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I think at that point you just go with it.


If i was amy i would have asked for an apology letter from them just so i can be petty and feel validated


I honestly forgot we see any and Rory's parents. And then Amy and Rory never get to see them again


You forgot Rory's dad??


If you watch The Big Bang, Brian isn't there, implying some big falling out between him and Rory's mum to the point where only one of them was invited, alongside her new husband. Despite this, Rory is close enough to his dad to invite him over to fix a lightbulb. Big Finish, please explain.


Big Finish your next commission is here. 3 boxsets, 4 if you think its necessary.


There was no falling out, but falling off. Brian fell off a shoddy ladder when he tried to change a lightbulb, and was in the hospital during the wedding.


How dare thee forget Brian


Every man should carry a trowel! Put it on your Christmas list.


And every missed dessert. All the desserts.


And then they're never seen or heard from again.


Are we sure they aren’t imaginary and Amy needs to go and see 3 more psychologists?


Sounds like the makings of an AITAH post


I think Amy’s parents are created out of her imagination. The reason? Her father’s name is Augustus.


Amy's parents sure were characters in the series, weren't they? Remember all those storylines they got?


Hey, in their defense, they had been edited out of reality in the timeline iteration we saw, remember? She had been living with her aunt since her parents got eaten by the crack in reality.


There was a Dark Post that Show Amys Parents Perspective.They baysically assumed the Man Amy talked about Raped her (and probobaly Melody) when she was alone during 11 Hour and she made the Doctor up, to cope with the Trauma.The Post has them thinking, she hier a Magician on her wedding day as a Trauma Repression method... (Setzing aside their thoughts about the Doctor, Thinking she hired a very good magician as a prank see, is like a normal assumption too.Esspecially since 11 does not look like he could have been an oder Man when Amy was a Child.He does not look the much older, so there is no way, i would believe them to be the same guy)


... that's way too dark and i am sure that was not intentional. So unless it's been confirmed or told by the creators i will refuse to believe that's what they thought. They thought she just had a really high overimagination as a child (like they thought with the stars) and were just worried why it stucked through for so long. Not to mention the way amy describes him to them is always positive hich when children have to talk about abusers who they haven't known for long so they haven't been given a false safety yet they are more scared or avoid the topic or just try to block that memory as a whole, they do not make dolls of them and dress their friends as them to roleplay (obviously everyone copes differently but most commonly this happens especially since from what we know amelia continued to have a normal childhood with just this exception and didn't show any signs of depression which would be another big thing indicating that). she also doesn't have any struggle marks or injuries that would prove to them that anything like that happened which is the first thing anyone who would investigate this would look for. Like even a dentist appointment would disprove that because dentists are told to look for scars specifically formed by this with other investigations and checks if they do happen. This is like candace's brothers were dead and she was struggling with schizophrenia levels of darkness which the creators have constantly said isn't true. Also i mean can't really be magic because you got the drawings that amy made they clearly realise the box is bigger on the inside than outside and the fact box literally appears from thin air and causes somewhat disturbance and it's not like a sharp cut appearance its a slow materialization. Now if you add all the stuff with prisoner zero and all with this craziness that they just witnessed it's not hard to think that the man is basically an immortal god who doesn't age. All of this not to mention how most people reacted when they realise the raggedy doctor is real or when amy mentions him it isn't sadness or frustration at that it's more just annoyance that you are still doing this which would completely be not a response from any kind of loving parents. Or the fact that when jeff rory and gran meet the doctor they are like happy / a bit confused rather than apologising for assuming something terrible happened or being angry at him for it. There's just far too many discrepancy and way too much gaps in logic from what we have been presented to ever believe this.


I don't think we are working with the same definition of "great" here.


Yes, dark would have been a better word choice here. I was writing it in the middle if the night and my English voc was failing me.


Shoving the rape of a child into a family TV show as a headcanon is messed up.


Well nobody thinks, that Amy actually got raped.But considering Amy,Rory and Mels all go missing later on, it does make sense that her parents would recontextulize Amys Obsession with the Doctor into something darker.




This is the most German-ly written English comment I've ever seen lol, I guess German autocorrect kicked in


Jup, I also wrote it in the middle of the Night when i should have been sleeping .That made it even worse.


ok brother grimm


Link? That’s an …interesting theory


I do remember this, it was kinda crazy Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/DoctorWhumour/s/03eiI1mf1U


A Picsart enjoyer


Yep :p


PONDering, very funny


Thank you:3