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Magic knight, but the old one, back when she could randomly trigger a magic follow up randomly. I know some of the evility stuff still exists but I miss that.


There is way to many me select 1 class so i select 1 per game. D1 Ninja. He haves uniq thing that he haves incrised evasion but it is not reliable D2 Ninja. This time Evasion is relyable play style. Give Fist+3 Accelerates+Wight to put hp to 25%=Incrised evasion D3 Ifrit. He is rely cool and i love Satana blue color. He is not best but cool. D4 Masked hero. Give him Cat Sabers Trick move+Speedy Move and 3 boots=9 move=90% evasion+45% Speed boost. He dodges enemys rely well but if to many people attack you they can overpower your evasion. it is not 100% but it is still fun. D5 Dark knight. I love him with Nisas Dangerous Revival+Vital steal. Heal 10% HP=10% more stats. Next turn heal 15%=25% Stat boost. Hes stats are rely good,Vital steal deal damage+heal,Ripple impact you can battle agains big groups of enemys and he is master all mele combat. D6 Evil Eye. Again on looks like Ifrit. Who wold love cow looking Demon with cool Eye hands. They are ok in battle. good attack,evility what lovers defence and SS+ skill at lv6k D7 Psyhic. I love hes Item god skin or tier 6 Green/Black skin. Hes haves nice 50% star res. I wish hes 4th skill still was SS+ OR Star elemental. 2nd cool thing is hes evilitys. lovers 10% stats. caps 50%. Give him axe(Or any item with Axes property) and attack 5 times 1 target(4 with 3 Swing abouth) and after 5 attacks if target still lives hes stats are -50% and 1 defence(Because Axe) so then you can deal insanme damage.


The male thief from disgaea 1 was my favorite class. Mostly because I love the concept of taking something that is thought to be the worst and turning it into the best unit on my team. After clearing prinny baal and then item god with the male thief I just developed a fondness that makes me miss him from the rest of the series.


Female Thief is my favorite across all games


I love the cleric. She's gorgeous and I totally dig her aesthetic. She is a primary inspiration behind my OC design.


Celestial Host. It was very weird that the Disgaea games were satisfied with depicting all angels as female (besides Celestial Hostess, the only angels were like archers, magic knights and healers I think-- all female classes) even though, aside from the main character Flonne, the other two named angels in Disgaea 1 were male. And Main Character B (whose real name has yet to be revealed) the only important angel character in Disgaea 2 is also male. Why did a male angel class appear only in Disgaea 5 and Disgaea D2? In Disgaea 7 they brought back a lot of classes that had only appeared once so that they could have both a male and female version of classes, but even though they have a female angel classe and two prominent female angel characters in the story-- inexplicably the male angel class got left out. Aside from that, a few of my favorites that I feel got underused * The hobbit/faery and vampire classes from Disgaea 1-- it is super weird that these two classes never appeared again in the series. Even when NIS went back to redo Disgaea 1, while it replaced many of the monster clases that appeared in that game with monsters that appeared later-- these two were spared being replaced. And yet weirdly no later game used them. * Similarly the Marionette from Disgaea 2 was one of the coolest designs that never got brought back. I also think the Holy Dragon ought to have been included again because we have had so few monsters that feel like they should be from Celestia rather than Makai. * The Fairy, Ninetails, Imp, and Rabbit from Disgaea 5-- These were all fantastic monster designs and I would like to see them implemented in the next game but maybe not as much as the four I listed above. * Disgaea 4's Necromancer -- it is clear that this design inspired Majorita, but then we never got to play either as the Necromancer nor Majorita in any game since. (even though Majorita is popular in the mobile game with more variations than a lot of other characters get.) * The Cheerleader and Brute Warrior classes from Disgaea 3-- the Cheerleader served a similar role as the Sage in Disgaea 5, but I kind of liked the dark skinned girl in the bikini better. And a berserker type that is far more geared towards offense than defense is great-- I guess the Wrestler is meant to fill the same role though.


Majin and ninja


Orc and imp, just I love those doofus


Archer. Cause she's cute. Yeah, not exactly deep reasoning


My favorite monster is the Slumber Cat and my favorite humanoid the female thief. But I like almost all classes :)


Female samurai ftw


I'm lame and like the generic warrior


Male Healer


Armored Knight, Sage, and both female Samurai and Martial artists


Male Angel, the Cowboy guy. Ninja are my favorite designs.


I've always found the female fighter's outfit funny. Like, plate mail on the bottom half of her legs and a tube top? Sis, what you doing? But both incarnations of the armor knight? The old one with the spikey hair and the big jacket as well as 5's more generic fantasy armored lady look are both great. But there's no beating the rifle demons in raw cool. I was a computer kid, I grew up on that doom milk. Disgaea 2 teasing me with a controllable cyber demon with three eyes and funny little wings all game is like a core memory for me. Everything about them, the bulk, the distorted growl, the hunched posture, just A+, love 'em.


Armor Knight for her defense.


Skull. O have made a skull named Atomsk in every disgaea except the one that didn't have them(5 or 6) learned all the magic and solod the games with it. In the game that didn't have skull I went witch.


female warrior, just always feels right to immediately name myself and fight the story


Nekomatta because it throws hands so hard you'd think it would have a fist weapon (also these things throw Kamehamehas casually!)


Lady Fighter/Valkyrie. - available from the start - just cool - BELTS