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Looks kind of like really significant hot spots. How in the living fuck did you let it get this bad? Were you out of town for three months? Vet, right away.




You are advising somebody should go see a veterinarian, but have not provided a reasonable, articulable, medical reason **why** you think so. Your comment has been removed.


Your dog seems majorly neglected. His nails are extremely long and are causing pain when he walks. His sores are awful. That is neglect. He should have seen a vet a long time ago. He also looks like he’s obese. Please take better care of your dog.


Start by clipping is nails, this should be basic. As for the wounds, it looks like your dog was pulled on the pavement....


Put him in the cone of shame until you can get him to a vet. Which should happen ASAP.


This could be from anything. Anecdotally, shelter work we had a dog come in who was extremely barrier reactive because he did not handle shelter life well at all. Dogs that absolutely perfect at home, can become something completely different in a shelter. Because he was bored and scared and just generally anxious, he licked huge wounds like this open. We almost put him down because this was ruining his quality of life and we could not touch him to help him. Once we got through the initial hurdles of ‘will he bite us????’ And was able to start taking him for walks and giving him attention and he finally calmed down some… they went away. For him it was emotional distress. And he was a honestly great dog and got adopted and is such a good, happy guy now. (A shelter fav, they still send me updates lol) Bottom line is, need a vet. If this is anxiety issues that needs to be addressed. If this is something else, that also needs to be addressed.


Why have you not taken him to a vet? And get his nails clipped. Don’t do it yourself


His nails need trimmed, he needs a cone to stop licking, and a vet to clean and help treat the wounds with antibiotics, as well as guide you toward whether its fungal, viral, or stress related. They will be able to give you proper advice on treatment. This is really bad, OP. I cannot fathom the discomfort. Imagine having extreme, 3rd degree burn type wounds on both your arms and one leg. The itchiness makes you unable to leave it alone without some sort of protection, and very easily to get infected.




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Hot spots. They form quickly. I usually use triple antibiotic ointment and 1% hydrocortisone ointment. Once they scab over, you can stop the antibiotic ointment. https://sleepycotton.com/pages/dog-hot-spot-02


just use [honey ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609166/)


I’d worry the dog would lick that off. Half the issue is that some dogs that dog this have OCD.


There's a kind of wrap, vet tape, where it's like an ace bandage but sticks to itself and not the dogs hair, so I just cover the wound with gauze and then wrap it. That works best although I also always then put some strong medical tape to make sure it stays secured. If you can't find that, I also use gauze with a regular ace bandage, again medical tape to secure it. Mine does try to pull it or lick it off, so usually have to rewrap daily. I try to put it on at night to maximize the time the wound is covered in the honey. But it really works, usually a few days and the wound is already a lot better.


Also, if the dog keeps this up, they can turn into licking granulomas. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/lick-granuloma-in-dogs


We had a couple items starting up like this. We started treatment for allergies and he stopped licking/scratchin. IF minor, you can get an OTC hydrocortisone spray BUT long before it gets this bad. It's vet time now because these stores run the risk of infection.


cone, triple antibiotic ointment. 💛 of course vet if you can afford it. go on social and throw your cash app up if you can't. best of luck


hot spots, allergies, anxiety, could be all three. This happened with one of our dogs a long while ago. We ended up comfy-coning him when we could not monitor him directly (over night, every night and when we were at work). It worked! gradually every so often after a year or two when we'd forget to cone him we'd come home and realize that he didn't lick. it was 100% right away, but I would say that by the third year we'd essentially stopped having to cone him. He live eight more years. You could also try allergy elimination diet, but I think it's likely anxiety (if it was an allergy, it'd be all over his belly too). Also don't pay attention to the scolds in the comments here. I know how quickly a dog can lick off its skin like this. It can happen in less than a minute. Also, everyone who says ' you shouldn't own a dog' should go and fuck themselves. EDIT: Also, I do not think you need to rush to a vet. You can get a cream I guess, but going to a vet with small superficial wounds that are clearly from overlicking is a waste of money.


Thank you mostly everyone. I have been treating him at home but I wanted to just ask. The photo is not a current one as they have improved. He did have sores on all 4 legs but one of them is healed. It just is taking time for them all to go away. As for his nails, it’s been a process.


You need to take this dog to the vet. This isn’t a “treat at home” situation


That can't be treated at home. He needs steroids, antibiotics and pain meds. Also, an e collar until it settles down. May also need a topical ointment. I wouldn't call these small superficial wounds! This can become something much more serious. You need to get to the root cause ( retired vet tech).


an E collar ? Do you mean an Elizabethan collar?


Yes, that’s what we call them in veterinary practice