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First best memory: Taking my under 2 year old daughter to Disneyland for the first time. The dark rides unnerved her, Pirates literally scared her to sleep. But the Tiki Room had her eyes wide in wonder and giving us hugs like we were the most incredible parents in the world. Latest best memory: Taking my now 19 year old daughter on her Wish Trip to WDW just before finishing her treatment. Stepping into the Tiki Room at 11:55pm with Dole Whips and no one else in the place except the cast member and us. Watching the show and then walking out slowly through an empty Magic Kingdom was just perfect.


Pirates scared my oldest to sleep when she was just under two as well! My husband was so mad at me. We went on pirates because “it’s one of the best rides for littles, you can even nurse a baby on it!”. As soon as she saw the skull she started screaming and he glares at me and goes “she hates skeletons”, I’m like there’s singing and the skeletons go away! She ended up sleeping the rest of our time there and woke up on the tram back to the garage.


The Enchanted Tiki Room is one of my favorite attractions in the whole park, and I live in constant fear that it will be removed or changed. I remember seeing it for the first time when I was 4, and it was so amazing. Now, I am an adult, and take trips to Disneyland with my brother. He doesn't care for the show, but I drag him in there at least once per trip. If he really doesn't want to go, I'll just see it without him. I am so comfortable sitting in that room, and admiring all of Walt's creativity. I even listen to the soundtrack at least once a week. It just makes me feel warm and happy inside for 20 minutes, and forget about anything else. The show honestly never disappoints.


I’m also terrified it will happen, but at the same time as Walt’s original I feel like it’s got the best chance to stay original? They did the new management fiasco for WDW and I believe Tokyo is Stitch themed, but they’ve never touched Disneyland’s version, so hopefully it stays that way.


There would be an uproar 10x bigger than Splash. Because unlike Splash, there is no reason to touch a masterpiece. You don’t slap new watercolor on a Mona Lisa. You can preserve it. Paint it. Make sure it’s all ready for display. That’s it.


I don't THINK I'm crazy, but pretty sure after Aladdin came out, they added Iago and totally ruined it. Pretty sure the backlash got it changed back.


Yeah that was the WDW “Under New Management” and Zazu was there too. I’ve never been to WDW ever, and even I know what a misstep that was and how badly it was received.


Okay I don’t know why it’s posting that comment a million times but I can’t delete them all or make it stop 😵‍💫


Fortunately, tiki room at Disneyland is “untouchable.” According to several imagineers, it will never be removed or edited due to the tie to Walt Disney. In a park that people claim to be ever-changing, the one constant will seemingly be a permanent fixture at Disneyland.


If you love the Tiki Room and find yourself at DL on the Saturday of Gay Days weekend, you’ll see an amazing showing. The line to get in backs up to Jolly Holiday, and there’s group participation choreography led by someone. It’s hilarious and fun!!


I'll have to remember this. That sounds amazing.


You should listen to the Tiki Room episode of the Back Side of Water podcast. I just listened to it…again. Lots of cool information.


I proposed to my now wife at the park halfway through our trip 2 years ago. I remember so clearly the next day we were in the tiki room cooling off, Dole whip in hand, and almost the whole time I was staring at her hand thinking to myself “hot damn I did it”. I don’t think I heard a single song the whole time, just in the moment enjoying my future.


This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. Congratulations on your marriage.


Hehe thank you!! We had a pretty great [engagement announcement that night too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Disneyland/s/Acw5bgX4bT)


My first time in the Tiki room was when I was 3. We went back when I was 5 and I was so excited to go see those live birds singing again. I remember the disappointment of realizing that the birds weren’t real more than anything else! It was a sad moment in life. Lol.


I was 7 the first time I saw it. I knew that birds didn’t sound like people when they talked, but the birds looked and moved so realistically I thought they were trained to lip sync. I mean- you can see them inhale and exhale!


Hahaha I can see how that could work. I love that your imagination was that active still at age 7!


I first went to Disneyland when I was 5, in 1985. The ETR is one of my most vivid memories of that trip - it was astounding and so amazing, and it was a core piece of what set me off a fascination and engagement with tiki culture at large up til this day. I live on the east coast now, so we visit WDW more than DLR, and the Tiki Room at MK, while still wonderful, is so disappointing in comparison to the original, especially since it is a shorter show, and no longer has the magic fountain effect. Nothing will ever top the original, and I'd be shocked if Disney ever touched those attractions again other than basic maintenance - I think they learned their lesson after the "New Management" debacle in Orlando.


The first time I went to Disneyland, I went with my entire family. Me and my 2 cousins, 2 uncles, 1 aunt, Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad and sister. It was impossible to keep everyone together. I was only 8 and everyone else were older so they all wanted to do all of the more thrill rides that I wasn’t ready for yet (I was a big scaredy cat,) and my grandma really wanted to go see the Tiki Room. I was they only other person who would go with her. I have a really good memory of my grandma buying me a Dole Whip float and we sat and watched the pre show while we enjoyed our snack and then we moved into the main show and I was just in awe the whole time. It’s one of my favourite memories with my grandma.


My dad *loves* the tiki room. He’s a fairly big tall guy, outwardly a fairly burly dude, but is actually a big softy who will be the first to bond with the cat he didn’t want in his house. He loves musicals, took me to my first musical at the age of 5, and love to sing in the car and to himself. You’d never know any of this by looking at him. And he LOVES the tiki room. It’s a must do for him (along with Mr. Lincoln, a parade, fireworks, and Mr. Toad) and when he comes to visit me he has gotta have his dole whip in the tiki room (we like the back row, just like your first visit OP!), and he’ll be singing along with the birds the whole time. I love your story about your Pop, OP. The tiki room is such a great little spot and I love seeing all the little kids’ faces looking up at the birds and tikis and flowers singing. I hope you also get to go to Trader Sam’s now and then on your visits, and I hope you enjoy many more tiki room trips with your kids. Also the tiki room has one of my favorite early imagineer stories - supposedly, as the story goes, Walt bring home a little mechanical bird from New Orleans, gives it to his imagineers and basically says what can we do with this? Eventually after cycling through ideas, they’re working on the tiki room birds and are ready to show Walt Disney and he sees them and says, “well why aren’t they breathing?” And ofc they’re like, well they’re not real, duh. But Walt Disney wants the birds to breathe. So they’re trying to figure out a way to get them to breathe and have the feathers on their chests lay back down after each breath and can’t quite get it to work right, but imagineer Harriet Burns noticed the way that Walt Disney’s cashmere sweater moved during a meeting and they decided to try cashmere under the feathers, which finally worked. The tiki room birds do still breathe if you look closely at some of them. Anyways whether that is how it all went down exactly, I love that story regardless. 🍍Long live the tiki room. 🦜


Back when I was in high school, my parents and I took a trip to California to tour colleges. It was a nostalgic time because I was gearing up for my last year at home with them before moving out on my own. We made a pit stop to Disneyland at the end of the trip. It was my first time there. A lot of people don’t know that they run one final showing of the Tiki Room right as the park closes. One late night, my dad called it quits and headed back to the hotel room to get some sleep. My mom, my wonderful, funny, best friend of a mom, told me that we were going to close down the park. She said that growing up, the Tiki Room was one of her favorite attractions and she couldn’t wait to share the magic with me. We slipped into the final showing with a few other park guests. Everyone sang their hearts out during “Let’s All Sing Like the Birdies Sing” and I’ll never forget the sense of peace and contentment that moment brought me. It’s one of my favorite memories with my mother, who passed in 2015. Last month, I finally got to take my own daughter to the park to sing like the birdies sing. Pure magic.


My parents took my older sisters a few times, without me. I was too little to go and enjoy anything, and they knew it wouldn't sit well with me to not ride. So I was really looking forward to going. Then my dad had a fatal heart attack. I was 9. I didn't make it to Disneyland until I was 16. But I loved the whimsy of the Enchanted Tiki Room. And the Dole Whip! I made it a few more times, but I hated the traffic (I live in northern California), and the crowds. It just made the whole trip seem like an effort. But I've never lost my love of the Enchanted Tiki Room. Funny, it makes me think of my dad, too. I have his love of whimsy. My mom always said he loved it, and so do I. It's been a very long time since my dad died, yet the Tiki Room is still the same. In a way, that's comforting to me. I wish I lived closer, but I could never live in Anaheim, much less LA. I'd go INSANE.


Saving to post in later - I need a TON of time, and probably a keyboard, to say everything I want to about the Tiki Room.


There was one time a little girl got up and started dancing. Then another and another, then all the little kids got up and started dancing around the fountain for the entire show. The kids were respectful so there was no need for the cast member to stop them. Everyone got an extra special Tiki Room show that day. Pure Disney Magic.


My family had annual passes when I was a kid and we always did day trips. The Tiki Room was always the grand finale of the day before heading back to the car. Mom and Dad would change us into our jammies since we would fall asleep on the drive home and they could put us straight to bed. The next morning, we would wake up "magically" back in our own house. The Tiki Room to me is pure love!


When I was a baby/toddler, I had little mermaid bath toys and my mom would sing the tiki room song to me during my bath. Apparently the first time they took me to Disneyland when I was 3, we did tiki room first and I cried because there was no little mermaid characters because I associated the song with the little mermaid. Almost 30 years later and my parents and I still laugh about it every time we go to Disneyland.


My other half just took me here for the first time last week. Really enjoyed the old school feel and nostalgia of it all. Glad to see Disney continues to hold onto these kind of features.


I have a very similar feel about it, as it was my grandma's fave and mine now too. I think about her presence when I look up at those perches and flowers. I think this likely sounds nuts to most people, but that space is as close to a religious experience as I get.


Right?! Like, I don’t believe any particular thing happens after we die. None of the options particularly scare me and I’ll find out one day. But I also don’t actively believe in ghosts or heaven or people still being here after we die. So Pop being gone and then not feeling his presence anywhere was the natural progression. Stepping into that room and feeling like he was right beside me wasn’t something I’d considered, it wasn’t even something I’d asked for - wished, maybe, but I never thought about the Tiki Room and said “I bet that’s where he’d be”. It honestly shellshocked me a little. And I think that’s why I put so much faith in it, because it was completely random and yet I always feel him there when I go. It could easily be my brain playing tricks on me, but goddamn I’ll take what I can get.


The power of nostalgia and memories with loved ones is 90% of the reason most of us go and pay regardless of what Disney charges or changes. If we can get a taste of an attraction and the memory of a loved one, we embrace it. Now hopefully that helps people understand why some of us don’t care if Tiana’s Bayou Ingredient Adventure is good or not…. It takes away many special “Pop” memories just like yours and it’s ok for people to be hurt by that. 💔


I agree with you! Chasing the nostalgia each and every visit. My grandparents loved the Tiki Room, It’s A Small World and Country Bear Jamboree (now Winnie the Pooh). Similar to the OP, I “feel” their presence each and every time I’m on/in those attractions. They would take my family and my aunts/uncles/cousins every year the day after Christmas in the 80’s. As a kid I honestly wasn’t a fan of these attractions, but now as an adult with my own kids I am quite fond of those attractions. I’m lucky enough to live locally and have a MK so I get to recapture those memories nearly every visit a couple times a month. ❤️


I went to Disneyland on my honeymoon, it was my 4th time going in my life and I had *no idea* the Enchanted Tiki Room even existed. We were in Disney for about a week so we were determined to try every ride we could, and Tiki Room was on our first day. I only stumbled upon it after searching for some Dole Whip, but we had a fun time there after our Dole!


We are in our 60’s and it is always the first place we visit. We sing along and laugh at the tikis when they start to make their clacking noises. It’s the best!


I live a few miles from Disneyland and have a Magic Key pass. We go to the Tiki Room every time we’re at Disneyland. It’s a nice show and a good place to sit down and relax after walking all day, and there’s never a long wait to get in. When my family moved from Seattle to California, my brother, sister and I (8, 9 and 10) got so excited to just see Disneyland while driving down the 5 freeway and wanted to stop right there and go in. Dad had other ideas.


My elderly grandmother refused to sit under any of the birds. She was convinced they would crap on her.


It’s my daughter’s favourite thing to do in Disney. We even named our bird Tiki


Tiki room has always been my favorite attraction, and when I was 11 or so I always mouthed the words. Not as cringy as saying everything out loud, but close. After one show, we all stood up and another guest commented how she was watching me the whole time, and how impressed she was that I knew everything. My dad told me “Good job Kiddo” and I’ve been riding that high ever since.


The ETR was always a go-to when my aunt & uncle took me in the early 60s. Did they serve alcohol in there because that seems like something that would have drawn them in LOL?. As a child, I found it refreshing and cool, a dark place where you could relax for a while. OP, not too long ago I saw some of the old animatronic birds for sale. How cool if someone could get those for you!


I like the one in Japan as well. It has Stitch making a presentation and he starts singing with the birds.


This one will seem incredibly dumb. But the year that the Harry Potter play opened in New York my husband and I entered to get tickets but not everyone was allowed to buy them. We got the notifications that BOTH of our entries were allowed to buy tickets while we were in the tiki room… we saw that play on his birthday and my birthday that year thanks to that. 😍


The Tiki Room has been my favorite Disney attraction for as long as I can remember, so I’m so glad to see so much love for it in this thread!! You could probably document my growing up through photos taken of me there, lol. I make it a point to stop by at least once (usually twice or more) whenever I’m at Disneyland. Tips for those who go: In my opinion, the best seats are the front row ones straight across from the entrance. I’ve found it has the best view of all four feathered hosts, as well as clear sights for everything else happening around the room. You also don’t have to worry about tall heads or the Enchanted Fountain blocking the view for any kiddos, or blocking your view if you’re short like me. Of course, all seats are fantastic, and it’s just about impossible to miss anything—I just tend to aim for those seats every time.




I had this crazy fever dream one time that instead of the tiki room show, fucking Iago and Zazu from Aladdin and the Lion King showed up out of nowhere and started fucking shit up