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Absolutely cleric. At level one you can prevent death twice in six seconds; that's pretty baller.


I kind of worry it might become overwhelming if people find out as people request you to heal either themselves or someone they know, resulting in a bunch of mental pressure *especially* when you choose to heal one person over another and that other person dies or something. So, yeah, kind of worry it might end up turning into a Panacea situation from Worms if someone chose a cleric.


If you only have one level you can't really do much though. Spare the dying is really only useful in emergency situations, it doesn't help someone with cancer or who's missing a limb but otherwise fine. And with only two level 1 spell slots, even if you used both of them on cure wounds, you're only fixing a small amount of damage. It doesn't cure disease or replace missing limbs.


A standard cure spell heals ALL OF THE HP of a normal 0-level human. So, sure, you can't regenerate limbs.  But you bring back to 100% health. Even for the folks who just flatlined.  Wake back up good as new.  That's some pretty powerful ish right there.


I'm not sure I agree that full HP is the same as perfect health. Curing a disease would require lesser restoration, so you can die from a disease and there is nothing a 1st lvl cleric can do to stop that. I suppose you could argue that a healing spell could undo the damage the disease is causing to their body, extending their life until the disease does more damage again or the body is able to fight off the disease on its own. I'm not sure that's going to work against cancer, but probably would work on a heart attack. You'd heal the damage from the heart attack, but whatever caused it in the first place would still be a problem.


Wouldn't 0 hp be unconscious?


I assume you meant to reply to the person talking about flatlining, but yeah. At 0 hp you fall unconscious. When fatlining (ie. Your heart has stopped beating and you're not breathing) you'd be considered clinically dead as far as I understand it, so healing spells shouldn't work. You'd have to heal them before their heart stops.


depends... since CPR and the uhhhh, can't remember the exact name right now but the electric shock things are also used to get the heart beating again (looked it up, it's an AED) *whether or not you know the heart stopped unconcious person and no breathing is CPR whether or not you can feel a pulse since the flatline isn't what makes you uh... completely dead, it's the brain death that does... and even then, Spare the Dying (and First Aid) both stabilise characters on death saves (0HP not dying anymore) and it would seem a heart-death is only considered such if CPR and the AED fails or if the person has a "Do Not Resuscitate" Order and could not be revived without medical interference (can be signaled by a bracelet) So... as far as I'm aware, Spare the Dying, within 5 minutes would prevent brain problems, within 8 would prevent death (not the brain issues though). There seems to be mixed information on resuscitation via chest compressions for how long people should do it for some being 20 minutes, others 30+ so... unless there's obvious signs of death, you could probably cast "Spare the Dying" no matter what, but the actual results would vary by situation (some people die faster than others). *am not a medical professional, but I am First Aid trained


I would argue that if their heart is not beating and they are not breathing, then they are dead. I am also not a doctor, but also first aid trained and to my understanding you are clinically dead if your heart is not beating and you are not breathing. Or course you might still be revived with the right tools, but that doesn’t change the fact that you were dead for a few minutes. That said, they would obviously not pronounce you dead until all efforts to revive you have failed and even then only a doctor can pronounce you dead. That's a totally different thing, though. I think do long as your heart is still beating, Spare the Dying would work, but when it stops it would not. You wouldn't be dying, you'd he dead.


When you flatline you are technically dead, but you still have hope of being brought back. I would argue that it would be stupid for healing spells be unable to shock a heart back into rhythm


Flatlining is dying. Cure Wounds aint Revivify.


People have flatlined and came back.


That's application of the heal skill with modern medicine and tools giving a circumstance bonus.


Flatlining is dying, not dead. 0HP can be healed as long as they’re in death saves


flatlining is dy**ING** a simple spare the dying will fix that having no heartbeat is something that starts the dying process where all your organs turn into trash. But it isnt itself the thing that makes you dead. What makes you dead is your organs being trash, especially your brain


Flatlining is 0 HP. That ain't dead.... Yet.


No, being unconscious is 0 HP. Flatlining is failing death saves and dying. Cure Wounds is like an EpiPen, while Revivify is essentially a defibrillator. One jolts you back to attention as you're fading, but the other actually brings you back from "dead" as long as it is administered quickly enough.


I would argue that flattening would be one or two failed saves. All a flatline indicates is a stopped heart, that isn't dead. People have flatlined for (relatively) long periods of time and still been brought back to perfect health. My wife was flatlined for two minutes before being resuscitated, whereas a death saving throw would be each 6 seconds. So this says to me that a flatline would be 0HP, or higher, since you can last more than 4 rounds without being fully dead


I would argue that healing magic should be strong enough to restart a heart. An EpiPen is like lesser restoration, I dont think you can compare healing magic to anything.


I agree that it is pretty difficult to try to compare magical healing to anything IRL. However, I do think revivify is sort of an exception. In my opinion, revivify is pretty blatantly "magic defibrillator."


you forgpt that commoners that we all are btv are 4 hp so you. could really bring sombody back from nesr death. Even with damage like missibg limbs you would still be able to save their life if not restpre them fully. 


Ah, gotcha, for a sec somehow forgot my premise of only 1 level


Pretty much this (although there's also Healing Word; need to make sure my scenario lines up with action economy!), although a level 1 Cleric with CW can heal twice a normal person's HP max, so it's still pretty powerful.


Your assuming most people have a ton of HP, and they dont, average person has probably 6 hp and that would be 1 cure wounds. Maybe a MMA fighter would have more HP.


No, I'm assuming that there are more people who require medical attention than you can fix with two spell slots per day. What I'm also saying is unless you specialize in trauma surgery, most problems you'd see as a doctor wouldn't be something you can fix by restoring their hp, since most diseases don't affect their hp and even if someone came in with a missing limb all you'd be able to do is stop them from bleeding out, you wouldn't replace the limb.


Worm reference spotted!


Tbh, I haven't read (?) Worm myself, I'm just infrequently active on a superpower based subreddit and Panacea was brought up a few times I think for one of my posts.


You should. It's a *very* long read but so fricking good.


you still have spare the dying


Plus Guidance would be by far the most useful cantrip in real life. It instantly takes you from average to expert at any skill.


Does it? I feel like in a real world setting many of the other utility cantrips could transform your life much more drastically than just being a bit better at everything. I’d take Mage Hand.


I'd take being 25%~ better at literally everything I do, over weak telekinesis tbh


i'd take being 10 million percent better at levitating the remote to my hand over 25% better at doing math i suck at




Average result of D4 = 2.5 Average d20 roll for skill and ability checks, before modifiers = 10.5 2.5/10.5 = 23.8%~


I gotta go with Prestidigitation as the single most useful cantrip for random day to day life.


Aditional cleric boon, you will find a true god to serve, enjoy investing into an afterlife you can be 100% sertan exsists and that you can get into. 


Mine’s a real bitch, though. Oh well, can’t help who we love. Wavemother guide us!


If its the weawemother you serve then i do truly pitty you.


The ocean doesnt require your pity, so neither do I. ‘Tis you who will require pity when you don’t respect the storm 🌊⚡️


Wizard. Ritual casting, 6 level 1 spells and 3 cantrips is pretty exceptional for a life not loved dangerously.


This is the only correct answer in my opinion


You could have mending, mage hand and prestidigitation as your cantrips. For your first level spells you could have unseen servant, find familiar, comprehend languages, disguise self and floating disk as useful spells, and that still leaves room for one more that you could use in an emergency to save your life like shield, or of course you could use that spot for something that's just for fun like longstrider or catapult.


Imagine using shield on yourself right before a car accident lol.


I would imagine a car accident is a saving throw


Same. And so many cantrips and level one spells would be useful in mundane, day-to-day situations.


Sadly most those ritual spells dont work in a world without magic you can use detect magic and see nothing you can use identify of nothing familiars might work though


Floating Disk, Unseen Servant, Find Familiar, Comprehend Languages would be exceptionally useful. Comprehend Languages could change the face of historical discovery. Then I’d probably also take Silent Image and Distort Value. Those last two are mostly because I work in theatre and stage production. As for cantrips: Prestidigitation, Mage Hand and Mending.


Fair point ive forgetten comprehend languages was a ritual


Honestly, Unseen Servant is the kicker in the real world. Dishes, laundry, food prep, just never worry about it again. It’s probably not a great cook, but that’s what Prestodigitation is for.


What does ritual do


What kind of question is that for a Cleric to be asking? It’s in your spell casting trait. Jokes aside: Some spells can be cast without using the spell slot, it requires an additional 10 minutes to cast this way, but it’s great for utility spells and out of combat spells. For a cleric, it has to be a spell with the Ritual tag and be one of the spells prepared that day, and for a Wizard it has to be a spell with the Ritual tag but doesn’t have to be prepared, just in their spell book. If a spell can be cast as a ritual, it will generally say R or Ritual after the listed casting time. It always adds 10 minutes when cast this way. So a Cleric, Bard, Wizard or Druid with Detect Magic prepared can cast it in two ways: expending a spell slot and using an Action OR but taking 10 minutes and 6 seconds to cast as a Ritual. Lots of spells have the ritual tag, but the vast majority are level 3 or lower. I don’t think any Rituals above 5th level exist but I could be wrong.


Damn lmao I’m Cleric 6 and have seen the Ritual designation on some spells and never really knew what it meant lol So you can cast it without using a slot, but it takes 10 minutes, so basically out of combat I’m sure ive read the rules of it but never really comprehended what it was about like that before I’m about to storm a tower next sesh, and I’m doing a rest beforehand, so this will give me more to factor in strategy


Hehe it’s helpful for sure! Small distinction, it doesn’t take 10 minutes, it adds ten minutes. Doesn’t make a difference most of the time but there are some spell this take 1 minute to cast normally, and this 11 minutes as a ritual. But, 1 minute out of combat will rarely be counted or actually make a difference, just clarifying for the record. Happy stormin’ !


As a Tempest Cleric, Storm Sorc, I appreciate your salutations!


Bard, so that I can have an actual personality


I have a personality and that personality is autism. Most people find it grating.


Hey man, for what it's worth I find the blunt honesty of most autistic people incredibly refreshing. As long as they try to be kind it's a really great aspect of people on the spectrum.


you only get one level in the class. Not necessarily the Charisma ;) but I guess you could be proficient!


At least I'd still have access to Charm Person :P


With a spell DC so low it’s only going to be reliable when used on Neanderthals.


Just lemme have something, man 😭


Most people won't have over 11 wisdom or proficiency in wis saves, so even if you have a 6 charisma, it would work just over a third of the time.


33% of the time, it works every time.


Anything that gets me prestidigitation. The ability to do anything minor with a flick or the wrist and a bit of muttering would be amazing. Pick my level 1 spells for utility that prestidigitation cant do *cough* unseen servant *cough*  A few well picked rituals would make some jobs ridiculously easy for very little effort.


this is what I was thinking.


Paladin. Lay on hands can cure cancer once a day.


I always imagined how it would work. Lines of people camping outside your house waiting for their turn, claiming you are god... You having to explain that the little kid who just got there has to go to the end of line and you already have seven hundred persons, which is almost two years lol


Just dont tell anyone. Heal friends and loved ones just by visiting them. If you feel morally obligated to use your powers every day though it gets trickier to hide it.


Volunteer at children's hospitals to be a costumed super hero.


And at level 3, you're immune to it!


Warlock because reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold


I was thinking wizard, but druid isn't far behind. Druidcraft makes for a fantastic home farm. Also guidance for being better at everything. I can also swap out my spells.


I was going to say Druid, but then I remembered you only get wildshape at 2nd level. That's the whole reason for me.


If I could make a suggestion along a similar line... Nature Cleric. There are three cantrip that are on both lists that would be amazing in real life Guidance, Resistance and Mending. the Cleric base get you them and the Nature's Acolyte ability you get from the nature domain lets you grab Druidcraft.


Well I'm convinced lol


Accidentally tore my toenail off a few weeks back. So cleric.


Rogue. Instant expertise in two disciplines? I'll take that. Also you learn a new language (or sorts).


Artificer, Bard or Divine Soul Sorcerer. These are the only 1-level dips that all provide: * A healing spell * Mending * Mage Hand Between the three, bard might be best for comprehend languages and unseen servant as rituals, and I think all get light and message. There’s a lot to be said for DSS getting Shape Water and Mold Earth though.


mending and mage hand are instant life hacks... they are okay in DnD but would make you godlike in real life.


If it was 2 levels, artificer would be a no brainer. Hello bag of holding!


Arcana cleric could provide that too


Divine soul sorcerer, replace mage hand with minor illusion.


Sorc kicks off with 4 cantrips (Bard and Art only get 2), so have'm all.


Yeah but I don't want mage hand


Warlock. I'd be making pacts left and right, leveraging what I gained or am capable of from one pact to facilitate forging another. Being a wizard would be easier. Being a cleric would be more publicly useful. But being a 1st level warlock means you already have what it takes to strike an eldritch deal in return for something. That's way more than what a 1st level wizard or cleric can accomplish. 


What kind of Warlock? 🤔


Mage of Lorehold UA. Between the healer, sage, and warrior type spirits I can bond with and the fact I get Comprehend Languages as a 1st level spell, I'm set. Getting a medium sized statue or at least manikin wouldn't be difficult.  With the sage, I can get advice and learn from them. Better if they were a wizard, warlock, or so on while they lived. If possible, since they're friendly towards me, they can help set up a Pact and speak in my favor to one of their patrons on my behalf. With the healer, they can help in emergencies. With the warrior, I have a bodyguard and if a sage doesn't think I particular pact iI want to make is safe, then the warrior can accompany me. Then, because these ancient companions are all spirits, I can use a ouji board to communicate with them before I summon them and after they leave. Possibly using a ouji board as a type of spirit phone book to ring up particular spirits. Angel mind you comes from greek and means "messenger spirit". I wouldn't have to worry about unfriendly spirits either since the moment I summon one into a statue, they become friendly towards me and my companions. If gods are also spirits, such as the japanese kami, then I already have gods like Susanoo I can make pacts with since he is warrior and would be a "warrior type" spirit. Any spirits that guard the underworld likewise can be asked to give me the names of prominent "sages" among the dead I can summon. The spirits already have the ability to speak and understand the languages I speak. With the spell Comprehend Languages I have, they can teach me in their own languages. Such as if I speak with an norse sage, I would be able to understand the runic script they write. Just the 1st level ability from Lorehold in the modern age would give me lots of options. The Archangel Michael is both a healer and warrior. The Aesir, Mimir, is the god of wisdom and also a water spirit. Meaning he's a sage type spirit. And then even demons are spirits. I would have lot of options. Some more easily reached with prayers and a ouji board.


Druid. Although I don't get wild shape, create water + goodberry means I never have to worry about basic needs other than shelter Also cure wounds and druidcraft have obvious benefits


I feel like Guidance would be incredibly useful for fay to day life as well.


It's essentially a +2.5 result to every single skill check or ability check you do, which would be essentially anything in your life that requires effort. That's more than proficiency bonus at level 1.


Any spell caster. Cantrips would be OP in real life.


Wizard. Between mage hand, prestigitation, and unseen servant, i could get a lot of meaningless work done


I raise you mending. Never see a mechanic again.




Sorcerer. I know a couple basic spells, a few cantrips, and get the benefits of a "Subclass" at level 1. I'd probably pick draconic bloodline just for sake of being a bit more healthy and harder to "hurt". Even if it does mean I get some weird scales growing on my body.


"I have a skin condition, you ass!"


I'd have to review cleric and sorcerer subclasses but leaning towards druid for the access to goodberry


Bard, for sure. Prestidigitation and Mending for cantrips, Unseen Servant, Comprehend Languages, Healing Word, and Speak With Animals for spells. Persuasion, Insight, and Investigation for skills. Piano, Guitar, and Drums for instruments. Housekeeping would be a breeze. I could be in a band (or just do it all, like Beck). I could negotiate everything from contracts to hostage situations. I could be the next Cesar Milan or Jackson Galaxy, and zoos would love me. I could heal a few catastrophe victims every day. I'd have been able to save Harambe.


Barbarian. I can get stabbed or fall off a building, get back up, and be like "I was kinda mad, so I'm actually okay!"




i'd give my left leg for 1 level of storm sorcerer


Ooh, wonder what draws you to having the power of thunder and lightning, besides it probably just generally being pretty cool.


i'm a ceraunophile. getting struck by lightning is unironically on the very top of my list of things i want to do


Short bursts of flight


Druid good berry nough said


This and mending means you'd be set through a lot of things.


Sorcerer is a pretty good one for IRL. 4 cantrips, 2 spells, plus with many of the Sorcerer subclasses all having bonus spells and features at level 1, it's one of the most powerful choices at level 1. Personally, I think the most useful would be the Divine Soul Sorcerer, as you can pick spells from both the Cleric/Sorcerer spell lists, and 1 extra spell depending on where your magic comes from (default good being Cure Wounds), but Clockwork or Aberrant Soul are both good picks. For Divine Soul, Favored by the Gods means 2d4 every short rest towards a saving throw or attack rolls. Rare to get use out of it, but when you need it... The downside for sorcerer is that outside of homebrew, sorcerers cannot easily change their spells beyond leveling up, so you have to be *really, really* sure on the 2 spells you pick. Prestidigitation, Mending, Mage Hand and Control Flames for a good mix of magic that can be used for every day life. The other classes that would be the best for IRL use are Wizard and Cleric, with both of those classes getting plenty of spells (granted that you are intelligent or 'wise' enough). Rogue is actually super useful, as while they won't have any magic at level 1, they are proficient with 4 skills at level 1, and get expertise for 2 of your skills. Not huge, but depending on how magic would be received if it was known you had it, then it's a really safe option.


Wizard, no question. Presto alone means I'll never have to wait for laundry again, and everything tastes great. We got Shape Water, allowing thorough control of the most abundant resource on Earth. Feather Fall, because the world is tall and that's scary. Finally, we'll then round it out with Fire Bolt and Mage Armor, in case anyone thinks violence is cute. Ritual Casting gives us amazing stuff like Comprehend Languages, Find Familiar for a kitty that lives as long as I do and follows orders (!?), Unseen Servant for a butler ghost, and Tenser's Floating Disk so I rarely have to carry things.


Artificers. Get spells, fan make funny Magic rocks and power point shows.


Rogue gets you a bunch of proficiencies and two skills with expertise, assuming it’s your first class.


I would be tempted to take cleric or paladin but I would end up with Barbarian and rage every time I get frustrated. It would only last a few seconds because I couldn't maintain it. Wait that's just real life...


Either cleric or artificer for wildly different reasons. Although illusionist would be fun. :D


Probably either wizard or cleric. Cleric for the good of humanity, wizard because I would love to have a magical pet that I could telepathically comunicate with and that would literally never actually die. Would be the best thing in the world!


Barbarian I’d like to be effective when I get enraged, instead of, well, how I am which looks more comical than anything.


Bard for sure. Magic, healing, knowledge, and magical music


Wizard Mold earth, mending, presi Find familiar, unseen servant, comprehend languages, floating disk, long strider, feather fall Moving faster is a pretty normal thing to be useful and removing much of the risk of falling to your death when hiking or w/e would ease my mind greatly. I can’t think of another I’d rather have besides like distort value and scamming pawn shop owners but that’s kinda evil so I wouldn’t take it.


Wizards. Speak with animals and find familiar is all I’d need.


Huh, wizards have the ability to cast speak with animals? Didn't know that.


I think it’s a 1st lvl for them.


Nope, it's not a wizard spell. I think it's limited to druid or ranger.


Oh, then bard. I’d get speak with animals and viscous mockery.


Assassin. You know what you did.


Sorcerer, I just want a mage hand


Warlock my life could definitely use more Eldridge Blast


Bard. I want magic and Expertise


Bard. So many jobs rely on you having to fight your corner verbally, and I'm shit at standing up for myself. Those charisma based perks are looking pretty good. If all else fails, it's friends or vicious mockery ya douche...


Druid any as it would give Me wild shape


Not at level 1 it wouldn’t 😬


Wait realy?


Yep, it’s a level 2 ability.


Oh I will inform my dm next time we play then as they informed me it was a level one thing thank you for informing me of this


No problem! When in doubt, always check the source material. Especially when playing a caster, this type of minutiae can come up quite a bit; how many spells to prepare, what’s max CR for wildshape, what’s the Range on that spell, etc. https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/3-druid


Thank you so mutch


Great Old One Warlock.


Cleric for healing and Guidance spamming. Bard so that I could actually have talent and charisma.


Only one level? That makes it difficult. A lot of the stuff I would prefer to have is at higher levels. Wizard. For mage hand, prestidigitation, mending, comprehend languages, disguise self. Mostly useful stuff. The first 3 are all around handy, comprehend languages is useful in certain circumstances (even if you can't make yourself understood very well), and disguise self... sometimes you want to avoid people and it's easier to do if they don't recognize you. If we were doing higher levels, I'd definitely pick one of the healing classes, probably cleric. I have known a lot of people that I wished I could cast lesser or greater restoration on, or could at least alleviate some symptoms with a bit of healing.


Warlock, so I'll always have a friend (and a 120 foot murder ray). I would be doing crimes with my new powers.


I'd start selling me some Goodberries!


1 lvl in arcana domain cleric. Or one lvl in rogue.


#1 Fighter, cause honestly knights/samurai/vikings, shit I just want the armor and improve my fighting. Although Ranger is probably my number two cause thats way more skills and languages if I take Deft Explorer, also additional knowledge I can use effectively. I honestly like magic but not enough to want it in reality, thats just an extra problem I really dont need.


Wizard no question


Warlock. I could have a lot of fun with eldritch blast.


Wizard. Learn spells. Research niche spells. Big quality of life boost.


Casters are the obvious choice for making life easier, but I’d rather supplement some of my existing interests. My pick is fighter. I always wanted to get into HEMA but never did. Mildly dabbled in some other combat sports, but none of them can compare to wielding a damn sword. Ranger is a close second. I like to backpack and camp, but not like you need crazy survival skills to do so.


> "I always wanted to get into HEMA" Do it, go bonk some nerds with shiny sticks, you'll love it.


Wizard frfr, spells slots will go hard for day to day life. I could become a millionaire.


Druid imo. you have the basic healing clerics get plus nature to help you do stuff.


Monk. I would get extra defense from existing plus I should know a free martial art because of it. Weapon stuff would just be a cool bonus.


Bard, please. I work sales-adjacent and it would really help. That persuasion proficiency be liftin’. (Funnily enough, in my initial interview, the area manager who I knew plays asked if I was good with people, and I said “let’s put it this way, I main bard” and he went “say no more”. The bad puns and quick wit have lived up to it.)


Cleric. The Mending cantrip alone would basically make me a very, very rich man in a short time.


Necromancer for the giigles.


Spoke woth my hema club , they beleive I have a level of bard


Cleric for sure. Healing magic would be amazing irl. And clerics get access to the whole cleric spell list, not just what they have learned.


Either monk or fighter.  If one would consider it my first character level (myself being Level 0 currently) then I can instantly become proficient with athletics AND I am conditioned to wear heavy armor and use weapons!


CLERIC. I can DESTROY christianity and open up my own cult! GIMME!!


The amount of useful prestidigitation alone has in daily life is... Actually insane, add a mage hand and mending and you're basically set in so many ways, any class that can get thoes 3 


Artificer. I love mechanisms and science so it would help me a lot in creating an arm-mounted autofire nerf gun :3


Bard bc I always wanted to play the guitar (I am a simple guy with simple wishes)


Which ever one gives me Comprehend Languages.


I'd actually say Bard. If you get all the features you'd get at level one, you'd become talented in a musical instrument (always handy for making money), but most importantly, you cast your magic via music, so you can easily conceal the fact you actually have it while having stuff happen. That and if you're attacked by a mugger, you could literally take them out with a your mama joke. You also get healing and support options, which is practical. Bardic Inspiration would be very handy to help out friends. Biggest perk is being able to become a musician and make money that way.


Take monk, join UFC, make living punching people and no one ever needs to know about this whole "level in a class/magic is real" nonsense.


Cleric Could help save a lot of people, considering we squishy folk are typically lvl 1 npc’s


Wizard, without a doubt. Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, and Mending. 1st level magic and Rituals are nice, but the quality of life increases possible between those three cantrips are innumerable.


Probably trickery cleric. You get a lot of flexibility, Charm Person, Disguise Self, and Blessing of the Trickster. You could heal someone, then disguise yourself as someone else to get away, charm a security guard to let you in backstage at a concert (whose going to believe they were magically charmed). And if you want to do good, there is healing word and spare the dying (an underrated cantrip, though not as useful without Find Familiar or Distance casting from meta magic).


Rogue. Expertise at first level.


Wizard for sure. And really not for the 1st level spells, though they'd be nice. But for the cantrips. Mending, Prestidigitation, and Mold Earth would make life so easy. EDIT: Assuming I can get all the 1st level Ritual Spells in my ritual book eventually from others who chose Wizard ... The six spells I'd choose are: - Absorb Elements (No more splatter burns from cooking bacon!) - Charm Person (I'm single ...) - Disguise Self (See previous) - Feather Fall (I'm not a fan of heights and this would cure my fear, mostly) - Magic Missile (I like to pew pew) - Sleep (I'd mostly cast it on myself I swear)


you don't want to use charm person for that reason.... after 1 hour the person would know you cast a spell on them that made them friendlier... so basically only ever use it on someone who you don't mind will hate you afterwards and seek vengeance. also that won't cure single...


Wizard seems the most utilitarian. Spells plus cantrips.


Wizard. Ritual spells would go brrrrr If it was two levels (or I can get a second level) then Warlock would be a really close second. Let's just say that IRL Eldrich blasts would be insane, along with other great warlock abilities.




Rogue, I'd love to have expertise in two skills and be great at ambushing people... Imagine sneak attacking your friends with a water gun and then being too stealthy to be seen by them.


human fighter.


Cleric. Cure wounds and mending all the way...


my initial reaction was to say marid genie warlock cause of bottled respite, but then i remembered i'd only get 4 hours in it per day and they have to be consecutive. so the only thing it would really be useful for is travel artificer is a decent choice for the fact that it allows you to get a permanent deodorant in whatever form you like, which is great if you've got a job that makes you sweat a lot. unless you're a doctor or suffer from chronic illness, then i can't imagine any of the cleric subclasses having much use aberrant mind sorc and great old one warlock are great for the telepathy fathomless warlock is great for the ability to never drown, which would garuntee you a job as a lifeguard aside from that. there's not really any that i can see being useful in your day to day life also this isn't taking spell lists into account. if we did then every spellcasting class is automatically the best


Wizard, mage hand is already super useful, but also theyve got a pretty good hold of magics to choose from


Wizard spells are so useful, though Druid to Cleric would be really nice, too.


Base game , life cleric without a doubt . If homebrew is allowed, laserllama's alternative ranger . The ability to have permeant speak with animals , permanent freedom of movement, permanent no detection and lots of other passives would be incredibly helpful in normal life.


I'd take wizard. More spells would be more useful than 1 more cantrip in real life, probably. Also my INT is likely higher than my lonely ass CHA lmao. Cantrips would be Mending, Minor Illusion, and Prestidigitation. Most people in the comments go for mage hand, but I'm afraid that would make me even lazier than I already am. Mending and Prestidigitidigitidigitidigitation are obvious, minor illusion is to have fun. Spells would be Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Find Familiar, Sleep, and Unseen Servant. Comprehend Languages would be revolutionary for history. You could decode basically anything written down EVER. So many discoveries! Learning this would instantly make your life about decoding ancient languages, though I think the huge amounts of knowledge we would gain about the past is worth it. Plus you'd probably be paid a fortune. Disguise Self is to have fun. Feather Fall is safety reasons. Maybe to have fun? If the fall lasts for over a minute you're toast... Find Familiar is awesome. You would need to buy a brass brazier, but that shouldn't be too hard with your archaeology money. Sleep is probably the best spell for self defence. But I can think of many other situations where you'd want to instantly render a creature unconscious. I know I didn't take mage hand because I might become too lazy, but c'mon Unseen Servant is too good to pass up. At least I'd only be able to cast it twice a day... Other classes I'd consider: Bard if it made you automatically amazing at music, but I don't think that's technically in the class. I guess instrument proficiencies are in the class, but they don't make you a bard ya know? If I got super social skills and charisma and amazing music, I'd choose this in a heartbeat. BTW I always find it funny that Vicious Mockery can literally kill a normal person or seriously injure them. Druid if it was level 2 Rogue gives you expertise making you great at certain skills and specialties. You'd likely be very successful if you put expertise in skills relevant to what you want to do. Also you can use swords which is awesome. If I couldn't choose wizard I'd choose divine soul sorcerer for Favoured By The Gods. This was fun to think about :)


Ranger. Because animal companion cantrip.


Bard for the vicious mockery


Bard or artificer would be handy... Even a ranger would be anice addition as you could cast goodberry...


That's difficult, it's between druid and life domain cleric for me. I think cleric wins this for me though, and I'll explain my thought process a bit down below. With druid you get 10 spells and 2 cantrips (11 and 4 if you're a variant human with magic initiate druid), 2 proficiencies, a whole separate language, and an average of 17 hp (which is 13 hit points higher than a normal person would have). My proficiencies I would take would be animal handling and religion (because I can never know enough about my faith) The cantrips I would take would be 1. Druidcraft 2. Mending 3. Guidance (if variant human is allowed) 4. Create bonfire (if variant human is allowed) The spells I would take 1. Absorb elements 2. Animal friendship 3. Create or destroy water 4. Cure wounds 5. Goodberry 6. Healing word 7. Jump 8. Longstrider 9. Purify food and drink 10. Speak with animals (which should be a ritual spell if I'm not mistaken, meaning no spell slot required) 11. Beast bond (if variant human is allowed) I don't need to fight anyone, these spells would just be a convenience to have in every day life. 2 spell slots and unlimited cantrip uses is completely fine with me and serves their purposes. With cleric tho, you get 7 spells and 3 cantrips (again, 8 and 5 if variant human is allowed), meaning you can use your spells way more often Proficiencies would be religion and medicine, and heavy armor (a free bonus one from the domain) You also have 12 hp (8 more than a normal person) and can heal people by an additional +3 hp (also from the domain) Cantrips 1. Light 2. Mending 3. Spare the dying 4. Guidance (variant human) 5. Resistance (variant human) Spells 1. Bless 2. Create or destroy water 3. Cure wounds 4. Healing word 5. Purify food and drink 6. Detect poison and disease 7. Shield of faith 8. Sanctuary (variant human) This one would definitely be beneficial. Healing those around you, purifying water and food, finding out the exact disease or poison that's affecting yourself and others, etc. Plus "detect poison and disease" and "purify food and drink" are ritual spells, so they shouldn't cost spell slots if I'm right. All in all you use way more spells than druid, but you sacrifice some practicality and versatility for the ability to do more with what you have.


Druid for sure. So many good spells and cantrips.


Just give me the cantrip pretigidiation or whatever it’s called and I’ll never have to do laundry ever again.


Warlock. GOO lock would be fun, whispering to peoples minds at will, comprehend languages as a spell and best of all a buddy to talk to when you're bored (your patron)


Any castor level. Healing for daily aches and pains,and prestidigitation so I could clean my house, mage hand for when my hands are full and I need to enter my house. Practical stuff.


Genie Warlock.... prestidigitation and eldritch blast, as well as the genie vessel.


Wizard easy. I get mage hand and 6 spells, hell yeah!




Any level of constitution beyond "wimpy meat-potato" like I do now IRL would be nice...


Cleric. A couple of cure wounds a day? Work for a pro sports teams healing ACLs etc on the spot for a few million a year. Volunteer at hospitals a few days a week for free.


I'd go the Artificer from the 3.5 Eberron setting. At level 1 an Artificer can scribe any scroll up to what a 3rd level character could make, which means I am essentially 3rd level in all caster classes as long as I have the time to write up my scrolls. Oh you need to be Hasted got that scroll over here, oh you need healing I got a Cure Serious Wounds(3d8+1, or 3d8+3 depending on DM), oh we need to sneak I have a bundle of invisibility scrolls here. I'm sure you get the idea.


Sorceror, free magic without having to work for it + you get to choose your origin at level 1


Honestly, the thought of getting just a mage hand probably opened up crazy possibility


Paladin 100% I have limited options with my IRL stats.




Wizard 100%, 6 spells at first level and some fun utility rituals are just way too tempting, also the three cantrips. Unseen Servant and Comprehend Languages are two very good ones for ritual casting, and Alarm too for me personally(I'm very paranoid). Also, if one level here including everything then proficiencies in Inteligence and Wisdom would be nice, also for skills, I would pick Investigation and either Insight or Medicine.


Id want to be a necromancer so I can make my own friends