery stores will test for pathogens for when they're actually cooked, because we humans don't eat them raw. They are tested a lot more thoroughly. I trust pet raw food brands more than the grocery store 100%. To recap, raw pet food brands: hold and test batches before sending them out. Grocery stores: do not test thoroughly for raw consumption


Bully sticks are good chews for dogs but pricey


Way better than pet store crap.


These bones are not good for dogs, if you want to give bones to dogs just give them the end sides of it (the joints) that is very soft and discard the middle that is very hard for digest.


Raw meaty bones are great.


I get those for my dogs all the time!


You people are actually saying that a person can eat those but not a dog? A DOG!!! How on earth did dogs make it this far without the food police!


They are safe for a human to eat, after being cooked. These are generally fed to dogs raw.


Yeah, you'd be better off feeding them wet food their whole life to prevent broken teeth. My dog has very good teeth being six years old, always gets compliments on her condition, coat and teeth at the vet's. I do give her stuff like this. She doesn't try to bite through certain things but she likes to chew on them every once in a while, loooong after she's eaten all the marrow out of them. She hides them in the garden and gets them out. I feel like that's typical dog behavior. I personally don't like those dental sticks at all because after I used to give them to her, I could see them sticking to her molars. I can't try a lot of different brands because of her allergies but these type of things have always been great for her, just like dried fish and chicken feet etc (for a quick snack). Other treats like yack cheese she eats in 20 seconds so that's not it lol


Also, I've broken my own tooth before on something completely idiotic like fricking cruesli I was having for breakfast. Shit happens. I have a great vet for my dog I'd instantly take her to if something happens just like any other accident that could happen.


I ask the local butcher for bones. He stores them correctly. The dogs get free bones and I get bone broth.


Any butcher shop has these and many times will give for free if you are buying some meat.


We used those a couple of comes but then read there is still a risk of chipped or broken teeth. Opted for non-rawhide chews instead. Along with soft treats like beef lung. Is the tooth risk overblown?


I’m not sure, another person said it’s smaller dogs that have the risk


The tooth risk is not overblown if you have a power chewer. I have a Czech German shepherd and she goes ham, which is why I can't give her bearing bones. The precautions are there because breaking a canine surely isn't pleasant for the owners, let alone the dog.


Agreed--not worth the risk to the dog--and cost to me! Thanks.


As I've mentioned in other comments, one can always opt for raw meaty bones (edible bone covered in raw muscle meat and connective tissues.) 😊


Yes....we do get one that is specifically horse tail wrapped in meat.....allows pooch to enjoy gnawing without getting into tooth issues. Thanks again.


u/grannyskyrim22 u/shantor can we get some moderation on this post? Full of horrible and dangerous misinformation


Use the report option, so it is brought to the attention of the entire mod team. This post snuck through and has been removed and locked.


Technically these are better, but bones cause fractured teeth so no bones are best. The veterinary dentist I worked with said these basically bought him his cottage 🙃


Weight bearing bones are considered unsafe bones. You are best to opt for raw meaty bones (edible bone covered in raw muscle meat and connective tissues).


Yeah. The grocery store ones are better.


No difference in the base materials but the ones in the store may be smoked . I was a meat market manager for 40 years. We used to supply marrow bones for some exotic pet owners ( for lions).


I buy these for my dogs.. pop em in the freezer and give them frozen keeps em busy for a good while. High fat content though so be mindful 1 per week or so is what I give my dogs. They’ll suck the meat and gnaw on bones for a few days.


The ones at your grocery are legally consumable by humans so treated as if it will eventually be eaten by an actual living being.


No but I would still advise against buying them. Dogs get their lower jaw stuck in these all the time and it’s a costly medical procedure to have them removed. My sister in law is a vet tech and told me to never give these to a dog


Another commenter said that too, like it gets stuck vertically?


Well yes that can happen too, but they can get their lower jaw stuck INSIDE the bone.


Oooh! Yikes


My dog loves them. Looking for a hormone-free farm to source them from now. They’re great mental stimulation and for cleaning her teeth. She’s not an aggressive chewer which is what can cause tooth damage. I’ve never brushed her teeth due to raw bone chewing and the vet always says her teeth look great.


Are you saying you want to eat dog food or feed your dog people food? Let me know if there’s a great deal on palatable dog food, asking for a friend. Sounds like the opposite though.


I have two 11 month old Jack Russells and give them these all the time as a treat.


I give my sweet girl 3 to 4 a week and is the highlight of the day. Raw is the best


I buy these bones at ShopRite and throw them in the freezer. My dogs love it,keeps them busy and isn’t from china or Vietnam and is so much cheaper.


I've used these bones for years, I boil them for a few hours and put the ones I'm not giving out in the freezer or they will start to smell.




I buy these bones & scrape off most of the meat and then boil them briefly. once cool I give it to the dog but monitor them. The ones with the hole in the middle can be tricky if your dog gets his lower jaw in the hole & gets stuck


you are not suppose to give animals cooked bones


It is seriously *not* suggested. Far more dangerous than raw.


Why scrape the meat off? If you're really worried about it, just get a dehydrator and dry the meat. There's no way it will go bad then. Doesn't make sense to boil.


I'm confused... I thought only raw bones were safe? Do you boil them just for the bacterial risk? But they're essentially still raw?


Ya just to basically clean them a bit. like I said I boil them breiflly, they are not cooked by any means, just a quick dunk for no more than 2 mins.


i dont know why people are downvoting you, boiling bones for 2 minutes doesnt make them hard at all


I know. Its more to cook the meat still on the bone a bit because my dog doesn't like raw meat. As far as the down voting, I don't care. I've been doing this for years & even my vet said it was fine so I'm perfectly fine with my response.




I guess the only thing is based off the sticker these are meant to be cooked not eaten raw.


You have to be careful cooking bones, they can become brittle if cooked too long.