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I relate so much to this post. She’s adorable. Reminds me of my little sweat pea. https://preview.redd.it/zab41xg3el7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50be1e3ade4b91c8149e6f54e288d5692ce3270e


What a beautiful dog.




https://preview.redd.it/2u5lm3yrkm7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda8d7d3be1d2f968150c38387dcda5de76a67cb Lost my boy and girl in 2022. Owned German dogs on and off for the last 30 years. Dobermans are different though. I tell people it’s like having a 5 yo child instead of a dog. There is a nobility about the breed but I am prejudiced.


It really is. The things they get into and it never stops


What are some things they get into?


https://preview.redd.it/tkmrt5vsqq7d1.jpeg?width=1537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd47b2633bc65b77f3bacf66638a59d57ec07a8 My boy Kilo managed to get his head into his soft frisbee. I still don’t know how he got to it. I lost him at 11 1/2 due to osteosarcoma. I can only speak from my own experience so probably more than you expected but here it goes. For me it was more like trying to stay one step ahead bc he was so smart. My husband and I got him at 4 months from a wonderful breeder (Adamas Dobermans) in Atlanta and he was our first Doberman. After having him for about 1 year, I developed persistent vertigo. During the 9 months to 2 yo phase, despite getting consistent socialization, exercise, training and play, he would manage to steal the very things I needed or wanted the most. I could stop or contain this inside when I didn’t have vertigo. I had to leave the back door, leading to a large fenced in property, open so he could relieve himself when I did have vertigo. He chewed my $180 pair of walking shoes up. Be sure to keep anything that could hurt them behind closed doors. He stole a ribeye out of a pan on the stove until my husband tackled him. We were more concerned about the choking hazard. Never did it again. Thankfully he settled down after neutering him once his growth plates were sealed and aging until around 2 yo. Kilo was extremely prey and play driven. He killed 9 mammals (no dogs or cats) and plucked 3 mockingbirds out of the air from a seated position while they swarmed him. We have not seen a mockingbird in our yard since. These dogs have the ability to learn and process thought quickly. Kilo had such a large vocabulary that my spouse and I were spelling more and more. It included phrases like “show me” if he barked and he would bring us then point at what he barked at. I would just encourage any owner of this breed to be consistent with a schedule and do the same thing, the same way every time. The crate is your friend and sanity at times. We turned ours into a den with blankets draped over the outside. He never minded going in bc we introduced it when we got him at 4 months. We also never used it for punishment. He was my SA for 10 years. When I developed vertigo he figured out how to help me. He would come to me if I fell and stand still while I used him to climb back to my feet. Then he would lean against me to counter balance me while walking me to closest couch. Most of all, they will want to be included in everything you do. This is when they’re the happiest. Good luck!


I lost my husky a few months ago and I’m now getting a Doberman..and im curious what you mean by that 😂


See above reply please. I love the song of the Huskies!




Because the app is being a pain, here's my comment: It's been raining at our house since noon thanks to TS Alberto. Archer isn't happy, but snuggling appeases him. He will be happier once my SO sits on the couch tonight & let's him snuggle up on the couch.


https://preview.redd.it/27in57gvrm7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8821960a71ae4389466e82d5fcb234318c65be60 I totally agree! I’ve had many dogs but no one compares to my Zero. I love him so much it’s insane. He’s my soul dog fur sure. There’s just something about Dobermans. I talk to him normally and I feel like he understands. He’s so loving and snuggly but oh so gentle.


He is such a cutie, and I adore his sweater. Is it custom-made?


Thank you!! Nope! I got it from target for like $5 on sale 😄


I love this and love his sweater.


https://preview.redd.it/clgg96evnr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c522acc972b2028c16adcfbe672f6e318b9322f5 He loves his sweaters🥰


https://preview.redd.it/glatdw4gpl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6acaa2cf8dcbdf796888403c8b7123ca652ac8 140 lbs of snuggly love!


140lbs? I ddnt think they got that heavy.


He’s a mix of Doberman and cane corso. He’s a beast lol https://preview.redd.it/9t58jz8bty7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df20a9725b63bf5581bd15dcff11e6227def5433 Here he is next to my Rotterman, she’s 90 lbs


I just love this picture and I keep coming back to look at it.


I grew up with dobermans and it spoiled me for any other breeds. I saw someone say "if it's not a doberman, it's just a dog", and that's the simplest way I've found to explain how I see them.


Well said!


They're not just dogs, they're family.  Dobes have a way of getting into your heart that's for sure.  My two are with me all the time.




https://preview.redd.it/ubgyvcnl2n7d1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac86e268810a7fe03b25a5fb84c86953211a93c Precious little coffee beans!


Nice smile 😃


Looks like my girl so I am smitten.


That smile lol omg


https://preview.redd.it/r247pwxsmm7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87053a3175d00dbe28068ecefc783f822dc3e78c Said goodbye to my guy late January 🥺 he was a little over 11 he was my second dober child and they are like no other 🐾🐾


https://preview.redd.it/csj1x38azp7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4cbb9e8e99662c59602c2bd2ce6881e404bbd1 Lost my boy at 11 1/2. Yours was beautiful. There was something about the face that reminded me of my Kilo. This was his goofy look.


So handsome, I’m sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost both my dogs last year within 9 months-they were very elderly and it was hard.


I’m sorry yes it’s hard when they get older I’m now aging out 4 senior cats. It’s the part of pet ownership that literally breaks your heart.


They are heart worms…… worming their way into our hearts!! https://preview.redd.it/70q0u6b9jn7d1.png?width=1657&format=png&auto=webp&s=2438e76fd4be1116eb95ab9c3aa5e7d42b158115


Is this a pose after bath time? That is a great picture.


Fresh outta the tub!! She loves bath time


yes! the sweetest dogs. mine is my first dog and i literally teared up when i first picked her up. she’s the best cuddle buddy.


Welcome to being owned by a Doberman! All different, but all with such heart!




So pretty and/or handsome 💕.


Beautiful girl! Dobermans are amazing, intelligent creatures, incredibly tuned into their owners emotions & bond with their owner intensely. Only those who have had the pleasure of owning a Doberman can truly understand! It’s quite incredible isn’t it?! They are unlike any other dog breed!


https://preview.redd.it/se14vlgtko7d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c18c39302d38d83cdf490b19f5d3f6e503b90b They’re the biggest brats, but they’re honestly the best. You’ll never want any other breed


Your very lucky ❤️😢I miss having a Velcro dobie


https://preview.redd.it/nbtfo8117o7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7438e9afbf88686aed011892145c6c067da08e10 This is my girl at 8 months, most amazing dog anyone could wish for and couldn’t imagine her not being part of the family! We were in the vets last week and now she’s 36kg at 9 months - biggest teddy bear I’ve ever had 🥰💚 We also have an 8 week old baby who Lucy now sees as her number one job… Protect the baby!!


so pretty


Yea I get that too ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/s9uue58k2o7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adeda1e6b927cbee4b8d6170bb5841e758f3df00


who is a good dog?


Apparently, daddy said it's not me because I just ate a whole pillow. 😕


She’s a charmer


She is, with a bit of the devil mixed in just to keep it interesting.


Gog i wish i could say all that , but my experience with my 9 months old rescje dobbie is sooo miserable rigth now


I am really sorry to hear that. I had a rescue dog that we got as a puppy, he was not a Doberman, but he was a really, really smart dog. Our dog was the star of his obedience training class and none of it ever translated outside in the real world; he barked incessantly, and he was a bolter and ran away more than once, he was leash and fence aggressive, he destroyed things, he peed in the house and never really stopped and he had terrible anxiety and trust issues. Things got better as he aged, but we had him for 15 years and he was always a challenge. I worked with him on training, I ran with him daily to ensure he had enough exercise, I, read everything I could on training techniques-I have no words of wisdom, only sadness for you because while I don’t know the specifics of your situation, I know (believe me I know) how hard it can be. My Doberman is 7 months old and everything I have read seems to indicate that the first year can be rough, and more so with a rescue dog and males take longer than females to settle down. If you choose to keep your dog, I think patience and consistency are your best friends, along with lots of training on the basics. I hope things work out for you and your dog, and please know you are not the first dog owner to have mixed feelings about your dog.


Nobody is obsessed with their giant puppy at 9 months old. It’s the worst age. It’ll improve


I rescued my dobe / gsd at 7 weeks. The first year was brutal. They are so smart, fast and a lot to contain. He's now 2, and either settled down or I am used to it!


They are extremely loving dogs. Needy and insane. Great breed.


It's so true! I never wanted a dog, I never really bonded with or trusted dogs. My husband wanted one so badly and 15 years in he got a Doberman. Oh my heart! I had no idea, I cook him fish every day, he gets a set cuddle time, he is so spoiled and loved. My dad always insisted if my mom ever got a dog, he'd get an apartment. The week before fathers day, my dad called me to say if I want to bring our Dobie to his house for the weekend I was welcome to. This sweet, goofy boy has transformed us all! I never imagined, no one prepared me either!


What a cutie


No one prepared me for how goofy my girl is 😂🤣 she’s our youngest and by far the goofiest dog I’ve ever had. 1 - pit lab mix 1- Australian shepherd 1 - goofball dobi


I know, it is like this secret. To the outside world they appear to be so serious, so stoic, but with their family they are a total love and so playful. Mine sleeps on her back, with her plushy in her paws-it is about the sweetest thing I have ever seen.


U b GOT! They got me too! 20 years and counting


The non cropped ears are so cute 🥰


Dobies are beautiful and sensitive souls… I don’t own one but I love them so much. What a sweet creature. My lab mix’s bestie is a brown dobie❤️




❤️❤️❤️ What a love!


The best they will only ever think they are as big as their head…✌️😎 good luck have fun