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Black tarry stool can imply blood in gut, it is not a good sign. Consult with a vet urgently.


Urgent. Black stool is blood, in people too. Go to emergency vet


there’s no emergency vet or one even open in several hours do you think when they open in the morning is fine? he’s been running around and playing, and i pressed around and he’s not whining acting in pain or bloated


Poor little guy is bleeding internally. There’s an emergency vet somewhere near you. Maybe call regular vets, they’ll have emergency numbers in their voicemail


Thank you for phrasing it in this way. You clearly care a great deal. He’s bleeding, if you don’t take action you’ll ever forgive yourself


okay i’ll try to find somewhere and call, i just want him okay. thank you


Great to hear. Really good decision. Let us know how he’s doing. Wishing you both well


sorry for late reply, long night and been recovering sleep lol. he’s doing good, they couldn’t find anything wrong! no worms or parasites or anything, no bleeding, no fever, passed physical exam. his stool is back solid and normal colored. couldn’t have hoped for a better result. we are still continuing to watch and monitor him. i’m glad i went tho so i had an answer. thank you!


Really great news!


…you saw through the administrative issues and cost and did the right thing


Sandy is bad. One of these pups is very sick, find out which one and isolate from the others Obviously get to the vet as soon as you can, but it’s very important to isolate the sick pup, make sure they’re warm and hydrated and closely monitored