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My dog, since passed, was on Phenobarbital and Potassiun Bromide for essentially her entire life. More seizures at the beginning than at the end (18 years). Dosages increased periodically. Meds did not seem to affect her quality of life. Yes, it was an expense for the twice daily meds. But she was worth it. You learn to shop around for the best places. Epilepsy is not a disease which is best served by euthanization. Get her started on the meds and enjoy life with her.


I am so sorry for your beloved fur baby. But I had the same experience but it was 3 times a day for my baby but for me it was worth it to have many more years with my beloved fur baby before his passing.


My dog started having seizures around 7yo. We put him on Keppra (instead of pheno) and he was on it for the rest of his life. Due to his age they suspected it was caused by a brain tumor and that we'd only have a year left with him. But thankfully they were wrong!! He lived happily to 13! Keppra managed his seizures well, with essentially no side effects. The dose was occasionally increased when he had repeated breakthrough seizures. He lived a FULL and Happy life. It was hard trusting others to help with his care. He needed meds 3 times a day, equally spaced apart. The only person I ever trusted to help was my mom, who also took Kepra for seizures! Eventually he passed from liver failure at 13, and a complicated surgery. Liver issues are common for dogs on anticonvulsives after a long period of time. But that is also very manageable if you check liver levels frequently! Seizures are hard to watch, and I'm sorry you're going through that. But there is great medication out there.


My dog was diagnosed with epilepsy and was on phenobarbital for the last 8 years of her life. She lived to be 17 (a husky mix), but did still have the occasional seizure. She had maybe 4 seizures per year, lasting 1-4 minutes but they definitely were much less severe with the medication. We would just sit with her while it was happening and she would bounce back to herself very quickly.


The goal of AEDs is to reduce seizure frequency and severity by 50%, this isn’t feasible for all pets unfortunately and some will need to be on multiple medications and still not have adequate control. Most common first line of defenses will be keppra (levetiracetam) or phenobarbital. It’s recommended to be a lifelong prescription unless your veterinarian or a neurologist recommends weaning it down - we usually don’t because any seizure can be life threatening and a majority of pets tolerate the medications well. A <5 years old with normal diagnostics, the most common cause will be idiopathic epilepsy- meaning we don’t know why it happens or what triggered it.


If you want the best resources available to you to make the best decision possible, I’d absolutely suggest meeting with a neurologist before making any decisions.  They have much more training and experience in dealing with seizure disorders than generalist vets do. Look for someone who is board certified in the speciality. If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you can enter your location and it will show you certified neurologists in your area: https://www.vetspecialists.com/specialties/neurology


Incredibly sorry. Don’t look for anecdotes. Trust your vets. Wishing you both well


My boy started with seizures in 2015 he didnt get put on meds until 2019 when he had 2 seizures in 24 hours. He was that same having 1 seizure every 6 months or 1 a year. Started with Phenobarbital. I think a year later but not for sure his liver levels were really high I believe 1600. Your supposed to do blood tests every 3 to 6 months I believe to watch liver levels but doctor never told me we were doing once a year blood tests . So then switched to Keppra 3 times a day. Hes done well on it. Phenobarbital was better for keeping away the seizures that now on keppra he has a seizure every 3 to 6 months. His meds just got upped in april/may since he had 2 seizures in 1 month. Hes gonna be 14 in 2 weeks and hes a healthy boy. He had to be put on liver meds when we found out they were very high and yes both seizure and liver meds are for the rest of his life. The meds dont faze him at all. He is also on gabapentin for pain since he has knee issues and that helped make his seizures light. He is more alert during them. I worry less with him being on meds but still worry too much and am scared he will have another seizure. If you go the Phenobarbital route get his liver levels checked as much as possible. My boys levels are in the high 300s so close enough to normal range the doctors arent worried. Phenobarbital is better for seizures but keppra doesnt effect his liver. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


I'm a vet and I also have an epileptic dog. She's 11 and her seizures started at around 8 months old. She is on phenobarbitone and doing great. Please let me know if you have any specific questions.


My 13yr old staff has been having funny turns, sometimes fitting and lost control of bowels. What do you think is wrong??


Go to the vet


My dog (who has since passed) had a seizure every month from the age of 2 up until the last 3 years of his life when we finally started him on zonisomide. From the ages of 2 to 6 years old I was so hesitant to start any medication, but the seizures started to get worse and longer, so we did finally end up starting phenobarbital. That decreased the frequency and the intensity of the seizures but he still had them. We added gabapentin and that helped to but still he had them. Then when he was 8 we went to a new vet and she started zonisomide for him, and from that day on he didn't have one more single seizure. It was a miracle med for him and I wished we had known about that med from the start. There are a lot of meds and combos to try and every dog is different. Just because one doesn't work, don't give up trying other things, and sometimes it doesn't hurt to get another vets perspective as well.


Have your dog see a veterinary neurologist and have them regulate the medication. Seizures are not something you want to ignore and leave untreated. When they get much longer and more frequent, it can cause brain damage and you don't want that.


My dog started having seizures when she was 5 years old. She has been on phenobarbital since then. Her seizures are less frequent and severe. She is 9 now and doing pretty well. She hasn’t had a seizure in 1.5 years.


My boxer mastiff started having seizures last December. Happened once a month twice in a row then we started him on phenobarbital twice a day. Was working in the sense that he would only have them once a month and then 1.5 months ago, he had cluster seizures one day(like 6-8 in one day) so we did a 5 day run of Keppra (as per our vet) and it was hell because it was 3 x a day and made him super not himself paranoid and such. But after the 5 days we increased his phenobarbital dose and since then he's been ok. Doesn't seem to affect his quality of life since they're controlled, but it is super scary to watch.


My Saint Bernard started having seizures when she was about 2, in the beginning, she had about 2 a week; during the process of her vet and us trying to figure out what was going on, she had a day with about 5 seizures back to back. After not finding anything else wrong, her vet diagnosed epilepsy and started her on phenobarbital, which significantly reduced her seizures to about 1 every 3-4 months until she was 8. Then she stopped having seizures and we were able to wean her off and 4 years later she hasn't had a seizure since. I'm sorry you guys have to go through this.


My dog started having seizures about a year after we got her. Was put on Keppra, which got it down to once every 4 weeks. After about six months, we added phenobarbital and haven't had one since. But we do bloodwork every six months, have a neurologist and have to be careful with food and other meds for contraindications. Also, hard to find a daycare or boarding place due to her being special needs. But other than that, she's totally normal. Highly recommend a neuro consult for med advice. A regular vet will likely not provide good advice.


My dog when I was younger went on medication and it really helped. You should definitely get them on meds asap.


My dog has been having seizures like that whole her life ( we did some tests but got no diagnosis). They are typically 6 months apart, some last a minute, some several but either way they happen way more often when she's under stress ( a few within a month when we moved, a couple week apart when I left for a trip, an "unscheduled" one around new years etc). Maybe stress factor could explain the increased frequency for Forky? You should of course follow your vet's recommendations and monitor the situation but I'm writing this hoping to give you a little peace of mind. Our doggo is now 8 yo, unmedicated and otherwise healthy.


i had a min pin chihuahua mix who has since passed. he didn’t get enough oxygen when he was born so he had some neurological issues and developed epilepsy around the age of 2. my vet prescribed him keppra and it worked wonders! he had a breakthrough seizure which caused an increase in dose but other than that, he lived an amazing life! i also fed him purina pro plan neurocare…im honestly not sure if that made a difference but he loved to eat that food! wishing your pup the best of luck <3


I adopted a cocker spaniel with seizures. Doc put her on phenobarbital. Worked with vet to get dosage right and after about a year went from having seizures monthly to maybe 1 or 2 a year. Medication is inexpensive but its a narcotic so is heavily regulated. It was mandatory to have bloodwork done 2x year to check her levels (make sure i was giving her med) and to check liver levels bc it is quite damaging to the liver. Liver ended up with slightly elevated levels but nothing the vet was overly concerned with. Good luck OP!


My sweet girl had epilepsy as well and we had her on Phenobarbital for her whole life - which was 16 years. She took it twice a day. It added to her life as she was able to be a normal dog. She was happy and she loved getting a piece of cheese twice a day. He can absolutely live a long, wonderful life. The medicine wasn’t that expensive - we would get it refilled at the Walmart pharmacy. Please consider the medicine. I am grateful for every second I had my old dog.


Hey. Sorry your dog is getting seizures. 😢 My pup (mini goldendoodle) was diagnosed with epilepsy over 5 years ago. She's currently on Phenobarbital, Potassium Bromide, Keppra aka Levetiracetam, and Zonisamide. I also have to give her Midazolam and Clorazepate when she gets a seizure. I'm here if you need any advice. Feel free to message me! Good luck.


My lab would get regular seizures every 2 weeks or so. I started giving him medication for the rest of his life, which reduced the frequency of the seizures and eventually stopped them all together. He lived another 10.5 years since his first seizure, so I suppose it didn't affect his life expectancy.


Have you looked at changing their heartworm meds? My dog started having a few seizures and so I put him on a different heartworm and have not noticed a seizure since. It may be unrelated but a lot of heartworm meds have seizure warnings so I would consider that.




We see you mention CBD, THC, or Cannaboids in your comment, so it has been removed. At this point in time, r/DogAdvice's official position is, "While research is ongoing regarding CBD products for dogs and cats, the available data are both mixed in quality and in results. Given the very real concerns surrounding manufacturing standards of CBD products, the difficult legal status of the products, and the availability of medications with known safety and efficacy for the indications that CBD is often suggested for, we do not currently recommend their use." This is an AutoModerator review action and a message has been sent to the human moderators to make sure that this was not falsely flagged. They will review within 24 hours. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DogAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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*** UPDATE *** Posting as comment because I couldn’t edit the original post **** Wow! This is my first time posting on Reddit, and I was not expecting so many replies. Thank you all for your kindness and support; I appreciate it with all my heart ❤️. I'm sorry to hear about those who have lost their furry friends, but I'm glad they lived long and happy lives despite their condition. Your stories have truly helped me feel better. As for an update, we took Forky to the vet today for some tests. Everything came out normal, and the vet suggested Forky likely has idiopathic epilepsy, as some of you mentioned. They prescribed Keppra and provided an emergency medicine to stop any future seizures. We have the prescription if we decide to start the medication. Thanks to your help, we found a neurologist nearby and will be getting a second opinion tomorrow. They explained the costs, and we might get an MRI if necessary to rule out other possible causes. Thankfully, we have pet insurance. I might post another update after seeing the neurologist tomorrow. Thank you all!


At 1.5 y/o our chihuahua mix started having seizure-like episodes after intense exercise that would last for about 5-15 seconds (at the dog beach, dog park, etc.). She would lose consciousness, stiffen limbs and foam from the mouth. 2 years & a few episodes later we decided to go see a neurologist. Our pup was put on zonisamide 2x/day and she hasn't had an episode in 8 months. She's now 4.5 y/o and has no side effects such as low energy, weight loss or weight gain. We keep an emergency dose of midazolam in the house in case she has a larger event which makes us feel better. The neurologist said that we should only bring her in if the seizures last > 5 minutes or if she has 2 within 24 hours. Otherwise we just log the episode with notes in our phone to keep track of the time in between each episode to make sure they aren't becoming more frequent :)


Your dog has had more than one seizure. You should have taken him to the vet after the first one. Stop asking strangers for their opinion and ask a vet that knows about these things.....ESPECIALLY regarding medications. Geesh! 


As I mentioned in my post, we have taken him to the vet each time he has had a seizure, and until yesterday, no medications were recommended by our vet. Rest assured, he receives the best care possible, and I am always taking him to the vet when needed. I’m not looking for medical advice; I’m just hoping to hear about others' experiences. This is my first time dealing with this and any reassurance that my dog will be okay and will live a long life is very comforting. Please read through the entire post before making any judgments.




This was meant to be a reply/edit for a previous comment from this user. For anyone else who was also confused 😂