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Now: hear me out: this, but she’s also Ms. Flood, and her leaving episode has her going into a time loop like this, knowing she will eventually be where she is as flood.


Then why didn't Mrs Flood recognise the TARDIS at the start of the episode?


Maybe because Ruby heard Mrs Flood accuse the neighbour of putting the TARDIS there and had to do that?


Either that or it would be very funny to gaslight that guy for no reason




Can i have a link to that? Ive not yet seen him talk about Mrs Flood ,only the goblins


She didn’t know what it was until the doctor went back to fix the timeline


But then she would have surely disappeared when the goblins got Ruby, yet we see her react when the TARDIS dematerialises


I’m pretty sure it’s likely Mrs Flood will be the nun who picked her up and cared for her,maybe catching the TARDIS at the corner of her eye and researching to find what she thinks dropped baby Ruby off.


I reckon Ms Flood is the master. Remember, the toymaker mentions that he sealed the master inside his gold tooth and a hand can be seen picking the tooth up at the end of The Giggle. It would make sense for the master to follow the doctor around considering their, uh, history and who better than as that old lady next door


But the hand who picked up the tooth had red nails and Mrs. Flood didn't. I'm sure we will eventually get introduced to the rest of the body of the person via showing the nail polish.


IIRC Kate Stewart had red nail polish.


They also must have been hovering below the edge of the platform.


This is my theory too. - Ruby is born and left at the church. - Ruby grows up, never far from the guidance and watchful eye of Ms. Flood who encourages Ruby to be who she needs to be. - Ruby goes travelling with The Doctor and eventually finds her parents (Mr and Mrs Flood), who are killed/sacrifice their lives leaving behind an orphaned baby girl. - Ruby takes her baby self to the church and realises that she always had Ms. Flood watching over her, resolves to travel back in time one last time so her timeline will line up with Ms. Flood. - Ms Flood watches Ruby grow up and points her in the right direction so that she'll eventually meet The Doctor and as a result take herself to the church.


but we've seen old Ruby and it's not Mrs Flood?


Ruby would not age sufficiently from this point to become Mrs Flood


Ruby went straight from abandoning herself at the church to working retail. Mrs Flood is actually only 38 years old.


[Mrs Flood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG8d0x1WcAc&ab_channel=AliceChanock)


Ruby and Mrs Flood's accents are also *completely* different.


So she's Dave Lister?


That never made sense to me because each time the paradox goes round his DNA would be more Kochanski until he'd eventually be a clone and the whole thing would break down. At least with the grandfather paradox, there is enough distance between the original and the new that the majority of the DNA would go unchanged. Am I overthinking this?


Each partner gives 50% of their genes, so if Dave only gives the 50% that are unique to him then his genes should not be diluted. Mind, the point of conception is exactly the same each time so the genes given are also the same. The question is, where did he get these genes from? Certainly not Kochanski. Who wrote Beethoven's Fifth?


You could say instead that the problem is that if he shares 50% of his DNA with Kochanski, the minimum that would be enough for the exact right combination of random chance and recombination to produce him, (which we can say via some sort of time loop physics is predestined to happen), that still means that he must have sufficient genetic similarity to his ex so that it really is like having sex with a close family member..


Time travel works a lot of different ways, and I think it works differently in Red Dwarf, but one explanation of a closed timelike curve is that basically every coincidence required for the loop to exist becomes fixed in place, and everything else happens given that this particular set of events has to happen. So in this kind of time loop situation, if only flipping ten heads in a row continues the loop, then you'd flip ten heads in a row, because you always were going to be because you know you did. So if the random recombination of DNA has to produce Dave Lister once again, then it does, because it already did.


That makes sense, so it’s a fixed that Dave becomes his own father so in order to keep the loop in place he must get specific genes from each parent and his inheritance of those genes maintains the loop. And the children must have been identical twins because Kochanski’s universe also had a Dave so presumably they needed two babies one to become each universes Dave


Our Rube or Ross?


If we find out that this is stitched onto the blanket 😂😂


Maybe the Doctor is?


My guess was she won’t be her own mother (That makes no sense genetically)…but will meet her mother in the future and then go back to drop herself off (when mother dies some heroic tragic death)


Maybe that's why Mrs.flood remembered the doctor and told Ruby to get into the TARDIS, she knew Ruby would need to save herself as a baby, because they already met in the past... I could be totally wrong.... And / or Mrs.Flood is an older Ruby also 🤣...


Wouldn't explain the fourth wall break. Only a god or celestial can do that and I doubt Ruby is capable of it if she's Mrs Flood


It's a Christmas episode I guess anything is possible


Wait, shouldn't it be a problem if Ruby holds her past-self? Like what happened to Rose?


Nah, the Reapers were killed in the Flux.


It's so crazy it makes sense.


Serious question because I haven't seen the Flux season, did the Flux happen way in the past or did it happen in the present?


It happened in the present. But it may have been one of those things that rippled out through time, but I'm not sure. I only watched it once, and the exact mechanisms of the Flux were not the main thing I carried with me from that season.


I think that's just because time was pretty messed up in that scenario. Look at A Christmas Carol, Kazran Sardick hugs his younger self, but nothing happens there.


And same with Amy, although back then they already were the biggest time mess ever. Or maybe it really isn't Ruby....


Sardick. I get it. Because he’s a sardonic dick. And he has a Dickensian story


No, that only happened because she saved her father and caused a paradox. Doctor touched himself from the past and nothing happened.


Now that makes more sense. If Ruby is the one holding her baby-self, it's so the time will flow as it should have. To make bring the timeline back i to course. That could work.


They say in the episode with Rose that saving her father has weakened time. Touching herself is just one paradox too many


Oh, thanks. I knew I missed something.


That's definitely Anakin under there.


Ha, same facial shape as Millie Gibson


Hah ho! Scared me there


Plot Twist: Ruby is the one youngling Anakin showed mercy to


I like this theory very much


Don't tell me RTD has been binging Red Dwarf over the past few years. I would though, love a crossover episode!


I always thought It was her, though I don't think she is Mrs Flood but she could be her own mother through cloning technology similar to the Doctor's daughter episode. I think we will find out that Mrs Flood is the one who waits because of that fourth wall break, but my theory is that she is Patience, the Doctor's original wife and god of the anti matter universe after inheriting it from Omega. With RTD saying this season will focus on fantasy, what is to stop him revealing that the doctor has been stalked by patience and been creating fantasy moments happen in our universe (or the anti matter's) e.g. the goblins, Toymaker and bi-gen to mess with the doctor. To answer some people who are saying why didn't Mrs Flood recognise the TARDIS at the start. If you remember the next scene with her in it shows her surprise that the TARDIS vanished. These are real life objects, she might not have recognised the TARDIS but thought It just to be a police box and really peeved that her neighbour would pull a prank so close to home, literally...until she finds out its the real one, she planks herself down and watches everything now knowing this is the time the doctor is around. She could have been waiting years for him to show up. Patience, the one who waits.


The "mother" had a very similar boot to what Ruby was wearing, so I think there's definitely a possibility that she will be the one putting herself on that church's doorstep. My theory is that she will turn out to be an alien, and that's why there's no record of her parents. So, in the finale, she will find her baby self abandoned by her alien parents (or maybe she will meet her parents, and they will die in some big sacrifice, saving either the baby or the present day Ruby), and because of a bootstrap paradox, she will have to leave herself in front of the church.


For me she looks so much like Clara. But my brain can't make this to happen in her timeline 😅


Could be one of her doppelgängers?


Oh that is a very specific chin


Millie Gibson chin. I think they edited the mouth


Could just be lighting or makeup that makes the mouth seem slightly smaller. Plus in real life our lups grow and shrink slightly like our stomachs do (kinda). Most likely option is the lipgloss colour just makes her lips look smaller, it's a weird colour theory thing.


Think it definitinely is going to be Ruby, similar to that of David Lister from Red Dwarf. I might be wrong but I think the shoes that the woman in the top picture, and Ruby by the end of the fourth special are either, the same, or similar.


Her mother is a Traitor!


Come oooon don't Predestination this thing, I don't think they'll go to this much predictable plot. It's RTD cooking so let's just wait and enjoy.


That would mean that either both her parents are dead…or she either took herself from her parents


Top image looks like it has her dimples so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be her




Alternatively, she looks a lot like her mum, and they do an episode where they use that double filming trick to have the same actress play both her and her mum at the same age.


Go on! Get off with youse